Zaščitno mazilo
(1 strani)
Deumavan intim lavendel schutzsalbe tb 50 ml
Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral is an anhydrous ointment that is used as a daily local, external protection for the entire intimate area (external female and male genitalia, perineum and anal area). Compendium patient information Deumavan® protective ointment neutral/lavender Biomed AG div> Medical device What is Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender and when is it used? Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender is an anhydrous ointment that is used as a daily local, external protection for the entire intimate area (external female and male genitals, perineum and anal area). It is used to relieve symptoms such as Skin irritation (with e.g. burning, itching, redness and swelling), skin damage, dryness (e.g. with hormone deficiency during menopause), after radiation treatment, soreness in the anal area, especially with diarrhea and rhagades and as a lubricant.Deumavan protective ointment Neutral/lavender improves the suppleness of the skin (horny layer) with a thin layer of fat (mixture of highly purified paraffins). It does not contain any pharmacologically active substances (also no stabilizers/emulsifiers, preservatives or hormones). The therapeutic effect is based on improving the suppleness of the top layer of skin ? the horny layer ? and reducing transepidermal water loss. This supplements the natural production of sebum.The barrier function of the skin is not impaired by the ointment protective film. However, skin lesions that are entry points for germs are covered and new ones are largely prevented.Deumavan protective ointment neutral (without fragrance) is also free of allergic potential. When should Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender not be used? Do not use if you are known to be hypersensitive or allergic to one of the ingredients. When is the application of Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender Caution required? Do not use condoms made of latex at the same time as Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender. Use polyurethane or AT-10 (based on synthetic resin) instead. Can Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Deumavan Protective ointment neutral/lavender may be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Do not use in the breast area if you are breastfeeding. How to use Deumavan protective ointment neutral /Lavender? Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender can be used as needed, several times a day and over a longer period of time. What else needs to be considered ? Keep out of the reach of children. Only use by the expiry date printed on the container and carton. Do not use the product in the eyes. p>Use only according to the intended use.If the package is damaged, do not use the product and inform the manufacturer.If you observe side effects, Do not continue to use the product and if necessary inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What is in Deumavan protective ointment Contain lavender/neutral? Deumavan protective ointment neutral: liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, tocopheryl acetate Deumavan protective ointment lavender: liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, tocopheryl acetate, lavandula angustifolia (lavender ) Oil, linalool Where can you get Deumavan protective ointment neutral/lavender? Which packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores. Deumavan neutral protective ointment: 100 ml can, 50 ml tube, 125 ml tube. Deumavan lavender protective ointment : 100 ml can and 50 ml tube. Sales company Biomed AGÜberlandstrasse 199CH -8600 Dübendorf Manufacturer Ferdinand Eimermacher GmbH & Co. KGWestring 24D- 48356 Nordwalde Status of information September 2020 This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
33.12 USD
Deumavan nevtralno zaščitno mazilo tb 125 ml
Deumavan intimno nevtralno zaščitno mazilo Tb 125 ml Deumavan Intimate Neutral Protective Ointment je nemedicinsko mazilo brez vode za celotno intimno področje. Ponuja dnevno, lokalno zaščito in lajša težave, kot so razdraženost, suhost in poškodbe kože. Kako uporabljate Deumavan zaščitno mazilo Neutral/Lavender? Deumavan Zaščitno mazilo Neutral/Sivka lahko uporabljate po potrebi, tudi večkrat na dan in dlje časa. Kaj je Deumavan zaščitno mazilo Neutral/Lavender in kdaj se uporablja? Deumavan Zaščitno mazilo Neutral/Sivka je mazilo brez vode, ki se uporablja kot dnevna lokalna zunanja zaščita celotnega intimnega predela (zunanje ženske in moške spolovila, presredek in analni predel). Uporablja se za lajšanje simptomov, kot so draženje kože (npr. pekoč občutek, srbenje, rdečina in oteklina), poškodbe kože, suhost (npr. pri pomanjkanju hormonov v menopavzi), po zdravljenju z obsevanjem, bolečina v analnem predelu, zlasti pri driskah in fisurah ter kot mazivo. Deumavan Zaščitno mazilo Neutral/Lavender preko tanke maščobne plasti (mešanica visoko prečiščenih parafinov) izboljša prožnost kože (poroženeli sloj). Ne vsebuje nobenih farmakološko aktivnih snovi (vključno s stabilizatorji/emulgatorji, konzervansi ali hormoni). Terapevtski učinek temelji na izboljšanju prožnosti najvišje plasti kože – poroženele plasti – in zmanjšanju transepidermalne izgube vode. To dopolnjuje naravno proizvodnjo sebuma. Zaščitni film mazila ne poslabša pregradne funkcije kože. Vendar pa so kožne lezije, ki so vstopne točke za mikrobe, pokrite in nove so v veliki meri preprečene. Zaščitno mazilo Deumavan Neutral (brez dišav) prav tako nima alergenega potenciala...
43.40 USD
Deumavan sivkino zaščitno mazilo ds 100 ml
Deumavan sivkino zaščitno mazilo Ds 100 ml (100ml) Nežna intimna higiena za ves dan. Deumavan zaščitno mazilo sivka - kakovostna lipidna nega z majhnimi količinami sivke kot dišave in vitaminom E - nežno in obstojno neguje občutljivo kožo intimnega predela. Deumavan zaščitno mazilo sivka (in naravno) je izdelek brez aditivov, torej brez emulgatorjev, stabilizatorjev, parabenov ali drugih konzervansov in je tudi brezvoden. Izdelke za intimno higieno so izdelovali kot mazila, torej brezvodne maščobe in olja, in ne kot kreme. Kreme kot mešanice vode in maščobe/olja ni mogoče izdelati brez omenjenih emulgatorjev, parabenov in drugih konzervansov. Alkoholi, ki jih vsebujejo številne kreme, sprva privedejo do prijetnega, prožnega občutka kože, dolgoročno pa povzročijo povečano suhost kože in s tem ravno nasprotno od želenega. Koža na tem predelu ne potrebuje zunanjega dovajanja vode. Izogibati se je treba morebitni dehidraciji zaradi nepotrebnih alkoholov. Možnosti uporabe zaščitnega mazila Deumavan so precej široke. Priporočljivo je pri številnih težavah na področju genitalij. Od suhega vstopa v nožnico, srbenja, pekočega občutka in težav s kožo v menopavzi do analnega ekcema in hemoroidov. Idealna nega pred in po obremenitvi kože Izjemno nežna in mazljiva konsistenca omogoča enostaven nanos tudi na najbolj občutljivih predelih kože Lahko podpira naravne funkcije kože Za dober občutek na koži ..
48.23 USD
(1 strani)