خالية من اللاتكس
(1 صفحات)
3m micropore لاصق منسوج من الجص بدون موزع 25 مم × 5 م عبوة بيضاء
إن الجص المنسوج ميكروبور 3M بدون موزع هو شريط لاصق طبي عالي الجودة مصمم للعناية بالجروح واحتياجات التمريض. يبلغ عرض لفة التعبئة البيضاء هذه 25 ملم وطولها 5 أمتار، وتوفر حلاً موثوقًا ولطيفًا لتأمين الضمادات والضمادات في مكانها. يوفر التصميم المنسوج ارتداءً مريحًا وتهوية لفترات طويلة. يعتبر لاصق Micropore مثاليًا للبشرة الحساسة، وهو مضاد للحساسية وخالي من اللاتكس. يعد هذا المنتج متعدد الاستخدامات ضروريًا لمجموعات الإسعافات الأولية والمرافق الطبية والعناية اليومية بالجروح البسيطة في المنزل أو أثناء التنقل. ثق بشركة 3M للحصول على حلول فعالة وسهلة الاستخدام للعناية بالجروح...
6.15 USD
Bloccs حمام ودش حماية للساق 29-49 + / 66 سم للكبار
Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg 29-49 + / 66cm Adults If you have a leg injury or a medical condition that requires special care, the Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg can help you take a shower or a bath without worrying about getting your leg wet. Its unique design seals off the area around your leg, preventing water from seeping through and causing complications. It is suitable for adults with a leg circumference of 29-49 + / 66cm. This water protection product is easy to use and provides lasting protection for your leg. Simply slip it on your leg and pull it up, making sure that it covers the affected area. The Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg is made of high-quality, durable materials that are designed to withstand repeated use. It is also latex-free, making it ideal for people with latex allergies. The Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg is a great investment for anyone who wants to maintain their hygiene while recovering from an injury or undergoing medical treatment. Whether you have a sprain, a fracture, a cast, or a wound, this product will keep your leg dry and clean, reducing the risk of infection and enabling faster healing. Using the Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg is a breeze. When you're done, simply rinse it out and hang it up to dry. You can reuse it as often as you need, and it will retain its shape and effectiveness over time. With its comfortable fit and reliable performance, this water protection product is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to bathe or shower with confidence. When it comes to water protection, the Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg is the gold standard. With its cutting-edge design and premium materials, it offers unbeatable protection and performance. Don't settle for less when it comes to your health and hygiene ? get the Bloccs bath and shower water protection for the leg today. ..
75.12 USD
Coflex compressions kit tlc zinc 10cm 25-30 mmhg latex-free
CoFlex Compression Kit TLC Zinc 10cm 25-30 mmHg Latex-Free Introducing the CoFlex Compression Kit TLC Zinc 10cm 25-30 mmHg Latex-Free, the perfect solution for people who suffer from swelling and discomfort in their limbs due to circulation issues. The compression kit includes a 10cm Zinc foam bandage, a protective padding layer, and cohesive wrap to secure everything in place, all in one convenient package. Features: 25-30 mmHg compression level to promote healthy circulation Latex-free, making it safe for individuals with latex allergies or sensitivities The Zinc oxide foam bandage provides an effective and durable compression solution The cohesive wrap is easy to apply and provides secure hold without the use of clips or fasteners The padded layer ensures comfort while maintaining compression Benefits: This compression kit is ideal for people with lymphedema, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, or other circulation issues. The TLC Zinc foam bandage helps reduce swelling and promotes blood flow, while the cohesive wrap keeps everything in place. The padding layer provides extra cushioning and comfort, making it easier to wear the compression kit for longer periods of time. Usage: The CoFlex Compression Kit TLC Zinc 10cm 25-30 mmHg Latex-Free is easy to use. Simply wrap the protective pad around the affected area, then use the Zinc foam bandage to apply compression. Secure everything in place with the cohesive wrap, and you're good to go. The kit is reusable and can be washed for continued use. Conclusion: If you're looking for an effective, yet affordable way to manage swelling and discomfort in your limbs, then the CoFlex Compression Kit TLC Zinc 10cm 25-30 mmHg Latex-Free is the perfect solution. It's durable, easy to use, and provides the right amount of compression to promote healthy circulation and reduce swelling. Order yours today and experience the comfort and relief that comes with proper compression management. ..
47.53 USD
Convamax superabsorber 10x20 سم ملصق (اسم)
وظيفة showDescription () { var x = document.getElementById ("productDescription") ؛ إذا (x.style.display === "بلا") { x.style.display = "block" ؛ } آخر { x.style.display = "بلا" ؛ } } CONVAMAX Superabsorber 10x20cm adhäsiv (n) وصف المنتج: إن CONVAMAX Superabsorber 10x20cm adhäsiv (n) عبارة عن ضمادة طبية مصممة للتحكم بفعالية في إفرازات الجرح. إنه مصمم للمساعدة في حماية سرير الجرح وإبقائه رطبًا وتعزيز الشفاء مع تقليل مخاطر الإصابة بالعدوى. المنتج مصنوع بتقنية متقدمة ، والتي تضمن امتصاصه العالي ، ويمكنه الاحتفاظ بكمية كبيرة من السوائل دون تسريب أو تفكك. هذا يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام على الجروح التي تنتج الكثير من الإفرازات ، مثل القرحة والحروق والجروح الجراحية. من السهل وضع وإزاله CONVAMAX Superabsorber 10x20cm adhäsiv (n) ، بفضل الدعم الذاتي اللصق. يمكن استخدامه كضمادة أولية أو ثانوية حسب شدة الجرح. المنتج خالٍ من مادة اللاتكس ، مما يجعله آمنًا للاستخدام على المرضى الذين يعانون من الحساسية تجاه اللاتكس. الحجم 10x20 سم مناسب للجروح الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم ، ويضمن الغلاف اللاصق بقاء المنتج ثابتًا في مكانه ، حتى عندما يتحرك المريض. يعد منتج CONVAMAX Superabsorber 10x20cm adhäsiv (n) حلاً فعالاً من حيث التكلفة للعناية بالجروح ، حيث يقلل من الحاجة إلى تغيير الضمادات بشكل متكرر. هذا يقلل من تكلفة المواد ووقت التمريض ، مع تقليل مخاطر الإصابة. المنتج حاصل على علامة CE ، مما يضمن توافقه مع معايير السلامة الأوروبية للأجهزة الطبية. إظهار المزيد الميزات: شديد الامتصاص دعم ذاتي اللصق لسهولة التطبيق والإزالة خالية من اللاتكس يحمل علامة CE ، بما يتوافق مع معايير الأمان الأوروبية للأجهزة الطبية دواعي الإستعمال: القرحة الحروق الجروح الناتجة عن الجراحة الجروح الأخرى ذات المستويات العالية من الإفرازات موانع الاستعمال: لا تستخدم في المرضى الذين يعانون من الحساسية تجاه المنتج لا تستخدميه على الجروح ذات المستويات المنخفضة من الإفرازات الاحتياطات: لا تستخدميه على الجروح الملتهبة بدون إشراف طبي مراقبة الجرح بانتظام بحثًا عن علامات العدوى أو ردود الفعل السلبية الأخرى ..
191.16 USD
Conveen optima واقي ذكري مبولة ذاتي اللصق 28 مم / 8 سم خالي من اللاتكس 30 قطعة
Conveen Optima Condom Urinal Self-Adhesive 28mm/8cm Latex Free 30pcs The Conveen Optima Condom Urinal Self-Adhesive 28mm/8cm Latex Free 30pcs is a reliable and comfortable solution for men who experience urine leakage or urinary incontinence. This product is a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional incontinence pads and briefs. The condom urinal is made of high-quality, latex-free materials that are gentle on the skin and safe to use. It is a self-adhesive product, which means it can be easily attached to the penis without causing any discomfort. The condom is designed with a 28mm/8cm opening that is suitable for most penis sizes. It is also adjustable, allowing for a customized fit that is comfortable and secure. The Conveen Optima Condom Urinal is designed to be used with a urine collection bag that is sold separately. The bag can be easily attached to the condom urinal, providing a hygienic and hassle-free way to manage urine leakage. The product is ideal for individuals who lead an active lifestyle and want a discreet and comfortable solution for urine leakage. Each pack contains 30 pieces of the Conveen Optima Condom Urinal Self-Adhesive 28mm/8cm Latex Free product, making it a convenient and cost-effective choice. The Conveen Optima Condom Urinal Self-Adhesive 28mm/8cm Latex Free 30pcs is a high-quality and reliable product that offers a comfortable and discreet way to manage urine leakage. It is made of latex-free materials and can be easily attached to the penis for a customized and secure fit. This product is ideal for individuals who want a hassle-free way to manage their urinary incontinence without sacrificing comfort or convenience...
199.58 USD
Hollister dm واقي ذكري مبولة 26-30 مم 30 قطعة
نقدم لك مبولة الواقي الذكري HOLLISTER DM، وهو حل موثوق لإدارة سلس البول براحة وحذر. تحتوي هذه العبوة على 30 مبولة واقٍ ذكري خالية من اللاتكس عالية الجودة، مصممة لتناسب آمن بقطر 26-30 مم. مثالي للأفراد الذين يحتاجون إلى مساعدة في التحكم في المثانة، يوفر مبولة الواقي الذكري HOLLISTER DM حلاً عمليًا وصحيًا. مثالي للاستخدام مع القاضي الدوار، هذا المنتج هو ملحق أساسي للعناية المريحة بسلس البول في المنزل أو في أماكن الرعاية الصحية. ثق في التزام هوليستر بالجودة والابتكار لتلبية احتياجات الرعاية البولية الخاصة بك...
187.54 USD
Rosidal way cohesive short stretch bandage 10cmx5m
Rosidal Way Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 10cmx5m The Rosidal Way Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 10cmx5m is a highly effective and versatile bandage designed to provide compression support for a variety of medical conditions. The cohesive short stretch technology of this bandage makes it easy to apply and ensures that it remains securely in place, even during extended periods of wear. This bandage is 10cm wide and 5m long, providing ample coverage and support for the affected area. The short stretch design allows for a high degree of compression, making it ideal for conditions such as lymphedema, venous insufficiency, and edema. The high-quality materials used in the construction of this bandage ensure that it is durable and long-lasting, even with frequent use. The Rosidal Way Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 10cmx5m is also latex-free, making it an ideal choice for people with latex sensitivities or allergies. The cohesive nature of the bandage eliminates the need for additional adhesive or clips, reducing the risk of skin irritation or damage. Additionally, the bandage is easy to remove, making it a convenience choice for both patients and healthcare professionals. Overall, the Rosidal Way Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 10cmx5m is a highly effective and convenient choice for individuals with a variety of medical conditions. It provides excellent compression support that is both durable and easy to apply and remove. Whether you are dealing with lymphedema, venous insufficiency, or edema, this bandage is an excellent solution that will help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life...
22.08 USD
Ted oberschenkel latexfrei m kurz 1 paar
Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is a compression sock designed to provide support to your thighs, improve blood circulation and prevent edema. This pair of compression socks is designed to fit snugly around your thighs and is made from Latex-free materials, making it a safe and comfortable choice for individuals with latex sensitivities. The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is ideal for athletes and individuals who stand or sit for extended periods, as it reduces muscle fatigue and helps ease discomfort. The sock has a soft and comfortable texture, allowing for all-day wear without causing skin irritation or discomfort. Features: Designed for individuals with latex sensitivities. Provides support to your thighs. Improves blood circulation and eases discomfort. Reduces muscle fatigue. Soft and comfortable texture for all-day wear. The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is easy to wear, compatible with most outfits, and comes in a convenient pair to support both thighs. If you're looking for a compression sock designed to provide support, improve blood circulation, and prevent edema, the Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is an excellent choice. Order your pair today...
66.74 USD
Ted thigh latex-free medium standard-setting one pair
TED Thigh Latex-Free Medium Standard Setting One Pair Introducing the TED Thigh Latex-Free Medium Standard Setting One Pair ? the perfect addition to your medical supplies kit. This one pair of thigh-high compression stockings is designed to offer the much-needed support and relief for individuals who are suffering from poor circulation, lymphedema, and other related chronic conditions. These stockings can be used for post-operative care to prevent blood clots from forming in the legs, or for individuals who spend long hours standing or sitting, causing fluid to pool in their legs. They are made from a latex-free material for those who are sensitive to latex. The medium-size stockings have a graduated compression design that provides maximum compression at the ankle, reducing gradually up the leg. With a standard setting, they are medically recommended and effective in reducing swelling, easing pain, and preventing varicose veins. The thigh-high length of these stockings offers coverage from the toes all the way up to the thighs, ensuring that there are no gaps in the compression coverage. The reinforced heel and toe make the stockings durable, while the non-slip silicone top band ensures that they stay securely in place throughout the day. With these TED Thigh Latex-Free Medium Standard Setting One Pair stockings, you can be sure of exceptional comfort and efficacy. They are easy to care for since they are machine washable and can be tumble dried on low heat. Order a pair today and experience comfort, relief, and support like no other...
66.74 USD
دور hypafix لاصق من الصوف 30 سم × 10 م
Hypafix Adhesive Fleece 30cmx10m Role Experience the ultimate in wound care with Hypafix adhesive fleece. This versatile adhesive dressing is a must-have for any home, clinic or hospital setting. Hypafix is designed to provide maximum comfort and excellent care for any variety of wound types, whether you are dealing with a small cut or a large surgical incision. The Hypafix adhesive fleece is the perfect dressing solution for fixing dressings, cannulas and other medical devices in place. It is made with soft, non-woven fabric that is both flexible and breathable, which allows for optimal wound healing. With the Hypafix adhesive fleece, you can rest assured that the wound is protected and secured throughout the healing process. This dressing is easy to apply and can be cut to the required size. It adheres securely to the skin, and the adhesive is gentle on the skin but firm enough to keep the dressing securely in place. The adhesive is also skin-friendly, meaning it causes minimal irritation or discomfort to sensitive skin. The Hypafix adhesive fleece is 30cmx10m long, making it a convenient and cost-effective dressing solution for use in any setting. This product is latex-free, ensuring that it is safe for use on patients with latex allergies. Whether you are looking for a wound dressing to use at home or in a medical setting, the Hypafix adhesive fleece is the perfect choice. It is designed to meet the demanding needs of wound care, ensuring that your wound heals quickly and efficiently. ..
38.67 USD
ضمادة ضغط opti plaste-c 2.5mx6cm
ضمادة ضغط OPTI PLASTE-C 2.5mx6cm ضمادة الضغط OPTI PLASTE-C 2.5mx6cm هي منتج طبي عالي الجودة تم تصميمه لتوفير موثوق ضغط لإدارة فعالة للعناية بالجروح. هذه الضمادة مصنوعة من مادة خفيفة الوزن ومسامية تضمن أقصى قدر من الراحة والدعم. الميزات: يوفر ضغطًا موثوقًا به لإدارة فعالة للعناية بالجروح مصنوع من مادة خفيفة الوزن ومسامية لتوفير أقصى درجات الراحة والدعم سهولة التطبيق والتعديل بفضل خصائصه ذاتية اللصق خالٍ من اللاتكس ولطيف على البشرة بطول 2.5 متر وعرض 6 سم ، ومناسب لمعظم احتياجات الضمادات الفوائد: تعتبر ضمادة الضغط OPTI PLASTE-C مقاس 2.5 م × 6 سم خيارًا مثاليًا لإدارة العناية بالجروح. يوفر ضغطًا فعالًا يساعد في تقليل التورم وتحسين الدورة الدموية. تضمن هذه الضمادة الدعم المناسب والراحة للمنطقة المصابة مع تسهيل الشفاء بشكل أسرع. بفضل خصائصه ذاتية اللصق ، يمكن تعديل الضمادة وتطبيقها بسهولة ، مما يجعلها ملائمة للاستخدام حتى في حالات الطوارئ. علاوة على ذلك ، يمكن لف ضمادة الضغط OPTI PLASTE-C مقاس 2.5 م × 6 سم بسهولة وقصها بسهولة . تقلل مادته الخالية من مادة اللاتكس واللطيفة على الجلد من خطر تهيج الجلد أو تفاعلات الحساسية ، مما يضمن رعاية فعالة للجروح دون أي مضاعفات. الاستخدام: يمكن استخدام ضمادة الضغط OPTI PLASTE-C مقاس 2.5 م × 6 سم لإدارة ودعم أنواع مختلفة من الإصابات ، بما في ذلك الالتواءات والإجهاد والكدمات والرضوض. تجعل خصائصه ذاتية اللصق من السهل تطبيقه وضبطه ، مما يجعله مثاليًا للاستخدام من قبل المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية وكذلك للاستخدام الشخصي. الخلاصة: ضمادة الضغط OPTI PLASTE-C مقاس 2.5 م × 6 سم ضرورية في أي حالة طبية طارئة أو مجموعة إسعافات أولية. المواد عالية الجودة ، والضغط الموثوق به ، والراحة ، وسهولة التطبيق تجعله خيارًا مناسبًا لإدارة فعالة للعناية بالجروح. ..
18.86 USD
لاصقة quick aid مقاس 6 × 100 سم خالية من اللاتكس باللون الأزرق
Quick Aid Plasters 6x100cm Latex Free Blue Quick Aid Plasters 6x100cm Latex Free Blue is a pack of high-quality, durable plasters designed to provide quick and effective relief from minor cuts, abrasions, and other skin injuries. These plasters are made from high-quality, latex-free material that is gentle on the skin and does not cause any irritation or allergic reactions. The blue colour of these plasters makes them highly visible and easy to find, even in low-light conditions. These plasters are 6x100cm in size, which makes them ideal for use on larger wounds or cuts. They are also highly durable and can withstand moisture, sweat, and other environmental factors, ensuring that they stay in place for long periods of time. They are easy to apply, and their strong adhesive backing ensures that they stay securely in place, without any slipping or movement. The Quick Aid Plasters 6x100cm Latex Free Blue pack comes with multiple plasters, making it a cost-effective solution for individuals or businesses that require a large number of plasters on a regular basis. These plasters are suitable for use at home, in the workplace, or during outdoor activities such as camping or hiking. Overall, the Quick Aid Plasters 6x100cm Latex Free Blue pack is an excellent choice for individuals or businesses in need of high-quality, reliable plasters that provide quick and effective relief from minor skin injuries. ..
10.12 USD
لصقات المساعدة السريعة 6x460 سم لاتكس خالية من اللون الأزرق
The Quick Aid plaster is a wound care plaster that is suitable for quick and easy treatment of wounds on fingers, arms and legs. The material of the product is very skin-friendly because no glue needs to be used due to its self-adhesive property. Nevertheless, the plaster holds very well and can also be removed easily, painlessly and without leaving any residue after application. Since the plaster is waterproof, it can also be used for water sports and in the kitchen without any problems. In addition, the plaster absorbs the blood and is highly flexible. BlueWithout latexWaterproof Self-adhesive, does not stick to skin, hair or woundsHighly flexible materialAbsorbs blood Application Cut the appropriate length from the roll or tear by hand. Place the patch once around the injured part of the body. Tighten the plaster while wrapping the body part.If the wound is bleeding profusely, the plaster can be formed into a pad and used as a pressure bandage. Several layers should also be used in the event of heavy bleeding...
26.14 USD
مشابك ضمادة rhena بيضاء 5 قطع
Bandage clips, latex-free, white. Bandage clips, latex-free, white. div>..
5.13 USD
واقي ديوركس ناتشورال فيلينج 10 قطع
This condom from Durex provides a natural feeling. Note The packaging should be stored in a cool, dry place and protected from direct sunlight...
33.73 USD
واقي ذكري من مانيكس سكين اوريجينال 10 قطع
Manix Skyn Original Condoms 10 pieces With the Manix Skyn Original Condoms, you can enjoy safe and pleasurable intimacy without compromising on sensation. These condoms are made with a revolutionary material that feels just like natural skin, providing maximum comfort and sensitivity for both partners. The Skyn Original Condoms are made with polyisoprene, a synthetic rubber that doesn't contain latex. This makes them perfect for people with latex allergies who still want to enjoy safe sex. Additionally, these condoms are ultra-thin and provide the closest feel to wearing nothing at all. These condoms are designed with a straight fit and a reservoir tip for added protection. They are also lubricated with a non-spermicidal silicone-based lubricant for smooth and comfortable penetration. This pack contains 10 Skyn Original Condoms, making it perfect for couples who want to keep their intimacy safe and enjoyable. Each condom is electronically tested to ensure reliability and safety, giving you peace of mind every time you use them. So whether you're allergic to latex or just want to experience a more natural sensation during sex, the Manix Skyn Original Condoms are the perfect choice for you. Order now and experience safe and pleasurable intimacy like never before...
29.53 USD
(1 صفحات)