
Suplemen diet

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Mencari solusi untuk mendukung pencernaan, meningkatkan kejernihan mental, atau sekadar meningkatkan tingkat energi Anda? Anda telah menemukan tempat yang tepat dengan Beeovita. Pilih produk kesehatan dan kecantikan Anda dari pilihan suplemen makanan berkualitas tinggi yang dipersembahkan dari Swiss. Produk kami berkisar dari suplemen probiotik untuk kesehatan usus, isoflavon, glukosamin, acerola, hingga kromium dan banyak lagi. Dirancang khusus dengan mempertimbangkan kesehatan Anda, produk kami bebas GMO, dilengkapi dengan bioavailabilitas terbaik, dan cocok untuk vegan. Nikmati kapsul kami yang berisi vitamin dan mineral penting seperti Vitamin B kompleks, Vitamin C, D3, E & Seng, untuk mendukung kesehatan dan kebugaran secara keseluruhan. Obat alami dan solusi homeopati kami mencakup poppy emas, valerian, tablet Rhodiola, atau bahkan ekstrak bawang putih. Jelajahi beragam produk diet dan pelangsing Beeovita untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diet Anda. Dukung perjalanan kesehatan Anda dengan produk kesehatan dan suplemen makanan Beeovita. Dibuat di Swiss, dirancang untuk Anda.
A. vogel glucosamine plus 120 tablet

A. vogel glucosamine plus 120 tablet

Kode produk: 3821542

Vogel Glucosamin Plus Tabl dengan ekstrak rosehip 120 pcs Suplemen makanan dengan glukosamin, ekstrak Rosehip, dan acerola. Nama yang tepat Suplemen makanan Komposisi Glukosamin hidroklorida (42,7%), bahan pengisi (selulosa mikrokristalin, Dikalsium fosfat dihidrat), ekstrak rosehip (5,6%, mengandung maltodekstrin 2,2%), bahan anti penggumpalan (asam stearat, garam magnesium dari asam lemak, silikon dioksida), bubuk acerola (3,6%, mengandung maltodekstrin 1,8%), bahan kaca (hidroksipropilmetilselulosa, bahan treno [permen selulosa ikatan silang], pewarna [titanium dioksida], bubuk bedak, polietilen gliserol). Mengandung ?750mg glukosamin per ransum harian (2 tablet).. Properti Glukosamin adalah komponen ligamen dan tulang rawan artikular. Vitamin C berkontribusi pada pembentukan kolagen normal untuk fungsi tulang rawan normal. Bebas laktosa; bebas gluten, vegan. Aplikasi Minum 1 tablet dua kali sehari dengan cairan. Nilai nutrisi Nilai nutrisiKuantitasper%Akurasi pengukuran Energi30 kJ2 tabl./cpr. Energi6 kkal2 tabl./cpr . Fat0,5 g2 tab./cpr . Kurang dari (Tebal; asam lemak jenuhnya0,5 g2 tabl./cpr. Kurang dari (Karbohidrat0,7 g 2 tab/cpr. Karbohidrat; yang gula0,5 g2 tabl./cpr. Kurang dari (Protein0,5 g 2 tab/cpr. Kurang dari (Garam0,01 g 2 tab/cpr. Kurang dari (Vitamin C12 mg2 tab/cpr. Kurang dari atau sama dengan ( Alergen Bebas dari Sereal yang mengandung gluten dan produk sereal yang mengandung gluten, gula susu (laktosa) Catatan Di luar jangkauan anak-anak. Tablet ini bukan pengganti pola makan seimbang dan bervariasi atau gaya hidup sehat. Dosis harian yang direkomendasikan tidak boleh dilampaui. Simpan di tempat kering dan terlindung dari cahaya. ..

69,15 USD

Arkofluide artichoke-fennel organic 10 ml x 20 ampoules

Arkofluide artichoke-fennel organic 10 ml x 20 ampoules

Kode produk: 7352251

Which packs are available? Arkofluide Artichoke-Fennel Organic 10 ml x 20 ampoules ..

52,40 USD

Batang besi andreafer 30 pcs

Batang besi andreafer 30 pcs

Kode produk: 7350275

AndreaFer Food supplement with iron, folic acid, vitamin B6 + B12 and vitamin C. Iron helps reduce fatigue and fatigue. The vitamin C it contains increases iron absorption. Folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 contribute to normal blood formation. ..

28,18 USD

Bifiselle bromatech cape fl 30 pcs

Bifiselle bromatech cape fl 30 pcs

Kode produk: 6482879

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria Ingredients: Maltodextrin from corn; Filler: microcrystalline cellulose; gelatin (capsule shell); lactic acid bacteria*; Release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide.*Bifidobacterium lactis BL 04, Bifidobacterium breve BB 03, Bifidobacterium bifidum BB 06, Bifidobacterium longum BL 05.Recommended consumption: Take 2 capsules per day after meals with a glass of water. div> ..

35,85 USD

Biosana msm serbuk 180 g

Biosana msm serbuk 180 g

Kode produk: 6163341

The Biosana dietary supplement contains 1g of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) per daily serving. The powder does not contain any preservatives, lactose, wheat or gluten and is suitable for vegans, vegetarians and diabetics.Use: Note:..

30,78 USD

Burgerstein probase 300 tablet

Burgerstein probase 300 tablet

Kode produk: 2875010

Burgerstein Probase Tabl 300 pcs Suplemen makanan dalam bentuk tablet, mengandung kombinasi seimbang antara mineral (kalsium, magnesium, kalium) dan elemen (seng, mangan) dalam formulasi modern Nama yang tepat Suplemen makanan Komposisi Kalium hidrogen karbonat; Kalsium karbonat, magnesium karbonat, bahan pelapis (lak, bedak, hidroksipropilmetilselulosa), bahan pengisi (pati termodifikasi, pati (jagung)), bahan anti penggumpalan (garam magnesium dari asam lemak, silikon dioksida), seng glukonat, mangan glukonat..< /p> Sifat Seng yang dikandungnya berkontribusi pada metabolisme asam-basa normal. Untuk semua orang untuk mendukung metabolisme asam-basa mereka Untuk atletBerkat lapisan yang dirancang khusus, tablet Burgerstein Probase tahan terhadap gastro. Oleh karena itu, obat ini dapat dikonsumsi selama dan di antara waktu makan. Dikembangkan dan diproduksi di Swiss. Aplikasi Minum 5 tablet setiap hari, minum segelas air. Tablet dapat diminum sepanjang hari. Nilai nutrisi Nilai nutrisiQuantitypro%Akurasi pengukuran Kalsium500 mg5 tab./cpr. Kalium800 mg5 tabl./cpr . Magnesium300 mg5 tab./cpr . Seng10 mg5 tab./cpr . Mangan2 mg5 tabl./cpr . Catatan Preparat magnesium dapat mempunyai efek pencahar. Di simpan pada suhu ruangan. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak kecil. Dosis harian yang direkomendasikan tidak boleh dilampaui. Suplemen makanan bukanlah pengganti pola makan yang bervariasi dan seimbang atau gaya hidup sehat. ..

104,32 USD

Burgerstein probase bubuk 400g

Burgerstein probase bubuk 400g

Kode produk: 3143817

Burgerstein Probase minuman bubuk Ds 400 g Nama yang tepat Suplemen makanan Komposisi Kalsium karbonat; Kalium bikarbonat, magnesium karbonat, zat anti-caking (silikon dioksida), seng glukonat, mangan glukonat.. Properti Suplemen makanan dalam bentuk bubuk dengan kombinasi mineral seimbang (kalsium, magnesium, kalium) dan elemen pelacak (seng, Mangan). Burgerstein Probase adalah bubuk yang mudah larut dan tidak berasa yang tidak mengandung gula atau pemanis. Aplikasi Aduk 1 sendok teh ke dalam segelas air dan minum. Nilai gizi Nilai nutrisiJumlahper%Akurasi pengukuran Kalsium800 mg1 sendok teh/c.à.c Kalium575 mg1 sendok teh/c.à.c Magnesium300 mg1 sendok teh/c.à .c Seng10 mg1 sendok teh/ c.à.c Mangan2 mg 1 sendok teh /c.à.c Catatan Disegel dan simpan dalam keadaan kering. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Dosis harian yang direkomendasikan tidak boleh dilampaui. Suplemen makanan bukanlah pengganti pola makan yang bervariasi dan seimbang atau gaya hidup sehat. Dikembangkan dan diproduksi di Swiss. ..

101,09 USD

Express slim 1-2-3 kaps dengan efek 3 kali lipat 90 pcs

Express slim 1-2-3 kaps dengan efek 3 kali lipat 90 pcs

Kode produk: 6544379

Karakteristik express slim 1-2-3 Kaps dengan efek 3 kali lipat 90 buahBersertifikat di Eropa CESuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15/25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 90 buahBerat: 58g Panjang: 54mm Lebar: 74mm Tinggi: 108mm Beli express slim 1-2-3 Kaps dengan efek 3 kali lipat 90 buah online dari Swiss..

145,54 USD

Fitofarmaka artichoke 120 tablet

Fitofarmaka artichoke 120 tablet

Kode produk: 4464794

The Phytopharma Artichoke tablets are food supplements made from artichoke juice powder. Lactose freeGluten free Use Take one tablet with liquid three times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle ..

33,45 USD

Fitofarmaka bawang putih 250 tablet

Fitofarmaka bawang putih 250 tablet

Kode produk: 5966291

Phytopharma Garlic Tablets are dietary supplements with garlic powder. Consumption recommendation Take 2 tablets with liquid 3 times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle...

52,32 USD

Fitofarmaka spirulina plus 150 tablet

Fitofarmaka spirulina plus 150 tablet

Kode produk: 6136580

Food supplement with spirulina algae, iron, folic acid and vitamins B12, D3 and C.Iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin C contribute to the reduction of tiredness and the normal function of the immune system. Use Take 1-3 tablets daily...

44,06 USD

Holistik med sojaflavon tablet 90 pcs

Holistik med sojaflavon tablet 90 pcs

Kode produk: 2850642

Food supplement in tablet form made from soy extract with valuable isoflavones. Properties GMO-free, aroma-free, colorant-free. Application Take 1 tablet daily with a meal. ..

57,56 USD

Lactibiane anak 4m btl 45 pcs

Lactibiane anak 4m btl 45 pcs

Kode produk: 6874800

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Kinder 4M is a food supplement with live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium longum LA 101, Lactobacillus helveticus LA 102 , Lactococcus lactis LA 103, Streptococcus thermophilus LA 104 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA 801, rich in vitamin D. Composition Bulking agent : potato starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, dextrose, Chicory fructo-oligosaccharides, maltodextrin, emulsifier: microcrystalline cellulose, vitamin D.. Properties Lactibiane Kinder contains live lactic acid bacteria that meet the following requirement criteria meet: safety, stability, gastric resistance, ability to reproduce and adhesion to the intestinal wall. Vitamin D is required for healthy growth and bone development in children. Vitamin D also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system in children. Application Dissolve 1 sachet in a glass of water before a meal and take it. p> Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Nutritional information Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Vitamin D 3.75 µg 1 g Allergens Contains Contains no declarable allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement . Lactibiane Kinder 4M is a food supplement with live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium longum LA 101, Lactobacillus helveticus LA 102, Lactococcus lactis LA 103, Streptococcus thermophilus LA 104 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA 801, rich in vitamin D. p> Composition Bulking agent: potato starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, dextrose, chicory fructo-oligosaccharides, maltodextrin, emulsifier: microcrystalline cellulose, vitamin D.. Properties Lactibiane Kinder contains live lactic acid bacteria that meet the following requirement criteria: safety, stability, gastric resistance, reproductive capacity and adhesion to the intestinal wall. Vitamin D is required for healthy growth and bone development in children. Vitamin D also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system in children. Application Dissolve 1 sachet daily in a glass of water and take before a meal. p>Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Nutritional information Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement Accuracy Vitamin D3.75 µg1 g Allergens Contains Contains no declarable allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

75,08 USD

Lactibiane shock 40m cape 20 pcs

Lactibiane shock 40m cape 20 pcs

Kode produk: 7407673

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Shock 40M is a food supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Filler: corn starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (vegetable capsule), anti-caking agent: stearic acid.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Shock 40M contains 40 billion live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium lactis LA304, Bifidobacterium bifidum LA803, Bifidobacterium lactis LA804, Bifidobacterium breve LA805, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801, Lactobacillus gasseri LA807 / Lactobacillus acidophilus gasseri LA806. >The range Lactibiane consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Application 2 capsules per day with a large glass of water before a meal. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement .Lactibiane Shock 40M is a dietary supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose ( vegetable capsule), release agent: stearic acid.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Shock 40M contains 40 billion live lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis LA304, Bifidobacterium bifidum LA803, Bifidobacterium lactis LA804 , Bifidobacterium breve LA805, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801, Lactobacillus gasseri LA806, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA807.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the Cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Take 2 capsules a day with a large glass of water before a meal.Best before date and batch number : see Bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no declarable allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

88,43 USD

Masukkan elle bromatech cape blist 12 pcs

Masukkan elle bromatech cape blist 12 pcs

Kode produk: 7527911

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria. Composition Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 14, Enteroccocus faecium UBEF-41, Saccharomyces boulardii MTCC-5375, Saccharomyces boulardii SP 92. Application 2 capsules per day, after meals with one take a glass of water. Allergens May contain Milk and dairy productsSoy and soy products Notes Gelatin capsule shell. ..

22,59 USD

Pernaton plus kapsul glukosamin ds 90 pcs

Pernaton plus kapsul glukosamin ds 90 pcs

Kode produk: 3616463

Property name Dietary supplements, capsules Composition Glucosamine chloride from shellfish, green-lipped mussel extract (26%, from New Zealand). Gelatin (beef), L-ascorbic acid, anti-caking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids, stabilizer: silicon dioxide, zinc sulfate, DL-alpha-tocopherol, manganese sulfate, copper gluconate.. Properties Dietary supplement to support in chronic cases and for recovery after sports activities. The New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract in PERNATON® (Original Perna Extract) is 100% natural and contains essential nutrients and building blocks for the optimal functioning of the musculoskeletal system: chondroitin*, glucosamine*, hyaluronic acid*, omega-3 fatty acids, 18 amino acids, 11 minerals and 8 vitamins. * As part of glycosaminoglycans (GAG). Glucosamine is a natural component of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage. Application 3 capsules daily. The indicated daily intake must not be exceeded. We recommend taking it for at least 3 months.Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Energy 183 kcal 100 g Energy 766 kJ 100 g Fat 6.7 g 100 g Fat, of which saturated fatty acids 4.7 g 100 g td> Carbohydrates 3.4 g 100 g Carbohydrates, including sugar 0.5 g 100 g protein 27 g 100 g Salt 1 g 100 g Notes Store below 25°C and in a dry place. Property name Dietary supplements, capsules Composition Glucosamine chloride from shellfish, green-lipped mussel extract (26%, from New Zealand). Gelatin (beef), L-ascorbic acid, anti-caking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids, stabilizer: silicon dioxide, zinc sulfate, DL-alpha-tocopherol, manganese sulfate, copper gluconate.. Properties Dietary supplement to support in chronic cases and for recovery after sports activities. The New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract in PERNATON® (Original Perna Extract) is 100% natural and contains essential nutrients and building blocks for the optimal functioning of the musculoskeletal system: chondroitin*, glucosamine*, hyaluronic acid*, omega-3 fatty acids, 18 amino acids, 11 minerals and 8 vitamins. * As part of glycosaminoglycans (GAG). Glucosamine is a natural component of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage. Application 3 capsules daily. The indicated daily intake must not be exceeded. We recommend taking it for at least 3 months.Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy183 kcal100 gEnergy766 kJ100 g Fat6.7 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids4.7 g100 g td>Carbohydrates3.4 g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0.5 g100 gProtein27 g100 gSalt1 g100 g Notes Store below 25°C and in a dry place. ..

71,21 USD

Phytopharma chrom plus 100 tablet

Phytopharma chrom plus 100 tablet

Kode produk: 4564455

Food supplement with chromium and the trace elements zinc, manganese and selenium. Composition 40 µg chromium, 2 mg manganese, 10 mg zinc, 50 µg selenium, per tablet. Properties Lactose-free and gluten-free. Application Take 1 tablet daily whole with liquid. ..

40,11 USD

Phytopharma maca 409 mg 80 kapsul sayuran

Phytopharma maca 409 mg 80 kapsul sayuran

Kode produk: 3974725

The Phytopharma Maca Capsules Vegetable are dietary supplements with maca powder.Maca (Lepidium meyenii walp) is a plant that grows in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 meters above sea level. Lactose freeGluten free Use Take 2 - 4 capsules a day whole with liquid. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

38,00 USD

Phytostandard guarana - rhodiola tablet 30 buah

Phytostandard guarana - rhodiola tablet 30 buah

Kode produk: 7322907

Property name Food supplement. Phytostandard DUOS Guarana Roseroot is a food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot. Composition Extracts of guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth., seeds) and roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: calcium phosphates and microcrystalline cellulose, stabilizer: crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot, characterized by a unique and patented process. Use Take 1 to 2 tablets per day with a large glass of water. Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Property name Food supplements.Phytostandard DUOS Guarana Rhodiola is a food supplement based on extracts of Guarana and Rhodiola. Composition Extracts of Guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth., seeds) and roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: calcium phosphates and microcrystalline cellulose, stabilizer: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties h3> Food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot obtained through a unique and patented process. Application 1 to 2 tablets per day, with a large glass of water.Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. ..

34,52 USD

Phytostandard poppy valerian tablet 30 pcs

Phytostandard poppy valerian tablet 30 pcs

Kode produk: 7322853

Property name Food supplement. Phytostandard DUOS gold poppy-valerian is a food supplement based on extracts of gold poppy and valerian. Composition Extracts of golden poppy (Eschscholtzia californica Cham., flowering parts above ground) and valerian (Valeriana officinalis L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, excipient: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian, enriched by a unique and patented process. Application Take 2 to 4 tablets a day before bedtime with a large glass of water. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Property name Food supplements.Phytostandard DUOS golden poppy-valerian is a dietary supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian. Composition Extracts of golden poppy (Eschscholtzia californica Cham., flowering above ground parts) and valerian (Valeriana officinalis L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, carrier: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian obtained through a unique and patented process. Application 2 bis Take 4 tablets a day before bedtime with a large glass of water.Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. ..

39,68 USD

Probactiol 25 plus kaps 30 pcs

Probactiol 25 plus kaps 30 pcs

Kode produk: 6504380

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria (probiotic), 25 billion bacteria live in each of the 30 capsules. Probactiol® plus is a probiotic food supplement. One capsule contains 25 billion living bacteria. Due to the high dosage, the intestine can be colonized more quickly and the balance can be restored more quickly. And that with only one capsule per day! 12.5 billion Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and 12.5 billion Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07. For adults (from 12 years) Suitable for people with lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and vegetarians. Probactiol plus is free from milk protein, soy, nuts or yeast. ApplicationRecommended consumption: 1 capsule per day.A dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. IngredientsProbactiol® 25 plus: 1 capsule contains 25 billion living bacteria, 12 of them .5 billion Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® and 12.5 billion Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07. ..

57,18 USD

Referensi lactibiane 10m kaps 45 pcs

Referensi lactibiane 10m kaps 45 pcs

Kode produk: 6874823

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Reference 10M is a food supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Maize starch, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (vegetable capsule), colony-forming lactic acid bacteria (carrier: potato starch), release agent: fatty acids.. Properties h3> Each dose of Lactibiane Reference 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus helveticus LA102, Bifidobacterium longum LA101, Lactococcus lactis LA103 and Streptococcus thermophilus LA104. Application Dissolve 1 capsule in a glass of water before a meal and take it. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool and dry place (4-22°) C This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement .Lactibiane Reference 10M is a food supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Maize starch, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (vegetable capsule), colony-forming Lactic acid bacteria (carrier: potato starch), anti-caking agent: fatty acids.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Reference 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus helveticus LA102, Bifidobacterium longum LA101, Lactococcus lactis LA103 and Streptococcus thermophilus LA104. Application Dissolve 1 capsule daily in a glass of water before a meal and take it.Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains No declarable allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°)C. This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

87,98 USD

Sirup phytopharma good night 100 ml

Sirup phytopharma good night 100 ml

Kode produk: 6320869

Sirup Phytopharma Good Night adalah suplemen makanan dengan ekstrak lemon balm, bunga jeruk, minyak lavendel, magnesium, dan vitamin B1. Magnesium dan vitamin B1 berkontribusi pada fungsi psikologis normal dan fungsi normal sistem saraf. Dengan rasa ekstrak lemon balm, jeruk, lavender dan elderflower, sirup ini juga cocok untuk anak-anak. Gunakan Kocok sirup dengan baik sebelum digunakan. Anak-anak hingga 12 tahun Ambil 1 sendok teh (5 ml) murni sebelum tidur. Anak-anak berusia 12 tahun dan dewasa Ambil 2 sendok teh (10 ml) murni sebelum tidur...

22,13 USD

Tablet garam mineral basica compact 120

Tablet garam mineral basica compact 120

Kode produk: 2483971

BASICA Tablet garam mineral kompak 120 buah Nama yang tepat Tablet garam mineral dasar dengan elemen jejak Komposisi Kalsium sitrat; Maltodekstrin, magnesium hidroksida, magnesium sitrat, pengisi hidroksipropilselulosa, zat pelepas natrium karboksimetil selulosa ikatan silang, seng sitrat, besi sitrat, natrium sitrat, tembaga sitrat, kromium klorida, natrium molibdat, natrium selenit, zat pelepas garam magnesium dari asam lemak dan silikon dioksida.. Properti Tablet alkaline yang praktis untuk digunakan di rumah dan di perjalanan. Kombinasi mineral dasar dan elemen berharga berkontribusi pada harmonisasi keseimbangan asam-basa. Aplikasi Minum 3 tablet dengan cairan pada pagi dan sore hari. Jumlah konsumsi yang dinyatakan tidak boleh melebihi. Suplemen makanan bukanlah pengganti pola makan seimbang, bervariasi, dan gaya hidup sehat. Nilai nutrisi Nilai nutrisiQuantitypro%akurasi pengukuran energi203 kkal100 gEnergy874 kJ100 gfat; diantaranya asam lemak jenuh1,2 g100 gkarbohidrat ; di antaranya gula0 g100 ggaram0 g100 gprotein 0 g100 gKarbohidrat 14 g100 gLemak1,2 g100 g Catatan Di Luar Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. ..

38,58 USD

Toleransi lactibiane 10m kaps 45 pcs

Toleransi lactibiane 10m kaps 45 pcs

Kode produk: 6874852

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Tolerance 10M is a food supplement based on living lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, live lactic acid bacteria (carrier: corn starch), capsule of vegetable origin, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties h3> Each dose of Lactibiane Tolerance 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium lactis LA303, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Lactobacillus salivarius LA302 and Bifidobacterium lactis LA304.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria : Survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Swallow 1 capsule daily with a large glass of water before a meal . Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains No declaration requirements Contains allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement .Lactibiane Tolerance 10M is a dietary supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, live lactic acid bacteria (carrier: corn starch), capsule of vegetable origin, anti-caking agent : magnesium stearate.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Tolerance 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis LA303, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Lactobacillus salivarius LA302 and Bifidobacterium lactis LA304.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Swallow 1 capsule daily with a large glass of water before a meal. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Does not contain any allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

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