Organizator tabletk
(1 strani)
škatla za tablete bort easylife 7 days prozorna
PRODUCT FEATURES:Clear 7-day plannerBrailleDimensions: 16 x 3 x 2 cmColours transparent, blue THE EasyLife® -PLUS:Controlled and safe intake of medicationEasy to open PRODUCT FEATURES:Clear 7-day plannerBrailleDimensions: 16 x 3 x 2 cmColors transparent, blueDAS EasyLife® -PLUS:Controlled and safe intake of medicationEasy to open ..
15.02 USD
Anabox medidispenser 1x7 bunt deutsch/französisch/italienisch im blister
Značilnosti Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 pisan nemški / francoski / italijanski v pretisnem omotuCertificiran v Evropi CEKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 60 g Dolžina: 95 mm Širina: 185 mm Višina: 30 mm Kupite Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 barvit nemški/francoski/italijanski v pretisnem omotu na spletu iz Švice..
21.92 USD
Anabox medidispenser 1x7 turkizna
Lastnosti Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 turquoiseCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 38g Dolžina: 50 mm Širina: 135 mm Višina: 20 mm Kupite Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 turkizno na spletu iz Švice..
22.10 USD
Anabox medidispenser sedemdnevna črna usnjena torbica
Značilnosti črne usnjene torbice Anabox MediDispenser seven daysCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 58 g Dolžina: 23 mm Širina: 151 mm Višina: 62 mm Kupite sedemdnevno črno usnjeno torbico Anabox MediDispenser prek spleta iz Švice..
37.53 USD
Axapharm alergijski nujni komplet prazen
Lastnosti Axapharm alergijskega nujnega kompleta prazenTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 15g Dolžina: 18 mm Širina: 67 mm Višina: 50 mm Kupite prazen komplet za nujne primere Axapharm na spletu v Švici..
8.62 USD
Barvit sedem dni anabox medidispenser
Anabox 7 Days Rainbow is a stackable weekly dispenser for the safe storage of medication. At a glance, you can see whether there are any medicines left in one of the daily boxes. This allows for quick and easy control. The empty daily box can simply be placed in the back of the container, so that the daily box is ready for the next day. The day boxes as well as the containers are made of high-quality plastic and are dishwasher safe. Each day a single box with morning, noon, evening, night and as required subdivision.Each tag a different color for easy differentiation..
42.97 USD
Bort easylife 7 dni škatla za tablete modra
Lastnosti BORT EASYLIFE 7 days tablet box blueKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 35g Dolžina: 23mm Širina: 160 mm Višina: 36 mm Kupite modro škatlo za tablico BORT EASYLIFE 7 days na spletu v Švici..
15.02 USD
Dosett maxi dozirna škatla
Karakteristike dozirne škatle Dosett MaxiKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 207 mm Širina: 42 mm Višina: 141 mm Kupite dozirno škatlo Dosett Maxi prek spleta v Švici..
50.43 USD
Dosett midi doziranje nem
The daily check saves the planned income for 7 days. Properties Morning, noon, evening, night - classification.The daily control ensures the planned intake for 7 days.The dosage control ensures the correct intake of the daily amounts. The hour control ensures and fixes the regular and timely correct use. The release control ensures accurate and error-free removal. Rounded corners and edges. Easy to use. With an effective security system that makes it difficult for children to open the cassette. Tablet insert is easy to clean. With name tag on the side. ..
39.16 USD
Medi-7 medicator uno 7 prostih dni
Lastnosti Medi-7 medicator uno 7 days offKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 47g Dolžina: 22mm Širina: 134 mm Višina: 51 mm Kupite Medi-7 medicator uno 7 dni na spletu iz Švice..
15.68 USD
Pilbox agenda tedenski razpršilnik zdravil nemški / francoski
Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser German / French The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is a highly functional and efficient pill organizer that ensures the right medication is taken in the right dosage at the right time. It is designed to help patients and caregivers keep track of their medication schedules and ensure compliance with medical prescriptions. This drug dispenser is available in German and French languages, making it a suitable choice for patients who speak these languages. Features: Compact and Portable Design: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is small enough to fit in a purse, pocket or travel bag, making it easy to carry around on the go. Seven Compartments for Seven Days: The drug dispenser has seven compartments that open like a book, one for each day of the week with labels in both German and French languages, making it easier for users to remember when to take their medication. Easy to Use: Each compartment opens easily with a push of a button, making it simple to access your medication. Secure Closure: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser has a secure closure mechanism to ensure that pills do not fall out or get mixed up between compartments. Durable Material: The product is made of high-quality plastic that is durable and easy to clean. Benefits: Promotes Medication Adherence: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser helps patients stick to their medication schedule, reducing the risk of missed doses, and helps ensure that patients take the right medication in the right dosage at the right time. Prevents Medication Errors: The clear labels and color-coded sections make it easy to distinguish between different pills or supplements, reducing the risk of medication errors. Reduced Stress: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser eliminates the stress and confusion of managing multiple pills and supplements, streamlining the medication process. Convenient and Portable: The compact size and portable design of the drug dispenser make it easy to take with you wherever you go, reducing concerns about missing doses while on the move. Conclusion: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is an essential tool for anyone who needs to take medication regularly. Its clear labeling, reliable closure mechanism, and compact design make it a practical and convenient way to manage medication schedules, and its durable material ensures long-lasting use. Choose the German or French option for easy comprehension and use even if you're travelling abroad. Order today and experience the benefits of improved medication adherence and reduced stress...
28.85 USD
Pilbox liberty weeks medication dispenser in chocolate german / french
Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medicine. This dispenser is designed to hold medication for up to two weeks, with seven removable pill boxes labeled with the days of the week and AM/PM compartments. The pill boxes are made of durable and lightweight plastic, and they easily slide in and out of the main dispenser. Each box is color-coded and features clear, easy-to-read labels in both German and French for added convenience. The chocolate brown exterior of the dispenser is sleek and attractive, so you won't have to worry about it clashing with your decor. The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is perfect for anyone who needs to take medication on a regular basis, whether it's for a chronic illness or just to manage daily doses of vitamins and supplements. Its compact size makes it easy to store on a nightstand, in a bathroom cabinet, or even in a purse or backpack for on-the-go dosing. This dispenser is also great for caregivers, as it can be filled by a nurse or family member and shared among multiple patients or family members. Plus, the clear labeling and color-coding make it easy to ensure that each person is getting the right medication at the right time. If you're looking for a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medication, the Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is the perfect choice. Its durable construction, easy-to-read labels, and compact size make it a must-have for anyone who takes medication regularly...
48.17 USD
Pilbox unit dozirnik zdravil 1 dnevni kovček d/f
Pilbox Unit dozirnik zdravil 1 dan s škatlo Nemščina/Francoščina Enota Pilbox je praktičen in zanesljiv razpršilnik zdravil, ki vam pomaga organizirati vsakodnevno jemanje zdravil lepo in varno. Dozirnik je posebej kompakten in ga lahko enostavno nosite v kateri koli torbi ali torbici. Pilbox je označen v nemščini in francoščini in je zato primeren tudi za uporabo v dvojezičnih gospodinjstvih ali na potovanju v Francijo. Ima prostor za do osem tablet ali kapsul in vam omogoča enostavno odmerjanje zdravil. Dozator za zdravila je v praktičnem kovčku, ki nudi dodatno zaščito pred udarci in vlago. Etui se enostavno pospravi v torbico ali nahrbtnik in zagotavlja, da je Pilbox vedno na dosegu roke. Zaradi jasne barvne sheme in jasnega označevanja je enota Pilbox posebej uporabniku prijazna in primerna tudi za osebe z omejenim vidom ali motoričnimi motnjami. Enota Pilbox je visokokakovosten razdelilnik zdravil, ki vam pomaga paziti na svoje zdravje in zagotavlja, da nikoli ne zamudite odmerka zdravila. Naročite enoto Pilbox prek spleta zdaj in uživajte v prednostih varne in zanesljive organizacije zdravil!..
11.30 USD
Pilbox zen dozator za zdravila 7 dni ital
Karakteristike Pilbox Zen dozirnika zdravil 7 days ItalianKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 260g Dolžina: 45mm Širina: 130 mm Višina: 160 mm Kupite razpršilnik za zdravila Pilbox Zen 7 days Italian prek spleta iz Švice..
29.64 USD
Sahag medi-7 medidosierer 7 tage 4 fächer bunt d
Značilnosti Sahag Medi-7 medicator 7 Days 4 prekati na dan barvita nemščinaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 252g Dolžina: 115 mm Širina: 130 mm Višina: 55 mm Kupite Sahag Medi-7 medicator 7 dni 4 predelki na dan barvita nemščina na spletu iz Švice..
44.62 USD
Sahag medi-7 uno medidoser 7 dni 1 predelek moder d
Sahag Medi-7 Uno razdelilnik zdravil 7 dni 1 predelek na dan modra nemščina Dozator za zdravila Sahag Medi-7 Uno je praktičen in zanesljiv način za enostavno in varno odmerjanje dnevnih zdravil. Dozirnik je bil razvit posebej za uporabo doma ali na poti in zagotavlja, da imate zdravila vedno pri roki in jih lahko vzamete pravočasno. Dozator je izdelan iz visokokakovostne plastike ter je robusten in vzdržljiv. Dizajn je funkcionalen in enostaven za uporabo. Dozirnik ima 7 predelkov, od katerih vsak predstavlja dan v tednu. Vsak predelek lahko napolnite z enim zdravilom. Prekati so označeni in jih je mogoče preprosto odpreti in zapreti. Sahag Medi-7 Uno je zelo preprost in intuitiven za uporabo. Vse kar morate storiti je, da odprete predalček za želeni dan in napolnite ustrezno zdravilo. Dozirnik lahko shranite na mizi, v omari ali v torbi, kar zagotavlja optimalno in enostavno shranjevanje vaših zdravil. Dozator za zdravila Sahag Medi-7 Uno je idealen za ljudi, ki morajo redno jemati zdravila. Je nepogrešljiv pripomoček za zaščito vašega zdravja in zagotavljanje, da zdravila vedno vzamete pravočasno in v pravilnem odmerku. Dozator je na voljo v modri barvi in je označen v nemščini. ..
15.93 USD
Supairbox 1x7 wochendispenser deutsch/französisch rainbow
Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser deutsch/französisch rainbow Introducing the Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser - a must-have for every household looking to stay organized and efficient. This product is designed for both German and French speakers, making it accessible to a wider range of customers. The dispenser comes in a beautiful rainbow color that adds a splash of style to any room. With seven separate compartments, it allows you to easily plan and organize your pills and supplements for the week ahead. Each compartment is clearly labeled in both German and French for easy identification. The transparent lids make it simple to see what you have left for the week, and the durable plastic construction ensures it will last for years to come. The Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser is perfect for busy people who need to stay organized or seniors who may have difficulty remembering to take their pills at the right time. It's easy to use and helps eliminate the need for bulky pill bottles that clutter up your space. The compact design makes it easy to store in a drawer or on a shelf, and it's also portable for when you're on-the-go. Invest in the Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser, and take the first step toward better organization and efficiency in your daily routine. ..
20.81 USD
Wiegand medidispenser m-flex 22,8 x 8,1 cm z razdelilniki 7
Karakteristike Wiegand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8x8,1cm z razdelilniki 7Količina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 60g Dolžina: 120mm Širina: 270 mm Višina: 25 mm Kupite Wiegand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8 x 8,1 cm z razdelilniki 7 na spletu iz Švice..
16.34 USD
(1 strani)