
صديقة للبيئة

عرض 51 الى 67 من 67
(3 صفحات)
اكتشف مجموعة متنوعة من منتجات الصحة والجمال الصديقة للبيئة على تشمل مجموعتنا العناية بالجسم ومستحضرات التجميل، ومقالات التمريض، والعناية الحميمة، والربطات والإكسسوارات، والعناية بالغرف، ومنتجات تنظيف الحمام، والعديد من الفئات الأخرى. نحن نركز على تقديم منتجات صديقة للبيئة مصنوعة من مكونات طبيعية، مثالية للأمهات الشابات وعائلاتهن. بدءًا من المسحات القطنية والمناديل المبللة للأطفال اللطيفة على بشرة طفلك وحتى مجموعة متنوعة من الأجهزة الطبية مثل اللصقات اللاصقة للعناية بالجروح وحمايتها، فإننا نقدم مجموعة شاملة من السلع. نحن نوفر أيضًا العناصر المنزلية الأساسية، بما في ذلك منظفات الغسيل، وسائل التنظيف السائلة، وإسفنجات التنظيف المقاومة للبكتيريا. استكشف مجموعة العلاج العطري مع مجموعة مختارة من الزيوت العطرية لموزع الروائح الخاص بك، وحافظ على مظهر شعرك جميلاً مع فرش الشعر وإكسسواراتنا. تعهدنا هو تقديم منتجات عالية الجودة من مصادر مستدامة مباشرة من سويسرا إلى باب منزلك. تسوق الآن على، شريكك الموثوق به في منتجات الصحة والجمال الصديقة للبيئة.
Bellawa كوابح مستحضرات التجميل btl 100 stk

Bellawa كوابح مستحضرات التجميل btl 100 stk

رمز المنتج: 7814596

BELLAWA Cosmetic Wattepads Btl 100 Stk Looking for a reliable and high-quality cosmetic product to keep your skin healthy and glowing? BELLAWA Cosmetic Wattepads is the perfect choice for you. This sea cell-based and 100% natural cosmetic product is designed to cleanse, hydrate and rejuvenate your skin effortlessly. It comes in a bottle that contains 100 pieces of soft and gentle cosmetic pads that ensure superior absorption of liquid and preservation of its quality. BELLAWA cosmetic Wattepads Btl 100 Stk is perfect for everyday use for people with sensitive skin. It is an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to the traditional cotton pads that are harmful to the environment. Our cosmetic pads are made of biodegradable materials to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact. BELLAWA Cosmetic Wattepads Btl 100 Stk can be used for various skincare applications such as removing makeup, facial cleansing, applying toner, and facial masks. They are perfect for use on your face, neck, and other delicate areas of your body. Our cosmetic pads are not just gentle on the skin, but also easy to use, and suitable for all skin types. Get yourself BELLAWA Cosmetic Wattepads Btl 100 Stk today and enjoy a more refreshing, sustainable, and eco-friendly skincare experience. ..

5.34 USD

Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche s صارخ

Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche s صارخ

رمز المنتج: 7836029

نقدم لك ملابس GLAD الليلية الداخلية بمقاس S. تم تصميم هذه الملابس الداخلية القابلة لإعادة الاستخدام لتوفير حماية وراحة موثوقة أثناء الليل. صُنعت هذه الملابس الداخلية خصيصًا للعناية الحميمة واحتياجات النظافة الشهرية، وهي مثالية لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن بديل مستدام وصديق للبيئة للمنتجات التقليدية التي تستخدم لمرة واحدة. تضمن المادة القوية والناعمة ملاءمة محكمة وتغطية مقاومة للتسرب، مما يسمح لك بالاسترخاء بسهولة وثقة طوال الليل. قل وداعًا للفوط الكبيرة واللحظات غير المريحة - توفر ملابس GLAD الليلية راحة البال والراحة لروتين العناية بالدورة الشهرية. استمتع بالراحة والاستدامة والحماية الفائقة مع ملابس GLAD Nightperiod الداخلية بمقاس S...

74.37 USD

Glad nacht waschbare periodenunterwäsche s leicht

Glad nacht waschbare periodenunterwäsche s leicht

رمز المنتج: 7836022

Glad Nacht waschbare Periodenunterwäsche S leicht Stay Comfortable All Night Long with Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche Introducing Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche, an innovative solution designed to keep you comfortable all night during your period. This lightweight washable period underwear comes with a wide range of features that make it ideal for overnight wear. Comfortable and Effective Absorption Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche is made of high-quality materials that provide effective absorption, breathability, and comfort. The inner layer is made of ultra-absorbent fabric that can hold up to 40 ml of fluid. Its advanced design ensures that it stays dry and leak-free for up to 8 hours, ensuring that you stay comfortable throughout the night. Easy to Wash and Reuse Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche is incredibly easy to wash and use. Simply rinse it under cold water, and then wash it with similarly colored clothing. Unlike traditional sanitary products, you don't need to throw it away and buy new ones, making Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution. Comfortable Fit Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche is designed to provide a comfortable fit during your period. Its soft, stretchy fabric provides a snug fit that moves with your body, ensuring that you stay comfortable and secure throughout the night. Get Yours Today Get your Glad Nacht Periodenunterwäsche today and experience the comfort and convenience of washable period underwear. It's available in size S, for a comfortable fit that's perfect for overnight wear during your period. ..

74.37 USD

Glad tag waschbare periodenunterwäsche m leicht

Glad tag waschbare periodenunterwäsche m leicht

رمز المنتج: 7836009

نقدم لك ملابس داخلية من Glad Tag قابلة للغسل بمقاس M، مثالية لأيام التدفق الخفيف. تم تصميم هذه الملابس الداخلية القابلة لإعادة الاستخدام لتوفير الراحة والملاءمة، وتوفر بديلاً مستدامًا وصديقًا للبيئة للمنتجات الصحية التقليدية التي تستخدم لمرة واحدة. مصنوعة من قماش ناعم يسمح بمرور الهواء وتتميز بطبقة ماصة مدمجة، توفر هذه الملابس الداخلية المخصصة للفترة حماية طوال اليوم دون الحاجة إلى فوط صحية أو سدادات قطنية. قل وداعًا للتسربات والانزعاج - الملابس الداخلية لفترة Glad Tag سهلة العناية بها، ببساطة قم بغسلها في الغسالة وإعادة استخدامها. تمتع بالانتعاش والثقة والوعي البيئي مع ملابس Glad Tag القابلة للغسل خلال فترة الحمل...

71.04 USD

Gum zahnpasta bio französisch tb 75 ml

Gum zahnpasta bio französisch tb 75 ml

رمز المنتج: 7811283

GUM Zahnpasta Bio französisch Tb 75 ml إن GUM Zahnpasta Bio französisch Tb 75 ml هو معجون أسنان ممتاز مصمم لتقديم رعاية أسنان فعالة مع تعزيز أسلوب حياة مستدام وصديق للبيئة. إنه مصنوع من مكونات طبيعية مشتقة من الزراعة العضوية ، مما يضمن أنه لطيف على أسنانك ولثتك ، وكذلك على البيئة. يتميز معجون الأسنان بنكهة منعشة ونكهة تجعل فمك يشعر بالانتعاش والحيوية. ينظف. تحتوي تركيبته الفريدة على الفلورايد الضروري لمنع تسوس الأسنان وتعزيز صحة الأسنان واللثة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فهو خالي من البارابين و SLS والتريكلوسان ، مما يجعله مناسبًا للأشخاص الذين يعانون من الأسنان واللثة الحساسة. يأتي GUM Zahnpasta Bio französisch Tb 75 ml في أنبوب مضغوط يسهل حمله معه. أنت أثناء التنقل ، مما يجعله مناسبًا للسفر أو البقاء في مكتبك. تضمن عبواتها الصديقة للبيئة أيضًا إمكانية إعادة تدويرها بالكامل ، مما يساعدك على تقليل بصمتك الكربونية والمساهمة في كوكب أكثر خضرة. بشكل عام ، إذا كنت تبحث عن معجون أسنان عالي الجودة فعال وفعال مستدام ، يعتبر GUM Zahnpasta Bio französisch Tb 75 ml خيارًا ممتازًا. جربه اليوم واختبر الفرق الذي يمكن أن يحدثه في صحة أسنانك والبيئة. ..

13.20 USD

Herba صديق البيئة klammer 3.5 سم براون

Herba صديق البيئة klammer 3.5 سم براون

رمز المنتج: 7844648

Introducing Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun The Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun is a revolutionary product that combines functionality, durability and sustainability in one package. These eco-friendly Klammers are perfect for organizing your paperwork, documents or any other important items, while minimizing your carbon footprint on the environment. Features and Benefits Environmentally friendly: Made from recycled plastic, these Klammers are sustainable and kind to the planet. Multi-purpose: The Herba Klammer can be used to organize any type of document, papers or items. Durable: These Klammers are made to last with high-quality materials to make sure that they are not only functional but long-lasting. Excellent Grip: With its unique design, the Herba Klammer can grip more pages than your typical paper clip. Size: Measuring 3.5cm, these Klammers are the perfect size for keeping your documents together without taking up too much space. Stylish: The Herba Klammer comes in a beautiful brown color that adds style and class to your work environment. Why choose Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun? Choosing the Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun means you are taking a step forward to help the environment while still maintaining your professional style. These Klammers are designed to hold your documents in place without destroying or wrinkling them like traditional holes or staples. They're perfect for offices, schools, and homes. The Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun is the perfect way to keep your documents together, clean and organized while protecting the environment. Conclusion The Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun is an essential item for anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the environment. This product is not only sustainable, but also stylish and functional. So, if you want to make a difference while keeping your documents organized and secure, the Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 3.5cm braun is the perfect item for you...

10.92 USD

Herba صديق البيئة klammer 5.9 سم براون

Herba صديق البيئة klammer 5.9 سم براون

رمز المنتج: 7844644

The Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 5.9cm braun is an essential tool for organizing and keeping track of your documents, papers, and other important materials. These sturdy metal paper clips are designed to hold your documents together, making them perfect for use in any home or office setting. These eco-friendly paper clips are made with high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the test of time. The brown, earthy color adds a touch of elegance to any presentation or display, making them perfect for both personal and professional use. With a length of 5.9 cm, these paper clips are large enough to hold even the thickest papers and documents. They are easy to use and provide a reliable hold, making them ideal for use when you need to keep your papers organized and secure. These paper clips are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper clips that are made from plastic or other non-recyclable materials. They are designed to be reusable and can be recycled once they have served their purpose. Whether you are organizing your desk at work, creating a presentation, or just need to keep your papers in order, the Herba Ecofriendly Klammer 5.9cm braun is the perfect tool for the job. Order yours today and start enjoying the benefits of an eco-friendly and reliable paper clip. ..

11.03 USD

Lavera pflegedusche vitalisierend bio orange & bio minze nachfüllbeutel btl 500 مل

Lavera pflegedusche vitalisierend bio orange & bio minze nachfüllbeutel btl 500 مل

رمز المنتج: 7836265

Lavera Pflegedusche Vitalisierend Bio Orange & Bio Minze Nachfüllbeutel Btl 500 ml The Lavera Pflegedusche Vitalisierend Bio Orange & Bio Minze Nachfüllbeutel Btl 500 ml is perfect for anyone who wants to rejuvenate their body and mind. This invigorating shower gel is made with organic orange and mint extracts that will leave your skin feeling refreshed and energized. With a generous 500 ml size, this shower gel is perfect for those who want to stock up on their favorite skincare product. The refill pouch is designed to be used in conjunction with the Lavera shower gel bottle, which makes it an eco-friendly and cost-effective option. The simple refill process helps reduce waste and saves money in the long run. The Lavera Pflegedusche Vitalisierend Bio Orange & Bio Minze Nachfüllbeutel Btl 500 ml is gentle on the skin and is suitable for all skin types. The natural ingredients soothe and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and radiant. The organic orange and mint extracts provide a pleasant aroma that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed after every shower. This shower gel is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances, ensuring that your skin is not exposed to any harmful substances. It is vegan-friendly and cruelty-free, making it the perfect choice for those who want to make an ethical and sustainable choice for their skincare routine. Get yourself the Lavera Pflegedusche Vitalisierend Bio Orange & Bio Minze Nachfüllbeutel Btl 500 ml and enjoy a luxurious experience every time you take a shower. ..

18.28 USD

Leukoplast eco 2 grössen 20 stk

Leukoplast eco 2 grössen 20 stk

رمز المنتج: 7845712

Leukoplast eco Leukoplast eco is a pack of 20 adhesive plasters that are available in 2 different sizes to provide flexibility to users. These plasters are designed to protect minor wounds and cuts and promote faster healing. The product has been created with a focus on being eco-friendly and minimizing the impact on the environment. Features and Benefits Comes in two sizes, offering greater flexibility to users Protects minor wounds and cuts effectively Promotes faster healing of wounds Reusable packaging to minimize waste Free from chlorine, latex, and plastic Made using recycled paper Effective Wound Protection Leukoplast eco is designed to provide effective wound protection without compromising on comfort. The adhesive plaster is made from a soft, flexible material that molds to the skin to provide a comfortable fit. The plaster also features a secure adhesive that ensures it stays in place and protects the wound from bacteria and dirt. Eco-Friendly Design Leukoplast eco has been designed with the environment in mind. The packaging is made from recycled paper, and the plasters are free from chlorine, latex, and plastic. The product is also reusable, which helps to minimize waste and reduce the impact on the environment. Conclusion Leukoplast eco is an eco-friendly product that provides effective wound protection. The pack contains 20 adhesive plasters that are available in two different sizes, providing greater flexibility to users. The plasters are made from a soft, flexible material that molds to the skin to provide a comfortable fit. The product is also free from chlorine, latex, and plastic, and the packaging is made from recycled paper...

8.29 USD

Naif kunststofffreie baby-feuchttücher 54 stk

Naif kunststofffreie baby-feuchttücher 54 stk

رمز المنتج: 7809236

Naif Kunststofffreie Baby-Feuchttücher 54 Stk The Naif Kunststofffreie Baby-Feuchttücher 54 Stk is the perfect solution for parents who want to take care of their baby while minimizing their environmental impact. This box includes 54 baby wet wipes that are made without any plastic, so you can rest easy knowing that you are doing your part to protect the planet. The Naif Kunststofffreie Baby-Feuchttücher are made with only natural ingredients, including chamomile and aloe vera extracts. This means that the wipes are gentle on your baby's skin and won't cause any irritation. The wipes also have a delicate scent that will leave your baby smelling fresh and clean. The easy-to-use packaging makes it convenient for parents to take these wipes on-the-go, whether you are on a family trip or just running errands. The top of the packaging is resealable, which will keep your wipes fresh and free from contamination. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and safe option for your baby's hygiene needs, look no further than the Naif Kunststofffreie Baby-Feuchttücher 54 Stk. These wipes will give you peace of mind and protect both your baby's skin and the planet. ..

7.56 USD

Puressentiel rückfettende flüssigseife nachfüllung disp 500 ml

Puressentiel rückfettende flüssigseife nachfüllung disp 500 ml

رمز المنتج: 7832045

Puressentiel Rückfettende Flüssigseife Nachfüllung Disp 500 ml The Puressentiel Rückfettende Flüssigseife Nachfüllung Disp 500 ml is a high-quality refill for your dispenser soap bottle. The soap is highly effective in cleaning your hands while nourishing and moisturizing them too. The formula is made with a blend of natural ingredients that work to clean and protect your skin. This liquid soap is hypoallergenic and gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. It contains no harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances, making it a safe and effective option for the entire family. The refill bottle is easy to use and made from durable materials that help protect the environment. Simply pour the liquid soap into your empty dispenser bottle and you're ready to go. The 500 ml size is perfect for frequent use, keeping you stocked up for longer periods of time. At Puressentiel, we are committed to creating products that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. We carefully select our ingredients and use eco-friendly packaging materials to help minimize our impact on the environment. With the Puressentiel Rückfettende Flüssigseife Nachfüllung Disp 500 ml, you can feel good about the products you are using and the impact that you are making. ..

32.93 USD

Tadam periodenunterwäsche starke blut m

Tadam periodenunterwäsche starke blut m

رمز المنتج: 7841165

TADAM Periodenunterwäsche starke Blut M Introducing the TADAM Periodenunterwäsche, designed specifically for those with heavy periods! Our M sized period panties have a clever multi-layered design that provides all-day protection from leaks, stains, and discomfort. The innermost layer is made of soft and absorbent bamboo fiber to quickly wick away moisture and keep you feeling dry. The middle layer is reinforced with a high-tech waterproof membrane that resists leaks and stains, so you can feel confident and secure all day long. But what sets us apart from other period underwear brands is our outer layer made from a breathable and stretchy material to ensure a comfortable, snug fit. Our M size is perfect for those with waist sizes ranging from 72-80cm and hip sizes from 97-105cm, catering to a diverse range of body types. Our period panties are also eco-friendly and cost-effective. With their reusable design, you'll save money and reduce the waste caused by disposable menstrual products. Simply rinse them after use, then toss them in the washing machine, and they're ready to go again. Our period panties can last up to two years if cared for properly, making them a great investment in your period care routine. Choose the TADAM Periodenunterwäsche starke Blut M for peace of mind during your heaviest flow days, without sacrificing style, comfort, or sustainability. ..

47.16 USD

Trisa frisierbürste متوسط ​​التصميم المستدام

Trisa frisierbürste متوسط ​​التصميم المستدام

رمز المنتج: 7823892

TRISA Frisierbürste Sustainable Styling medium The TRISA Frisierbürste Sustainable Styling medium is a perfect hairbrush for those who are looking for a sustainable and eco-friendly styling product. This hairbrush is made with natural bamboo, which is a fast growing and renewable resource. The bristles are made of high-quality nylon, which is gentle on the scalp and provides a smooth and tangle-free brushing experience. Features High-quality nylon bristles Natural bamboo handle Medium size for easy handling Sustainable and eco-friendly Benefits Gentle on the scalp Helps detangle hair easily Provides a smooth and shiny finish Earth-friendly alternative to plastic hairbrushes Usage The TRISA Frisierbürste Sustainable Styling medium can be used on all hair types, whether straight or curly. It is recommended to use this hairbrush on dry hair for best results. Start from the roots and gently brush your way down to the ends. For an extra shine, you can use this hairbrush along with your favourite hair serum or oil. Conclusion The TRISA Frisierbürste Sustainable Styling medium is a perfect hairbrush for those who care for the environment and want to switch to sustainable and eco-friendly products. Its high-quality nylon bristles and natural bamboo handle make it a durable and long-lasting product, while also providing a smooth and tangle-free brushing experience. So, switch to the TRISA Frisierbürste Sustainable Styling medium and give your hair a touch of sustainability and style...

19.17 USD

Weleda feste duschpflege gera + litsea cub

Weleda feste duschpflege gera + litsea cub

رمز المنتج: 7826665

WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Gera+Litsea Cub Introducing the WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Gera+Litsea Cub - the perfect addition to your daily shower routine! This solid bar of shower gel is made with all-natural, high-quality ingredients that leave your skin feeling clean, refreshed, and moisturized. The key ingredients in this solid shower gel include German chamomile and litsea cubeba essential oil. These two ingredients work together to cleanse and purify your skin, while also providing a relaxing and refreshing scent. The chamomile soothes and calms your skin, making it the perfect ingredient for those with sensitive skin. The WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Gera+Litsea Cub is also incredibly easy to use. Simply wet your skin and the bar, and then lather up the bar in your hands or directly on your skin. The rich lather will leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed, without drying it out. What sets this solid shower gel apart from others on the market is its commitment to sustainability. The bar comes in minimal, plastic-free packaging that is completely biodegradable. Every aspect of this product is designed with the environment in mind, making it the perfect choice for eco-conscious consumers. If you're looking for a shower gel that is not only good for your skin but also good for the planet, the WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Gera+Litsea Cub is the perfect choice. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

12.95 USD

بيوفارم leinsamen knospe ch

بيوفارم leinsamen knospe ch

رمز المنتج: 7816600

BIOFARM Leinsamen Knospe CH The BIOFARM Leinsamen Knospe CH is a high-quality organic flaxseed product that is both delicious and nutritious. Grown and processed in Switzerland using sustainable, organic farming practices, this flaxseed product is perfect for those who want to stay healthy and support the environment at the same time. Health Benefits Flaxseed is a nutrition powerhouse, packed with essential nutrients that can help improve your overall health. It is one of the best sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and support brain function. In addition to omega-3s, flaxseed is also high in fiber and lignans, which are plant compounds that can help regulate hormone levels and may reduce the risk of breast cancer. It is also a good source of protein, making it an excellent food for vegetarians and vegans. Organic and Sustainable The BIOFARM Leinsamen Knospe CH is certified organic and is grown and processed using sustainable, eco-friendly methods. This means that the flaxseeds are not exposed to harmful pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals, and that the soil and surrounding environment are not harmed during the production process. By choosing this organic flaxseed product, you can feel good about supporting sustainable agriculture and reducing your impact on the environment. Versatile and Delicious The BIOFARM Leinsamen Knospe CH is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes. Its nutty flavor and crunchy texture make it a great addition to baked goods, smoothies, and salads. You can also use it as a plant-based egg substitute in recipes that call for eggs. Overall, the BIOFARM Leinsamen Knospe CH is a top-quality organic flaxseed product that offers a wide range of health benefits and is produced in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. Add it to your diet today to support your health and the environment!..

13.38 USD

جود سفير إسينز ميتال فلوريدا 250 مل

جود سفير إسينز ميتال فلوريدا 250 مل

رمز المنتج: 7809517

Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is a high-quality aromatherapy diffuser that creates a pleasant scent in your home or workplace. It's perfect for reducing unpleasant odors and providing a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. The diffuser uses advanced technology to disperse essential oils throughout your space, creating a more comfortable environment. It does not require electricity or batteries, making it energy-efficient and eco-friendly. The bottle is made of high-quality metal, making it durable and long-lasting. The 250 ml capacity ensures long-lasting use, and the compact size makes it easy to place in any room. To use Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml, simply fill the bottle with water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Then, insert the rattan sticks into the bottle to smokeless fragrance. The diffuser will evenly distribute the fragrance throughout your space. Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is an excellent addition to any room, whether it's your living room, bedroom, office, or any space you want to relax and unwind in. It is an excellent product for anyone who enjoys aromatherapy or is looking for an eco-friendly and energy-efficient way to diffuse essential oils. ..

73.89 USD

متوسط ​​تصفيف trisa rundbürste مستدام بقطر 40 مم

متوسط ​​تصفيف trisa rundbürste مستدام بقطر 40 مم

رمز المنتج: 7823891

Trisa Rundbürste Sustainable ø40mm Styling medium Get perfectly styled hair with the Trisa Rundbürste Sustainable ø40mm Styling medium brush. Made from high-quality and sustainable materials, this hairbrush is perfect for daily use and ensures that your hair is always looking its best. Features: Medium-sized brush head with a diameter of 40mm, perfect for creating volume and waves in your hair Made from high-quality, sustainable materials that are gentle on your hair and the environment Ergonomic handle for comfortable use Durable design that is built to last and withstand daily use Benefits: The Trisa Rundbürste Sustainable ø40mm Styling medium brush is the perfect tool for achieving salon-worthy hair at home. With its medium-sized brush head, it's easy to create volume and waves in your hair, and the gentle bristles ensure that your hair is never damaged during styling. Additionally, the sustainable materials used to make this hairbrush are not only better for the environment, but they also ensure that the hairbrush lasts longer and is more durable than other hairbrushes on the market. How to Use: Start by detangling your hair, then section it off into small parts. Starting from the roots, use the Trisa Rundbürste Sustainable ø40mm Styling medium brush to create volume, waves or curls in your hair. Repeat until all sections of your hair are styled to your satisfaction. Invest in the Trisa Rundbürste Sustainable ø40mm Styling medium brush to achieve perfect, salon-worthy hair from the comfort of your own home!..

19.17 USD

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