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Aromasan lovor äth / olje v škatli bio 5 ml
Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil in Boxes Bio 5 ml Indulge in the luxurious and refreshing scent of laurel with the Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil in Boxes Bio 5 ml. Made with 100% organic ingredients and environmentally-friendly packaging, this essential oil is a must-have for anyone looking for natural solutions for their overall health and wellness. Benefits The Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. It is known to have an antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic effect, making it perfect for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Additionally, it is effective in treating respiratory issues like coughs, colds, and congested sinuses. Laurel essential oil is also known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Its fresh, invigorating scent can also help to improve mental clarity and focus. Usage The Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be added to a diffuser to create a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere, or it can be mixed with a carrier oil and used as a massage or body oil. Additionally, it can be added to cleaning solutions to create a natural and effective disinfectant. Ingredients The Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil is made with 100% organic laurel leaf oil, extracted by steam distillation. Its environmentally-friendly packaging is made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable. Conclusion The Aromasan Laurel Äth / Oil in Boxes Bio 5 ml is an all-natural and versatile essential oil that offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Its organic ingredients and environmentally-friendly packaging make it a great choice for anyone looking for natural solutions for their health and wellness needs...
23.39 USD
Aromasan tea tree äth / olje 30 ml
Aromasan Tea Tree Äth / oil 30 ml The Aromasan Tea Tree Äth / oil is a therapeutic grade essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia. Known for its strong antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for various health benefits. Our tea tree oil is 100% pure and natural, sourced from sustainable and organic farming practices. The oil is free from additives, harmful chemicals, and synthetic fragrances, making it safe and suitable for all skin types. The oil comes in a compact 30ml bottle that is easy to use and store. It has a fresh and invigorating aroma that creates a refreshing and uplifting ambiance that promotes relaxation and wellbeing. There are several ways to use Aromasan Tea Tree Äth / oil: Add a few drops to a diffuser to create a refreshing and invigorating environment. Mix with a carrier oil and apply to your skin to soothe and cleanse acne-prone skin, bug bites, and minor skin irritations. Use as a natural household cleaner, by adding it to your cleaning solution or adding a few drops to your laundry detergent to freshen up your laundry. By choosing Aromasan Tea Tree Äth / oil, you can experience the therapeutic benefits of this versatile essential oil in a pure and natural form. ..
37.59 USD
Eludril extra mundspüllösung 300 ml
Eludril Extra Mundspüllösung 300 ml Eludril Extra Mundspüllösung 300 ml is a powerful and effective oral rinse that helps to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent bad breath. The product contains chlorhexidine, which is a powerful antiseptic that helps to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms that can cause gum disease, bad breath and other oral health problems. The product is easy to use and can be incorporated into your daily oral hygiene routine. Simply fill the cap with the desired amount of oral rinse, swish the solution around in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out. The 300 ml bottle provides enough solution for several weeks of regular use. Eludril Extra Mundspüllösung 300 ml is ideal for people who suffer from gum disease, bad breath or other oral health problems. The formula is gentle on the mouth and does not cause any irritation or discomfort. It is suitable for daily use and can be used in conjunction with other oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and floss. Overall, Eludril Extra Mundspüllösung 300 ml is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a powerful oral rinse that can help to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent the onset of gum disease, bad breath and other oral health problems. It is easy to use, effective and gentle on the mouth, making it an ideal choice for people of all ages and oral health needs...
42.53 USD
Losjon proti aknam widmer fl 150 ml
Losjon proti aknam Widmer je antiseptik, čistilni losjon za zunanjo uporabo, ki se zlahka lušči. Losjon proti aknam Widmer se uporablja za akne, prekomerno proizvodnjo maščobe v žlezah lojnic na koži obraza (seboreja) in komedonih. Deluje na topljenje sebuma in s tem čisti zamašene pore. Losjon proti aknam Widmer je namenjen samo za uporabo pri odraslih in mladostnikih, starih 12 let in več. Informacije o bolnikih, ki jih je odobril SwissmedicAcne Lotion WidmerLouis Widmer AGAMZVKaj je Acne Lotion Widmer in kdaj bo na voljo za uporabo? Losjon za akne Widmer je antiseptik, čistilni losjon za zunanjo uporabo, ki se zlahka lušči. Losjon proti aknam Widmer se uporablja za akne, prekomerno proizvodnjo maščobe v žlezah lojnic na koži obraza (seboreja) in komedonih. Deluje na topljenje sebuma in s tem čisti zamašene pore. Losjon proti aknam Widmer je namenjen samo za uporabo pri odraslih in mladostnikih, starih 12 let in več. Kaj je treba upoštevati?Hudne primere aken mora zdraviti zdravnik. Kdaj losjona proti aknam Widmer ne smete uporabljati?Losjona proti aknam Losiona Widmerja ne smete uporabljati z: znana preobčutljivost za katero koli učinkovino ali pomožno snov.Kdaj morate biti previdni pri uporabi Acne Lotion Widmer? Losjon proti aknam Widmer se lahko uporablja samo na prizadetih predelih kože. Izogibajte se stiku z očmi, vekami, ustnicami in sluznico. V primeru nenamernega stika s sluznico (oči, usta, nosnice) in/ali vekami je treba prizadeta mesta temeljito sprati z vodo. Sočasna uporaba z drugimi lokalnimi zdravili, na primer za zdravljenje aken, lahko povzroči večjo suhost in draženje kože. Zdravila ne smete nanašati na poškodovano ali vneto kožo ali večje površine telesa. Uporaba losjona proti aknam Widmer lahko poveča fotosenzitivnost tretiranih predelov. Zato se izogibajte močni sončni svetlobi ali UV sevanju. Uporaba losjona proti aknam Widmer pri otrocih, mlajših od 12 let, ni priporočljiva. Povejte svojemu zdravniku, farmacevtu ali farmacevtu, če imate druge bolezni,imate alergijeali jemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami!) ali jih uporabljate zunaj.Ali se lahko losjon proti aknam Widmer uporablja med nosečnostjo ali med dojenjem?O uporabi losjona proti aknam Widmer pri nosečnicah ni dovolj podatkov. Iz previdnosti se med nosečnostjo in dojenjem izogibajte jemanju zdravil. Če ste noseči, nameravate zanositi ali dojite, smete uporabljati Acne Losion Widmer le po posvetu z zdravnikom. Kako uporabljate Acne Lotion Widmer?Acne Lotion Widmer je samo za zunanjo uporabo. Odrasli in najstniki od 12 letZjutraj in zvečer temeljito očistite kožo z losjonom Widmer namočeno vato. Po tem ne spirajte s kože. Držite se odmerka, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali kot vam je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kakšne neželene učinke ima lahko Acne Lotion Widmer?Naslednji neželeni učinki se lahko pojavijo pri uporabi Acne Lotion Widmer se zgodi: Nanašanje losjona Widmer na kožo lahko povzroči rahlo draženje, kot je prekomerna rdečica, pekoč občutek ali srbenje. Če simptomi draženja postanejo hujši ali trajajo več kot en teden, prenehajte uporabljati losjon proti aknam Widmer in obvestite svojega zdravnika. Če doživite alergijsko kožno reakcijo, morate prenehati uporabljati losjon proti aknam Widmer. Možen je pojav povečane fotosenzibilnosti na tretiranih predelih. Če opazite neželene učinke, ki tukaj niso opisani, obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Kaj je še potrebno upoštevati?Zdravilo je uporabno le do datuma, ki je na ovojnini označen z »EXP«. Losjon proti aknam Widmer shranjujte nedosegljivo otrokom. Hraniti pri sobni temperaturi (15-25°C). Vaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali farmacevt vam lahko zagotovi dodatne informacije. Ti ljudje imajo podrobne informacije za strokovnjake. Kaj vsebuje losjon proti aknam Widmer?1 g losjona proti aknam Widmer vsebuje:Aktivne sestavine: 20 mg salicilne kisline, 10 mg magnezijevega sulfata, 5 mg cinkovega sulfata, 5 mg triklosana. Pomožne snovi: etanol, propilenglikol in druge pomožne snovi. Številka odobritve30097 (Swissmedic). Kje lahko dobite losjon proti aknam Widmer? Katera pakiranja so na voljo?V lekarnah in drogerijah brez zdravniškega recepta. Steklenice po 150 ml. Imetnik dovoljenjaLouis Widmer AG, Rietbachstrasse 5, 8952 Schlieren-Zürich. To navodilo je nazadnje preveril organ za zdravila (Swissmedic) septembra 2018. ..
32.90 USD
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