Terapi Nutrisi
(1 Halaman)
Aptamil sebagai syneo plv
Menghentikan operasi Indikasi Aptamil SEBAGAI Syneo Indikasi Zum Diätmanagement bei schwerer Kuhmilchproteinallergie. 768031 / 15.12.2020 ..
88,22 USD
Digebiane rfx kautabl 20 stk
Karakteristik DIGE Biane RFx Kautabl 20 buahSuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15/25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 20 buahBerat: 47g Panjang: 22mm Lebar: 74mm Tinggi: 131mm Beli DIGE Biane RFx Kautabl 20 pcs online dari Swiss..
30,24 USD
Fortimel compact protein erdbeere
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fortimel Compact Protein Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei erhöhtem Energie- und Eiweissbedarf oder Eiweissmangel. 761950 / 20.07.2021 ..
30,63 USD
Fortimel compact protein pisang 4 fl 125 ml
Karakteristik Fortimel Compact protein banana 4 Fl 125 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBBahan aktif: V06DBPenyimpanan suhu min/ maks 15/25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 4 mlBerat: 656g Panjang: 104mm Lebar: 104mm Tinggi: 108mm Beli pisang protein Fortimel Compact 4 Fl 125 ml online dari Swiss..
30,72 USD
Fresubin 2 kkal minum vanilla 4 botol 200 ml
Minuman Vanila Fresubin 2 kkal: Dosis Nutrisi Harian Anda Mencari cara yang nyaman dan lezat untuk meningkatkan asupan energi dan protein Anda? Minuman vanilla Fresubin 2 kkal adalah solusi yang tepat. Setiap botol 200ml mengandung 400 kalori dan 20 gram protein berkualitas tinggi, penting untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh. **Mengapa memilih minuman vanilla Fresubin 2 kkal?** Rasa vanilla yang lezat Tinggi kalori dan protein Mudah dicerna Sempurna untuk dibawa bepergian Mendukung kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan Baik Anda sedang dalam masa pemulihan dari suatu penyakit, sedang menangani kondisi kronis, atau sekadar ingin meningkatkan nutrisi Anda, minuman vanilla Fresubin 2 kkal adalah pilihan yang tepat. Pesan paket 4 botol Anda hari ini dan rasakan perbedaannya!..
34,84 USD
Fresubin energy drink erdbeere 4 fl 200 ml
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fresubin Energy DRINK Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Patienten mit bestehender oder drohender Mangelernährung, insbesondere bei erhöhtem Energiebedarf. 763441 / 04.11.2022 ..
32,31 USD
Fresubin protein powder netral 40 x 11,5 g
Karakteristik Fresubin protein POWDER Netral 40 x 11.5 gAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBJumlah dalam kemasan : 40 gBerat: 583g Panjang: 99mm Lebar: 148mm Tinggi: 172mm Beli BUBUK protein Fresubin Netral 40 x 11,5 g online dari Swiss ..
89,44 USD
Milupa ga 2-topping plv from 1 year ds 500 g
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Milupa GA 2-prima Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Kleinkindern ab 1 Jahr und Schulkindern mit Glutarazidurie Typ I. 765390 / 19.07.2019 ..
651,97 USD
Milupa tyr 3-advanta plv dari 15 tahun
Table of Contents Advertisement Milupa TYR 3-advanta Advertisement For diet management in adolescents aged 15 and over and adults with tyrosinemia. 765233 / 07/01/2019 ..
760,64 USD
Modul ibd plv ds 400 g
Karakteristik Modul IBD PLV Ds 400 gAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBBahan aktif: V06DBSuhu penyimpanan min/maks 15 /25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 gBerat: 524g Panjang: 104mm Lebar: 104mm Tinggi: 144mm Beli Modul IBD PLV Ds 400 g secara online dari Swiss..
65,04 USD
Nova source gi forte netral smartfl 500 ml
Karakteristik Nova source GI forte Neutral SmartFl 500 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBBahan aktif: V06DBPenyimpanan suhu min/ maks 15/25 derajat CelciusJumlah dalam kemasan : 1 mlBerat: 0,00000000g Panjang: 0mm Lebar: 0mm Tinggi: 0mm Beli sumber Nova GI forte Netral SmartFl 500 ml online dari Swiss..
25,36 USD
Pastikan plus liq strawberry fl 200 ml
Ensure Plus Aroma Strawberry is a high-calorie (1.5 kcal/ml), fully balanced liquid and is suitable for exclusive or supplementary nutrition. Ensure Plus sets new standards in terms of taste: Two blind tastings with a total of 202 Swiss experts were able to show that Ensure Plus is the winner in terms of smell, taste and consistency! Ensure Plus is particularly suitable for: Loss of appetite MalnutritionAnorexiaChanges in tasteIncreased energy requirementsGastroenterological diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc.)For regeneration after a hospital stay and/or illness Add variety to your drinking: Enjoy Ensure Plus chilled or with ice cubes. Mix Ensure Plus with the food, e.g. in Birchermüesli, in a cream or in a soup.Treat yourself to Ensure Plus in small portions, distributed throughout the day, e.g. as a fruity dessert. This product is available in 7 different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, banana, forest fruit, strawberry, raspberryThe drinking food is low in lactose and gluten-free. ..
9,94 USD
Resource 2.0 fibre drink coklat 4 x 200 ml
The importance of disease-related malnutrition is often underestimated. Resource 2.0 Fiber Drink Chocolate contains a lot of energy, numerous proteins and prebiotic dietary fibers to effectively combat malnutrition.Prebiotics are special undigested dietary fibers that selectively promote the growth of our intestinal flora and thus achieve a positive health effect. Preventing the proliferation of pathogenic intestinal bacteriaReduction of the risk of infectionPromotion of the regeneration of the intestinal floraSupporting mineral absorption (e.g. calcium) Resource 2.0 Fiber Drink Chocolate helps with protein-energy malnutrition caused by loss of appetite, underweight, cachexia or chewing/swallowing problems. This product has the flavor "Chocolate". Dosage 1 - 2 Resource 2.0 Fibers Drink Chocolate per day for supplementary nutrition4 - 5 Resource 2.0 Fibers Drink Chocolate per day for exclusive nutritionThe drink also tastes best chilled. ..
41,01 USD
Resource diabet plus stroberi 4 fl 200 ml
Karakteristik Resource Diabet Plus strawberry 4 Fl 200 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBBahan aktif: V06DBJumlah dalam kemasan : 4 mlBerat: 971g Panjang: 115mm Lebar: 115mm Tinggi: 129mm Beli Resource Diabet Plus stroberi 4 Fl 200 ml online dari Swiss..
31,19 USD
Resource diabetes plus vanilla 4 fl 200 ml
Karakteristik Resource Diabet Plus vanilla 4 Fl 200 mlSuhu penyimpanan min/max 15/25 derajat CelsiusJumlah dalam kemasan : 4 ml Berat: 972g Panjang: 115mm Lebar: 115mm Tinggi: 129mm Beli Resource Diabet Plus vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml online dari Swiss..
31,19 USD
Resource energy aprikot 4 botol 200 ml
Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and problems with chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "apricot". Dosage The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease. Suitable for supplementary nutrition from the 3rd years: 1-3 portions per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from the age of 6 years: follow doctor's recommendation...
29,45 USD
Sumber protein kopi 4 x 200 ml
Kopi Protein Sumber Daya 4 x 200ml Makanan minum berprotein tinggi dengan vitamin dan mineral Fitur produk? Kaya akan protein? 18,8 g protein/botol? 250 kkal/botol? Tanpa serat makanan? Cocok untuk nutrisi eksklusif? Bebas gluten? Rendah laktosa Nilai gizi per 100 ml- Energi: 125 kkal - Karbohidrat: 14 g- Protein: 9,4 g- Lemak: 3,5 g- Serat makanan: 0 g Indikasi? Peningkatan kebutuhan protein (misalnya pada kasus luka tekan atau gangguan penyembuhan luka)? Malnutrisi yang akan terjadi atau yang sudah terjadi, terutama disertai kesulitan mengunyah dan menelan, anoreksia, dan penurunan berat badan yang tidak diinginkan serta hilangnya nafsu makan? Pembatasan cairan (misalnya pada gagal jantung) Dosis? Untuk nutrisi eksklusif: ikuti anjuran dokter? Untuk nutrisi tambahan: 1 - 3 porsi setiap hari PenyimpananRasanya paling enak saat didinginkan. Simpan dalam keadaan belum dibuka, dinginkan dan keringkan. Tutup kembali botol yang sudah dibuka, simpan di lemari es dan minum dalam waktu 24 jam. Informasi penting? Gunakan di bawah pengawasan medis? Cocok untuk anak mulai usia 3 tahun (dosis dianjurkan setelah berkonsultasi dengan dokter). Makanan diet untuk keperluan medis khusus (diet seimbang) Daftar bahanAir; Protein susu; Sirup glukosa, sukrosa, minyak lobak, mineral (kalium klorida, kalium sitrat, natrium sitrat, magnesium sitrat, magnesium oksida, besi sulfat, seng sulfat, mangan sulfat, tembaga sulfat, natrium fluorida, kromium klorida, natrium molibdat, kalium iodida, natrium selenate), pengemulsi (E471), perisa, pati, vitamin (C, E, niasin, asam pantotenat, B6, A, tiamin, riboflavin, asam folat, K, biotin, D), penstabil (E407), pewarna (E150c) . Alergen: Susu ..
30,20 USD
Thickenup clear plv 24 stick 1.2 g
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp Clear dissolves completely in all liquids without clumping, leaving the thickened water perfectly clear. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The constant stability of the consistency ensures that swallowing can be prevented even if the drink has been sitting around for a while. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml liquid you need: 1 stick for nectar-like consistency2 sticks for honey-like consistency3 sticks for pudding-like consistency..
26,18 USD
(1 Halaman)