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(1 Halaman)
Fitofarmaka eucalyptus bonbons btl 60 g
Phytopharma Eucalyptus Bonbons Btl 60 g The Phytopharma Eucalyptus Bonbons Btl 60 g is a natural and effective remedy to help alleviate symptoms of coughs and sore throats. Each bonbon is made from eucalyptus oil, which is known for its therapeutic properties. The bonbons come in a convenient bottle that is easy to carry around, so you can relieve your symptoms anytime, anywhere. The bottle contains 60 grams of bonbons, which is enough to last you for a while. The Phytopharma Eucalyptus Bonbons Btl 60 g is made with natural and high-quality ingredients. The bonbons are free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. This makes it safe for everyone to use, including children. The eucalyptus oil used in the bonbons is extracted from the leaves of the eucalyptus plant. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties. This means that it can help fight off infections, reduce inflammation, and loosen mucus in the airways. The bonbons have a refreshing and soothing taste that can help relieve congestion and coughs. They can also help soothe sore throats and provide temporary relief from throat irritation. If you are looking for a natural and effective remedy for coughs and sore throats, the Phytopharma Eucalyptus Bonbons Btl 60 g is an excellent choice...
8,50 USD
Minyak po-ho biru 10 ml liq
PO-HO-Oel blue adalah obat yang tersusun dari berbagai minyak atsiri dari tanaman obat. Minyak atsiri ini diperoleh dengan penyulingan dari tanaman yang baru dipanen dan dipilih dengan cermat. PO-HO-Oel biru cocok untuk Usap untuk sakit kepala dan nyeri otot; Inhalasi dan/atau gosok untuk bronkitis, sakit tenggorokan, batuk, pilek, radang selaput lendir hidung. div>Informasi pasien yang disetujui oleh Swissmedic PO-HO-Oel blau, cairan untuk digunakan pada kulitHänseler AGApa itu PO-HO-Oel blau dan kapan digunakan?PO-HO-Oel blue adalah obat yang tersusun dari berbagai minyak atsiri dari tanaman obat. Minyak atsiri ini diperoleh dengan penyulingan dari tanaman yang baru dipanen dan dipilih dengan cermat. PO-HO-Oel biru cocok untuk Usap untuk sakit kepala dan nyeri otot;Inhalasi dan/atau gosok untuk bronkitis, sakit tenggorokan, batuk, pilek, radang selaput lendir hidung. div> Kapan PO-HO oil blue tidak boleh digunakan? PO-HO oil blue tidak boleh digunakan Jika Anda diketahui hipersensitif terhadap salah satu minyak esensial.Untuk anak di bawah usia 6 tahun.Jangan gunakan pada luka terbuka atau eksim kulit.Mata dan selaput lendir tidak boleh bersentuhan dengan sediaan.Kapan diperlukan kehati-hatian saat menggunakan PO-HO- Oel blau? Pasien dengan ginjal yang rusak sebelumnya hanya boleh menggunakan PO-HO-Oel blue untuk waktu yang singkat dan tidak pada area yang luas.Pasien yang cenderung alergi reaksi terhadap obat-obatan atau yang menderita asma bronkial hanya boleh menggunakan produk setelah berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda.PO-HO-Oel blue mengandung beberapa wewangian dengan D-limonene, linalool, citral, citronellol, farnesol dan geraniol. D-limonene, linalool, citral, citronellol, farnesol dan geraniol dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi. PO-HO-Oel blue mengandung minyak kacang. Ini tidak boleh digunakan jika Anda hipersensitif (alergi) terhadap kacang atau kedelai. Beri tahu dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker jika Anda menderita penyakit lain,memiliki alergi ataumengonsumsi obat lain (termasuk yang Anda beli sendiri!) atau menggunakannya secara eksternal. ul>Bisakah PO-HO-Oel blau dikonsumsi/digunakan selama hamil atau menyusui?PO-HO-Oel blau tidak boleh digunakan selama hamil dan menyusui , kecuali jangka pendek, tidak dalam skala besar dan hanya dengan resep dokter. Bagaimana cara menggunakan PO-HO-Oel blau?Dewasa:Jika tidak dianjurkan oleh dokter ditentukan lain: untuk pilek, pilek, radang selaput lendir hidung: teteskan 3-5 tetes minyak PO-HO biru pada kain dan hirup, gosok pangkal hidung dan dahi dengan 3-5 tetes minyak PO-HO biru. Ulangi sesuai kebutuhan.Untuk bronkitis, sakit tenggorokan, batuk: Oleskan PO-HO oil blue (10–20 tetes) pada leher, dada, dan punggung.Untuk nyeri: Sakit kepala Oleskan 5-10 tetes PO-HO-Oel biru pada kain lembab dan gosokkan pada dahi, leher dan pelipis. Nyeri otot: Oleskan 10-30 tetes minyak PO-HO biru. Efeknya juga dapat diperoleh dengan meneteskan beberapa tetes PO-HO-Oel biru ke kain basah dan menggosokkannya ke area yang sakit.Cuci tangan dengan baik setelah digunakan. Penggunaan dan keamanan PO-HO-Oel blue pada anak-anak dan remaja belum diuji. Tetap patuhi dosis yang diberikan dalam brosur paket atau seperti yang ditentukan oleh dokter Anda. Jika menurut Anda obatnya terlalu lemah atau terlalu kuat, bicarakan dengan dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda. Efek samping apa yang dapat dimiliki PO-HO oil blue?Efek samping berikut dapat terjadi saat mengonsumsi atau menggunakan PO-HO oil blue: Jarang (mempengaruhi 1 hingga 10 pengguna dalam 10.000)Jarang terjadi iritasi kulit (gatal, kemerahan). Pengobatan kemudian harus segera dihentikan. Jika Anda mengalami efek samping, bicarakan dengan dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda. Ini juga berlaku khususnya untuk efek samping yang tidak tercantum dalam selebaran ini. Apa lagi yang perlu diperhatikan?Masa simpanProduk obat hanya boleh digunakan sampai tanggal yang ditandai pada wadah dengan « EXP» dapat digunakan. Petunjuk PenyimpananSimpan pada suhu kamar (15-25 °C). Jaga agar wadah tetap tertutup rapat. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Informasi lebih lanjutJangan dicerna. Dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda dapat memberi Anda informasi lebih lanjut. Apa yang terkandung dalam minyak biru PO-HO?Bahan aktif1 g minyak biru PO-HO, cairan untuk aplikasi kulit mengandung: minyak kapur barus 50 mg (mengandung minyak kacang olahan 45 mg, kapur barus 5 mg), minyak kayu putih 480 mg, minyak peppermint 350 mg, minyak terpentin jenis pinus maritim 80 mg Excipients1 g PO-HO-Oel blue, cairan untuk pemakaian pada kulit mengandung: D-limonene 40 mg (mengandung limonene, linalool, citral, citronellol, farnesol dan geraniol) Nomor persetujuan40985 (Swissmedic) Di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan minyak biru PO-HO? Paket apa yang tersedia?Di apotek dan toko obat, tanpa resep dokter. Botol 10 ml.Pemegang otorisasiHänseler AG, CH-9100 Herisau Selebaran ini terakhir diperiksa oleh otoritas obat-obatan (Swissmedic) pada Oktober 2022. ..
26,04 USD
Muco mepha 600 mg 10 effervescent tablets
What is Muco-Mepha and when is it used?Muco-Mepha contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine. This active ingredient liquefies and loosens the tough, stuck mucus in the airways and promotes expectoration.The secretion present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract plays an important role in the defense against inhaled pollutants such as bacteria, dust and chemical impurities. These irritants are held in the secretion, where they are rendered harmless and excreted with the sputum.With infections caused by bacteria and viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis) and with chronic irritations caused by harmful substances, the production of mucus increases. The thickening of the mucus can cause the airways to become blocked, causing breathing difficulties and sputum problems.The expectorant effect of Muco-Mepha liquefies the tough mucus and makes it easier to cough up. This reduces the risk of infection. If the airways are clear, the cough subsides and breathing becomes easier.Muco-Mepha is suitable for the treatment of all respiratory diseases that lead to excessive mucus production, such as colds or flu with coughs and catarrh as well as acute and chronic bronchitis, sinus infections, throat and pharynx infections, bronchial asthma and (as an additional treatment) cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) ).What precautions should be taken?The effect of Muco-Mepha is enhanced by drinking plenty of it. Smoking contributes to the excessive formation of bronchial mucus. You can support the effectiveness of Muco-Mepha by giving up smoking.For diabeticsMuco-Mepha effervescent tablets can be taken by diabetics as they do not contain any diabetogenic sweeteners.When should Muco-Mepha not be taken?Muco-Mepha must not be taken if you are known to be hypersensitive to the active ingredient acetylcysteine or any other ingredient or if you have stomach or intestinal ulcers.Muco-Mepha should also not be taken together with cough suppressants (antitussives), as these agents suppress the cough and the natural self-cleaning of the airways, which impairs the coughing up of the liquefied mucus and leads to a congestion of the bronchial mucus with the risk of bronchial spasms and respiratory infections can occur.The effervescent tablets of 600 mg must not be used in children under 12 years of age (in children with the metabolic disease cystic fibrosis under 6 years of age) because of their high content of active ingredient.Your doctor will know what to do in such cases.Muco-Mepha must not be used in young children under 2 years of age.When should caution be required when taking Muco-Mepha?The use of Muco-Mepha, especially at the beginning of treatment, can lead to a liquefaction of the bronchial secretions and promote expectoration. If the patient is not able to cough up this sufficiently, the doctor can take supportive measures. If you have observed rashes or breathing difficulties while taking a medicine with the same active substance as Muco-Mepha before, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist before you start using the Start taking the preparation.If you suffer from high blood pressure, the Muco-Mepha effervescent tablets are not suitable for you, as they contain approximately 194 mg sodium per Muco-Mepha 200 mg effervescent tablet, corresponding to 494 mg table salt, and per Muco-Mepha 600 mg effervescent tablet approximately 149 mg sodium corresponding to 376 mg The salt released after ingestion can increase your blood pressure even further and reduce the effectiveness of medicines for high blood pressure.Using certain other medicines at the same time can affect each other's effects. The effectiveness of certain agents against circulatory disorders of the coronary arteries (eg nitroglycerin for angina pectoris) can be increased.Simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine and carbamazepine can lead to a decrease in the concentration of carbamazepine.The simultaneous administration of cough suppressants (antitussives) can impair the effectiveness of Muco-Mepha (see above: “When should Muco-Mepha not be taken?”). Furthermore, you should not take antibiotics at the same time as Muco-Mepha, but at least 2 hours apart.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you havesuffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you have bought yourself) or use them externally.Can Muco-Mepha be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as intended. Systematic scientific research was never carried out. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid medication if possible during pregnancy or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.No information is available on the excretion of acetylcysteine in breast milk. Therefore you should only use Muco-Mepha during breastfeeding if your doctor treating you thinks it is necessary.How do you use Muco-Mepha?Unless otherwise prescribed, the usual dosage for acute illnesses is :Children from 2 to 12 years: 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg twice a day.Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults: 600 mg daily, divided into 1 effervescent tablet of 600 mg or several doses (3 times 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg).If the excessive mucus formation and the associated cough do not subside after 2 weeks of treatment, you should consult a doctor so that he can clarify the cause more precisely and rule out a possible malignant disease of the respiratory tract.Long-term treatment for chronic diseases (only on medical prescription) : 400–600 mg daily, divided into one or more doses, duration of treatment limited to a maximum of 3–6 months.Cystic fibrosis: as above, but for children from 6 years of age, 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg or 1 effervescent tablet of 600 mg once a day.Dissolve the effervescent tablet in a glass of cold or hot water and drink it immediately. Do not dissolve other medicines in the water at the same time as Muco-Mepha, as this can affect or stop the effectiveness of both Muco-Mepha and the other medicines.When opening the tube, a slight smell of sulfur is noticeable. This is typical for the active ingredient acetylcysteine and does not affect its effect.Adhere to the dosage given in the package insert or prescribed by your doctor. If you think that the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Muco-Mepha have?The following side effects may occur when taking Muco-Mepha:Gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as hypersensitivity reactions, hives, headache and fever.Furthermore, an accelerated pulse, low blood pressure and ringing in the ears, heartburn, as well as bleeding and water retention on the face can occur.Allergic symptoms of a general nature (such as skin rashes or itching) can also occur. If the hypersensitivity reactions also cause breathing difficulties and bronchial cramps, which can happen in rare cases, you must stop treatment with Muco-Mepha immediately and consult a doctor.The breath may temporarily get an unpleasant odor.If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What should also be noted?The drug may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the container.Store below 25 ° C and protected from moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.More informationYour doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What is in Muco-Mepha?1 effervescent tablet Muco-Mepha 200 mg contains:Active ingredient: acetylcysteine 200 mg.Auxiliary substances: sweetener aspartame, flavorings, as well as the preservative sulfur dioxide (E220) and other auxiliary substances.1 effervescent tablet Muco-Mepha 600 mg contains:Active ingredient: acetylcysteine 600 mg.Auxiliary substances: sweetener aspartame, flavorings, as well as the preservative sulfur dioxide (E220) and other auxiliary substances.Approval number52385 (Swissmedic).Where can you get muco-mepha? Which packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Muco Mepha 200 mg 30 effervescent tabletsMuco Mepha 600 mg 10 effervescent tabletsMarketing authorization holderMepha Pharma AG, Basel...
13,66 USD
Ricola eucalyptus herba tetes tanpa gula 125 gr btl
The Ricola Eucalyptus herbal sweets ensure a clear throat and refreshed breath. Responsible for this is the cineole contained in the eucalyptus leaves, an essential oil that has an expectorant and cooling effect. In addition, due to its properties, eucalyptus is a proven and natural remedy for treating coughs, colds and colds. Here eucalyptus and menthol work together with the proven 13-herb mixture.The herbs for this tasty herbal sweet are grown according to organic principles, without the use of chemical pesticides, in the Swiss mountain region...
9,23 USD
Ricola kräuterzucker kräuterbonbons ds 250 g
The Ricola Swiss herbal sugar candies contain the power of 13 herbs. The classic among the Ricola products is characterized by its angular appearance and its fine herbal taste. Helps with coughs, hoarseness and catarrh. Secret recipe since 1940 Since 1940, Ricola has been mixing the 13 valuable herbs for this herbal specialty from Switzerland according to the same recipe: consumers appreciate the mixture of burnet, elderflower, speedwell, peppermint, sage, marshmallow, thyme, lady's mantle, horehound, buckhorn, cowslip, yarrow and mallow Colds, coughs and hoarseness. The herbs for this tasty herb candy are grown according to natural principles, without the use of chemical pesticides, in the Swiss mountains...
9,10 USD
Sirup obat batuk drosetux fl 150 ml
Karakteristik Sirup Obat Batuk Drosetux Fl 150 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): R05ZBahan aktif: R05ZSuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15 /25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 mlBerat: 320g Panjang: 53mm Lebar: 55mm Tinggi: 139 mm Beli sirup obat batuk Drosetux Fl 150 ml secara online dari Swiss..
37,39 USD
(1 Halaman)