Samolepilna obloga za rane
(1 strani)
Mepore obloga za rane 7cmx5m sterilna vloga
Mepore is the original among self-adhesive, absorbent wound dressings. Properties h3> Properties: Application: ideal for initial treatment and as a follow-up dressing. The water-emulsion-based polyacrylate adhesive ensures gentle gluing and secure adhesion.; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
14.69 USD
Mepore per obloga za rane 15x9cm blazinica za rane 9x5cm sterilna 10 kos
Mepore per Wound Dressing 15x9cm Wound Pad 9x5cm Sterile 10 Pcs When it comes to wound care, choosing the right dressing is crucial in ensuring proper healing and preventing infection. The Mepore per Wound Dressing is a reliable and effective choice for all types of wounds. Featuring a large, 15x9cm size, this wound dressing can comfortably cover larger wounds. The wound pad itself measures 9x5cm and is designed to be sterile, ensuring that no harmful bacteria or germs will be introduced to the wound during the healing process. The Mepore per Wound Dressing is also incredibly easy to use. Its self-adhesive design allows for easy application and removal without causing any pain or discomfort. Plus, its innovative design prevents it from sticking to the wound, ensuring that the healing process isn't disrupted by the dressing itself. Each pack of Mepore per Wound Dressing contains 10 individual dressings, making it ideal for those who require frequent dressing changes. It is also suitable for use in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home care. Don't take any chances with wound care - choose the reliable and effective Mepore per Wound Dressing for all your wound care needs...
22.14 USD
Obliži quick aid 6x100cm kožne barve brez lateksa
Obliž Quick Aid 6x100 cm brez lateksa v kožni barvi Samolepilni obliž brez lateksa je idealen za nego manjših ran. Ne drži se rane, kože ali las. Lastnosti Obliž Quick Aid je obliž za nego ran, ki je primeren za hitro in enostavno zdravljenje ran na prstih, rokah in nogah. Material izdelka je koži zelo prijazen, saj zaradi svojih samolepilnih lastnosti ni treba uporabiti lepila. Kljub temu se obliž zelo dobro drži in ga po uporabi enostavno, neboleče in brez ostankov odstranimo. Ker je mavec vodoodporen, ga lahko enostavno uporabite tudi za vodne športe in v kuhinji. Poleg tega mavec vpija kri in je zelo fleksibilen. V kožni barvi, brez lateksa, vodoodporen, samolepilni; se ne lepi na kožo, dlake ali rane Zelo prilagodljiv material Vpija kri Aplikacija Ustrezna dolžina Zvitka odrežite ali odtrgajte z roko. Obliž položite enkrat okoli poškodovanega dela telesa. Med ovijanjem dela telesa zategnite mavec. Če rana močno krvavi, lahko mavec oblikujemo v blazino in uporabimo kot tlačni povoj. Če pride do močne krvavitve, je treba uporabiti tudi več plasti. ..
10.12 USD
(1 strani)