اكتشف الراحة المهدئة لحلقك من خلال معينات الحلق العشبية. مصنوعة بشكل مثالي من مكونات طبيعية مثل جذر الخطمي والطحالب الأيسلندية، توفر هذه الباستيل حلاً مريحًا لالتهاب الحلق والسعال وبحة في الصوت. استمتع بطعم لطيف لطيف مع تهدئة الحلق المتهيج وتخفيف الجفاف. تعتبر هذه الأقراص معبأة بشكل مريح أثناء التنقل، وهي ضرورية في روتين صحتك وتغذيتك. استكشف مجموعتنا المختارة من منتجات الصحة والجمال السويسرية واستمتع بتجربة الرعاية الطبيعية والفعالة التي تستحقها.
Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk
Get relief from sore throat and cough with Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk. These pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat and thus help to relieve the symptoms of cough, hoarseness, and throat irritation. They are made from natural ingredients and have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take.
Natural ingredients
The pastilles are made from natural ingredients such as marshmallow root extract and Icelandic moss extract. These ingredients have been used for centuries to soothe and calm irritated throats. The natural goodness of these ingredients makes the pastilles effective in providing relief from sore throat and cough without any side effects.
Pleasant taste
The pastilles have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take. They have a mild herbal flavor that is not overpowering, making them suitable for people who do not like strong flavors.
Soothing effect
The pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat, which helps to reduce the inflammation and irritation caused by coughing and sore throat. They also help to moisten the throat, which provides relief from the dryness and scratchiness associated with a sore throat.
Easy to carry
The pastilles come in a convenient pack of 24 and can be easily carried around in your bag or pocket. This makes them a handy option for people who are on the go and need quick relief from sore throat and cough.
Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk are a safe and effective way to relieve sore throat and cough. They are made from natural ingredients, have a pleasant taste, and provide a soothing effect on the throat. They are also easy to carry, making them a convenient option for people who need relief on the go...