Razbremenitev pritiska
(1 strani)
Alpine flyfit par ušesnih čepkov 1
The soft Alpine FlyFit earplugs contain special yellow filters that block out unpleasant ambient noise. In addition, you will have fewer problems with the pressure differences during climbs and descents. With Alpine FlyFit earplugs you can finally travel relaxed and arrive at your destination much more efficiently.The earplugs are made of durable, flexible thermoplastic material. Due to the warmth of the ears, the earplugs adapt perfectly to the auditory canal in a few minutes and are therefore very comfortable in the ear. If necessary, the earplugs can also be adjusted to the size of the ear. Read the instructions for use carefully for more information...
22.27 USD
Bort pedisoft texline kapica za prste / prste m
Karakteristike BORT PediSoft Texline toe / finger cap MKoličina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 23g Dolžina: 23mm Širina: 100 mm Višina: 55 mm Kupite BORT PediSoft Texline pokrovček za prste / prste M na spletu v Švici..
22.91 USD
Compeed blasenpflaster m 10 stk
Property name Blistering Plaster Composition EU. Features Compeed Blister Plasters medium 5pcsImmediate pain and pressure relief. Protection against friction.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid. Technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® pilaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief? Protection and padding against friction? Fast wound healing. Sticks for several days on average. Individual variations are possible. Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the pilaster until it begins to detach by itself (it can remain in place for several days). Consult a doctor before use if you have diabetes.Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card. Property name Blister Plaster Composition EU. Properties Compeed Blister Plasters medium 5pcsImmediate pain and pressure relief. Protection against friction.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid. Technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® pilaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief? Protection and padding against friction? Fast wound healing. Sticks for several days on average. Individual variations are possible. Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the pilaster until it begins to detach by itself (it can remain in place for several days). Consult a doctor before use if you have diabetes.Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card.This Product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
28.39 USD
Compeed blisters on toes 8 pcs
Compeed obliži za žulje na prstih 8 kos Obliž za žulje div> Sestava EU. Lastnosti Compeed obliž za žulje srednji 5ST Takojšnje lajšanje bolečin in pritiska. Zaščita pred trenjem. Hidrokoloid COMPEED®. Tehnologija je aktivni gel z delci, ki absorbirajo vlago. Pilaster COMPEED® deluje kot druga koža in podpira naravno vlažno okolje rane za: - Takojšnjo lajšanje bolečin in pritiska - Zaščito in oblazinjenje pred trenjem - Hitro celjenje ran. V povprečju traja več dni. Možne so individualne variacije. Aplikacija Pred uporabo očistite in posušite kožo. Ne dotikajte se lepljive površine obliža. Pilaster odstranite šele, ko se začne ločevati (lahko drži več dni). Če imate sladkorno bolezen, se pred uporabo posvetujte z zdravnikom. Podrobna navodila za uporabo in opozorila na notranji kartici. ..
19.88 USD
Compeed obliž za roženico m 6 kos
Compeed callus plasters provide immediate pain relief and pressure relief. They also protect against water, dirt and bacteria. Properties Compeed callus plaster cause immediate pain relief and pressure relief. They also protect against water, dirt and bacteria. Hydrocolloid technology keeps skin supple and allows moisture to penetrate deep into the callus; it creates an ideal healing environment for the skin.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
19.67 USD
Epitact digitube l diameter 33 mm
EPITACT Digitube L premera 33 mm Ščiti in razbremenjuje prste na nogah in rokah ter omejuje ta videz opeklin, mehurjev in kurjih očes z zmanjšanjem trenja. Lastnosti Epitact Digitube za kurja očesa ščiti in razbremenjuje prste na nogah in rokah ter omejuje pojav pekočih občutkov, mehurjev in kurjih očes. Tukaj uporabljeni epitelij je silikonski gel, katerega viskoelastične in mehanske lastnosti so zelo podobne lastnostim kožnega tkiva. To enakomerno porazdeli pritisk in zmanjša trenje ter prepreči nastanek dodatnih žuljev. Ker je zaščita zelo tanka, jo je mogoče nanesti tudi na več sosednjih prstov na nogah ali rokah, ne da bi pri tem povzročali nelagodje. Opombe Zaščite ne nosite neposredno na boleči koži. V primeru sladkorne bolezni, arteritisa ali nevropatije je treba stopalo redno spremljati. ..
23.14 USD
Epitact footpad comfortact plus s 36-38 nova generacija
Epitact Footpad Comfortact Plus S 36-38 NOVA GENERACIJA ponuja napredno lajšanje pogostih obolenj stopal. Posebej zasnovan za zaščito pred pritiskom, je idealen za reševanje težav, kot so nelagodje pri balah in kladivnem prstu. Ta inovativna podloga za stopala je oblikovana tako, da zagotavlja blaženje in podporo ter zagotavlja udobje ves dan. Ta izdelek je primeren za velikosti 36-38 in je kot nalašč za posameznike, ki iščejo učinkovito nego svojih stopal. Izkusite izboljšano udobje in zaščito z Epitact Footpad Comfortact Plus, vašo rešitev za bolečine v stopalih in težave s pritiskom...
81.47 USD
Gehwol blazinice za prste kladiva g levo
Gehwol udarna blazinica G levo zagotavlja ciljno razbremenitev pritiska in oblazinjenje udarnih prstov. Ta blazinica, ki jo priporoča pediater, je zasnovana za levo stopalo in pomaga ublažiti nelagodje in bolečino zaradi trenja in pritiska. Izdelan je iz mehkega medicinskega silikona, zato je hipoalergen in udoben za nošenje v čevljih. Oblikovan dizajn se prilega naravni obliki stopala, spodbuja pravilno poravnavo in zmanjšuje tveganje za kurja očesa, otiščance in žulje. Naredite korak k udobju in zaščiti stopal z Gehwol Hammer Toe Blazinico G levo. Ta rešitev za zaščito pred pritiskom, ki je primerna za moške in ženske, je idealna za dnevno nošenje in se diskretno prilega večini obutve...
14.67 USD
Protefix lepilna blazinica za spodnjo čeljust 30 kosov
Protefix lepilne blazinice spodnja čeljust 30 kos Zobozdravniki priporočajo še posebej za posebne težave v vmesnem obdobju vgradnjo lepilne obloge Protefix v nastale votline. Sestava Natrijev alginat. Lastnosti Zaščita pred točkami pritiska in vnetji. Lahko se obreže. ..
15.68 USD
Protefix lepilna blazinica za zgornjo čeljust 30 kosov
Protefix lepljive blazinice zgornja čeljust 30 kos Zobozdravniki priporočajo še posebej za posebne težave v vmesnem obdobju vgradnjo lepilne obloge Protefix v nastale votline. Sestava Natrijev alginat. Lastnosti Zaščita pred točkami pritiska in vnetji. Lahko se obreže. ..
15.68 USD
Sanor däumling latex gr1
Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1: The Ultimate Comfort and Support for a Restful Sleep Introducing the Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress, specially designed to provide you with the ultimate sleeping experience. Made with 100% natural latex, this mattress provides excellent support and pressure relief, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning. The Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress is made with superior quality materials, providing a healthier and safer sleeping environment. With its unique structure, the latex mattresses offer thorough ventilation, so that you won't have to worry about dust mites, allergens or bacteria, providing a hypoallergenic sleeping surface for anyone suffering from allergies. 100% Natural Latex Superior Support and Comfort Excellent Pressure Relief Hypoallergenic and Breathable Durable and Long-lasting The Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 proves to be an excellent investment in your health and well-being. You can be sure that it will last for years, providing you with uninterrupted and quality sleep every night. So why wait any longer? Invest in a Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress to enjoy the ultimate sleeping experience. ..
3.49 USD
Scholl gel prsti na prstih, razrezani na velikost
Provides ideal pressure and friction relief for fingers and toes. Features h3> -Provides ideal pressure and friction relief for fingers and toes-Instant relief from pressure and friction pain-Protection for sensitive toes, toenails and corns-Thin, highly elastic fabric , fully coated with gelon the inside-for cuttingThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
28.91 USD
Scholl kurotex tlačni omet 75x100mm 5 kom
Scholl pressure points plaster Kurotex protects against friction and relieves pressure pain immediately. Properties Features: hypoallergenic adhesive; extra thin; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
15.65 USD
(1 strani)