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Ahc antiperspirant classic liq 30 ml
The AHC20 classic antiperspirant can be used for all body regions. The activity of the glands is restricted to a natural level without stopping their function. This keeps problem areas dry and you feel comfortable in your skin. Works immediately and is guaranteedEasy to use Notes Do not use on irritated or injured skin. Do not use for children. Avoid eye contact...
33.75 USD
Ahc forte tekoči antiperspirant 30 ml
AHC30 forte for hands and feet acts immediately against excessive sweat production and restricts the activity of the glands to a natural level without preventing their function or drying out the skin. Problem areas remain dry, the body finds enough other evaporation surfaces so that your well-being is not impaired. Ingredients Without coloring and preservativesEnriched with plant-based active ingredients Warning notices Do not use on irritated or injured skin. Avoid eye contact. Detailed information in the leaflet...
44.45 USD
Ahc sensitive tekoči antiperspirant 30 ml
AHC Sensitive tekoči antiperspirant 30 ml Takoj deluje proti čezmernemu znojenju na vseh delih telesa. Omeji delovanje žlez na naravno raven, ne da bi zaustavil njihovo delovanje ali jih izsušil. Sestava žajbelj; Nageljnov cvet, bradati lišaj (Usnea barbata). Lastnosti Brez barvil; brez parabenov, brez triklosana, brez dioksina, brez parfumov in brez nanodelcev. Brez glutena, brez laktoze in vegansko. Primerno za uporabo na čelu, vratu, hrbtu in pazduhah. Opombe Sestavine brez barvil in konzervansovobogatena z rastlinskimi učinkovinami Opozorila Ne uporabljajte na razdraženi ali poškodovani koži. Izogibajte se stiku z očmi. Podrobne informacije najdete v priloženem paketu. ..
38.09 USD
Edward vogt origin deodorant roll-on 50 ml
Antiperspirant roll-on deodorant, with lime blossom extract & allantoin, alcohol-free. Composition Allantoin, linden blossom extract. Properties The Eduard Vogt ORIGIN deodorant roll-on was specially developed for sensitive skin. The mild roll-on deodorant releases a pleasant emulsion. The emulsion can be applied practically and sparingly thanks to the large dispenser ball. The Eduard Vogt Antiperspirant Roll-on inhibits excessive sweat production and unpleasant odors.Active ingredients from the plant-based Lime blossom extract has an antibacterial effect and gives the deodorant a pleasant scent.Allantoin, which occurs naturally in comfrey and wheat germ, soothes the skin and reduces sweating. div> ..
23.42 USD
Lavilin dezodorantna krema za stopala 14 g
LAVILIN dezodorantna krema za stopala 14 g Zahvaljujoč konstantni telesni temperaturi ponoči je mogoče doseči dolgotrajen učinek 72-urnega dezodoranta - Paličice so okrepljene, če jih nanesete pred spanjem. Lastnosti Dolgoročni učinek; Preprečuje vonj po znoju za 4-7 dni. 1 pločevinka zadostuje za 5-6 mesecev. Vodoodporen, brez aluminija, brez alkohola. ..
27.15 USD
Lavilin sensitive roll-on 65 ml
Lastnosti Lavilin sensitive roll-on 65 mlTemp. skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža : 96 g Dolžina: 39 mm Širina: 39 mm Višina: 130 mm Kupite Lavilin sensitive roll-on 65 ml na spletu iz Švice ..
25.58 USD
Lavilin ženski roll-on 65 ml
Lastnosti Lavilin ženski roll-on 65 mlTemp. skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža : 96 g Dolžina: 39 mm Širina: 39 mm Višina: 130 mm Kupite Lavilin ženski roll-on 65 ml na spletu iz Švice ..
25.58 USD
Perspirex comfort antiperspirant nova formula roll-on 20 ml
Especially effective antiperspirant roll-on, Comfort. Composition Aqua, Aluminum Chloride, Dipropylheptyl Carbonate, PPG-20 Methyl Glucose Ether, C15-19 Alkanes, Glycerin, Polyacrylate Crosspolymer-6, Tocopherol, Sodium Hydroxide.. Properties This unique formula fights body odor and provides extra protection against perspiration for 2 to 3 days. The latter has been confirmed by clinical tests. The Comfort skin care system contains ingredients that moisturize the skin - for a better skin feeling. Application Apply the antiperspirant to completely dry, undamaged skin in the evening. No need to reapply in the morning. ..
35.72 USD
Perspirex losjon za noge 100 ml antiperspirant
Lastnosti PerspireX Foot Lotion 100ml AntiperspirantTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 127g Dolžina: 40 mm Širina: 40 mm Višina: 130 mm Kupite PerspireX losjon za noge 100 ml proti potenju na spletu iz Švice..
41.64 USD
Perspirex strong antiperspirant roll-on 20 ml
Lastnosti PerspireX Strong Antiperspirant Roll-on 20 mlTemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 ml Teža: 44 g Dolžina: 40 mm Širina: 40 mm Višina: 73 mm Kupite PerspireX Strong Roll-on antiperspirant 20 ml na spletu iz Švice..
37.21 USD
Saltrates krema za noge proti potenju tb 100 ml
Lastnosti antiperspiranta Saltrates Fusscreme Tb 100 mlTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 130 g Dolžina: 34 mm Širina: 54 mm Višina: 162 mm Kupite antiperspirant Saltrates Fusscreme Tb 100 ml na spletu v Švici..
30.96 USD
Scholl foot deodorant antiperspirant eros spr 150 ml
Properties Properties: guarantees reliable 24h anti-perspirant protection without leaving any traces of deodorant.; Preventive protection against athlete's foot; without alcohol; Properties Properties: Guarantees reliable 24-hour anti-perspirant protection without leaving any traces of deodorant.; Preventive protection against athlete's foot; without alcohol; ..
13.71 USD
Seven days deodorant antiperspirant roll-on 50 ml
Seven Days Dezodorant Antiperspirant Roll-On 50 ml Seven Days Deodorant Antiperspirant Roll-On je odlična rešitev, da se ves teden počutite sveže in samozavestne. Ta roll-on s svojo edinstveno formulo nudi dolgotrajno zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem ter zagotavlja, da boste ostali suhi in udobni do 7 dni. Ta antiperspirant, zasnovan tako, da je nežen do vaše kože, ima naravno pridobljeno aktivno sestavino, ki učinkovito blokira žleze znojnice, ne da bi pri tem dražil predel pod pazduho. Posledično se lahko poslovite od pekoče vročine, izpuščajev ali drugih razdraženosti kože, ki jih povzročajo tradicionalni deodoranti in antiperspiranti. Seven Days Deodorant Antiperspirant Roll-On je na voljo v priročni 50 ml steklenički, ki jo zlahka pospravite v telovadno torbo, torbico ali nahrbtnik. Njegov roll-on aplikator zagotavlja, da antiperspirant nanesete natančno na predel pod pazduho, kar zagotavlja popolno pokritost, ne da bi na oblačilih pustil ostanke ali madeže. Ne glede na to, ali greste v telovadnico, tečete po opravkih ali samo uživate v dnevu na soncu, vas Seven Days Deodorant Antiperspirant Roll-On pokrije. Poslovite se od nevšečnosti in zadrege zaradi znoja in vonja ter uživajte v svobodi, da ostanete sveži in samozavestni vsak dan v tednu. Zagotovite si Seven Days Deodorant Antiperspirant Roll-On 50 ml še danes in izkusite vrhunsko dolgotrajno zaščito pred neprijetnim vonjem in znojem! ..
34.39 USD
Syneo 5 man roll on 50 ml
High-performance deodorant antiperspirant for men. With menthol freshness effect.It works reliably after the first application thanks to the special combination of active ingredients.Works for up to 5 days depending on the skin type and thus protects against excessive perspiration.In addition, syNeo 5 MAN can prevent unpleasant body odor for up to 5 days.Allantoin protects the skin from irritation and moisturizing substances prevent it from drying out. Dermatologically tested.For use in the armpits and other body regions.Perfume-free.Hypoallergenic: developed to minimize the risk of allergies.1 bottle is sufficient for over 70 applications (armpits) per 5 days and lasts up to 12 months!..
48.23 USD
Syneo 5 man vapo 30 ml
Lastnosti syNeo 5 Man Vapo 30 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 106 g Dolžina: 21 mm Širina: 39 mm Višina: 118 mm Kupite syNeo 5 Man Vapo 30 ml na spletu iz Švice..
32.80 USD
Syneo 5 unisex roll on 50 ml
The Syneo 5 Deodorant Antiperspirant protects against excessive perspiration for up to 5 days, depending on the skin type. It also prevents unpleasant body odor. Allantoin protects the skin from irritation and moisturizes. For women and men. Application For evening use in the armpits or other body regions. Ingredients fragrance-freedeveloped to minimize allergy risks Application Evening use in the armpits or other body regions. Also suitable for the feet. Note Highly flammable...
47.31 USD
Tokalon antisvet deodorant vapo 50 ml
Lastnosti Tokalon Antisvet deodoranta Vapo 50 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 82 g Dolžina: 40 mm Širina: 40 mm Višina: 124 mm Kupite dezodorant Tokalon Antisvet Vapo 50 ml na spletu iz Švice..
19.04 USD
Triple dry antiperspirant roll-on 50 ml
Lastnosti Triple Dry antiperspirant roll-on 50 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 99g Dolžina: 48mm Širina: 48 mm Višina: 111 mm Kupite Triple Dry roll-on antiperspirant 50 ml na spletu v Švici..
26.29 USD
Vichy deo clin cont roll on 96h deutsch/italienisch/französisch 50 ml
Vichy deodorant CLIN CONT Roll on 96h German/Italian/French 50 ml Izjemno učinkovit negovalni izdelek proti potenju in neprijetnim vonjavam, ki prestane vse teste! Antiperspirant Vichy Clinical Control 96h je bogat z antiperspirantnimi učinkovinami in antibakterijskim cinkom...
25.71 USD
Vichy dezodorantna krema 7 dni 30 ml uravnavanje
22.48 USD
Vichy homme deo c.c roll on 96h de/it/fr
VICHY Homme Deo CC Roll on 96h DE/IT/FR Izjemno učinkovit negovalni izdelek proti potenju in neprijetnim vonjavam, ki prestane vse preizkuse! Antiperspirant Vichy Homme Clinical Control 96h je bogat z antiperspirantnimi učinkovinami in antibakterijskim cinkom...
25.71 USD
Vichy homme deo ultra-fresh vapo 100 ml
Stops body odor. Properties Hypoallergenic. ..
22.48 USD
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