Lepilna podloga iz flisa 3M MEDIPORE je zanesljiva izbira za potrebe oskrbe ran in zdravstvene nege. Ta velikost 5 cm x 10 m nudi zadostno pokritost za različne velikosti ran in je opremljena z novo tehnologijo lepila za varno pritrditev. Idealen za povoje in obloge ran, ta izdelek zagotavlja nežen, a učinkovit oprijem na kožo. Material iz flisa zagotavlja pacientu mehak in udoben občutek ter pospešuje celjenje brez povzročanja nelagodja. Za vrhunsko kakovost oskrbe ran zaupajte 3M MEDIPORE...
3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 50mmx9.14m weiss 6 Stk
The 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 50mmx9.14m weiss 6 Stk is a reliable and high-quality medical tape that features a unique dispenser that allows for easy and efficient use. Each roll measures 50mm in width and 9.14m in length, making it suitable for a variety of medical applications.
One of the key benefits of the 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser is its breathable design, which is essential for use on delicate and sensitive skin. The tape allows air to circulate while still providing strong adhesion, making it ideal for use on wounds, cuts, and other injuries.
In addition to its breathable design, the 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser is also incredibly easy to use thanks to its innovative dispenser. The dispenser allows you to quickly and easily dispense the tape, which can help to save time and improve efficiency in medical settings.
The 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser is also incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used for securing dressings, securing tubing, and even for general-purpose taping.
Overall, if you're looking for a reliable and high-quality medical tape that is easy to use and versatile enough for a wide range of applications, the 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 50mmx9.14m weiss 6 Stk is an excellent choice...
Introducing 3M Tegaderm Roll Wundverband 10cmx2m Transparent
The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wundverband 10cmx2m Transparent is an advanced wound care product designed to provide reliable protection and healing support for a variety of wound types, sizes, and severities. The transparent film dressing is suitable for use on superficial wounds, pressure ulcers, surgical incisions, and other minor to moderate wounds.
The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wundverband 10cmx2m Transparent is made with high-quality materials that are soft, flexible, and breathable. This allows the wound to stay protected while also maintaining a comfortable and natural healing environment. The transparent film dressing helps to maintain a moist wound environment, which is essential for proper healing and preventing infection.
The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wundverband 10cmx2m Transparent is easy to apply and remove. The roll format allows for custom cutting to fit the specific wound size and shape. The adhesive material is gentle, yet strong enough to hold the dressing securely in place. The transparent design allows for easy monitoring of the wound without needing to remove the dressing, which can further reduce the risk of infection.
The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wundverband 10cmx2m Transparent is a reliable and versatile wound care product that can help promote faster healing and prevent complications. It is a must-have for any first aid kit, medical facility, or home healthcare setting.
Key Features:
Transparent film dressing
Soft, flexible, and breathable materials
Customizable roll format
Gentle adhesive material
Easy to apply and remove
Promotes faster healing and prevents infections
Leva blazinica za prste BORT PEDISOFT je specializiran izdelek za nego ran, zasnovan za zagotavljanje vrhunske zaščite prstov na nogah. Ta blazinica, izdelana iz visokokakovostnih materialov, nudi udobje in podporo pri različnih boleznih stopal, kot so kurja očesa, otiščanci, žulji ali vraščeni nohti. Njegova ergonomska oblika zagotavlja varno in udobno prileganje ter zmanjšuje trenje in pritisk na prizadetem območju. BORT PEDISOFT Toe Pad Left je enostaven za čiščenje, za večkratno uporabo in primeren za vsakodnevno uporabo. Ne glede na to, ali gre za pooperativno nego, preprečevanje razjed zaradi pritiska ali splošno zaščito stopal, je ta blazinica za prste zaupanja vredna rešitev za ohranjanje optimalnega zdravja in udobja stopal...
Pain-relieving abrasion plaster to speed up the healing process. Offers protection against water, dirt and bacteria and prevents scabbing. Can be used for several days.
The DermaPlast® Effect products with hydrocolloids relieve pain and accelerate wound healing. They create a moist wound environment in which skin cells can grow better. The plasters can remain on the wound for several days. They lie gently and securely on the wound like a pressure pad. The plasters with a wafer-thin film protect against water, bacteria and dirt.
This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig 4cmx10m 10 Stk
DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is a high-quality dressing for injuries and wound care. The dressing is made of non-woven fabric and is designed to provide excellent support and protection to the affected area. Its special weave structure ensures that it remains stable during movement and prevents slipping and shifting of the bandage.
DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is easy to apply and comes in a convenient size of 4cm x 10m, making it ideal for any type of injury or wound. The bandage can be used to cover small or large wounds on any part of the body, and it is suitable for both adults and children.
The package contains 10 pieces of DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig, and each piece is individually wrapped for hygiene and easy storage. The dressing is highly breathable and ensures that the wound remains dry and clean, promoting faster healing process. Its high-quality adhesive ensures that the bandage stays securely in place, providing maximum comfort and protection to the injured area.
DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is an essential item for your first aid kit and is perfect for use at home, in schools, offices, and any other environment where injuries can occur. Buy DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig today and have a reliable and effective dressing for all your wound care needs...
Predstavljamo GRIBI Under Glove Vinyl M brez pudra, vsestransko rešitev za zdravstvene delavce in posameznike, ki potrebujejo visokokakovostno zaščito rok. Te raziskovalne rokavice so zasnovane tako, da zagotavljajo udobje, spretnost in zanesljivost. Izdelani so iz vrhunskega vinilnega materiala in se dobro prilegajo, hkrati pa omogočajo enostavno premikanje rok. Zasnova brez pudra zmanjša morebitno draženje kože, zaradi česar so primerni za dolgotrajno nošenje. Te rokavice so idealne za oskrbo ran, naloge zdravstvene nege in različna zdravstvena okolja, saj nudijo oviro pred onesnaževalci in zagotavljajo higienske prakse. Izboljšajte svoje ukrepe za nadzor okužb z rokavicami GRIBI Under Glove Vinyl M brez pudra...
Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk
Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk je medicinski izdelek, ki je zasnovan za zagotavljanje vrhunske zaščite pri oskrbi ran. Ta izdelek je posebej zasnovan za pomoč bolnikom z občutljivo kožo pri zdravljenju ran, ne da bi se pojavili neželeni učinki. Ti povoji so izdelani iz hipoalergenega lepila, ki je nežen do kože in ga je mogoče varno in udobno uporabljati dlje časa.
Funkcije izdelka
Hipoalergeno lepilo – popolno za tiste z občutljivo kožo
Mehko in prožno – udobno za dolgotrajno nošenje
Osrednja blazinica za rane – zasnovana tako, da vpije tekočino in ohranja rano čisto
Enostaven nanos - Oblogo lahko nanesete hitro in enostavno
Zelo vpojno – Zagotavlja vrhunsko zaščito ran
Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk je zasnovan za optimalno oskrbo ran za tiste z občutljivo kožo. Hipoalergeno lepilo zagotavlja udobno in varno uporabo obloge dlje časa, ne da bi pri tem povzročilo draženje kože ali reakcije. Obloga je tudi zelo vpojna, zaradi česar je popolna za rane, ki krvavijo ali izločajo tekočino. Poleg tega osrednja blazinica za rano pomaga ohranjati rano čisto in ustvarja popolno okolje za celjenje ran.
Kako uporabljati
Uporaba Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk je preprosta in enostavna. Preprosto temeljito očistite rano pred nanosom obloge. Odstranite zaščitno podlago in nanesite lepilo neposredno na čisto in suho rano. Zgladite robove obloge, da zagotovite, da se pravilno oprime kože. Obvezo je treba redno menjati ali po navodilih zdravstvenega delavca.
Če imate občutljivo kožo in iščete udoben in varen način za nego ran, potem je Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk popoln izdelek za vas. S hipoalergenim lepilom in visoko vpojno osrednjo blazinico zagotavlja ta obloga popolno zaščito za rane, hkrati pa vam zagotavlja udobje in varnost...
Predstavljamo LEUKOPLAST Barrier v 4 priročnih velikostih, zasnovanih za optimalno podporo pri oskrbi ran. Iz kategorije Zdravstvena nega, natančneje pod Oskrba ran in Zdravstvena nega, ta izdelek spada med Obloge, povoje in obliže. Pregradni povoj služi kot zaščitni ščit za spodbujanje celjenja in preprečevanje okužbe ter spada v podkategorijo združenj Bandage - Paving and Wound Fast Associations. LEUKOPLAST Barrier, izdelan iz hitro lepljive plastike, zagotavlja varen oprijem za učinkovito zdravljenje ran. Izberite LEUKOPLAST za zanesljive rešitve za oskrbo ran brez težav v različnih velikostih, ki ustrezajo vašim posebnim potrebam...
Livsane Wundreinigungsspray
Wundreinigung; Befeuchtung und Heilung von Wunden.
Direkt auf das Wundgebiet sprühen.
765017 / 16.05.2019
LOMATUAL Per 10x10cm je vsestranski mazalni obkladek, zasnovan za učinkovito nego ran. Ta izdelek odlikuje zagotavljanje nevtralne in nežne rešitve za celjenje različnih ran. Z velikostjo 10 x 10 cm nudi zadostno prekrivanje ran različnih velikosti. Obkladek je strokovno izdelan za vzdrževanje vlažnega okolja, ki je ugodno za optimalno celjenje ran. Njegova narava proti sprijemanju zagotavlja neboleče menjave povojev in spodbuja udobje pacienta. LOMATUAL Per 10x10cm je nepogrešljiv dodatek k vsakemu kompletu prve pomoči ali medicinskemu okolju, saj nudi zanesljivo pomoč pri oskrbi ran...
Medicomp 4 fach S30 5x5cm steril 25 x 2 Stk
Introducing the Medicomp 4 fach S30 sterile dressing, designed to provide comfort and convenience in caring for wounds. Each pack contains 25 sets of two dressings- that's 50 pieces of single-use, sterile dressings at your disposal.
The 5x5cm Medicomp dressing is ideal for covering wounds and protecting them from further damage or dirt. It features a unique four-layer design, with each layer serving a specific purpose to aid in wound healing. The outer layer acts as a protective layer, ensuring that the wound is not exposed to any external factors. The second, hydrophobic layer repels water and other fluids away from the wound, preventing the risk of infection or contamination. The third, highly absorbent layer absorbs the excess wound exudates, while the fourth layer keeps the wound base moist and promotes a healthy healing process.
The Medicomp 4 fach S30 dressing is suitable for use on a wide range of wounds, such as cuts, abrasions, burns, and post-surgery wounds. It is easy to use, as it comes with a convenient adhesive backing that ensures it stays securely in place.
Invest in the Medicomp 4 fach S30 5x5cm sterile dressing for a reliable wound care solution that provides comfort, convenience, and efficient wound healing.
The Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is a highly effective medical dressing that is used to treat a range of different wounds and injuries. With its unique six-layer design, this dressing provides a comprehensive healing solution that helps to promote faster and more complete recovery for patients.
The six layers of the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm are carefully crafted to provide a range of important benefits. The top layer is made from soft and highly absorbent viscose fleece, which helps to wick away moisture and prevent bacterial growth on the wound site. The second layer is a highly permeable, non-woven material that allows air to flow freely through the dressing and promote faster healing.
Below these top two layers, the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm features a layer of highly absorbent cotton wool, followed by a layer of highly absorbent and highly elastic polyurethane foam. These layers work together to provide maximum cushioning and protection for the wound site, while also promoting optimal blood flow and oxygenation to the area.
The final two layers of the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm are a highly breathable polyurethane film and a special adhesive layer that helps to keep the dressing in place without causing irritation or discomfort to the patient. Together, these six layers provide a highly effective wound healing solution that is ideal for a wide range of injuries, including cuts, abrasions, and burns.
So if you are looking for a high-quality, effective medical dressing that can help to promote faster and more complete healing for your patients, the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is an excellent choice. With its innovative six-layer design and advanced materials, this dressing is sure to deliver the results you need...
Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 5x5cm steril 25 x 2 Stk
The Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 5x5cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is a medical product meant to serve as a sterile dressing for wounds. Each package contains 25 units with 2 dressings in each, making it a total of 50 dressings. The dimensions of each dressing measure 5x5cm, providing ample coverage for small to medium-sized wound areas.
Medicomp Extra is designed to accelerate the healing of wounds by promoting a moist environment that facilitates the natural healing process. The dressing comprises a unique six-layer structure, each layer playing a specific role in providing the right conditions for optimal wound healing. The design also helps minimize the risk of wound bed adherence, making dressing changes less painful and less traumatic for the patient.
The dressing is made of a soft, non-woven polyester material that's gentle on the skin and allows breathability, preventing maceration or overheating of the wound area. The dressings come sterilized to reduce the risk of infection and have an adhesive border that secures the dressing in place, reducing the chances of it accidentally falling off. Medicomp Extra is ideal for use on surgical and traumatic wounds, ulcers, lacerations, abrasions, and burns.
The Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 5x5cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is a high-quality wound dressing that provides an environment that supports the natural healing process. Try it on your next wound and see the difference!..
MERFEN Septoclean Gel
MERFEN Septoclean Gel je večnamenski antiseptični gel, poln močnih sestavin, kot sta benzalkonijev klorid in triklosan, ki pomaga učinkovito ubijati klice, bakterije in viruse. Ta gel je posebej oblikovan za učinkovito čiščenje, razkuževanje in celjenje manjših vreznin, opeklin in ran.
Ključne lastnosti:
Antiseptični gel za manjše ureznine, opekline in rane
Učinkovit proti virusom, bakterijam in klicam
Posebej oblikovan z benzalkonijevim kloridom in triklosanom
Hitro celjenje
Formula brez madežev
Navodila za uporabo:
Očistite prizadeto mesto in nanj nanesite majhno količino MERFEN Septoclean gela. Nežno ga vtrite na prizadeto območje in zagotovite popolno pokritost okuženega območja. Nanesite ga dvakrat ali trikrat na dan ali po navodilih zdravnika.
Varnostne informacije:
Samo za zunanjo uporabo.
Izogibajte se stiku z očmi, usti ali občutljivimi predeli.
Ne uporabljajte pri globokih urezninah, vbodnih ranah ali resnih opeklinah.
Hranite izven dosega otrok.
Če se pojavi kakršna koli alergijska reakcija ali nelagodje, prenehajte z uporabo in se posvetujte z zdravnikom.
MERFEN Septoclean Gel je izdelek, ki ga mora imeti vsako gospodinjstvo za hitro in učinkovito razkuževanje in celjenje manjših ran. Je zanesljiva in cenovno ugodna rešitev, ki zagotavlja zaščito brez mikrobov za vso družino.
Elastični povoji Rhena Star so zanesljiva izbira za učinkovito nego in podporo ran. Ti povoji, ki merijo 8 cm x 5 m v diskretnem odtenku kože, zagotavljajo varno pokritost in stiskanje pri različnih poškodbah. Elastičen material, zasnovan za udobje in enostavno uporabo, zagotavlja oprijeto, a prilagodljivo prileganje. Ti povoji so idealni za pritrditev oblog ali zagotavljanje lahke podpore pri nategih in zvinih, zato so bistven dodatek k vsakemu kompletu prve pomoči. Zaupajte Rhena Star za kakovostne elastične povoje, ki dajejo prednost funkcionalnosti in udobju...
Rhena Varidress 10 cm x 5 m kožne barve je visokokakovosten kompresijski vezni povoj, zasnovan za učinkovito oskrbo ran. Z velikostjo 10 cm x 5 m ta povoj zagotavlja tesno in varno prileganje različnim vrstam ran. Njegova kožna barva se brezhibno zlije za diskretno in udobno nošenje. Bandaža Rhena Varidress je vsestranska in primerna za različne namene oskrbe ran, saj nudi zanesljivo podporo in kompresijo. Idealen za zdravstvene delavce, negovalce in posameznike, ki potrebujejo učinkovite rešitve za obvezo ran, ta povoj zagotavlja optimalno celjenje in zaščito. Zaupajte Rhena Varidress za vrhunsko osnovno oskrbo ran...
Povoj v kožni barvi Rhena Varidress 6 cm x 5 m je vsestranski izdelek, ki je enostaven za uporabo in je zasnovan za nego ran in potrebe zdravstvene nege. Ta visokokakovosten povoj ponuja odlično združljivost s kožo in nežen oprijem, zaradi česar je idealen za občutljive tipe kože. 6 cm širine in 5 m dolžine zagotavljata veliko pokritosti in prilagodljivosti za različne velikosti in oblike ran. Ne glede na to, ali se uporablja za kompresijsko terapijo ali pritrditev oblog na rane, ta povoj zagotavlja varno in udobno podporo. Zaupajte Rhena Varidress za učinkovito zdravljenje ran in oskrbo bolnikov. Idealno za zdravstvene ustanove, komplete prve pomoči in domačo uporabo...
ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch: The Ultimate Support for Wounds and Injuries
If you are looking for a reliable and effective solution to support your wounds and injuries, ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch is your go-to product. This synthetic cotton roll is perfect for providing extra cushioning and padding to your wounds, making it an ideal choice for those who need extra support and protection for their injuries.
Features and Benefits
ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch is made from high-quality synthetic cotton that is soft and gentle on your skin. It effectively absorbs moisture and helps in keeping your wounds dry to prevent the growth of bacteria. The synthetic cotton roll is also breathable, ensuring that your wounds are well-ventilated for faster healing.
Here are some of the other features and benefits of ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch:
Can be easily cut to size according to your requirements
Provides excellent cushioning and support to your wounds
Uses a skin-friendly adhesive to stay in place without causing irritation
Is gentle enough for use on sensitive skin and for children
Comes in a compact and easy-to-use roll for convenient storage and transportation
ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch can be used for a variety of applications, including:
Wound care and management
Post-surgical care
Sports injuries
Joint support
Padding and cushioning for medical devices
And much more
Why Choose ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch?
At ROLTA Medical, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality medical products that are both effective and affordable. That's why ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch is the best choice for anyone looking for a reliable and high-quality synthetic cotton roll for wound care and management.
With its superior cushioning and support, breathable design, and easy-to-use roll format, ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch is the ultimate choice for anyone looking for a reliable and effective solution for their wounds and injuries. So why wait? Order your ROLTA SOFT Wattebinde 10cmx3m Synthetisch today and experience the ultimate support and protection for your wounds!..
SUPRASORB F Folien Verband 10cmx1m unsteril
The SUPRASORB F Folien Verband 10cmx1m unsteril is an innovative and highly effective dressing that is designed to accelerate wound healing and prevent possible complications. This wound dressing comes in a length of about 1 meter and a width of about 10 centimeters, which makes it perfect for covering larger wounds.
The material used in the SUPRASORB F Folien Verband is highly permeable, which will allow for proper moisture transfer and maintaining the correct level of moisture on the wound. This helps to keep the wound bed moist so that healthy new tissues can grow more quickly. At the same time, it ensures that the wound does not become too wet, which can cause further complications.
The SUPRASORB F Folien Verband 10cmx1m unsteril provides a reliable and effective barrier against bacteria and other germs that can lead to infection. This reduces the likelihood of infection, promotes healing, and can lead to reduced pain and discomfort for the patient. It also has an excellent adhesive quality that will stick firmly to the skin to prevent movement, and prevent the dressing from coming off prematurely.
The SUPRASORB F Folien Verband 10cmx1m unsteril is free from sterilization, which means it is ready for the user to open from its packaging and apply it to the wound. This makes it perfect for emergency situations where time is of the essence and for health care providers who need quick and efficient wound care management.
The SUPRASORB F Folien Verband 10cmx1m unsteril is a versatile wound dressing used in hospitals, clinics, and private homes. It is ideal for use on a wide variety of wounds, such as chronic wounds, acute wounds, post-operative wounds, abrasions, and punctures. It is a reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use dressing that provides excellent wound care results for patients of all ages.
SUPRASORB H Dünn 5x5cm
SUPRASORB H Dünn is a thin, transparent hydrocolloid wound dressing designed to provide optimal healing conditions for up to seven days. The dressing is five by five centimeters and is ideal for use on wounds that are small or in hard-to-reach areas.
How does it work?
The ultra-thin, flexible design of SUPRASORB H Dünn allows it to conform easily to the contours of the wound bed, ensuring optimal contact with the surrounding tissue. The hydrocolloid adhesive layer adheres gently to the skin, creating a moisture-balanced environment that supports the natural wound healing process.
What are the benefits of using SUPRASORB H Dünn?
Easy to apply and remove
Creates a supportive healing environment
Allows wound visualization
Reduces the risk of maceration or skin irritation
Can be used on small or hard-to-reach wounds
Who can use SUPRASORB H Dünn?
SUPRASORB H Dünn is suitable for use on a wide range of wounds, including pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, superficial burns, and donor sites. The dressing is also suitable for use on wounds that are at risk of infection or that have a high exudate level.
How do I apply SUPRASORB H Dünn?
Before applying the dressing, clean the wound and surrounding skin with an appropriate antiseptic. Peel the backing off the dressing and apply it to the wound, making sure it is in full contact with the wound bed and surrounding skin. SUPRASORB H Dünn should be changed every five to seven days or earlier if the dressing becomes saturated or lifted.
Total symbols: 895..
Telfa AMD Wundauflage 11.4x7.6cm Steril 50 Stk - Product Description
Telfa AMD Wundauflage 11.4x7.6cm Steril 50 Stk
The Telfa AMD Wundauflage 11.4x7.6cm Steril 50 Stk is a sterile dressing that is used for wound care. It is made of a porous synthetic fabric that is designed to promote wound healing and prevent infection. This product is designed to be used as a primary or secondary dressing. The Telfa AMD Wundauflage 11.4x7.6cm Steril 50 Stk is ideal for use on wounds that are difficult to heal, such as chronic wounds or those that are infected.
Features and Benefits
Sterile dressing
Porous synthetic fabric promotes wound healing
Prevents infection
Designed for use as a primary or secondary dressing
Ideal for use on difficult-to-heal wounds
50 dressings per pack
Directions for Use
Clean the wound with an antiseptic solution
Apply the Telfa AMD Wundauflage to the wound
Secure the dressing in place with adhesive tape
Change the dressing as needed, based on the condition of the wound
Warnings and Precautions
For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes
Do not use if the package is damaged or opened
If there is excessive bleeding, seek medical attention
Značilnosti zaščitnih zahtev Valanop 37,5x45cm 100 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v pakiranju: 100 kosovTeža: 837g Dolžina: 182 mm Širina: 112 mm Višina: 158 mm Kupite Valanop zaščitne zahteve 37,5 x 45 cm 100 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
VARIHESIVE Hydrogel m Applikator steril
The VARIHESIVE Hydrogel m Applikator steril is a highly effective wound care product that provides efficient management for various types of wounds, including diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and surgical wounds.
This hydrogel dressing is composed of a proprietary formula that is specifically designed to promote wound healing by creating a moist wound environment. This ensures that wounds are kept hydrated and create optimal conditions for the growth of new tissue. As a result, the product has been known to significantly reduce wound healing time by up to 50% in some cases.
The applicator of the product is designed to make the application of the hydrogel dressing easy and hassle-free. The sterile packaging of the VARIHESIVE Hydrogel m Applikator ensures that the dressing is free from any contamination, making it safe for use in clinical settings.
The VARIHESIVE Hydrogel m Applikator does not require any secondary dressing and is easy to remove in one piece. It also helps to reduce the pain associated with dressing changes, making it a suitable option for patients with sensitivity to pain.
Overall, the VARIHESIVE Hydrogel m Applikator steril is an innovative wound care product that has been proven to be very effective in promoting wound healing. It is easy to use, safe, and highly recommended for use in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other healthcare settings.
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