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Di, kami menghargai kesehatan Anda di atas segalanya. Beraneka ragam produk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan Swiss kami yang dirancang untuk pengaturan tekanan darah menggabungkan kualitas tinggi, efisiensi, dan unsur alami. Baik Anda sedang mencari suplemen yang mendukung kesehatan jantung, perlindungan kulit, atau gangguan pencernaan, atau teknologi medis inovatif seperti perangkat pemantau tekanan darah, kami siap membantu Anda. Produk tekanan darah kami terintegrasi dengan sempurna ke dalam rutinitas harian Anda, membantu Anda menjaga kesehatan optimal secara holistik. Khususnya, produk kami direkomendasikan oleh dokter kulit dan berpusat pada tanaman alami dan obat untuk pendekatan yang sehat dalam mengelola tekanan darah rendah atau tinggi. Jelajahi pilihan kami yang luas hari ini dan ambil langkah menuju kesehatan yang lebih baik.
Beurer monitor tekanan darah lengan atas bm 40

Beurer monitor tekanan darah lengan atas bm 40

Kode produk: 5332770

Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is an easy-to-use device that provides accurate blood pressure readings at home. It is highly recommended for individuals who need to monitor their blood pressure regularly due to medical reasons, like hypertension or heart diseases. Why choose Beurer BM 40? Large cuff size (22-42 cm) suitable for most arm sizes Illuminated XL display for easy reading of measurement results Arrhythmia detection indicates any irregular heartbeats during measurement 2 User profiles to save individual measurement data with date and time stamps Automatic switch-off feature saves battery life 5-year warranty for peace of mind How to use Beurer BM 40? Using the Beurer BM 40 is simple and hassle-free. Simply wrap the cuff around the upper arm, press the start button, and wait for the measurement to complete. The measurement result will be displayed on the screen, along with any irregular heartbeat detected during the measurement. The device is powered by 4 AAA batteries, which come included with the package. Conclusion The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is a reliable tool to keep track of your blood pressure in the comfort of your home. It is easy to use and provides accurate readings, making it an ideal choice for individuals with hypertension, heart diseases, or those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get your Beurer BM 40 today and take control of your blood pressure!..

103,09 USD

Dr free monitor tekanan darah lengan atas m-200a manset digital 22-42 cm
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tb 100 g

Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tb 100 g

Kode produk: 5228819

Karakteristik Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 gAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): M02AA15Suhu penyimpanan min/maks 15/25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 gBerat: 132g Panjang: 40mm Lebar: 186mm Tinggi: 71mm Beli Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g online dari Swiss..

15,72 USD

Farfalla rose bulgaria 10% äth / minyak 5 ml

Farfalla rose bulgaria 10% äth / minyak 5 ml

Kode produk: 2324327

Essential oil Rose Bulgaria 10% selection. Composition Essential oil of Rose Bulgaria flowers (Rosa damascena). Origin: Bulgaria. Contains: citronellol, geraniol, eugenol, farnesol, linalol.. Properties The «Queen of Flowers». Rose cares for dry, sensitive skin and has a rejuvenating effect. The 10% dilution of the rose is suitable for the aroma lamp as a perfume.Scent: floral, feminine, mysterious, sweet, warm. Properties: aphrodisiac, harmonizing, beneficial. It takes 30 roses to make a single drop of this essential oil! It mainly helps to regenerate dry and sensitive skin. Helps with mood swings, sadness, worry, dry skin. Gives emotional stability, even skin, an open heart.Vegan. Application For aroma care and as a room fragrance at home. For use in aromatherapy, please read the relevant specialist literature. Tips: For sadness and grief, mix 1-2 drops of 10% rose oil in organic skin care oil and massage gently into the chest area. To make a sensual body oil, mix 80ml organic jojoba oil with 4 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops 10% rose oil. Warning Danger. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

44,77 USD

Kontrol duo veroval l

Kontrol duo veroval l

Kode produk: 7508316

VEROVAL Duo Control L ? Monitor Your Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Easily The VEROVAL Duo Control L is a highly advanced monitoring device that helps you keep track of your blood pressure and pulse rate accurately, easily, and comfortably. This compact and user-friendly device is perfect for home use and delivers professional-level monitoring results with every use. Main Features of VEROVAL Duo Control L Accurate measurement of blood pressure and pulse rate at home Easy to use, no complicated settings or procedures required Intuitive display with large digits for easy reading Arrhythmia Detection for early warning of irregular heartbeat Data storage for up to 2 users with 60 measurement memories each Cuff size for medium to large arms (22 - 42 cm) Comes with batteries and storage bag for easy portability Why Choose VEROVAL Duo Control L The VEROVAL Duo Control L is a reliable and convenient blood pressure and pulse rate monitoring device that makes it easy and effortless to keep track of your cardiovascular health. It is a must-have for anyone with cardiovascular issues or those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and it provides a range of benefits that include: Accurate and reliable monitoring of blood pressure and pulse rate Easy to use with intuitive controls and display Data storage and analysis for two users with up to 60 readings each Comes with batteries and storage bag for easy portability Arrhythmia Detection for early warning of irregular heartbeat Get Your VEROVAL Duo Control L Today With the VEROVAL Duo Control L, you can monitor your blood pressure and pulse rate easily and accurately from the comfort of your home. Whether you want to keep track of your cardiovascular health or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, this device is an essential tool that delivers reliable results with every use. So why wait? Get your VEROVAL Duo Control L today and take control of your cardiovascular health...

260,02 USD

Krim karbamid 12% widmer tb 100 ml

Krim karbamid 12% widmer tb 100 ml

Kode produk: 3786515

Bahan aktif dalam Carbamide Cream Widmer, urea, melembutkan dan mengelupas kulit kapalan yang berlebihan. Ini juga meningkatkan kapasitas pengikatan air pada kulit. Krim Karbamid Widmer hanya boleh digunakan secara eksternal untuk kulit kering dan rapuh. Jika diresepkan oleh dokter Anda, obat ini juga digunakan untuk gangguan keratinisasi dan bentuk ichthyosis yang lebih ringan ("penyakit sisik ikan"), termasuk perawatan lanjutannya. Informasi pasien yang disetujui oleh SwissmedicCarbamide Crème Widmer Louis Widmer AGApa itu Carbamide Crème Widmer dan kapan digunakan? Bahan aktif dalam Carbamide Crème Widmer, urea, melembutkan dan mengelupas kulit kapalan yang berlebihan. Ini juga meningkatkan kapasitas pengikatan air pada kulit. Krim Karbamid Widmer hanya boleh digunakan secara eksternal untuk kulit kering dan rapuh. Jika diresepkan oleh dokter Anda, obat ini juga digunakan untuk gangguan keratinisasi dan bentuk ichthyosis yang lebih ringan ("penyakit sisik ikan"), termasuk perawatan lanjutannya. Kapan Carbamide Crème Widmer tidak boleh digunakan?Carbamide Crème Widmer tidak boleh digunakan jika diketahui ada hipersensitivitas terhadap bahan aktif atau salah satu eksipien. Kapan diperlukan kehati-hatian saat menggunakan Carbamide Crème Widmer?Carbamide Crème Widmer hanya boleh digunakan dengan hati-hati pada kulit yang rusak atau meradang dan pada wajah. Hindari kontak dengan kelopak mata dan selaput lendir. Jika terjadi kontak yang tidak disengaja dengan kelopak mata atau selaput lendir (mata, bibir, lubang hidung), area yang terkena harus dibilas secara menyeluruh dengan air. Hindari mengoleskan obat pengelupas atau kosmetik topikal ke area kulit yang sama yang dirawat dengan Carbamid Cream Widmer. Karena sifat urea yang terkandung dalam Carbamid Cream Widmer, penyerapan bahan aktif lainnya melalui kulit dapat meningkat sehingga menimbulkan efek samping. Obat ini mengandung eksipien, propilen glikol, yang dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit. Antioksidan butylated hydroxyanisole (E 320) dan butylated hydroxytoluene (E 321) yang terkandung dalam Carbamid Cream Widmer dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit lokal (misalnya dermatitis kontak), iritasi pada mata dan selaput lendir. Beri tahu dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker jika Anda menderita penyakit lain,memiliki alergi ataumengonsumsi obat lain (termasuk yang Anda beli sendiri!) atau menggunakannya secara eksternal! ul>Bisakah Carbamide Crème Widmer digunakan selama kehamilan atau menyusui?Jika Anda sedang hamil, ingin hamil atau sedang menyusui, Anda hanya boleh menggunakan Carbamide Crème Widmer setelah konsultasi digunakan oleh dokter Anda. Bagaimana cara menggunakan Carbamid Crème Widmer?DewasaKecuali ditentukan lain oleh dokter, aplikasikan Carbamid Krim Widmer sekali atau dua kali sehari ke area kulit yang akan dirawat dan pijat secara menyeluruh. Untuk tindak lanjut gunakan dua kali seminggu atau lebih sering sesuai kebutuhan. Anak-anak dan remajaPenggunaan dan keamanan CarbamidCrème Widmer belum diuji pada anak-anak dan remaja (18 tahun) dan tidak akan diuji oleh karena itu tidak direkomendasikan. Jenis aplikasiKrim karbamid Widmer hanya boleh digunakan secara eksternal. Sebelum mengoleskan krim, kulit harus dibersihkan dengan lembut menggunakan losion yang sesuai atau bahan pembersih ringan. Tetap patuhi dosis yang diberikan dalam brosur paket atau seperti yang ditentukan oleh dokter Anda. Jika menurut Anda obatnya terlalu lemah atau terlalu kuat, bicarakan dengan dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda. Efek samping apa yang dapat dimiliki oleh Carbamide Cream Widmer?Efek samping berikut dapat terjadi saat menggunakan Carbamide Cream Widmer: Langka (mempengaruhi 1 hingga 10 pengguna dalam 10.000)Reaksi hipersensitivitas mungkin terjadi. Iritasi kulit, misalnya rasa terbakar, juga dapat terjadi bila digunakan pada kulit yang meradang atau rusak parah dan pada wajah. Iritasi kulit seperti kemerahan, gatal atau bersisik juga bisa terjadi. Jika Anda mengalami efek samping, bicarakan dengan dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda. Ini juga berlaku khususnya untuk efek samping yang tidak tercantum dalam selebaran ini. Apa lagi yang perlu diperhatikan?Produk obat hanya boleh digunakan sampai tanggal yang ditandai «EXP» pada wadah. Petunjuk PenyimpananSimpan pada suhu kamar (15-25 °C). Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Dokter, apoteker, atau apoteker Anda dapat memberi Anda informasi lebih lanjut. Orang-orang ini memiliki informasi terperinci untuk spesialis. Apa yang terkandung dalam Carbamide Crème Widmer?1 g Carbamide Crème Widmer mengandung: Bahan aktif120 mg urea. ExcipientsPropylene glycol (E 1520), butylated hydroxyanisole (E 320), butylated hydroxytoluene (E 321), sorbitan isostearate, etoxylated, minyak jarak terhidrogenasi, cairan encer parafin, desil oleat, Dibutil adipat, parafin keras, setil dimetikon kopoliol, vaselin putih, lilin mineral (ceresin), minyak jarak terhidrogenasi, gliserol isostearat, poligliserol-3-oleat, isopropil miristat, polioksietilen-(30)-sorbitol, 1, 3-butilen glikol, larutan sorbitol 70% (tidak mengkristal), 2-fenoksietanol, magnesium sulfat heptahidrat, asam sitrat monohidrat, all-rac-alpha tocopheryl acetate, air murni. Nomor persetujuan38498 (Swissmedic). Di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan Carbamid Crème Widmer? Paket apa yang tersedia?Di apotek dan toko obat, tanpa resep dokter. Tabung 100 ml.Pemegang otorisasiLouis Widmer AG, 8952 Schlieren. ProdusenLouis Widmer AG, 8952 Schlieren. Selebaran ini terakhir diperiksa oleh Badan Obat-obatan (Swissmedic) pada April 2020. ..

20,36 USD

Lengan monitor tekanan darah omron m3 comfort

Lengan monitor tekanan darah omron m3 comfort

Kode produk: 7749749

Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort: The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and easy-to-use device that allows you to conveniently monitor your blood pressure at home. The monitor is designed to provide accurate readings and features an intuitive interface with a large display for easy reading. The M3 Comfort monitor has a comfortable cuff that is easy to fit to your arm and ensures accurate results. It uses the Intellisense technology which allows the cuff to inflate to the ideal level for each individual user, and therefore delivers a fast and comfortable measurement experience. The Omron M3 Comfort blood pressure monitor has a memory capacity of two users and can store up to 60 readings per user, meaning it is ideal for both personal and family use. It has a hypertension indicator that alerts you if the result is above the average level so that you can make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle. The blood pressure monitor comes with a range of additional features, including a body movement indicator, irregular heartbeat detection, and a guest mode function. The device is easy to use and has one-button operation, meaning that it can be used by people of all ages. The device also comes with a storage case for easy transportation and safe storage. The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and accurate device that provides users with a convenient way to monitor their blood pressure at home. With its comfortable cuff and user-friendly interface, it is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep track of their blood pressure on a regular basis. ..

237,92 USD

Livsane elektronisches blutdruckmessgerät

Livsane elektronisches blutdruckmessgerät

Kode produk: 7851252

Livsane Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor - Accurate and Convenient The Livsane Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor is a must-have device for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their blood pressure conveniently and accurately. The device has a comfortable, easy-to-use cuff that fits most arm sizes, making it perfect for use at home or on the go. The digital monitor clearly displays your blood pressure readings, enabling you to keep track of any changes in your blood pressure over time. Features Easy-to-use cuff that fits most arm sizes Large, easy-to-read digital display Automatically stores up to 60 previous readings Quick and accurate measurement technology Compliance with European medical device standards Benefits The Livsane Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor offers several benefits to its users. Some of these benefits include: Accurate measurements: The device uses the latest technology to provide accurate blood pressure readings, which can help to prevent serious health problems. Easy to use: The monitor is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to operate. Convenient: The portable device can be used at home or on the go, allowing you to monitor your blood pressure whenever and wherever you want. Advanced features: The device can store up to 60 previous readings, allowing you to keep track of your blood pressure over time. Final Thoughts Overall, the Livsane Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor is a great investment for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their blood pressure levels. The device is easy to use, accurate and offers several advanced features that make it a great value for money. Whether you are looking to monitor your blood pressure at home or on the go, this device is the perfect choice!..

125,86 USD

Monitor tekanan darah omron lengan atas evolv it

Monitor tekanan darah omron lengan atas evolv it

Kode produk: 7042958

The automatic Omeron EVOLV blood pressure monitor for the upper arm, without hoses or cables. The blood pressure monitor convinces with its Intellisense technology, which ensures an accurate and gentle measurement, without annoying cables or hoses.The blood pressure monitor also detects irregular heartbeats and has body movement sensors.The unique Intelli Wrap cuff ensures easy and precise measurement. Get Connected The OMRON EVOLV blood pressure The measuring device can be connected to the OMERON Connect app for iPhone and Android.You can access it at any time and track your results and see your progress.With a 3-year guarantee and a free check when you buy it. Scope of delivery Integrated deviceIntelli Wrap cuff (22 - 42 cm)BatteriesInstructions for useStorage boxInstallation instructions..

311,78 USD

Sphygmomanometer 3 bua 6150 dengan tepat berwarna coklat

Sphygmomanometer 3 bua 6150 dengan tepat berwarna coklat

Kode produk: 7558030

Karakteristik Brown exactFit sphygmomanometer 3 BUA 6150Bersertifikat di Eropa CESuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15/30 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 buahBerat: 1250g Panjang: 131mm Lebar: 145mm Tinggi: 195mm Beli Brown exactFit sphygmomanometer 3 BUA 6150 online dari Swiss..

150,78 USD

Veroval monitor tekanan darah lengan atas

Veroval monitor tekanan darah lengan atas

Kode produk: 7131952


200,81 USD

Visomat comfort 20/40 sphygmomanometer

Visomat comfort 20/40 sphygmomanometer

Kode produk: 3003447

Karakteristik sphygmomanometer Visomat Comfort 20/40Bersertifikat di Eropa CESuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15/30 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 buahBerat: 830g Panjang: 122mm Lebar: 192mm Tinggi: 167mm Beli Visomat Comfort 20/40 sphygmomanometer online dari Swiss..

186,15 USD

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