
Olajšajte bolečine v sinusih

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Se borite z bolečino v sinusih in iščete naravno rešitev? Na vam želimo pomagati živeti bolj zdravo in prevzeti nadzor z našo ponudbo izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto iz Švice. Ne samo, da nudimo najvišjo kakovost kemijsko-tehničnih izdelkov in surovin, ampak naš izbor eteričnih olj nudi tisto, kar potrebujete za naravno lajšanje bolečin v sinusih. Z našo raznoliko zbirko izdelkov dosežete uspešno rutino za lajšanje zamašenih sinusov, ki vas bo osvobodila stiske in okrepila vaše zdravje. Začnite svojo pot do pomoči z našimi zaupanja vrednimi švicarskimi izdelki. Vedno si zapomnite, da je ključ do uspešnega lajšanja sinusov kakovost in celovitost sestavin, ki jih izberete. Lahko nam zaupate kot rešitvi na enem mestu za vrhunske švicarske izdelke za zdravje in lepoto za boj proti bolečinam v sinusih.
Puressentiel display sinus roll-on 12 stk tester

Puressentiel display sinus roll-on 12 stk tester

Koda izdelka: 7853252

PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is a perfect combination of science and natural ingredients that offer quick relief in cases of sinus congestion. It is a must-have for anyone who suffers from sinus problems and is looking for a natural and effective solution. This display pack contains 12 sinus roll-ons, each of them a tester, perfect for anyone looking to try the product before they make a purchase. The roll-on is made with 100% natural active ingredients that help to decongest blocked sinuses, clear nasal passages, and relieve sinus pain and pressure. The roll-on contains a blend of essential oils, including eucalyptus, peppermint, and Niaouli, which work together to eliminate congestion and help you breathe easier. The compact and travel-friendly size of the roll-on makes it perfect for on-the-go use, providing immediate relief from sinus pain and sinusitis symptoms. The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is easy to apply, and the rollerball applicator helps to massage and stimulate the facial pressure points, providing additional relief. Just roll the applicator over your temples, on the sides of your nose, and along your hairline to experience the benefits of the natural essential oils. If you are searching for a natural and effective way to deal with your sinus congestion, then the PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on is the product for you. Try it out today with our 12 Stk testers to start experiencing the benefits of natural essential oils. ..

203.05 USD

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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