
Suplemen nutrisi

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Di, kami menghadirkan kepada Anda berbagai koleksi produk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan dari Swiss. Rangkaian suplemen nutrisi kami termasuk dalam beragam kategori termasuk kesehatan dan nutrisi, produk diet dan pelangsing, vitamin, alat bantu pencernaan, diet khusus, dan banyak lagi. Baik Anda mencari suplemen protein untuk membantu pertumbuhan otot, minuman kolagen untuk meningkatkan estetika kulit, tablet vitamin untuk melawan kekebalan, atau teh hijau untuk meningkatkan metabolisme, kami siap membantu Anda. Produk topikal kami seperti perawatan tubuh dan rangkaian perawatan kulit dilengkapi dengan nutrisi penting untuk membuat kulit tampak awet muda. Anda menganggap kami inklusif karena kami memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan diet seperti produk bebas gluten dan ramah vegan. Jelajahi koleksi kami dan biarkan produk kami berkontribusi pada upaya Anda mencapai kehidupan yang sehat dan bercahaya.
Bubuk jemalt kalsium plus 450 gr

Bubuk jemalt kalsium plus 450 gr

Kode produk: 7811547

Bubuk yang secara khusus berkontribusi terhadap pemeliharaan tulang normal. Mengandung kalsium, magnesium, zinc, dan vitamin D3.DESKRIPSI PRODUKBubuk Jemalt Kalsium plus secara khusus digunakan untuk membangun dan menjaga kesehatan tulang. Ini mengandung nutrisi kalsium, magnesium, seng dan vitamin D3 berharga yang penting untuk metabolisme tulang. Satu porsi harian (25 g) memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan harian orang dewasa (100%) dari zat gizi mikro ini. Jemalt Kalsium plus sangat cocok untuk wanita berusia 35 tahun ke atas, untuk wanita selama menopause dan setelah menopause, untuk kaum muda, untuk pria di atas 55 tahun, dan untuk orang yang sedikit atau tidak mengonsumsi produk susu. Bubuk dengan kalsium, magnesium, seng, dan vitamin D3Berkontribusi pada pemeliharaan tulang normalBebas laktosa INFORMASI MAKANANKomposisiBahan: BARLEY MALT EXTRACT 61%, mineral (trikalsium fosfat, magnesium karbonat, magnesium sitrat, seng sulfat), sirup glukosa, kakao rendah lemak bubuk¹, minyak lobak, acidulant (asam sitrat), perisa (vanilin), vitamin D.#¹bersertifikasi Rainforest Alliance. Informasi lebih lanjut:® kalsium plus dapat dengan mudah dimasukkan ke dalam rencana menu harian Anda. Misalnya dengan susu, minuman kedelai, yoghurt, muesli atau kopi. Anjuran konsumsi / porsi harian: Dewasa dan remaja usia 13 tahun ke atas: 5 sendok teh (= 25 g). Untuk anak usia 4 tahun ke atas sebaiknya dosisnya setengah. Nilai nutrisi Nilai nutrisiCrowdPer% Akurasi pengukuran energi1418 kJ100 gNilai perkiraan (~)energi335 kkal100 gNilai perkiraan (~)natrium10 mg100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Lemak, termasuk asam lemak jenuh0,8g100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Karbohidrat yang mengandung gula33,8g100 gPerkiraan nilai (~)Kalsium2840 mg100 gNilai perkiraan (~)magnesium1350 mg100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Vitamin D20 mcg100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Garam0,03g100 gNilai perkiraan (~)serat3,9g100 gNilai perkiraan (~)seng20 mg100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Protein5.6g100 gNilai perkiraan (~)karbohidrat68.8g100 gNilai perkiraan (~)Lemak3.3g100 gNilai perkiraan (~) AlergenMengandung Produk barley dan barley (biji-bijian yang mengandung gluten)Sereal yang mengandung gluten dan produk sereal yang mengandung gluten PetunjukSimpan di tempat yang terlindung dari panas dan kering. Jangan melebihi porsi harian yang disarankan. Suplemen makanan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai pengganti makanan yang bervariasi. Pastikan Anda memiliki makanan yang bervariasi dan seimbang dan gaya hidup sehat.Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak kecil.Obat magnesium dapat memiliki efek pencahar...

20,48 USD

Chrisana venen vital kaps ds 120 stk

Chrisana venen vital kaps ds 120 stk

Kode produk: 7823416

Memperkenalkan CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps, suplemen makanan premium yang dirancang untuk mendukung kesehatan pembuluh darah dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Dikemas dengan campuran bahan-bahan alami yang ampuh, termasuk ekstrak kastanye kuda, sapu daging, dan vitamin C, kapsul ini bekerja secara sinergis untuk memperkuat dan mengencangkan pembuluh darah, mengurangi munculnya urat laba-laba, dan meningkatkan sirkulasi yang sehat. Apakah Anda ingin memperbaiki tampilan kaki Anda atau mendukung sistem kardiovaskular Anda, CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps memberikan solusi yang nyaman dan efektif. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada kaki yang lelah dan pegal serta sambut pembuluh darah yang lebih sehat dengan formula khusus ini. Tambahkan CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps ke rutinitas harian Anda dan rasakan sendiri manfaatnya...

46,67 USD

Colibiogen lös kinder

Colibiogen lös kinder

Kode produk: 7811140

COLIBIOGEN Lös Kinder The COLIBIOGEN Lös Kinder is a specially formulated solution for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal tract infections in children. This product contains live bacterial strains, which help to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut. Developed by the German pharmaceutical company COLIBIOLIMIT, COLIBIOGEN Lös Kinder is a trusted product among healthcare providers and parents alike. It is recommended for use in children over the age of two years to help support their natural defences against infections. Key Benefits Supports a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut Helps prevent and treat gastrointestinal tract infections in children Suitable for children over 2 years of age Usage Instructions The recommended dosage for COLIBIOGEN Lös Kinder is: Children aged 2 to 6 years: 2.5 ml, taken 3 times a day Children aged 6 to 12 years: 5 ml, taken 3 times a day The solution should be taken at least 30 minutes before a meal. It can be taken for up to 10 days, but it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting treatment. Ingredients Bifidobacterium lactis DSM 32269 Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 22892 Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 53103 Excipients: maltitol (E 965), trisodium citrate dihydrate (E 331), magnesium stearate (E 470b), lemon flavouring, purified water Warnings and Precautions COLIBIOGEN Lös Kinder should not be used in children under the age of 2 years If the child has a fever, consult with a healthcare provider before starting treatment If the child experiences any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare provider ..

56,90 USD

Dr. jacob's vitamin d3k2 oil forte

Dr. jacob's vitamin d3k2 oil forte

Kode produk: 7811049

Vitamin D3 yang digunakan diperoleh dengan penyinaran sinar UV terhadap lilin wol (lanolin) yang berasal dari bulu domba hewan hidup. (Per botol Vitamin D3K2 Öl forte, sekitar 0,04 g lanolin digunakan untuk memproduksi vitamin D.) Buatan Jerman. Nama properti Suplemen makanan. Sinergi vitamin untuk tulang dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Komposisi Minyak MCT (trigliserida rantai menengah dari minyak kelapa), antioksidan: vitamin E alami, vitamin D3, menaquinone (vitamin K2, all-trans MK-7). Properti Vitamin K2 rantai panjang (all-trans MK-7) terbuat dari zat tumbuhanVitamin D dan K berkontribusi pada fungsi tubuh normal berikut:Vitamin D3 :menjaga fungsi otot normalmenjaga tulang & gigi normalsistem kekebalanvitamin K2 : Pelestarian tulang< /p> Gunakan 1 tetes setiap hari (dari 11 tahun) Tanggal Best Before dan nomor batch : lihat bagian bawah kemasan. Gunakan dalam waktu 6 bulan setelah dibuka. Alergen Berisi Tidak ada alergen yang dinyatakan Catatan Simpan di tempat sejuk (6-25°C) dan terlindung dari cahaya. Jika Anda mengonsumsi antagonis vitamin K (antikoagulan tipe kumarin), Anda harus berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Dosis harian yang dianjurkan tidak boleh dilampaui. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Suplemen makanan bukanlah pengganti makanan yang bervariasi. Info tambahan Bebas laktosa, bebas kedelai, bebas gluten, dan vegetarian. ..

78,95 USD

Extra cell man minuman 20 btl 27 g

Extra cell man minuman 20 btl 27 g

Kode produk: 7811805

Complete for men with 40+ ingredients. ExtraCellMan contributes to the maintenance of important bodily functions: testosterone, sperm formation, fertility, reproduction, vitality, well-being, nervous and immune systems, mental and intellectual functions, cholesterol , liver, fat metabolism, muscles and energy, bone structure, skin, hair, nails, cell protection against oxidative stress and vision. ExtraCellMan Drink Aroma Orange ? Composition: Maca. The Maca plant comes from the Peruvian high Andes and has been used by men since the Stone Age for its nutritional physiological benefits. ExtraCell Man contains organic, sun-dried maca root.Pumpkin seed extract. Pumpkin seeds contain valuable nutrients that men have been taking for centuries.High-dose L-arginine, L-citrulin, Q10, L-carnitine, creatine10,000 mg marine and low-molecular collagen peptides Type I, IIIEssential amino acids L-lysine and L-valineVegan glucosamine sulfateVegan hyaluronic acid3 carotenoids: zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene. Carotenoids are phytochemicals that the human body converts into vitamin A. They usually have a yellowish-orange to red color. Well-known carotenoids are lycopene (from tomatoes), zeaxanthin (corn), lutein (kale, spinach).Beta-glucanCholineFruits and plant extracts: Rose hip, turmeric, millet, green tea, pomegranate, edelweiss herb, yellow gentian rootVitamins: C, E, D3, B complex (B1, B2, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid) Minerals: calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, seleniumAdvantages of these ingredients for skin, hair, nails and connective tissue:Collagen, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine are natural components of connective tissue and skin. Biotin and zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. Collagen is a protein in the skin. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal skin function.Copper contributes to normal skin pigmentation.Manganese contributes to normal connective tissue formation, copper to its maintenance.Biotin, selenium and zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal hair.Copper contributes to normal hair pigmentation.Selenium and zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal nails. li> Well-being and health benefits of these ingredients: Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, normal fertility and normal reproduction. Selenium contributes to normal sperm formation.Magnesium, copper, calcium, B vitamins (thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3, pantothenic acid B5, B6, B12, biotin) contribute to normal energy metabolism. Magnesium, Riboflavin B2, Niacin B3, Pantothenic Acid B5, Vitamins B6 and B12 help reduce tiredness and fatigue.Magnesium, Copper, Thiamin B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin B3 , vitamins B6 and B12, biotin contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.Magnesium, thiamine B1, niacin B3, biotin, vitamins B6 and B12 contribute to normal mental function.Pantothenic acid B5 contributes to normal mental performance.Vitamins B6, B12, C, D, selenium, copper and zinc contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.Beta-glucans (from oats ) contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.Choline contributes to normal lipid metabolism and the maintenance of normal liver function.Zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, vitamins B2, C and E help protect cells from oxidative stress.Zinc and riboflavin (B2) help maintain normal vision.Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D contribute to a normal muscle function.Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones. Magnesium, zinc, vitamins D3 and K2 contribute to the maintenance of normal bones.Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal cartilage function. Copper contributes to the maintenance of normal connective tissue (ligaments and tendons). Manganese contributes to normal connective tissue formation. Promotion for your customers ! Procedure: If you buy 2 Swiss Alp Health products at the same time, we offer 1 free pack of ExtraCellProtect or ExtraCellHyalo. The purchase of the two packs must be shown on the same receipt. This is only valid for end consumers. You or your customers send us the ORIGINAL receipt by post to Swiss Alp Health, Route d'Arnier 4, 1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne or by e-mail to After receiving the receipt, we will send your customers the free pack of ExtraCellProtect or ExtraCellHyalo postage paid directly to you. Please do not forget the delivery address. ..

198,03 USD

Fitofarmaka kohle kaps ds 30 stk

Fitofarmaka kohle kaps ds 30 stk

Kode produk: 7818474

Composition 225 mg Coconut Shell Vegetable Charcoal, Rice Extract (Release Agent), Per Capsule. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Adults: Take 2 to 3 capsules 3 times a day with a glass of water. Children between 6 and 15 years: Take 1 to 4 capsules daily with a glass of water. Composition 225 mg of coconut shell vegetable charcoal, rice extract (release agent), per capsule. Properties h3> Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Adults: Take 2 to 3 capsules 3 times a day with a glass of water. Children between 6 and 15 years: Take 1 to 4 capsules daily with a glass of water. ..

22,42 USD

Flavovenyl venenvital kaps

Flavovenyl venenvital kaps

Kode produk: 7821550

FLAVOVENYL VENENVITAL Kaps FLAVOVENYL VENENVITAL Kaps is a natural food supplement that is formulated to support healthy veins and circulation in the body. It contains a blend of natural ingredients including flavonoids from red grapefruit, vitamin C, and horse chestnut extract that work together to improve blood flow and reduce the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that can help promote healthy circulation by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the blood vessels. They can also improve the elasticity of the veins, making them less prone to damage and injury. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that supports collagen production, which is essential for vein health. Horse chestnut extract has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help reduce swelling and improve circulation. This extract is also a rich source of aescin, a compound that can improve the tone and strength of the veins, making them less likely to become swollen or twisted. FLAVOVENYL VENENVITAL Kaps is a safe and effective way to support healthy veins and circulation without the use of harsh chemicals or artificial additives. It is free from gluten, lactose, and artificial coloring, making it suitable for those with dietary restrictions or allergies. Take two capsules daily with water for best results. Invest in your health and improve your circulation with FLAVOVENYL VENENVITAL Kaps today! ..

58,94 USD

Ialuril soft gels 60 pieces

Ialuril soft gels 60 pieces

Kode produk: 7806864

Komposisi Trigliserida rantai menengah, gelatin, kondroitin sulfat (10,2%), kuersetin (10,2%), ekstrak kunyit yang dikomplekskan dengan fosfolipid kedelai (10,2%), bahan pengencang: E422, asam hialuronat (5,1%), pengemulsi: lesitin kedelai (E322), fosfatidilkolin dalam trigliserida rantai menengah (kedelai) (E322), pewarna: E172.. Karakteristik Bebas gluten; bebas laktosa. 1 kapsul mengandung 100mg kondroitin sulfat. Aplikasi Dianjurkan untuk meminum 2 kapsul sebagai dosis tunggal terus menerus sekali sehari selama minimal 30 hari. Petunjuk Penggunaan produk tidak dianjurkan jika terjadi perubahan fungsi hati dan kandung empedu atau batu empedu. Jika Anda sedang mengonsumsi obat, sebaiknya konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda...

68,65 USD

Livsane a-z multivitamin depot tabl ch versi 60 stk

Livsane a-z multivitamin depot tabl ch versi 60 stk

Kode produk: 7810562

Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a comprehensive multivitamin that provides essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient and easy-to-use format. It is designed to provide daily nutritional support for people of all ages and is particularly helpful for those who may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals from their diets alone. This multivitamin contains a wide range of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D3, E, and KIt also contains essential minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. This combination of essential vitamins and minerals provides a comprehensive nutritional supplement for optimal health and wellbeing. The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a very convenient way to ensure that you are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It comes in a depot tablet form, which is easy to swallow and guarantees slow release of nutrients over a period of time. The product is also vegetarian-friendly and does not contain unnecessary additives, artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors. Additionally, the product is gluten-free and lactose-free, making it a suitable choice for people with specific dietary requirements. Overall, Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a high-quality product that provides essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health and wellbeing. Its convenient depot tablet format, comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals, and vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free formulation makes it a great choice for anyone looking to boost their nutritional intake...

47,25 USD

Natalben mama kaps 60 stk

Natalben mama kaps 60 stk

Kode produk: 7815462

Nutritional supplements for breastfeeding women. Property name Natalben Mama (new formula) Composition Sunflower oil, calcium hydrogen phosphate, edible gelatine (bovine gelatine), magnesium oxide, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), sunflower lecithin (E322), sorbitol (E420), ascorbic acid (Vit C ), beeswax (E901), glycerin (E422), beta-carotene (provitamin A), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (Vit E), ferronyl iron, black iron oxides (E172), zinc oxide, calcium D pantothenate (Vit B5) , phytomenadione (Vit K1), cyanocobalamin (Vit B12), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit B6), thiamine mononitrate (Vit B1), riboflavin (Vit B2), (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt (Vit B9), cholecalciferol (Vit D) , potassium iodide, biotin (Vit B8), sodium selenite.. Properties Natalben mama is a dietary supplement specially developed to meet the nutritional needs of breastfeeding women in Switzerland. Natalben mama contains 12 vitamins (including Quatrefolic, an innovative biologically active form of folate), 4 trace elements (including iodine), 3 minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus) and the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.Natalben Mama helps to cover the increased nutritional needs of breastfeeding women and thus contributes to the mother's general well-being and optimal development of the breastfed child normal function of the immune system. Without palm oil, without pork gelatine, gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free.Soft capsule made from edible gelatine (beef). Use Take 2 capsules a day with a glass of water, if possible with a meal.NATALBEN mama can take it immediately after the birth of your child and throughout the breastfeeding period be taken.A pack of Natalben Mama contains 60 soft capsules for 1 month. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy1880 kJ100 g Energy455 kcal100 g Fat41.8 g100 g Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids1.7 g100 g Carbohydrates8.1 g100 g Carbohydrates, including sugar0.5 g100 gSmaller than () td> Protein11.5 g100 g Salt0.198 g100 g Vitamin A39,896 mg100 g Vitamin D590 µg100 g Vitamin E500 mg100 g Vitamin K1.76 mg100 g Vitamin C3.67 g100 g Thiamine (vitamin B1)40 mg100 g Riboflavin (vitamin B2)40 mg100 g Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)60 mg100 g Folic acid13,201 mg100 g Vitamin B120.16 mg100 g Biotin5.87mg100g Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)180 mg100 g Calcium5.867 g100 g Phosphorus4.475 g100 g Magnesium7.334g100g Iron0.59 g100 g Zinc0.16 g100 g Selenium2.19 mg100 g Iodine5.867 mg100 g Omega-3 fatty acids7.04 g100 g Notes Store away from light and between 15-25°C. Additional info Palm oil-free, without pork gelatine, gluten-free, lactose-free, sugar-free. Edible gelatine (beef) soft capsule. ..

49,44 USD

Naturstein semprotan vitamin b12

Naturstein semprotan vitamin b12

Kode produk: 7820292

NATURSTEIN Vitamin B12 Spray Introducing the NATURSTEIN Vitamin B12 Spray ? a revolutionary product for providing your body with the essential nutrient Vitamin B12 in convenient and effective form. Vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining healthy red blood cells and nerve cells, and plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis and overall energy production. This specially formulated spray is designed to be easy to use ? simply spray directly into your mouth or onto your food, allowing the body to quickly absorb the vitamin B12 it contains. Each spray delivers a dose of 1000mcg of Vitamin B12 ? more than enough to meet the recommended daily intake of this important nutrient. This spray is made from high-quality, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and colours, and is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. The compact and portable design makes it perfect for people on-the-go, and the pleasant-tasting cherry flavour makes it a great supplement for people who dislike swallowing pills or capsules. Benefits of NATURSTEIN Vitamin B12 Spray: Convenient and easy to use Delivers 1000mcg of Vitamin B12 per spray Promotes healthy red blood cells and nerve cells Aids in DNA synthesis and energy production Made from high-quality, natural ingredients Suitable for vegans and vegetarians Pleasant-tasting cherry flavour Don?t let a lack of Vitamin B12 impact your health and well-being. Try NATURSTEIN Vitamin B12 Spray today and feel the benefits of this important nutrient...

31,55 USD

Omni-biotic femme plv 28 btl 2 g

Omni-biotic femme plv 28 btl 2 g

Kode produk: 7809648

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria. Composition Maltodextrin, Fructooligosaccharides, lactic acid bacteria, corn starch, sodium ascorbate. The daily dose contains 2 g (= 1 port.) 5 billion and 4 g (= 2 port.) 10 billion of the following living lactic acid bacteria (CFU)°: Lactobacillus crispatus LBV88, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LBV96 , Lactobacillus gasseri LBV150N, Lactobacillus jensenii LBV116.° CFU = colony-forming units.. Application 1-2 x daily 1 sachet of OMNI ? BIOTIC® FEMME (= Stir 2 g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measuring accuracy Energy33 kJ td>Per 2 gEnergy8 kcal Per 2 gFat0 gPer 2 gFat, of which saturated fatty acids0 g Per 2 gCarbohydrates1.9 gPer 2 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0.1 gPer 2 gprotein0 g Per 2 gSalt0.01 gPer 2 gLess than () Notes No animal protein, gluten or yeast has been added to the product. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store out of the reach of small children. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are important. Additional info Vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free. ..

78,69 USD

Omni-biotic pro-vi 5 plv 30 btl 2 g

Omni-biotic pro-vi 5 plv 30 btl 2 g

Kode produk: 7809647

OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 ? your partner for the immune system Composition Live lactic acid bacteria, corresp.: Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus LB2 (LMG P-21905), corresp.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 (DSM 21690), corresp.: Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 12246), corresp.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 (DSM 29673), corresp.: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (DSM 15954), per bag (2g). Properties Contains 5 specially selected lactic acid bacterial strains in combination with vitamin D. Application Children from 3 years and adults: 1 - 2 x daily stir 1 sachet (= 2 g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml). , wait 1 minute for activation, stir and drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. If you take OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 twice a day, we recommend using it before breakfast and before dinner. Notes Pregnant and breastfeeding women may take OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5. The five lactic acid bacterial strains occur naturally in the human intestine. Additional info Lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free, suitable for vegetarians. ..

77,85 USD

Omni-logic fiber plv

Omni-logic fiber plv

Kode produk: 7823742

OMNI-LOGIC Fiber Plv OMNI-LOGIC Fiber Plv adalah suplemen berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan usus dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan pencernaan. Produk unik ini diformulasikan menggunakan campuran serat larut dan tidak larut, yang membantu meningkatkan keteraturan pencernaan, meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi, dan mendukung kesehatan usus besar secara keseluruhan. Fitur dan Manfaat: Serat Berkualitas Tinggi: OMNI-LOGIC Fiber Plv mengandung campuran serat larut dan tidak larut, yang membantu meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan dan keteraturan. Mudah Digunakan: Suplemen ini hadir dalam bentuk bubuk yang nyaman, yang dapat ditambahkan ke minuman atau makanan favorit Anda agar mudah dikonsumsi. Meningkatkan Penyerapan Nutrisi: Serat dalam suplemen membantu meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi dan meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan. Meningkatkan Kesehatan Usus Besar: Penggunaan OMNI-LOGIC Fiber Plv secara teratur dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan usus besar dan mengurangi risiko masalah terkait usus besar. Secara keseluruhan, OMNI-LOGIC Fiber Plv adalah pilihan tepat bagi siapa saja yang ingin meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan pencernaan mereka. Dengan campuran serat berkualitas tinggi dan format yang mudah digunakan, suplemen ini menyediakan cara yang nyaman dan efektif untuk mendukung pencernaan yang sehat dan meningkatkan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. ..

40,97 USD

Phytopharma magnesium trio ds 100 pcs

Phytopharma magnesium trio ds 100 pcs

Kode produk: 7814566

Komposisi Magnesium sitrat 25,5% (312,5 mg), magnesium bisglisinat 17% (208,3 mg), magnesium malat 25,5% (312,5 mg), vitamin C 4,4% (53,3 mg), vitamin B6 0,04% (0,47 mg), pemanis: sorbitol, xylitol, zat pelepas: magnesium stearat, zat penggembur: selulosa, rasa jeruk.. Sifat Vegan, bebas laktosa, bebas gluten. Aplikasi 3 tablet kunyah per hari. Nilai gizi Nilai gizi Kuantitas per % Akurasi pengukuran Magnesium 375 mg 3 tablet kunyah Vitamin C 160 mg 3 tablet kunyah Piridoksin (Vitamin B6) 1,4 mg 3 tablet kunyah Komposisi Magnesium sitrat 25,5% (312,5 mg), magnesium bisglisinat 17% (208,3 mg), magnesium malat 25,5% (312,5 mg), vitamin C 4,4% (53,3 mg), vitamin B6 0,04% (0,47 mg), pemanis: Sorbitol, xylitol, zat pelepas: magnesium stearat, zat penggembur: selulosa, jeruk aroma.. Properti Vegan, bebas laktosa, bebas gluten. Gunakan 3 tablet kunyah per hari. Informasi nutrisi tabel> Nilai giziJumlahper%Akurasi pengukuran Magnesium375 mg3 tablet kunyah Vitamin C160 mg3 tablet kunyah Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)1,4 mg3 tablet kunyah ..

37,10 USD

Phytopharma pahit tropfen

Phytopharma pahit tropfen

Kode produk: 7813353

Phytopharma bitter drops are nevertheless tasty and contain choline. Choline contributes to maintaining normal liver function and normal lipid metabolism. Composition Water, centaury 1.5%, wormwood 1.5%, artichokes 1.5 %, gentian root 1%, bitter orange 0.8%, ginger 0.8%, cardamom 0.8%, zedoary root 0.8%, turmeric root 0.8%, dandelion root 0.8%, yarrow herb 0.8%, angelica root 0.8%, fennel 0.5%, black cumin 0.3%, lavender flowers 0.3%, Choline bitartrate 10%, preservatives: potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate. Without alcohol. . Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, alcohol-free. With pipette attachment. Application Put 18 drops 3 times a day throughout the day directly on the tongue or in a little water or 1 pipette filling (54 drops = 2 ml) daily . Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measurement accuracy Choline, total83 mg 54 drops / gouttes Notes Keep away from children. Additional info All plants were obtained using an aqueous extract. ..

25,11 USD

Proteochoc kaps 12 stk

Proteochoc kaps 12 stk

Kode produk: 7819026

Proteochoc Kaps 12 Stk Description: The Proteochoc Kaps 12 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains antioxidants and proteins. The product comes in packs of 12 capsules and is designed to provide a boost of energy and nourishment to the body. Each capsule contains high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. The antioxidants in the product help protect the body's cells from oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic diseases. Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate Milk Protein Vitamin E Vitamin C Iron Zinc The combination of these ingredients provides a complete nutritional profile that can help support overall health and well-being. The product is also free from artificial preservatives and is suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Usage: The recommended dosage for Proteochoc Kaps 12 Stk is one capsule per day. The product can be taken with or without food, however, it is recommended to take it with a meal to aid in the absorption of the nutrients. It is important to drink plenty of water when taking the product to ensure that the body stays hydrated. Benefits: Provides a high-quality source of protein Contains antioxidants to protect the body's cells from oxidative stress Contributes to overall health and well-being Free from artificial preservatives Suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals Proteochoc Kaps 12 Stk is a great dietary supplement for individuals who are looking to increase their protein intake and boost their overall health. The product is easy to use and provides a complete nutritional profile that can help support a healthy and active lifestyle. ..

30,50 USD

Pure vitamin b12 folat lutschtabl schweiz ds 90 stk

Pure vitamin b12 folat lutschtabl schweiz ds 90 stk

Kode produk: 7812909

Vitamin B12 Murni Folat Lutschtabl Schweiz Ds 90 Stk Pure Vitamin B12 Folat Lutschtabl Schweiz Ds 90 Stk adalah suplemen oral yang membantu Anda meningkatkan kadar vitamin B12 dan folat. Suplemen ini hadir dalam bentuk tablet yang dapat dilarutkan, sehingga mudah untuk Anda konsumsi tanpa membutuhkan air. Setiap botol berisi 90 tablet, memastikan persediaan yang cukup untuk bertahan selama berbulan-bulan.Manfaat: Meningkatkan energi: Vitamin B12 membantu tubuh Anda menghasilkan lebih banyak energi dengan mengubah makanan yang Anda makan menjadi ATP, yang merupakan mata uang energi untuk sel Anda. Mendukung fungsi otak: Vitamin B12 sangat penting untuk kesehatan otak dan membantu fungsi kognitif, memori, dan konsentrasi. Mengatur suasana hati: Vitamin B12 diketahui dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan mengurangi gejala depresi. Melawan anemia: Vitamin B12 dan folat diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel darah merah yang membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh Anda. Penggunaan: Vitamin B12 Folat Lutschtabl Schweiz Ds 90 Stk Murni mudah dikonsumsi. Cukup larutkan satu tablet di mulut Anda setiap hari, sebaiknya dengan makan. Dosis yang dianjurkan untuk orang dewasa adalah 1000 mcg vitamin B12 dan 400 mcg folat per hari. Jika Anda sedang hamil atau menyusui, konsultasikan dengan dokter sebelum mengonsumsi suplemen apa pun.Perhatian: Jangan melebihi dosis yang dianjurkan. Jauhkan suplemen dari jangkauan anak-anak. Simpan suplemen di tempat sejuk dan kering jauh dari sinar matahari langsung.Pure Vitamin B12 Folat Lutschtabl Schweiz Ds 90 Stk adalah suplemen berkualitas tinggi yang mengutamakan kemurnian dan potensi. Pesan persediaan Anda sekarang dan rasakan manfaat kadar vitamin B12 dan folat yang lebih baik...

52,23 USD

Strath iron natürl eisen+kräuterhefe tabl

Strath iron natürl eisen+kräuterhefe tabl

Kode produk: 7817877

Strath Iron contains fermented herbal yeast and natural fermented iron derived from the koji mushroom. The iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion and to a normal energy-yielding metabolism. The natural iron is well tolerated and has a high bioavailability. Additional vitamin C from the acerola cherry increases iron absorption. Iron in Strath Iron- contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion- contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism- contributes to normal cognitive function Vitamin C in Strath Iron- increases iron absorption Application Adults and adolescents from 12 years of age: 1 tablet per day. 1 tablet covers 100% of the daily iron nutrient reference value (14 mg).Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Properties Dietary supplement for women, vegans, vegetarians, people who are active in sports, people with celiac disease, pregnant women, nursing mothers. Composition Ingredients: Plasmolysed herbal yeast 26% (S. cerevisiae, herbal extract), bulking agent (microcrystalline cellulose), fermented koji with iron 17% (inactive koji, ferrous sulphate), bulking agent (calcium phosphate), corn starch, acerola powder 5%, glazing agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) , coloring (caramel), stabilizer (fatty acids), glazing agent (fatty acids), rice starch, coloring (vegetable charcoal). Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountperAmountper 1.05 gnutrient -Reference value Energy1035 kJ100 g10.9 kJ1 tabletEnergy249 kcal100 g 2.6 kcal1 tabletFat3.2 g100 g11 tabletFat, of which saturated Fatty acids1 g100 g11 tabletCarbohydrates18 g100 g11 tablet Carbohydrates, including sugar1.3 g100 g11 tabletprotein18.7 g100 g 11 tabletsalt1 g100 g 11 tabletVitamin c1714 mg100 g121 tablet15%iron1333 mg100g141 tablet100% Notes Store in the original packaging below 25°C.Keep out of the reach of children. ..

42,09 USD

Supradyn pro immuno plus kaps blist 56 stk

Supradyn pro immuno plus kaps blist 56 stk

Kode produk: 7822610

Dietary supplement with 5 vitamins, zinc, probiotic and echinacea extract. Composition 30 µg vitamin D, 200 mg vitamin C, 1.65 mg Vitamin B6, 200 µg vitamin B9, 4 µg vitamin B12, 4 mg zinc, 100 mg echinacea extract, Bifidobacterium lactis BIO4, per daily dose (1 dark capsule + 1 light capsule). Application From the age of 15: take 1 dark capsule (echinacea + vitamins and minerals) and 1 light capsule (bifidobacteria) daily with plenty of liquid. Do not take longer than 8 weeks. Notes  Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Additional info Made in France. ..

52,51 USD

Symbiolac plv 30 btl 2 g

Symbiolac plv 30 btl 2 g

Kode produk: 7808017

Bubuk suplemen makanan dengan bakteri asam laktat dan biotinKomposisi Maltodekstrin, bakteri asam laktat beku-kering* 3%, silikon dioksida bahan anti-penggumpalan, biotin. *Lactobacillus paracasei (LC-01 TM), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5®), Lactococcus lactis (R-707-1 T), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12®). Mungkin mengandung jejak protein SUSU..PropertiBiotin membantu menjaga selaput lendir normal (misalnya di usus).Bebas dari laktosa dan gluten . Aplikasi1-2 kali sehari, tuangkan isi satu sachet ke dalam gelas, tambahkan 100-150 ml air non-karbonasi, aduk dan minum di awal makan utama. Dosis harian yang disarankan tidak boleh dilampaui.Nilai nutrisiNilai nutrisi Jumlahper%Akurasi pengukuran Biotin60 µg2 kantong / sachet AlergenBebas dariSereal yang mengandung gluten dan produk sereal yang mengandung glutenGula susu (laktosa)Dapat berisiSusu dan produk susuCatatan Mungkin mengandung jejak protein susu. Suplemen makanan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai pengganti diet yang bervariasi dan seimbang serta gaya hidup sehat. Simpan pada suhu kamar, di tempat yang kering dan jauh dari jangkauan anak kecil. ..

75,81 USD

Symbiolact plv

Symbiolact plv

Kode produk: 7808018

Food supplement powder with lactic acid bacteria and biotin Composition Maltodextrin, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria* 3%, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, biotin. *Lactobacillus paracasei (LC-01 TM), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5®), Lactococcus lactis (R-707-1 T), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12®). May contain traces of MILK protein.. Properties Biotin helps maintain normal mucous membranes (e.g. in the intestines).Free from lactose and gluten. Application 1-2 times a day, pour the contents of one sachet into a glass, add 100-150 ml of non-carbonated water, stir and drink at the beginning of a main meal . The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Nutritional values Nutritional value Amountper%Measurement accuracy Biotin60 µg2 bags / sachets Allergens Free from Cereals containing gluten and cereal products containing glutenMilk sugar (lactose) May contain Milk and milk products Notes May contain traces of milk protein. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store at room temperature, in a dry place and out of the reach of small children. ..

200,46 USD

Tanaman adropectol pastillen

Tanaman adropectol pastillen

Kode produk: 7815062

Product Description - ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen Looking for a natural solution to help your plants thrive? Look no further than ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen. Product Description ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen are a specially formulated supplement for plants that promotes healthy growth and development. Made with natural ingredients, these pastilles provide the necessary nutrients and minerals to support your plants at all stages of growth. The unique blend of ingredients in ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen includes calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and other essential micronutrients that are often lacking in soil and can lead to stunted growth and poor health in plants. These pastilles are easy to use and can be inserted directly into the soil where the plant is growing. They dissolve slowly over time, releasing the nutrients your plant needs to thrive. ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen are suitable for use on a wide range of plants, including houseplants, herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Benefits Promotes healthy growth and development Provides essential nutrients and minerals Easy-to-use pastilles Slow-release formula Suitable for a wide range of plants Usage Insert one pastille into the soil for each plant every 4-6 weeks or as needed. For best results, ensure that the pastille is inserted as close to the root system as possible. Order Now Give your plants the nutrients they need to thrive with ADROPECTOL Plants Pastillen. Order now and see the difference for yourself!..

33,06 USD

Vita amara set kapseln drink und shaker

Vita amara set kapseln drink und shaker

Kode produk: 7822562

Vita amara Set Kapseln Drink und Shaker The Vita amara Set Kapseln Drink und Shaker is the ultimate wellness package for those who are looking for a high-quality supplement to support their physical and mental health. The set contains three essential components: Vita amara Kapseln, Vita amara Drink, and Vita amara Shaker. Vita amara Kapseln The Vita amara Kapseln are nutritional supplements made with a blend of natural ingredients that work to boost your immune system and support your overall health. These capsules contain a potent mixture of vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea, which are known for their immune-boosting properties. The capsules are also enriched with magnesium, which helps to support your muscles and energy production. Vita amara Drink The Vita amara Drink is a refreshing and revitalizing beverage that contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to help you achieve better health and wellness. The drink contains a special blend of magnesium, vitamin C, and zinc, which work to support your immune system and overall health. It is also enriched with green tea extracts and ginger, which have been shown to boost metabolism and support weight loss. Vita amara Shaker The Vita amara Shaker is the perfect accessory for your Vita amara Kapseln and Vita amara Drink. This shaker is designed to make it easy to mix your supplements into your drink, ensuring that you get the optimal benefits from these products. The shaker also features a leak-proof lid and a convenient carrying handle, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. Together, these three components make the Vita amara Set Kapseln Drink und Shaker the ultimate wellness package for anyone who wants to support their overall health and well-being. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, increase your energy levels, or support your metabolism, this set has everything you need to achieve your goals. ..

202,96 USD

Vita immunoxanthin kaps ds 50 stk

Vita immunoxanthin kaps ds 50 stk

Kode produk: 7813840

The Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is a high-quality dietary supplement that has been formulated to support immune system health. The supplement contains a special blend of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients that have been carefully selected to strengthen the immune system, protect against oxidative damage, and promote overall health and well-being. Each capsule is packed with a potent combination of vitamins C, E, and D, along with beta-carotene, selenium, and other essential antioxidants that help to neutralize harmful free radicals, reduce inflammation, and support cellular health. These nutrients work together to improve immune function, boost energy levels, and enhance overall vitality. One of the key ingredients in Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is the antioxidant astaxanthin, which is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Astaxanthin has been clinically proven to reduce cellular inflammation and promote healthy immune system function, making it an essential nutrient for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. Overall, Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is a must-have supplement for anyone looking to boost their immune system and protect against oxidative damage. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health, increase your energy levels, or simply stay healthy and protected against illness, this powerful supplement provides the support you need to live your best life. ..

123,38 USD

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