Beeovita prinaša najboljše eterično olje poprove mete neposredno iz Švice, zasnovano za vaše zdravstvene in lepotne potrebe. Kot dobro priznana sestavina v svetu naravnih zdravil je naše vrhunsko kakovostno eterično olje poprove mete osnovna sestavina vašega režima nege telesa in kože. Bogata s terapevtskimi lastnostmi revitalizira, poživi in osveži – vse to pa zagotavlja celostno dobro počutje. Izkusite najboljše fitoterapije z našo široko paleto eteričnih olj in izdelkov za nego kože, ki bodo zagotovo okrepili vaš naravni sijaj. Z Beeovito naredite korak k bolj zdravi negi telesa in neustavljivemu sijaju.
Lastnosti Aromalife poprova meta Äth / olje Fl 10 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0 mm Višina: 0 mm Kupite Aromalife pepermint Äth / olje Fl 10 ml na spletu iz Švice..
Eterično olje poprove mete Aromalife: TOP-11 Äth / Oil Fl 5 mlEterično olje poprove mete Aromalife je visokokakovostno in močno eterično olje, pridobljeno iz listi rastline poprove mete. Ima osvežujočo in poživljajočo aromo, ki lahko pomaga spodbujati mentalno jasnost in poveča budnost. To olje je znano tudi po svoji sposobnosti lajšanja glavobolov, slabosti in drugih prebavnih težav, zaradi česar je priljubljena izbira za posameznike, ki iščejo naravna zdravila za pogoste bolezni.Zdravstvene koristi eteričnega olja poprove mete AromalifeEterično olje poprove mete je znano po številnih koristih za zdravje, med katerimi so nekatere:
Lajša glavobole in migrene
Lajša slabost in bruhanje
Izboljša prebavo in lajša nelagodje v želodcu
Lajša zamašenost sinusov in težave z dihanjem
Zmanjšuje stres in spodbuja mentalno jasnost
Kako uporabljati eterično olje poprove mete AromalifeEterično olje poprove mete Aromalife lahko uporabljate na različne načine za spodbujanje zdravja in dobrega počutja. Nekatere običajne uporabe vključujejo:
Razredčen v nosilnem olju in nanešen lokalno za lajšanje glavobolov in mišične napetosti
Vdihavanje skozi difuzor za spodbujanje mentalne jasnosti in povečanje budnosti
Dodan topli kopeli za pomiritev bolečih mišic in izboljšanje sprostitve
Uporablja se pri aromaterapevtski masaži za izboljšanje splošnega dobrega počutja
Dodan nosilnemu olju in uporabljen kot naravni repelent za insekte
Zagotavljanje kakovostiEterično olje poprove mete Aromalife je narejeno samo iz najkakovostnejših listov poprove mete in se ekstrahira z najsodobnejšim postopkom parne destilacije. To zagotavlja, da olje ohrani svojo močno aromo in koristi za zdravje, zaradi česar je zelo učinkovito naravno zdravilo za vrsto pogostih bolezni.Sestavine100 % čisto eterično olje poprove meteVelikost5 ml..
Essential oil of peppermint Bio Grand Cru.
Essential oil from peppermint herbs, from contr. organic farming. Origin: Italy. Contains menthol, limonene, menthofuran, beta-pinene, linalool..
Fragrance: fresh, herbaceous, clear. Effect: refreshing, air-purifying, improves concentration. Application: aroma care, cosmetics, perfume, room scenting. Helps with: tiredness, head and stomach discomfort, heat. Ensures: energy, freshness, clear thoughts, concentration. The peppermint for this essential oil comes from a cooperative in southern Piedmont. The cooling and cleansing peppermint oil is pleasantly refreshing, especially when travelling, and has a beneficial spectrum of effects. Not only drivers should therefore always have it with them on the go! Irritant at high concentration, not suitable for children under the age of 6 and during pregnancy.Vegan.
For room scenting and for personal aroma care . Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy! Tips: ? 1 drop on the temples and neck clears the head ? for a good stomach feeling after a heavy meal, add 1 drop of peppermint oil to 1 teaspoon of Basic Organic Body Oil and gently massage the stomach.
Warning. Flammable liquid and vapour. Harmful if swallowed. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations.
HERBORISTERIA Pfefferminze Äth/Öl
The HERBORISTERIA Pfefferminze Äth/Öl is an essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of peppermint plant. It is a pure and potent oil that is rich in menthol and has a cooling and refreshing scent. The oil is produced using a steam distillation process that ensures the purity and quality of the oil.
Peppermint oil has been used for various purposes for thousands of years due to its therapeutic properties. It is popularly known for its cooling and soothing effects on the body and mind. The oil is commonly used for aromatherapy to relieve stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation.
HERBORISTERIA Pfefferminze Äth/Öl can also be used topically to alleviate pain and inflammation caused by muscular or joint problems. The oil has a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that helps to alleviate pain and swelling. It is recommended for use in massages or to be added to bath water to provide a soothing effect on the body.
In addition to its therapeutic properties, HERBORISTERIA Pfefferminze Äth/Öl is also a natural insect repellent. It can be used to keep mosquitoes, ants, and other insects away when applied appropriately.
HERBORISTERIA Pfefferminze Äth/Öl is a versatile essential oil that can be used for various purposes. It is recommended for use by people who are looking for a natural way to relieve stress, alleviate pain, and promote relaxation. Purchase this oil today and experience the calming and soothing effects of peppermint oil.