قناع وجه
(1 صفحات)
Dermasel maske vitamin c energie deutsch / französisch btl 12 مل
قم بتنشيط بشرتك باستخدام قناع الوجه DermaSel Vitamin C Energy. يجمع منتج التجميل الألماني/الفرنسي المبتكر هذا بين قوة فيتامين C والمكونات الطبيعية لتنشيط البشرة وإشراقها. يحتوي الكيس سعة 12 مل على تركيبة قوية تساعد على تقليل علامات التعب والإجهاد، مما يترك بشرتك تبدو مشرقة ومنتعشة. قناع الوجه هذا مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة، وهو مثالي لتدليل نفسك في المنزل أو أثناء التنقل. أضف هذا العلاج الفاخر إلى روتين العناية بالبشرة الخاص بك واستمتع ببشرة متوهجة ومنتعشة مع DermaSel Mask Vitamin C Energy...
6.52 USD
Dermasel قناع استعادة الألماني/الفرنسي كيس 12 مل
قناع ديرما سيل الألماني/الفرنسي 12 مل إن DermaSel Mask Recovery هو قناع وجه عالي الجودة تم تطويره خصيصًا لتجديد البشرة واستعادتها. يحتوي القناع على مكونات قيمة مثل ملح البحر الميت وزيت الأركان وزبدة الشيا والصبار. ملح البحر الميت الموجود فيه له تأثير مضاد للالتهابات ومهدئ ومجدد للبشرة ويدعم إزالة السموم من الملوثات. زيت الأرغان غني بشكل خاص بمضادات الأكسدة ويدعم البشرة في التعافي من التأثيرات البيئية الضارة. تعمل زبدة الشيا على تغذية البشرة بشكل مكثف وتحسن مرونتها، بينما يعمل الصبار على ترطيب البشرة وتهدئتها بشكل مكثف. القناع خالي من البارابين والبولي إيثيلين جلايكول والبارافين والسيليكون، وبالتالي فهو مناسب أيضًا لأنواع البشرة الحساسة. يضمن الملمس المنعش للقناع ملمسًا لطيفًا للبشرة وسهل الاستخدام. يتم توفير قناع DermaSel Recovery في أجزاء فردية عملية سعة كل منها 12 مل، مما يجعله مثاليًا أثناء التنقل أو أثناء السفر. ضعي القناع على وجهك بعد تنظيفه واتركيه لمدة 10-15 دقيقة ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ. سوف تنتعش بشرتك وتتجدد بشكل ملحوظ...
9.79 USD
Flawa maxsmile maske typ ii شفاف eu 25 stk
Flawa MaXsmile Maske Typ II transparent EU 25 Stk The Flawa MaXsmile Maske Typ II transparent EU 25 Stk is a high-quality face mask designed to offer maximum protection against respiratory droplets and aerosols. The mask is made with 3 layers of non-woven material and has a filtration efficiency of ? 98%, making it an ideal choice for everyday use. The mask is transparent, ensuring clear communication that is essential in professional and social settings. This feature sets it apart from other face masks that hide facial expressions, making it difficult to communicate effectively. Its transparent design enables people to see your facial expressions, and it doesn't hinder your speech or facial gestures while wearing it. The Flawa MaXsmile Maske Typ II transparent EU 25 Stk is lightweight and comfortable to wear. Its breathable material ensures that you can breathe effortlessly while wearing it for extended periods. The mask has soft elastic ear loops that keep it securely in place without causing discomfort even after extended use. The mask is certified according to the European standard EN14683 Type II, ensuring that it provides the best possible protection against infections. The Flawa MaXsmile Maske Typ II transparent EU 25 Stk pack contains 25 face masks, making it an economical and convenient option for personal or professional use. Overall, the Flawa MaXsmile Maske Typ II transparent EU 25 Stk is the perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable, affordable, and effective face mask that will not hinder facial expressions, making it perfect for professional and social settings. ..
57.49 USD
Similasan blephacura قناع ساخن-بارد
Properties Heating: mask for about 6 minutes in about 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) Properties Heating: Mask for approx. 6 minutes in approx. 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) ..
23.14 USD
Vasano universalmaske 3-schichtig deutsch / französisch / italienisch latexfrei einweg 50 stk
خصائص ماسك فاسانو يونيفرسال من 3 طبقات خالي من اللاتكس الألماني / الفرنسي / الإيطالي للاستعمال مرة واحدة 50 قطعة الكمية في العبوة: 50 قطعة الوزن: 199 جم الطول: 100 ملم العرض: 193 ملم الارتفاع: 87 ملم اشترِ قناع فاسانو يونيفرسال ثلاثي الطبقات الماني / الفرنسي / الإيطالي الخالي من اللاتكس 50 قطعة عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
11.51 USD
Xingrong قناع الوجه النوع الثاني كرتون 50 قطعة
Xingrong Face Mask Type II Carton 50 Pcs Introducing the Xingrong Face Mask Type II Carton 50 Pcs - a premium quality face mask that is designed to provide the best protection against harmful particles and bacteria. Made with high-quality materials, this mask is soft, comfortable, and breathable, ensuring that wearers can breathe easily without any discomfort. The Xingrong Face Mask Type II Carton 50 Pcs is classified as a Type II mask, which means it has been specifically designed to provide a high level of filtration efficiency while still being easy to wear. The mask has a bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) rating of more than 98%, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and effective face mask. Each carton contains 50 individual masks, which makes it perfect for large families, offices, or medical facilities. The masks are non-sterile and single-use, so they are easy to dispose of after use. The masks are also lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry around and wear throughout the day without any discomfort. The Xingrong Face Mask Type II Carton 50 Pcs is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and effective face mask. With its high BFE rating, premium quality materials, and comfortable design, this mask offers complete protection against harmful particles and bacteria while still being easy and comfortable to wear. ..
17.25 USD
بيوديرما هيدرابيو ماسك 75 مل
Bioderma Hydrabio Masque 75 ml Bioderma Hydrabio Masque is an intense hydration treatment that revives dull, dry, and dehydrated skin. The mask helps to restore the skin's natural hydration mechanism by boosting the production of aquaporins - water channels in the skin that help to transport water to the cells. The mask is designed to provide optimal hydration to the skin, leaving it looking soft, supple, and radiant. Formulated with patented Aquagenium complex which stimulates the skin's ability to retain water and also contains Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from free radical damage. The mask delivers long-lasting moisture which provides instant relief to tired and dull-looking skin. It also helps to soothe and reduce inflammation while enhancing the skin's natural glow. The mask has a rich, creamy texture that glides smoothly over the skin, and it is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive skin. The non-comedogenic formula makes it an ideal choice for those prone to breakouts, and it is free from parabens, alcohol, and fragrance. For best results, apply the Bioderma Hydrabio Masque to clean, dry skin once or twice a week, leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off. Use it in conjunction with other products from the Bioderma Hydrabio range to achieve maximum hydration and a healthy-looking complexion. ..
32.01 USD
جمهوريه قناع للوجه بخلاصة الكولاجين للبشرة 25 مل
خصائص ماسك الوجه المنقوع بالكولاجين للبشرة 25 مل معتمد في أوروبا CE الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 32 جرام الطول: 3 ملم العرض: 100 ملم الارتفاع: 200 ملم اشترِ قناع الوجه من ريبوبليك سكين كولاجين إنفيوجن 25 مل عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
5.94 USD
ديرماسيل maske aktivkohle d / f.
DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F The DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F is a high-quality face mask that provides deep cleansing and purification for all skin types. Formulated with natural active ingredients, this mask helps to remove impurities, toxins, and excess oil from the face, leaving the skin looking smooth and radiant. Benefits of Using DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F Deep cleansing and purifying Removes impurities, toxins, and excess oil Leaves the skin looking smooth and radiant Helps to refine pores and reduce their appearance Contains natural active ingredients such as charcoal, shea butter, and kaolin clay How to Use Start with clean, dry skin. Apply the DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F evenly to the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use once or twice a week. With regular use, the DERMASEL Maske Aktivkohle D/F will help to refine pores and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Try it today and experience the benefits of deep cleansing and purification for yourself! ..
6.52 USD
قناع eucerin hyaluron-filler btl
Instantly moisturizes and smoothes fine lines. With long- and short-chain hyaluronic acid. For fresher and younger looking skin. Composition Aqua Glycerin Pentylene Glycol Sodium Hyaluronate Xanthan Gum Polysorbate 20 Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate Citric Acid Sodium Hydroxide Phenoxyethanol Parfum. Properties Eucerin's Hyaluron-Filler Mask instantly moisturizes and softens the skin Pucker. The two hyaluronic acids contained (long- and short-chain) smooth fine lines and deep wrinkles. The mask itself consists of very fine cellulose fibers. The material adapts perfectly to the contours of the face, does not slip and feels as comfortable as a second skin. For fresher and younger looking skin Lightly perfumedNon-comedogenic (does not clog pores) Use 1-2 times a week: open the pack and remove the 2 blue protective films. Place the mask on cleansed face and adjust to facial contours. Leave on for 5 minutes, remove the mask and massage in the residue. ..
16.39 USD
قناع التنفس ميديسانا ffp2 rm100
قناع التنفس FFP2 RM100 10 قطع من ميديسانا قناع الجهاز التنفسي FFP2 RM100 10 قطع من ميديسانا هو قناع وجه عالي الجودة ومناسب بشكل خاص للاستخدام في المناطق ذات خطر الإصابة بالعدوى مثل العيادات أو المختبرات أو مواقع البناء. يحمي القناع مرتديه من الجزيئات الضارة مثل الغبار والدخان والهباء الجوي التي يمكن امتصاصها عن طريق التنفس. يتكون المنتج من ست طبقات تضمن الترشيح الفعال والآمن. القناع حاصل على شهادة CE ويتوافق مع المعايير الأوروبية EN 149:2001+A1:2009 التي تؤكد جودة المنتج وفعاليته. بفضل المواد الصديقة للبشرة والملاءمة المريحة، فإن قناع الجهاز التنفسي FFP2 RM100 10 قطع من ميديسانا مناسب أيضًا للاستخدام طويل الأمد. تضمن حلقات الأذن المرنة تثبيتًا آمنًا دون التسبب في ضغط شديد غير مريح. إذا كنت تبحث عن قناع وجه موثوق وعالي الجودة يحمي صحتك وصحة الآخرين، فإن قناع التنفس FFP2 RM100 المكون من 10 قطع من ميديسانا هو الخيار الأمثل...
42.65 USD
قناع الوجه المزدوج المضاد للشيخوخة من لوبيكس btl 4 stk
Lubex Anti-Age Dual Face Mask Btl 4 Stk The Lubex Anti-Age Dual Face Mask Btl 4 Stk is a revolutionary face mask that nourishes and rejuvenates your skin while fighting the signs of aging. This unique anti-aging mask perfectly combines two powerful ingredients, namely the natural extract of barley and the hyaluronic acid complex. These ingredients work together to deeply hydrate, nourish, and firm your skin. The hyaluronic acid complex works by providing your skin with deep hydration, which plumps up your skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The natural extract of barley contains antioxidants that protect your skin from harmful free radicals while also promoting collagen and elastin production. This makes your skin firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking. The Lubex Anti-Age Dual Face Mask Btl 4 Stk is easy to use and can give you spa-like results at home. Simply apply the mask to your face, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off. Your skin will feel soft, supple, and radiant after just one use, and with regular use, you can expect to see a significant improvement in the overall texture, tone, and appearance of your skin. The Lubex Anti-Age Dual Face Mask Btl 4 Stk is suitable for all skin types and is free from parabens, mineral oils, and synthetic fragrances. With this potent anti-aging mask, you can achieve younger-looking, more radiant, and healthier skin. ..
105.67 USD
قناع ديرماسيل هيالورونيك الماني / فرنسي / ايطالي بتل 12 مل
Dermasel Mask Hyaluronic German / French / Italian Btl 12 ml Looking for a nourishing and rejuvenating face mask that will give your skin a healthy and youthful glow? Look no further than the Dermasel Mask Hyaluronic German / French / Italian Btl 12 ml! This high-quality product combines the power of hyaluronic acid with a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients to deliver deep hydration, smoothness, and softness to your skin. This mask is formulated to nourish and rejuvenate dry, dull, and tired skin. It helps to restore natural hydration levels, plump up the skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking smoother, brighter, and more youthful. What makes this product truly unique is its blend of natural ingredients. The mask contains a rich blend of minerals and trace elements from the Dead Sea, one of the world's most famous sources of natural skin-rejuvenating ingredients. These minerals help to soothe and revitalize the skin, while the hyaluronic acid and other natural ingredients provide deep hydration, nourishment, and protection against environmental stressors. The Dermasel Mask Hyaluronic German / French / Italian Btl 12 ml is easy to use and suitable for all skin types. Simply apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin, leave on for 10-15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water. Use it once or twice a week for best results. ..
8.98 USD
ماسك الذهب من ديرماسيل d / f
DERMASEL Maske Gold D/F Indulge in luxury skincare with DERMASEL Maske Gold D/F, a premium face mask that provides intense nourishment and rejuvenation for your skin. This unique formula contains precious gold particles and natural Dead Sea minerals that work together to create a rejuvenating and revitalizing experience for your skin. The gold particles in this mask provide powerful antioxidant benefits that help to reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. These particles also help to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, leaving you with a more youthful, radiant appearance. The natural Dead Sea minerals in this mask provide a range of benefits for your skin, including hydration, detoxification, and healing. These minerals help to nourish your skin at a cellular level, promoting healthy cell turnover and leaving your skin soft, smooth, and glowing. To use, simply apply the mask to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse off with warm water and pat dry. Use once a week to maintain healthy, radiant skin. With its luxurious texture and exceptional ingredients, DERMASEL Maske Gold D/F is the perfect addition to your skincare routine. Treat yourself to the ultimate spa experience at home and enjoy the benefits of this premium face mask. ..
6.52 USD
(1 صفحات)