Plester 3M Nexcare Blood-Stop menawarkan perawatan luka yang andal dengan campuran 30 buah dalam 3 ukuran berbeda. Perban canggih ini dirancang untuk menghentikan pendarahan secara efektif, menjadikannya ideal untuk situasi pertolongan pertama. Plesternya terbuat dari kapas dan kapas yang mengandung bahan penyulingan darah, sehingga memastikan penanganan luka yang tepat. Dengan perban serbaguna dan berkualitas tinggi ini, Anda dapat mempercayai 3M Nexcare sebagai solusi perawatan luka yang unggul. Tambahkan plester ini ke peralatan medis Anda untuk perawatan luka dan cedera yang cepat dan efisien...
AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk
AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a superior wound dressing designed to provide effective wound management solution for complex wounds involving high exudate levels. This product is perfect for treating pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds.
The dressing is made up of a soft, absorbent foam which quickly wicks away excess exudate, and conforms easily to the wound bed for a comfortable and secure fit. The foam also includes a micro-contouring layer that adapts to uneven wound surfaces, helping to reduce the risk of maceration while increasing patient comfort level.
The AQUACEL Foam Pro dressing also includes Hydrofiber Technology, a unique blend of fibers that form a gel-like layer on the wound surface. This gel helps to prevent the formation of biofilm, a layer of bacteria that can impede wound healing. The Hydrofiber Technology also promotes autolytic debridement, which helps to remove non-viable tissue and promote wound healing.
The dressing also includes a waterproof film layer that provides an effective barrier against bacteria, helping to reduce the risk of infection. The waterproof film layer also allows the patient to shower or bathe while wearing the dressing, reducing disruption to their daily routine.
The AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a sterile product, and supplied in a convenient pack of 10 dressings. This product is also suitable for use on sensitive skin and can be easily removed without causing discomfort for the patient.
Overall, AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a highly effective wound dressing that provides exceptional wound management, helping to promote faster healing times, and a more comfortable patient experience.
DermaPlast Aktif Epi Soft plus S4
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 adalah plester perekat inovatif ramah kulit dengan bantalan lembut dan menyerap keringat. Dirancang khusus untuk memberikan perawatan dan perlindungan luka yang optimal bagi orang-orang yang menjalani gaya hidup aktif.
Bantalan DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 yang lembut dan fleksibel menyesuaikan dengan bentuk luka, memastikan penyembuhan cepat dan mengurangi risiko jaringan parut. Lapisan perekat ekstra kuat menjaga plester tetap terpasang dengan aman sekaligus memungkinkan kulit bernapas, mencegah iritasi dan ketidaknyamanan.
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 bersifat hipoalergenik dan tidak mengandung lateks, sehingga aman untuk kulit paling sensitif sekalipun. Ini juga tahan air, memungkinkan untuk mandi dan berendam tanpa mengurangi integritas plester.
Apakah Anda seorang atlet, orang tua yang sibuk, atau hanya seseorang yang menikmati gaya hidup aktif, DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 adalah solusi perawatan luka yang sempurna untuk Anda. Teknologi canggihnya memadukan kenyamanan, daya tahan, dan efektivitas, memastikan penyembuhan dan perlindungan optimal untuk semua jenis luka.
DERMAPLAST Aktif Epi Soft plus S2
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 adalah plester perekat medis yang diformulasikan khusus untuk memberikan perawatan dan perlindungan luka yang unggul. Hal ini dirancang untuk memastikan luka Anda terlindungi dan tertutup rapat, untuk mempercepat penyembuhan dan mencegah infeksi.
Fitur dan Manfaat
Bahan Bernapas: Plester perekat medis ini terbuat dari bahan bernapas yang memungkinkan kulit Anda bernapas, mengurangi iritasi dan mempercepat penyembuhan.
Lembut dan Fleksibel: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 lembut dan lembut pada kulit, memastikan kenyamanan maksimal sekaligus memberikan perlindungan luka yang unggul.
Adhesi Aman: Perekat yang digunakan dalam plester ini dirancang untuk memberikan cengkeraman yang aman pada kulit, memastikan plester tetap di tempatnya sepanjang hari.
Tahan Air dan Keringat: Plester perekat medis ini tahan air dan keringat, memastikan luka Anda tetap terlindungi bahkan selama aktivitas fisik atau saat terkena kelembapan.
Mudah Diaplikasikan: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 mudah diaplikasikan dan dapat dipotong sesuai ukuran yang diinginkan, sehingga cocok untuk semua jenis luka dan cedera.
Petunjuk Penggunaan
Bersihkan dan keringkan area yang terkena sebelum mengaplikasikan plester DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2. Lepaskan lapisan pelindung dari plester, dan tempelkan sisi perekat pada luka. Pastikan plester terpasang erat pada kulit, tidak ada celah atau lipatan. Ganti plester sesuai kebutuhan, setidaknya sekali sehari atau lebih sering jika perlu.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 adalah solusi sempurna bagi siapa saja yang ingin mempercepat penyembuhan dan mencegah infeksi. Bahannya yang lembut dan lembut menjamin kenyamanan maksimal, sedangkan daya rekat yang aman dan sifat tahan air membuatnya cocok untuk semua jenis luka dan cedera. Jadi, mengapa menunggu? Pesan plester DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 Anda hari ini dan dapatkan penyembuhan lebih cepat serta perlindungan terbaik!..
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Lindungi Luka Anda dengan Percaya Diri
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 adalah pembalut luka serbaguna yang dirancang untuk mendukung penyembuhan luka sekaligus melindunginya dari bakteri, kuman, dan infeksi lainnya. Dibuat khusus dengan Teknologi S3 yang inovatif, pembalut luka ini memastikan perawatan luka yang optimal dengan bahannya yang lembut, hipoalergenik, dan menyerap keringat sehingga menawarkan kenyamanan dan perlindungan maksimal.
Mengapa Memilih DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3?
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 adalah solusi pembalut luka pilihan Anda karena berbagai alasan:
Memberikan bantuan instan dan lingkungan penyembuhan.
Melindungi dari infeksi dan bakteri berbahaya.
Tahan air dan tahan keringat, memastikan luka tetap kering.
Bahan hipoalergenik dan bernapas, memungkinkan udara bersirkulasi di sekitar luka.
Sesuai dan fleksibel untuk memastikan kenyamanan dengan pengaplikasian yang mudah.
Dirancang untuk berbagai jenis luka termasuk sayatan, lecet, memar, laserasi, dan luka bakar.
Bagaimana Cara Menggunakan DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3?
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 mudah digunakan:
Bersihkan luka dan kulit di sekitarnya dengan sabun lembut dan air, atau larutan garam steril.
Keringkan lukanya dan pastikan tidak ada kelembapan yang tersisa.
Kelupas bagian belakang perban DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3.
Letakkan balutan dengan hati-hati pada luka, lalu tekan dengan kuat agar terpasang dengan kuat.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 cocok digunakan pada orang dewasa dan anak-anak. Selalu baca kemasan sebelum digunakan.
Beli DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Berikan Perawatan Optimal pada Luka Anda
Jika Anda mencari pembalut luka pelindung yang memberikan kenyamanan dan perlindungan maksimal, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 adalah pilihan terbaik Anda. Pesan sekarang dan nikmati perawatan dan perlindungan luka optimal dengan percaya diri...
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm
The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm is an innovative and highly effective medical product for treating minor skin injuries and wounds. It is specially designed to protect and promote healing of cuts, grazes, and other minor injuries, while preventing infections and scarring. This product is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, sports centers, and homes.
Key Features and Benefits
Highly absorbent pad to soak up fluids and minimize wound stickiness
Perforated, breathable film to allow skin to breathe and prevent maceration
All-round adhesive strip to secure the dressing in place and resist stretching and tearing
Non-stick coating to avoid damage to the wound and reduce pain during removal
Hypoallergenic and latex-free formulation for compatibility with sensitive skin
7.2x5cm size to fit various wound types and sizes
Instructions for Use
To use the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm, follow these simple steps:
Cleanse and dry the wound site properly, removing any debris or foreign objects
Peel off the backing paper from the adhesive strip, exposing the absorbent pad
Place the dressing over the wound, ensuring that the pad covers the entire wound area
Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles in the film, and press the adhesive strip firmly around the wound to seal it
Replace the dressing as necessary, depending on the amount of fluid discharge and level of wound healing
Warnings and Precautions
Although DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm is a safe and effective wound care product, certain warnings and precautions should be taken into account to avoid adverse reactions or complications, including:
Avoid using on infected or weeping wounds, as this may spread the infection or delay healing
Do not apply to burns, animal bites or puncture wounds, as these may require specialized treatment
Do not use the product if the packaging is damaged or opened, or if the product is past its expiry date
In case of persistent symptoms or adverse reactions, seek medical attention immediately
For more information about the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm, consult the product label or contact your healthcare provider...
Kompres HARTMANN ES T17 - 5x5cm, 8 lapis
Mencari solusi perawatan luka yang andal dan efektif? Kompres HARTMANN ES T17 adalah pilihan yang sempurna. Kompres steril berkualitas tinggi ini dirancang untuk memberikan penyerapan dan perlindungan optimal untuk berbagai luka.
Fitur utama:
8 lapisan untuk daya serap yang unggul
Ukuran 5x5cm untuk keserbagunaan
Steril untuk penggunaan higienis
Lembut di kulit
Kompres HARTMANN ES T17 terbuat dari bahan premium untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan efektivitas maksimal. Ini adalah pilihan ideal untuk perawatan luka profesional dan di rumah...
Memperkenalkan Topper 8 NW Kompressen 10x10cm Steril 75 x 2 Stk
Topper 8 NW Kompressen adalah pembalut luka steril berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang untuk memberikan perlindungan dan penyembuhan terbaik pada luka Anda. Dressing ini dibuat dengan bahan kelas atas yang telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk memastikan bahan tersebut lembut di kulit Anda dan memberikan pengalaman penyembuhan yang nyaman.
Setiap Topper 8 NW Kompressen berukuran 10x10cm, sehingga ideal untuk luka yang lebih besar atau untuk menutupi beberapa luka yang lebih kecil. Alat ini dirancang khusus untuk menyerap cairan berlebih dan mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri, sekaligus tetap memungkinkan udara bersirkulasi dan mempercepat penyembuhan yang sehat.
Pembalut dikemas dalam kemasan steril yang nyaman berukuran 75 x 2 Stk, sehingga mudah disimpan dan digunakan sesuai kebutuhan. Harganya juga bersaing, menjadikannya pilihan yang terjangkau bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkan pembalut luka yang andal tanpa mengeluarkan banyak uang.
Topper 8 NW Kompressen sempurna untuk digunakan dalam lingkungan medis, serta kotak P3K di rumah. Bahan ini mudah dipasang dan dilepas, serta perekatnya yang lembut memastikan produk tetap di tempatnya tanpa menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman atau iritasi.
Jika Anda mencari pembalut luka berkualitas tinggi dan andal yang akan memberikan penyembuhan dan perlindungan optimal, maka Topper 8 NW Kompressen 10x10cm Steril 75 x 2 Stk adalah produk yang tepat untuk Anda...
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is a premium medical-grade adhesive dressing that is designed to protect and treat various types of wounds. It is a versatile and reliable wound care solution that can be used for a range of applications like covering cuts, blisters, grazes, and surgical incisions. DermaPlast Medical Skin+ is made from high-quality materials that are safe, durable, and gentle on the skin.
Soft and breathable material allows the wound to breathe and heal faster.
Water-resistant technology protects the wound from external moisture.
Strong adhesive ensures that the dressing stays in place throughout the healing process.
Stretchable and flexible material adapts to the contours of the skin, providing maximum comfort and mobility.
Hypoallergenic and latex-free material reduces the risk of allergies and skin irritation.
Instructions for use
Clean and disinfect the wound before applying the dressing.
Cut the dressing to the appropriate size and shape according to your wound.
Peel off the protective layer and place the dressing firmly over the wound.
Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles to ensure proper adhesion.
Replace the dressing as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional.
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is an essential part of any first aid kit and is ideal for use at home, in the office, or on the go. Its high-quality construction ensures that your wounds are protected and healed quickly and efficiently. Order now and experience the benefits of DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m for yourself!..
LIVSANE Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm
LIVSANE Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm
These sterile wound dressings from Livsane are specially designed to effectively protect and cover wounds of different sizes. Measuring 10x15cm, these dressings are made from high-quality materials that are safe, gentle and non-irritating to the skin.
These wound dressings are perfect for use on a wide range of wounds including cuts, grazes, burns and post-surgery wounds. They are highly absorbent, allowing them to quickly soak up any exudates, blood or other fluids from the wound, providing a clean and sterile environment for optimal healing.
The dressings are breathable and allow air to circulate freely around the wound, reducing the risk of infection and promoting faster healing. They are also easy to apply and remove, with a gentle adhesive backing that holds the dressing securely in place without causing discomfort or irritation upon removal.
Each pack of Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm contains 10 individually wrapped dressings, making them convenient for use at home or on-the-go. They are an essential item for any first aid kit, providing reliable wound care and protection for both adults and children.
Order your pack of Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm today and experience the difference in wound care!..
MEDISET Komp Watte 10x10cm T17 8f st
This product is a sterile, individually packed cotton wool square measuring 10x10cm. It is composed of high-quality, absorbent cotton and is perfect for use in wound care, first aid, and medical procedures.
The MEDISET Komp Watte is gentle on the skin and does not cause irritation, making it ideal for use on even the most sensitive patients. It is also highly durable and does not break down easily, ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness throughout use.
This product comes in a convenient pack of 8 pieces, making it an essential component of any first aid kit or medical facility. It is easy to store and transport, and each individual pack is clearly labeled and marked with the necessary information for safe and effective use.
Whether you're a medical professional or simply need a reliable wound care solution for personal use, the MEDISET Komp Watte is an excellent choice. With its high-quality composition, superior absorption, and sterile packaging, it is a must-have for anyone looking for a safe and effective solution for wound care and first aid.
MEDISET Komp Watte 5x5cm T17 8f st
The MEDISET Komp Watte is a box of sterile cotton wool swabs that can be used for wound cleansing, dressing and packing. With a size of 5x5cm, it is perfect for small and medium-sized wounds. It is made of 100% pure cotton and is free from any synthetic fibers, making it safe for use on all skin types, even the most sensitive ones.
Each box contains 8 swabs that are individually wrapped for hygienic purposes. The swabs are easy to use, and with its soft and gentle texture, it is easy to apply on the wound area. In addition, it is highly absorbent and will not shred, making it reliable for wound care.
Whether for personal or professional use, the MEDISET Komp Watte is a must-have in any first aid kit or medical facility. Its reliability and effectiveness are never compromised, making it a trusted product among healthcare professionals and consumers alike.
Get your MEDISET Komp Watte today and experience the comfort and reliability it brings to your wound care needs.
Kompres MediSet 5x5cm tipe 24 menawarkan perawatan luka yang nyaman dengan kemasan steril 8 kali lipat. Setiap kotak berisi 50 kompres yang dibungkus satu per satu, masing-masing berukuran 5x5cm. Kompres kain kasa ini ideal untuk penanganan luka, memberikan lapisan steril dan menyerap untuk mempercepat penyembuhan. Baik untuk layanan kesehatan profesional atau penggunaan di rumah, kompres ini serbaguna dan dapat diandalkan. Dipercaya karena kualitas dan kenyamanannya, kompres MediSet sangat penting untuk kotak P3K, klinik, rumah sakit, dan rumah untuk memastikan perawatan dan kebersihan luka yang tepat...
MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is a high-quality disposable medical product that is essential for patient care. It has several applications in the medical field, including wound care, sterilization, and cleaning. The MEDISET Rundtupfer is a 4cm sterile cotton ball that is used as a swab to apply medications, clean wounds, or collect biological samples.
The Rundtupfer is made from pure cotton, which makes it soft, absorbent, and gentle on the skin. The cotton ball is tightly rolled to prevent linting and tearing, ensuring that it can handle prolonged exposure to solutions and chemicals. The MEDISET Rundtupfer is easy to use and can be used in a wide range of medical procedures.
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is specially designed for use in sterile environments. It is sterilized using gamma irradiation, ensuring that it is free of bacteria, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms. The sterile packaging also ensures that the Rundtupfer remains sterile until it is opened and ready for use.
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is an essential product in any medical facility. It is commonly used in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare settings. It is also beneficial for home care, allowing patients to clean or apply medication to wounds without risking infection.
Key features:
Disposable and sterile
Made from pure cotton
Tightly rolled to prevent linting and tearing
Gamma irradiation sterilization
Soft and gentle on the skin
Commonly used in wound care, sterilization, and cleaning
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is a reliable and convenient product that is an essential part of any medical facility. Its high-quality construction, sterile packaging, and versatile applications make it an excellent choice for any medical professional...
MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is a high-quality medical swab used in healthcare facilities for a variety of purposes. This product is made from a soft and non-abrasive material that provides excellent absorbency and is gentle to use on the skin surface. Each pack contains 100 sterile swabs that come individually wrapped for optimal hygiene.
Soft and non-abrasive material
Provides excellent absorbency
Gentle to use on the skin surface
Individually wrapped for optimal hygiene
Sterile packaging to prevent the risk of contamination
The MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril has numerous applications in healthcare settings. They are ideal for wound care, cleaning and preparing the skin before injections or surgical procedures, as well as for general cleaning and disinfection of medical equipment. They can also be used for applying antiseptic creams, ointments and other topical medications directly to the wound or affected area.
Using the MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril offers a number of benefits to healthcare professionals, including:
High-quality swabs that are gentle on the skin and provide excellent absorbency
Sterile packaging to prevent contamination and maintain optimal hygiene
Individually wrapped swabs for ease of use and to minimize waste
Cost-effective solution for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in the healthcare environment
Overall, the MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril is an essential tool for all healthcare professionals who seek to maintain optimal hygiene and cleanliness in their facilities.
MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm sterilMEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril adalah produk medis berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang untuk memberikan solusi perawatan luka dan pembersihan medis yang efektif. Penyeka steril ini terbuat dari bahan katun kelas atas dan sangat menyerap, menjadikannya ideal untuk digunakan dalam berbagai pengaturan medis. MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril dirancang untuk sekali pakai, memastikan produk tetap steril dan higienis selama digunakan. Penyeka ini juga sangat tahan lama dan tidak meninggalkan residu atau serat apa pun, memastikan luka atau prosedur medis tidak terkontaminasi. Swab steril MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm ini mudah digunakan dan cocok untuk berbagai aplikasi medis, termasuk pembersihan luka, pembalut luka, dan pembersihan medis umum. Kemasannya berisi 100 penyeka steril, menjadikannya ideal untuk profesional medis dan fasilitas kesehatan. Beberapa fitur utama penyeka steril MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm meliputi:
Bahan katun kelas atas
Sangat menyerap
Steril dan higienis
Konstruksi tahan lama
Tidak ada residu atau serat
Cocok untuk berbagai pengaturan medis
Secara keseluruhan, MEDISET Rundtupfer 4cm steril adalah produk medis unggulan yang memberikan solusi perawatan dan pembersihan luka yang efektif. Produk ini sangat terjangkau dan harus dimiliki oleh setiap profesional medis atau fasilitas kesehatan. ..
Mepilex Border Flex 12.5x12.5cm 595050 5 Stk
This is a package of 5 high-quality wound dressings from Mepilex. Each dressing measures 12.5 x 12.5 cm and features the latest in foam technology for effective wound care. The Mepilex Border Flex design incorporates a thin, flexible foam pad that adheres gently to the skin, providing a comfortable fit that reduces the risk of dressing-related trauma.
One of the key benefits of Mepilex Border Flex is its ability to conform to the curvatures and contours of the body. This makes it ideal for use on difficult-to-dress areas such as elbows, knees, and heels. The unique design also prevents leaks and reduces the risk of infection by creating a barrier that keeps wound exudate contained while allowing for the exchange of moisture and oxygen.
Another important feature of Mepilex Border Flex is its ease of use. The dressing can be easily applied and removed, reducing patient discomfort and increasing compliance. In addition, the dressing is durable and flexible, allowing patients to move freely without compromising the effectiveness of the treatment.
Mepilex Border Flex is suitable for use on a variety of wound types, including acute, chronic, and surgical wounds. It can be used on wounds that are exuding moderate to high levels of fluid and is effective at preventing skin breakdown and pressure ulcers. In summary, Mepilex Border Flex 12.5x12.5cm 595050 5 Stk is a highly versatile and effective wound dressing that is comfortable, easy to use, and appropriate for a wide range of applications. ..
Mepilex Border Flex Lite 10x10cm 5 Stk
The Mepilex Border Flex Lite is a flexible and thin all-in-one dressing designed for wound management. It is a comfortable and gentle dressing that is ideal for sensitive and fragile skin. The dressing measures 10x10cm and comes in a pack of 5, making it a cost-effective solution for wound care.
Flexible and thin: The dressing is designed to conform to the body's movements, ensuring comfort and allowing for a greater range of motion. It is thin and discreet, making it ideal for use on visible areas such as the face.
All-in-one: The Mepilex Border Flex Lite is an all-in-one dressing, meaning it can be used for all stages of wound healing. The dressing features a soft, conformable layer that adapts to the wound bed, an absorbent pad that effectively manages exudate, and a gentle silicone adhesive that conforms to the skin without causing trauma upon removal.
Secure fit: The dressing features a border of gentle adhesive that helps to keep the dressing securely in place without the need for additional taping or wrapping.
Cost-effective: The Mepilex Border Flex Lite comes in a pack of 5, making it a cost-effective solution for wound care.
Easy to apply and remove: The dressing is designed for easy application and removal, reducing pain and trauma associated with dressing changes.
Indications: The Mepilex Border Flex Lite is suitable for use on a variety of low-to-medium exuding wounds, including pressure ulcers, leg, and foot ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, surgical wounds, and abrasions.
Provides a comfortable and gentle dressing solution that is ideal for sensitive and fragile skin.
Allows for greater range of motion and flexibility.
Effectively manages exudate, promoting a moist wound healing environment.
Minimizes pain and trauma associated with dressing changes.
Reduces the risk of maceration and skin damage associated with prolonged dressing wear time.
Provides a cost-effective solution for wound care that reduces the need for frequent dressing changes.
Helps to promote wound healing and reduce the risk of infection.
Overall, the Mepilex Border Flex Lite is a high-quality dressing that provides a gentle and effective solution for wound management. Its flexibility and all-in-one design make it an ideal choice for a wide range of wounds, while its cost-effectiveness and ease of use make it a popular choice among healthcare professionals and patients alike...
Memperkenalkan tisu universal MIKROZID greenline SP, solusi praktis dan andal untuk disinfeksi yang efisien di lingkungan layanan kesehatan. Dirancang khusus untuk desinfeksi slide, tisu ini wajib dimiliki oleh para profesional perawatan luka dan keperawatan. Formula Greenline SP memastikan desinfeksi menyeluruh tanpa mengorbankan keamanan atau efektivitas. Setiap tisu dibuat secara ahli untuk memberikan disinfeksi spektrum luas, memberikan ketenangan pikiran di lingkungan berisiko tinggi. Sederhanakan proses desinfeksi Anda dengan tisu universal MIKROZID greenline SP dan prioritaskan kesehatan dan keselamatan pasien dan staf Anda. Percayai produk berkualitas terbaik ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan disinfeksi Anda dengan mudah dan presisi...
OMNIFIX Katheterspritze 50ml
The OMNIFIX Katheterspritze 50ml is a medical device designed to deliver medication to patients through a catheter. It is specially created to provide accuracy, safety and convenience when administering medication to patients.
This product comes in a pack of 10, each containing a 50ml syringe with a catheter tip. The syringe is made from high-quality, medical-grade polypropylene material and features a smooth-gliding plunger for easy and accurate dosage delivery.
The catheter tip is designed to fit securely onto a standard luer-lock connector, providing a reliable and secure connection to the catheter for medication administration. It also makes it easy to flush the catheter with saline solution, ensuring proper hygiene and reducing the risk of infection.
The OMNIFIX Katheterspritze 50ml is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics and at home healthcare settings. It is suitable for a wide range of clinical applications such as wound care, anesthesia, chemotherapy, and more.
With its high-quality construction, user-friendly design and reliable functionality, the OMNIFIX Katheterspritze 50ml is the perfect choice for healthcare providers and patients alike.
Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 5x7.5cm 5 Stk
The Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 5x7.5cm 5 Stk are an essential product for anyone who wants to keep their wounds clean and free from infection. Whether you're dealing with a minor cut or a more serious injury, these wound dressings are designed to provide your wound with the protection it needs to heal quickly and effectively.
Made with high-quality materials, these wound dressings are specifically designed to be durable and long-lasting, ensuring that they provide reliable protection for as long as you need it. The sterile design of these dressings also means that you can be sure they are free from any potential contaminants or bacteria that could further harm your wound.
Each pack comes with five wound dressings that measure 5x7.5cm. This compact size makes them an ideal choice for small to medium-sized wounds, helping to ensure that you have the right amount of protection when you need it most. The easy-to-use design of these dressings means that you can apply them quickly and with no fuss, enabling you to quickly get back to your day-to-day activities with minimal disruption.
Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality wound dressing that you can trust to provide reliable protection, the Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 5x7.5cm 5 Stk are an excellent choice. With their durable construction, sterile design, and easy-to-use application, these dressings are sure to become a go-to product for anyone who wants to ensure that their wounds heal quickly and effectively...
Product Description: SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq
SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq is a highly effective antimicrobial solution that contains pure silver nanoparticles. It is used for wound cleansing and wound bed preparation. The solution has been developed and formulated to provide a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, making it an ideal choice for wound care.
The solution works by releasing silver ions that are highly effective in reducing the number of microorganisms present in the wound bed. This antimicrobial action helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and other pathogens that can cause infection and delay the healing process.
Features and Benefits of SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq
Silver nanoparticles in the solution provide excellent disinfectant properties and are safe for use on all types of wounds. Some of the key features and benefits of SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq include:
Effective against a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Rapid antimicrobial action to prevent infection and promote healing.
Easy to use and apply on wounds.
The solution is non-irritant and does not cause any discomfort or pain.
Does not stain clothes or beddings.
Directions for Use
Before using, the wound should be cleaned with sterile water or saline solution. Apply SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq to the affected area and cover with a sterile dressing. The wound dressing should be changed as required, or as advised by the healthcare professional. The solution should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq is an innovative antimicrobial solution that provides effective wound care. With broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties and rapid action, it is ideal for use on all types of wounds, including acute and chronic wounds. It is easy to use, safe, and does not cause any discomfort or pain. Its unique formulation makes it a must-have for any first-aid kit or wound care solution. ..
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