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Di Beeovita, kami menghadirkan kepada Anda produk Kesehatan & Kecantikan berkualitas tinggi dari Swiss, yang merangkum manfaat kuat Hidroksiapatit. Bersumber dari lanskap Swiss yang masih asli, produk kami mulai dari perawatan tubuh dan kosmetik, hingga perlengkapan perawatan dan peralatan perawatan mulut dan gigi, mewakili kualitas dan efektivitas. Produk kami yang mengandung Hidroksiapatit secara khusus memenuhi kebutuhan perawatan mulut Anda dengan menawarkan rangkaian sikat gigi yang terbuat dari nilon tahan lama, larutan pemutih gigi, dan produk perawatan mulut berbasis karbon aktif. Hidroksiapatit adalah mineral alami yang terdapat dalam email gigi dan telah diakui secara ilmiah perannya dalam menjaga kesehatan mulut, meningkatkan remineralisasi, dan mencegah kerusakan gigi. Kami mengundang Anda untuk menemukan rangkaian produk eksklusif kami yang mengandung Hidroksiapatit dan merasakan pesona perawatan mulut dan kecantikan buatan Swiss.
Curaprox black adalah white light-pack

Curaprox black adalah white light-pack

Kode produk: 7089351

CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack The CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack is the ultimate teeth whitening solution for anyone who wants a brighter, healthier-looking smile. This innovative product uses activated carbon and hydroxyapatite to effectively remove surface stains and impurities from your teeth, giving you a brighter, more youthful appearance. The powerful cleansing properties of this toothpaste are paired with the CURAPROX Black is White toothbrush, which features extra-soft bristles that gently brush away plaque and debris. Together, these products create a comprehensive oral care regimen that will help you maintain long-lasting oral health and beauty. This pack also includes a convenient travel case, making it easy to take your oral care on-the-go. With regular use, you'll notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your teeth, as well as a fresher, cleaner mouthfeel. Key Features: Uses activated carbon and hydroxyapatite to remove surface stains and impurities Includes CURAPROX Black is White toothbrush with extra-soft bristles Comes with a convenient travel case Improves the appearance of teeth and promotes long-lasting oral health Upgrade your oral care routine with the CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack and achieve a brighter, more radiant smile!..

17,91 USD

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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