
Body care

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3m futuro halskrause anpassbar

3m futuro halskrause anpassbar

Koda izdelka: 7840991

Ovratna opornica 3M Futuro zagotavlja nastavljivo podporo in udobje pri poškodbah vratu. Ta inovativna bandažna ovratnica ponuja prilagodljivo prileganje posameznikom, ki iščejo učinkovito olajšanje. Idealen za spodbujanje celjenja in stabilnosti, ima trpežno zasnovo, ki zagotavlja varno podporo. Ne glede na to, ali okrevate po obremenitvi ali iščete preventivno nego, je ta opornica za vrat zanesljiva izbira. Izkusite prednosti ciljne kompresije in fleksibilnosti z opornico za vrat 3M Futuro, ki je zasnovana tako, da vam pomaga pri samozavestnem in lahkotnem gibanju...

46.34 USD

Aquilea echinacea tabl 30 stk

Aquilea echinacea tabl 30 stk

Koda izdelka: 7828569

Aquilea Echinacea tablete nudijo podporo imunskemu sistemu in splošno dobro počutje v priročnem pakiranju po 30 kosov. Te tablete so narejene iz visokokakovostne ehinaceje, močne rastline, ki je znana po lastnostih krepitve imunskega sistema, zato so odličen dodatek k vašemu zdravstvenemu režimu. Primerno za tiste, ki želijo okrepiti svojo imunsko obrambo med sezonskimi spremembami ali obdobji visokega stresa. Skrbno oblikovana formula ponuja naraven način za podporo obrambi vašega telesa. Idealno za posameznike, ki iščejo zanesljivo prehransko dopolnilo za ohranjanje zdravja in vitalnosti. Dodajte tablete Aquilea Echinacea svoji rutini in uživajte v prednostih tega zaupanja vrednega zeliščnega zdravila...

27.24 USD

Avene mildes piling-gel

Avene mildes piling-gel

Koda izdelka: 7825735

Deep cleansing peeling gel for all sensitive skin types, with natural cellulose and jojoba wax pearls. Properties Gently removes excess skin cells for a refined complexion and a radiant complexion. Application Apply 1 - 2 times a week, avoiding the eye area. Massage into damp or dry skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Notes In case of eye contact, rinse thoroughly with water. ..

46.51 USD

Carefree cotton feel aloe karton 56 stk

Carefree cotton feel aloe karton 56 stk

Koda izdelka: 7848430

Izkusite popolno udobje in zaščito s kartonom Carefree Cotton Feel Aloe, ki vsebuje 56 kosov. Ti drsni vložki zagotavljajo diskretno in zanesljivo intimno nego in mesečno higieno. Mehkoba, podobna bombažu, v kombinaciji z aloe vero zagotavlja nežen in pomirjujoč občutek na vaši koži. Ostanite sveži in suhi ves dan s temi izdelki za nego, ki so zasnovani za vaše udobje in zaupanje. Idealni za vsakodnevno nošenje, ti vložki nudijo brezhibno prileganje in vpojnost, zaradi česar se počutite čisti in udobni. Zaupajte Carefree za brezskrbno in udobno izkušnjo...

12.57 USD

Chi energija vroča

Chi energija vroča

Koda izdelka: 7818316

CHI ENERGY Hot Product Description Introducing the all-new CHI ENERGY Hot product, a revolutionary technology that combines the power of far-infrared heat with the benefits of negative ions to provide a deeply revitalizing and rejuvenating experience. Ideal for anyone looking for an effective way to relax and unwind from the stresses of daily life, CHI ENERGY Hot offers a natural and sustainable solution for those seeking mental and physical wellness. Our CHI ENERGY Hot product contains high-quality ceramic and crystals that release negative ions when heated, which are known to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and promote blood circulation. Paired with the therapeutic benefits of heat, these negative ions can enhance the body's natural healing abilities, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote deep relaxation and improved sleep quality. The CHI ENERGY Hot product also features an ergonomic design that allows for easy and convenient use in a variety of settings. Whether you're looking to enjoy a relaxing session at home or need a quick pick-me-up during a busy day at work, CHI ENERGY Hot is the perfect solution. And with its lightweight and portable design, you can take it with you wherever you go, ensuring that you always have access to the powerful benefits of negative ions and far-infrared heat. Benefits of CHI ENERGY Hot: Reduces stress and anxiety Enhances natural healing abilities Improves blood circulation Promotes relaxation and restful sleep Portable and easy to use Experience the benefits of CHI ENERGY Hot for yourself and take the first step towards a more balanced and energized lifestyle. ..

30.43 USD

Chrisana pea kaps

Chrisana pea kaps

Koda izdelka: 7850617

Odkrijte moč kapsul CHRISANA PEA, najboljšega prehranskega dopolnila za vaše zdravje in pot do hujšanja. Te kapsule, oblikovane za podporo uravnavanju telesne teže, so obogatene z naravnimi izvlečki PEA, znanega po tem, da lahko pospeši metabolizem in zmanjša željo. Poslovite se od nezdravih navad prigrizkov in pozdravite bolj uravnotežen življenjski slog s CHRISANA PEA. Vključite ta izdelek v svojo dnevno rutino, da izboljšate svojo prehrano in izboljšate splošno dobro počutje. Naredite pozitivno spremembo še danes s kapsulami CHRISANA PEA...

66.79 USD

Chrisana venen vital kaps ds 120 stk

Chrisana venen vital kaps ds 120 stk

Koda izdelka: 7823416

Predstavljamo CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps, vrhunsko prehransko dopolnilo, namenjeno podpiranju zdravja ožilja in spodbujanju splošnega dobrega počutja. Te kapsule, polne močne mešanice naravnih sestavin, vključno z izvlečkom divjega kostanja, mesarja in vitaminom C, sinergistično krepijo in krepijo krvne žile, zmanjšujejo pojav pajkastih žilic in spodbujajo zdravo cirkulacijo. Ne glede na to, ali želite izboljšati videz svojih nog ali podpreti svoj srčno-žilni sistem, CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps nudi priročno in učinkovito rešitev. Poslovite se od utrujenih, bolečih nog in pozdravite bolj zdrave žile s to specializirano formulo. Dodajte CHRISANA Vein Vital Caps svoji dnevni rutini in izkusite prednosti na lastni koži...

52.16 USD

Dünner eisen-plus kaps

Dünner eisen-plus kaps

Koda izdelka: 7840172

Dvignite svojo raven energije in podprite zdravo raven železa z DÜNNER Iron Plus Caps. Ta prehranska dopolnila so posebej oblikovana za zagotavljanje močne kombinacije železa, vitaminov in mineralov, ki so bistveni za splošno dobro počutje. Popoln za ohranjanje vrhunske zmogljivosti, boj proti utrujenosti in spodbujanje vitalnosti. Ne glede na to, ali želite izboljšati svojo prehrano, podpreti svoje fitnes cilje ali zadovoljiti posebne prehranske potrebe, so DÜNNER Iron Plus Caps priročna rešitev. Izboljšajte svoje zdravje in dobro počutje s tem visokokakovostnim dodatkom, zasnovanim tako, da vam pomaga, da se vsak dan počutite najbolje...

30.99 USD

Dermaplast soft injection 16x40mm weiss

Dermaplast soft injection 16x40mm weiss

Koda izdelka: 7840206

DERMAPLAST Soft Injection 16x40mm bel je visokokakovosten medicinski obliž, namenjen oskrbi ran in hitremu celjenju ran. Ta povoj je posebej prilagojen za mesta injiciranja, zagotavlja mehak in nežen dotik za zagotavljanje udobja in zaščite med procesom celjenja. S svojimi dimenzijami 16 x 40 mm je ta beli obliž vsestranski in primeren za različne velikosti ran. Izdelan iz vrhunskih materialov, DERMAPLAST Soft Injection nudi varen in zanesljiv oprijem, ki ohranja rane čiste in pomaga pri procesu okrevanja. Za učinkovito oskrbo ran in optimalne rezultate celjenja zaupajte DERMAPLAST-u...

27.27 USD

Esenta pflasterentferner tücher

Esenta pflasterentferner tücher

Koda izdelka: 7819991

Predstavljamo robčke za odstranjevanje mavca ESENTA - obvezna oprema v vsakem kompletu prve pomoči za enostavno in nežno odstranjevanje lepilnih povojev in medicinskih trakov. Ti robčki so posebej oblikovani za raztapljanje ostankov lepila, ne da bi dražili kožo, zaradi česar so popolni za posameznike vseh starosti. Ne glede na to, ali ste zdravstveni delavec ali starš, ki doma skrbi za manjše poškodbe, robčki za odstranjevanje obliža ESENTA ponujajo hitro rešitev brez nereda. Ti robčki so priročni in prenosni in so idealni za odstranjevanje močnih lepil, ki jih puščajo obliži, kar zagotavlja neboleče odstranjevanje vsakič. Poslovite se od boja s trdovratnimi ostanki povojev z ESENTA Plaster Remover Wipes...

99.77 USD

Floradix folsäure kaps 60 stk

Floradix folsäure kaps 60 stk

Koda izdelka: 7829943

Floradix kapsule folne kisline nudijo priročen način za podporo vašega zdravja in dobrega počutja. Z mešanico visokokakovostnih sestavin, vključno s folno kislino, so te kapsule zasnovane tako, da zagotavljajo bistvena hranila, ki jih morda primanjkuje v vaši prehrani. Folna kislina je pomembna za rast celic, metabolizem in splošno zdravje, zaradi česar je ključen dodatek vaši dnevni rutini. To prehransko dopolnilo je popolno za tiste, ki želijo vzdrževati uravnoteženo prehrano ali podpreti določene zdravstvene cilje. Vsako pakiranje vsebuje 60 kapsul, ki zagotavljajo zadostno količino, da ostanete na pravi poti. Vključite kapsule folne kisline Floradix v svoj dnevni režim in naredite proaktiven korak k boljšemu zdravju...

28.25 USD

Hartmann es-kompresse t17 5x5cm 12f st

Hartmann es-kompresse t17 5x5cm 12f st

Koda izdelka: 7825873

Obkladek HARTMANN ES T17 5x5cm 12f st. je visokokakovosten obkladek iz gaze, namenjen oskrbi in negi ran. Ta izdelek ponuja zanesljivo rešitev za učinkovito zdravljenje ran. Z dimenzijami 5 x 5 cm je ta kompresa vsestranska in primerna za različne velikosti ran. Zaradi udobja in stroškovne učinkovitosti je na voljo v paketu po 12 kosov. Obkladek HARTMANN ES je nežen do kože in zagotavlja pacientu udobje med nošenjem. Zaupajte temu obkladku, da zagotovi optimalno absorpcijo in zaščito ran. Idealen za zdravstvene ustanove in nego na domu, je bistven dodatek k vsakemu kompletu prve pomoči...

18.56 USD

Innoxa eye spray 10 ml

Innoxa eye spray 10 ml

Koda izdelka: 7842053

Sterile, liposomal, moisturizing, lubricating and cooling eye solution with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera.CompositionLiposomes; 0.3% LMW hyaluronic acid, aloe vera gel, vitamin B5, vitamin E-TPGS, disodium edetate. Isotonic solution, buffered to pH 7;2..PropertiesHelps immediately with sensitive eyes and inflamed eyelidsSpray gently onto the open or closed eyeNo preservativesPH-neutral, similar to tear fluidSuitable for contact lens wearersAdditional informationDoes not contain: chlorhexidine, thimerosal, benzalkonium chloride and ingredients of animal origin...

39.51 USD

Molicare premium form men 6 32 stk

Molicare premium form men 6 32 stk

Koda izdelka: 7830950

MoliCare Premium Form Men 6 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form Men 6 32 Stk is a unique and innovative product designed especially for men. It is made of high-quality materials that ensure comfort, absorbency, and protection all day long. This product features a soft, non-woven layer that effectively wicks away moisture from the skin, keeping you dry and comfortable. It also has an absorbent core that absorbs fluids quickly and securely, preventing any leakage or discomfort. The MoliCare Premium Form Men 6 32 Stk is designed with a curved shape that fits perfectly to the male anatomy, providing complete coverage and protection. Its elastic leg gathers ensure that the product stays securely in place, preventing any slipping or bunching. This product also features a unique odor control system that neutralizes and prevents unwanted odors, leaving you feeling fresh and confident all day long. The MoliCare Premium Form Men 6 32 Stk is ideal for men experiencing incontinence, as well as those who are active and on the go. It is easy to use and can be worn discreetly under clothing, making it perfect for daily wear. This product is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and high-quality incontinence product that provides complete protection, comfort, and confidence. Try the MoliCare Premium Form Men 6 32 Stk today and experience the difference!..

100.88 USD

Naif baby & kids čistilni gel za umivanje

Naif baby & kids čistilni gel za umivanje

Koda izdelka: 7846564

Ohranite svojega malčka svežega in čistega s čistilnim gelom za umivanje NAÏF Baby & Children. Ta nežna, a učinkovita formula je zasnovana posebej za občutljivo otroško kožo in zagotavlja blago čiščenje brez povzročanja draženja. Obogaten z naravnimi sestavinami, kot sta izvleček bombaževega semena in pšenične beljakovine brez glutena, pomaga nahraniti in zaščititi občutljivo kožo. Formula brez mila in solz poskrbi za enostavno kopanje, medtem ko hipoalergene in dermatološko testirane lastnosti zagotavljajo varnost za kožo vašega dojenčka. Zaupajte NAÏF-u, da bo vašemu dragemu malčku zagotovil čisto in skrbno izkušnjo čiščenja...

39.99 USD

Naturstein vitamin multivit sprej

Naturstein vitamin multivit sprej

Koda izdelka: 7820296

Predstavljamo NATURAL STONE Vitamin Multivit Spray, priročen in učinkovit način za povečanje dnevnega vnosa hranil. To posebno oblikovano pršilo dovaja bistvene vitamine neposredno v vaše telo, kar podpira splošno zdravje in dobro počutje. Ta večopravilni izdelek, poln mešanice ključnih vitaminov, spodbuja raven energije, delovanje imunskega sistema in optimalen metabolizem. Idealen za tiste, ki želijo izboljšati svojo prehrano in pomagati pri doseganju ciljev hujšanja, NATURAL STONE Vitamin Multivit Spray je preprosta rešitev za izpolnitev vaših prehranskih potreb na poti. Poslovite se od tablet in pozdravite nov, učinkovit pristop k ohranjanju zdravja...

41.18 USD

Nutrexin biom aktiv basic plv 250 g

Nutrexin biom aktiv basic plv 250 g

Koda izdelka: 7837393

Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv 250 g Introducing the Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv, a high-quality powdered supplement that is designed to support the body's natural functions and promote overall health and wellness. This product is made with carefully selected ingredients that work together to enhance the immune system, aid digestion, and improve energy levels. Benefits: Supports immune system: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv contains key nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, and beta-glucans that enhance the body's natural defense system. Aids digestion: This supplement contains fibers and enzymes that help with nutrient absorption and support digestive health. Improves energy levels: The product includes vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production and help fight tiredness and fatigue. Rich in antioxidants: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is a great source of antioxidants that help protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Ingredients: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is made of all-natural ingredients including: Apple pectin Bioflavonoids (from citrus fruits) Brewer's yeast Enzymes (from papaya, pineapple) Fiber (from chicory root) Inulin (from chicory root) Probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis) Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E) Zinc Usage: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is easy to use. Simply mix 1-2 teaspoons of the powder with water or juice and drink once daily. The supplement can be taken with or without food. For optimal results, it is recommended to use the product regularly. Those who are pregnant, nursing, or have other medical conditions should consult with their doctor before use. Experience the benefits of Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv and give your body the boost it needs to stay healthy and strong...

49.92 USD

Omni-biotic colonize plv 28 btl 3 g

Omni-biotic colonize plv 28 btl 3 g

Koda izdelka: 7841195

Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (CFU), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus rhamnosus WGG, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, Per daily dose (2 sachets). Application 2 x daily 1 sachet (= 3g) in a Stir in a glass of water (approx. 125ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach, e.g. B. in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner or before bed. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Energy 22 kcal Daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Energy 93 kcal Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Fat 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) td> Smaller than () Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Smaller than () Carbohydrates 5 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Carbohydrates, including sugar 0.1 g daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) protein 0.5 g Daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Salt 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Smaller than () Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free. Suitable for diabetics, children, pregnancy / lactation. Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (KBE), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus rhamnosus WGG, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, per daily dose (2 sachets). Application 2 x daily 1 sachet (= 3g) in a glass of water (approx. 125ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach, e.g. B. in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner or before bed. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measuring accuracy Energy22 kcalDaily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Energy93 kcalDaily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Fat0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) td>Smaller than ()Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Smaller than ()Carbohydrates5 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Carbohydrates, including sugar0.1 gdaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) protein 0.5 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Salt0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / jar journalière (6g) Smaller than () Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free.Suitable for diabetics, children, pregnancy / lactation. ..

90.21 USD

Pelsano pflegender puder (nev)

Pelsano pflegender puder (nev)

Koda izdelka: 7820112

Neguje in ščiti občutljivo, razdraženo kožo dojenčkove zadnjice. Nase veže odvečno vlago, ne da bi pri tem dražil kožo. LastnostiLastnosti: brez barvil in konzervansov; ..

20.93 USD

Roger gallet r & g lavande savon

Roger gallet r & g lavande savon

Koda izdelka: 7848013

ROGER GALLET R&G Lavande Savon Experience the essence of the French countryside with ROGER GALLET's R&G Lavande Savon. This luxurious soap bar features the delicate aroma of lavender, harvested from the hills of southern France. Made using traditional techniques, each soap bar is triple-milled for a rich, creamy lather that gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin. The all-natural formula is free from parabens, sulfates, and other harsh chemicals, making it perfect for even the most sensitive skin types. Use the R&G Lavande Savon to unwind after a long day or start your day with a touch of indulgence. Not only is it great for use as a body soap, but it can also be used as a luxurious hand soap in your guest or master bathroom. Find serenity in the lavender fields of France with ROGER GALLET's R&G Lavande Savon. Order now and experience the luxurious relaxation it offers for yourself. Delicate lavender scent Triple-milled for a rich, creamy lather All-natural formula free from harsh chemicals Perfect for sensitive skin types Can be used as a body and hand soap Ingredients: Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Aqua (Water), Parfum (Fragrance), Glycerin, Palmitic Acid, Sodium Chloride, Tetrasodium EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Linalool, Geraniol, Coumarin, CI 77007 (Ultramarines), CI 77499 (Iron Oxides) Net weight: 3.5 oz / 100 g ..

15.65 USD

Sn homeopack arnika gran ch 30 3 x 4 g

Sn homeopack arnika gran ch 30 3 x 4 g

Koda izdelka: 7822331


51.39 USD

Veggiepur schwarzer pfeffer bio aus brasilien

Veggiepur schwarzer pfeffer bio aus brasilien

Koda izdelka: 7853287


17.77 USD

Weleda feste duschpflege sivka+vetiver

Weleda feste duschpflege sivka+vetiver

Koda izdelka: 7826664

WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver Experience the ultimate luxury in skin care with WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver. This bar soap is a must-have in your beauty routine, especially if you want to pamper yourself every day. Its exquisite formula combines the soothing properties of lavender with the grounding scent of vetiver, providing a full-body indulgence that will help you de-stress and unwind. TheWELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver is more than just a soap. This bar is a shower care product that will nourish and protect your skin with every use. Made with the finest natural ingredients, it is gentle on your skin and does not strip away its natural oils, leaving it soft and supple. Its formulation is 100% biodegradable, so it is kind to both your skin and the environment. Key features of WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver Nourishing formula that provides deep hydration and protection to your skin. Combination of lavender and vetiver essential oils that creates a unique and relaxing scent. Gentle on your skin, it does not strip away its natural oils. 100% biodegradable formulation that is environmentally friendly. With the WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver, you get the best of both worlds. You can enjoy a luxurious experience while doing your part in protecting the planet. Its convenient bar form makes it easy to use, and it is ideal for all skin types. Whether you use it after an intense workout or before bed, this shower care product will provide your skin with the care it deserves. Order yours today and experience the luxury of WELEDA Feste Duschpflege Lavender+Vetiver!..

16.18 USD

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