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SPONSER Whey Isolate 94 Chocolate

Modelo: 7466150
61.38 USD
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The whey protein isolate 94 from Sponser is characterized in particular by its high value (170 according to Oser) and the gentle and natural manufacturing process. Through the CFM manufacturing process, lactose and fat were removed from the isolate. The result is a whey protein isolate without sugar and a very high protein content (90% in pure powder). CFM stands for Cross-Flow Microfiltration and means a high-quality chemical-free manufacturing method of Whey protein.

  • Chocolate flavor
  • Lactose-free
  • Low in fat and carbohydrates
  • Developed in Switzerland and manufactured in Ireland


Mix 20-30g powder with about 200-300ml cold water or milk.


Additional to a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The powder can be taken up to about 30 minutes before and after training, or as a supplemental protein intake during the day.


Nutritional values per 100g powder: energy (kcal) 1560(370), fat 2g of which saturated fat 1.2g, carbohydrates 3.8g of which sugars 0.4g, protein 80g, salt 0.98g

Which packs are available?

  • Sponser Whey Isolate 94 Chocolate can 425 g