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Dobrodošli v, vaši zaupanja vredni spletni trgovini, ki ponuja obsežen izbor izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto iz Švice. Naš poseben poudarek na naravnih sestavinah ima za posledico vrhunsko paleto izdelkov, ki nudijo najboljšo nego za vašo kožo, telo in splošno dobro počutje. Ne glede na to, ali ste na trgu pripravkov za kašelj in prehlad, homeopatskih zdravil, hranljivih aditivov za živila, pomirjujočih izdelkov za nego kože ali celo potrebščin za dom in vrt, naše obsežne kategorije zadovoljijo vse vaše potrebe. Raziščite našo široko ponudbo, ki vključuje izdelke za posebna stanja, kot je luskavica, pogoste težave, kot je lajšanje dihal in krepitev imunosti, do vsakodnevnih sponk, kot so zobna pasta in šamponi. Ne smemo pozabiti na naše čudovite gurmanske izdelke, kot so zeliščni čaji in kava. Nakupujte pri nas še danes na in odkrijte transformativno moč naravnih sestavin.
šampon klorane chinin edelweiss

šampon klorane chinin edelweiss

Koda izdelka: 7788544

Šampon KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss Šampon KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss je krepilni in revitalizirajoči šampon, ki je posebej oblikovan za pomoč pri doseganju zdravih in lepih las. Ta šampon je prepojen z aktivnimi sestavinami, ki krepijo pramene las, spodbujajo rast las in zagotavljajo dolgotrajno zaščito pred okoljskimi agresorji. Glavni sestavini šampona KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss sta kinin, močan naravni stimulans, ki krepi lase od korenin, in runolist, redka in dragocena roža z antioksidativnimi lastnostmi, ki preprečujejo poškodbe zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov. Kombinacija kinina in edelweisa pomaga vašim lasem dati moč in odpornost, zaradi česar so bolj odporni na lomljenje, obenem pa izboljša njihovo splošno zdravje in lepoto. Šampon KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss je primeren za uporabo na vseh tipih las, vključno z barvanimi lasmi. Prav tako je brez parabenov, brez sulfatov in brez silikona, zaradi česar je varna in nežna možnost za vsakodnevno uporabo. Z redno uporabo boste opazili pomembne izboljšave v teksturi, debelini in sijaju vaših las. Za najboljše rezultate temeljito zmočite lase in nanesite KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss šampon na lasišče in lase. Nežno vmasirajte in vtrite v bogato peno. Temeljito sperite s toplo vodo in nadaljujte z vašim najljubšim balzamom ali tretmajem KLORANE za še večjo prehrano in zaščito. Šampon KLORANE Chinin Edelweiss je kakovosten izdelek, izdelan iz naravnih sestavin, ki skupaj pomagajo spodbujati močne, zdrave in živahne lase. Od njegove blage formulacije do njegove učinkovitosti je ta šampon obvezen za vse, ki želijo doseči optimalno zdravje in lepoto las. ..

24.96 USD

Audispray dry

Audispray dry

Koda izdelka: 7769336

AUDISPRAY Dry Predstavljamo nov in izboljšan AUDISPRAY Dry ​​– najboljšo rešitev za ljudi, ki trpijo zaradi čezmernega nabiranja ušesnega masla. Ta inovativni izdelek vsebuje edinstveno formulacijo naravnih sestavin, namenjenih učinkovitemu odstranjevanju ušesnega masla na varen in udoben način. AUDISPRAY Dry ​​je neinvazivna rešitev, ki jo lahko uporabljate doma brez strokovne pomoči. Uporablja tehnologijo mikrodifuzije za čiščenje ušesnega kanala, brez potrebe po ročnem izvleku ali uporabi močnih kemikalij, ki lahko razdražijo občutljivo kožo v ušesu. Kako deluje? AUDISPRAY Dry ​​je na voljo v plastenki z razpršilom, ki je enostavna za uporabo in v ušesni kanal dovaja nežno meglico fiziološke raztopine. Fiziološka raztopina deluje tako, da pomaga raztopiti in zmehčati morebitno nakopičeno ušesno maslo, zaradi česar ga je lažje odstraniti. Ko raztopina izteče, tvori peno, ki prekrije stene ušesnega kanala in tako zagotovi temeljitejše čiščenje. Poleg tega AUDISPRAY Dry ​​vsebuje tudi aloe vero, ki ima naravne pomirjujoče lastnosti, ki lahko pomagajo ublažiti draženje ušesa. Formula je tudi brez konzervansov, zaradi česar je idealna za ljudi z občutljivimi ušesi. Prednosti AUDISPRAY Dry Zagotavlja nežno in učinkovito čiščenje brez povzročanja nelagodja Pomaga pri odstranjevanju odvečnega ušesnega masla za boljši sluh in splošno zdravje ušes Vsebuje naravne sestavine, ki so varne in nežne do kože Steklenička z razpršilom, enostavna za uporabo, za priročno uporabo doma Kako uporabljati AUDISPRAY Dry Za uporabo AUDISPRAY Dry ​​preprosto vstavite nastavek v ušesni kanal in pritisnite na črpalko, da sprostite raztopino. Držite glavo na eni strani za nekaj sekund, da raztopina doseže vsa področja ušesnega kanala, nato ponovite na drugi strani. Po nanosu odstranite odvečno peno, ki lahko izteče iz ušesa, s čistim robčkom. Ta postopek ponovite enkrat na dan ali po priporočilu zdravstvenega delavca. Preizkusite AUDISPRAY Dry ​​še danes in izkusite razliko na lastni koži – čista, zdrava in udobna ušesa so le en sprej stran!..

24.83 USD

Audispray ultra ohrenpfropfen 20 ml

Audispray ultra ohrenpfropfen 20 ml

Koda izdelka: 7713648

Audispray Ultra Ohrenpfropfen 20 ml The Audispray Ultra Ohrenpfropfen 20 ml is a high-quality ear cleaning solution that is designed to provide effective and gentle cleaning of your ear canals. The solution is formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to dissolve and remove earwax without causing any irritation or discomfort. One of the key features of Audispray Ultra Ohrenpfropfen is its patented nozzle, which is designed to deliver the solution deep into the ear canal without causing any damage to the delicate ear tissues. This ensures that the earwax is effectively dissolved and removed, leaving your ears clean and healthy. With regular use, Audispray Ultra Ohrenpfropfen can help prevent the buildup of earwax and reduce the risk of ear infections. It is safe and gentle enough for use on all ages, from children to adults, making it an essential product for every household. The product comes in a convenient 20 ml bottle that is easy to use and store. Simply tilt your head to one side and insert the nozzle into your ear canal, then squeeze the bottle gently to dispense the solution. Massage the ear canal for a few seconds, then tilt your head to the other side to allow the solution to drain out. Repeat on the other ear for complete cleaning. So if you're looking for a safe, effective, and gentle ear cleaning solution, Audispray Ultra Ohrenpfropfen 20 ml is the perfect choice for you. Order now and experience the benefits of this amazing product for yourself! ..

27.21 USD

Bepanthen derma nährende körperlotion disp 400 ml

Bepanthen derma nährende körperlotion disp 400 ml

Koda izdelka: 7783965

Bepanthen DERMA hranilni losjon za telo Disp 400 ml Hranljiv losjon za telo za zelo suho in občutljivo kožo. Bepanthen® DERMA hranilni losjon za telo nudi intenzivno nego in se hitro vpije. Vaša koža je takoj in dolgotrajno navlažena (do 48 ur). Hrapava koža je vidno zmanjšana. Po nanosu kreme je sijoča ​​in prožna. Losjon za telo je primeren za zelo suho in občutljivo kožo. Takoj pomirja, lajša občutek napetosti in nudi dolgotrajno zaščito. Provitamin B5 Repair Complex podpira regeneracijo kože od znotraj navzven. Dekspantenol spodbuja naravno regeneracijo celic v globljih plasteh kože povrhnjice. Glicerin, ki ga vsebuje, zagotavlja takojšnjo in dolgotrajno vlažnost. Niacinamid (vitamin B3) pomirja srbečo in suho kožo, naravni lipidi, kot sta karitejevo maslo in arganovo olje, pa dopolnjujejo manjkajoče kožne lipide. Fiziološki lipid obnovi barierno funkcijo kože. Učinkovitost hranilnega losjona za telo Bepanthen® DERMA je znanstveno dokazana. Losjon je brez dišav in konzervansov. 90% sestavin je naravnega izvora. Poskrbite za zdravje svoje kože z zdravimi navadami in dobrimi izdelki za nego kože. Poskrbite za dovolj spanja in počitka, zaščitite kožo pred soncem, jejte zdravo in uporabljajte ustrezne izdelke, kot je Bepanthen® DERMA. Negovalni losjon za telo po potrebi izdatno razmažite po celem telesu večkrat na dan. Za najboljše rezultate kombinirajte z nežnim gelom za prhanje Bepanthen® DERMA. Hranilni losjon za telo je dermatološko testirana nega kože...

42.97 USD

Dünner eibisch isländisch moos pastillen 24 stk

Dünner eibisch isländisch moos pastillen 24 stk

Koda izdelka: 6507059

Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk Get relief from sore throat and cough with Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk. These pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat and thus help to relieve the symptoms of cough, hoarseness, and throat irritation. They are made from natural ingredients and have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take. Natural ingredients The pastilles are made from natural ingredients such as marshmallow root extract and Icelandic moss extract. These ingredients have been used for centuries to soothe and calm irritated throats. The natural goodness of these ingredients makes the pastilles effective in providing relief from sore throat and cough without any side effects. Pleasant taste The pastilles have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take. They have a mild herbal flavor that is not overpowering, making them suitable for people who do not like strong flavors. Soothing effect The pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat, which helps to reduce the inflammation and irritation caused by coughing and sore throat. They also help to moisten the throat, which provides relief from the dryness and scratchiness associated with a sore throat. Easy to carry The pastilles come in a convenient pack of 24 and can be easily carried around in your bag or pocket. This makes them a handy option for people who are on the go and need quick relief from sore throat and cough. Conclusion Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk are a safe and effective way to relieve sore throat and cough. They are made from natural ingredients, have a pleasant taste, and provide a soothing effect on the throat. They are also easy to carry, making them a convenient option for people who need relief on the go...

9.94 USD

Durex naturals gleitgel extra feuchtigkeitsspendend tb 100 ml

Durex naturals gleitgel extra feuchtigkeitsspendend tb 100 ml

Koda izdelka: 7786189

Durex Naturals Gleitgel Extra feuchtigkeitsspendend Tb 100 ml Introducing the Durex Naturals Gleitgel Extra feuchtigkeitsspendend Tb 100 ml, the perfect solution for enhanced sensual experience. This extra moisturizing lubricant is specially formulated with natural ingredients for a smooth and enjoyable intimate experience. With its unique water-based formula, Durex Naturals Gleitgel Extra feuchtigkeitsspendend Tb 100 ml glides on easily and provides a long-lasting sensation of comfort and pleasure. Whether you are looking for some extra slipperiness to enjoy during foreplay or to improve your intimate experience with your partner, this lubricant is just what you need. The Durex Naturals Gleitgel Extra feuchtigkeitsspendend Tb 100 ml is free from synthetic fragrances, dyes, and parabens that might cause irritation or discomfort. The natural ingredients are carefully chosen to offer maximum safety and protection while at the same time enhancing your sexual experience. Not only is this lubricant a great addition to your intimate moments, but it also comes in a discreet and easy-to-use 100ml tube that you can slip into your purse or pocket. It is perfect for spicing things up with your partner anywhere, anytime. Invest in yourself and your intimate experience with the incredible Durex Naturals Gleitgel Extra feuchtigkeitsspendend Tb 100 ml. ..

27.60 USD

Elverev' chrono-relax l-triptofan kaps

Elverev' chrono-relax l-triptofan kaps

Koda izdelka: 7243987

ELVEREV Chrono-Relax L-Tryptophan Kaps - The Perfect Solution to Your Night Time Routine ELVEREV Chrono-Relax L-Tryptophan Kaps are designed to provide an effective solution for promoting relaxation and sleep. The product contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to support your body's natural sleep patterns and help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Key Features Contains L-Tryptophan - an essential amino acid that promotes natural relaxation and sleep Contains Vitamin B6 - essential for amino acid metabolism and helps support a healthy nervous system Infused with Valerian Root Extract - helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation Formulated with natural ingredients - free of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors Safe and effective - non-addictive and non-habit forming Suitable for all adult individuals How to Use Take one or two capsules about 30 minutes before bedtime or as directed by your healthcare provider. For best results, combine with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Why Choose ELVEREV Chrono-Relax L-Tryptophan Kaps At ELVEREV, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products that help them lead a healthy and happy life. Our Chrono-Relax L-Tryptophan Kaps are no exception - they are crafted with care to provide effective sleep support without harmful side effects or harsh chemicals. If you struggle with sleep, try ELVEREV Chrono-Relax L-Tryptophan Kaps today and discover how natural ingredients can make a difference in improving your sleep patterns and overall well-being. ..

48.62 USD

Emofresh mundbefeuchter tb 75 ml

Emofresh mundbefeuchter tb 75 ml

Koda izdelka: 7782878

Emofresh Mundbefeuchter Tb 75 ml The Emofresh Mundbefeuchter Tb 75 ml is a highly effective and easy-to-use oral moisturizing spray that helps alleviate dry mouth and throat symptoms like soreness, burning, and itching. This spray is formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients that provide long-lasting hydration and protection. The Emofresh Mundbefeuchter Tb 75 ml contains hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps retain moisture in the tissues. This ingredient helps create a protective barrier on the oral mucosa, preventing further water loss and keeping the mouth moist and comfortable. The spray also contains aloe vera, with its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help relieve oral irritation and promote healing. Furthermore, it is free of sugar, alcohol, and menthol, which can dry out the mouth and exacerbate discomfort. The Emofresh Mundbefeuchter Tb 75 ml comes in a handy pocket-sized spray bottle, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go, and use it whenever you need it. Its refreshing mint flavor provides a pleasant taste sensation while freshening your breath. Whether you suffer from dry mouth and throat due to aging, medication, or medical conditions like Sjogren's syndrome or diabetes, the Emofresh Mundbefeuchter Tb 75 ml can help you find relief and improve your quality of life. Try it today and experience the benefits of healthy oral hydration!..

20.81 USD

Emser pastillen salted caramel

Emser pastillen salted caramel

Koda izdelka: 7785162

EMSER Pastilles Salted Caramel EMSER Pastilles Salted Caramel is a delightful treat for any caramel lover. Each bag contains small, round, bite-sized pastilles, made from high-quality, natural ingredients. The pastilles are sweet, with a touch of saltiness that creates a perfect balance of flavors. They are made using a traditional recipe that has been passed down for generations to create a rich, buttery, and creamy flavor of caramel. The ingredients used in EMER Pastilles Salted Caramel are carefully sourced to ensure that the product is of the highest quality, free from any preservatives, additives, or artificial colors. EMSER Pastilles Salted Caramel comes in a resealable bag for easy storage, making it perfect for on-the-go snacking, as a topping for cakes and cupcakes, or as a special addition to your morning coffee or hot cocoa. The pastilles are also an excellent gift option for friends and family who enjoy the indulgence and decadence of sweet treats. Product Features: Made from high-quality natural ingredients Sweet, with a touch of saltiness for perfect balance of flavors No preservatives, additives, or artificial colors Rich, buttery and creamy flavor of caramel Resealable bag for easy storage and on-the-go snacking Versatile product suitable as a topping or addition to coffee and hot cocoa Ingredients: Sugar, glucose syrup, butterfat (6%), whole milk powder, salt (0.6%), emulsifier: soy lecithin, natural flavor (caramel). Allergen Information: Contains milk and soy. May contain traces of nuts. Nutrition Facts: Per 100g Per Serving (10g) Energy 1848kJ/ 440 kcal 185kJ/ 44 kcal Fat 11g 1.1g - of which saturates 7.9g 0.8g Carbohydrates 82g 8.2g - of which sugars 69g 6.9g Protein 2.6g 0.3g Salt 1.5g 0.15g ..

16.59 USD

Farfalla intimes pflegeöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 ml

Farfalla intimes pflegeöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 ml

Koda izdelka: 7774786

Intimate care oil for women with clary sage. Composition Jojoba oil*, pomegranate seed oil*, cassis oil, essential clary sage oil*, natural vitamin E, sunflower oil*, essential oils. * from controlled organic cultivation.. Properties The valuable pomegranate seed oil is highly valued for its high content of phytoestrogens. It supports the natural intimate flora and strengthens its own protective function. Cassis oil increases the suppleness of the skin. Essential oils of lavender and blue chamomile soothe irritated and reddened skin, keeping it functional and healthy. Clary sage is very balancing, especially with women's issues, and gives serenity. This oil is not compatible with condoms.Vegan. Dermatologically tested. Application Put 1-2 drops of oil on the fingertips and carefully oil the outer mucous membrane. This oil is not compatible with condoms. ..

23.09 USD

Harmona plantex pasta št. 3 zelenjavni bujon s himalajsko kristalno soljo 450 g

Harmona plantex pasta št. 3 zelenjavni bujon s himalajsko kristalno soljo 450 g

Koda izdelka: 6952492

HARMONA Plantex pasta št. 3 Gemüsebouillon HARMONA Plantex Paste Nr 3 Gemüsebouillon je visokokakovosten izdelek iz zelenjavne juhe, ki je bil ustvarjen z uporabo samo najboljših sestavin. Ta pasta je odličen način za dodajanje okusa kateri koli jedi, naj bo to juha, enolončnica ali omaka. Pasta je narejena iz naravnih sestavin, kar pomeni, da je brez umetnih konzervansov, barvil in arom, ki lahko škodujejo zdravju. Ne glede na to, ali ste vegan ali vegetarijanec, je ta pasta Gemüsebouillon odličen dodatek v vaši kuhinji. Prednosti HARMONA Plantex Paste Nr 3 Gemüsebouillon Odličen okus: narejena iz kuhane zelenjave in zelišč, ta pasta zagotavlja pikanten in bogat okus, ki je popoln za različne vrste jedi. Enostavno topna: Ta pasta je zlahka topna v vodi, kar omogoča enostavno mešanje z drugimi sestavinami. Enostaven za uporabo: Embalaža je zasnovana tako, da vam olajša merjenje in uporabo paste. Potrebujete le majhno količino, da dodate okus vaši jedi. Dobro za vaše zdravje: ta pasta je narejena iz naravnih sestavin, kar je dobro za vaše zdravje. Priročna embalaža: pasta je pakirana v priročni tubi, ki jo enostavno shranite v shrambi. Zagotavlja, da pasta ostane sveža in uporabna dlje časa. Kako uporabljati HARMONA Plantex Paste Nr 3 Gemüsebouillon HARMONA Plantex Paste Nr 3 Gemüsebouillon je enostavna za uporabo. Ena žlica paste, pomešana z enim litrom vode, naredi popolno zelenjavno juho. Pasto lahko uporabite tudi v drugih jedeh, tako da jo dodate svojemu receptu med kuhanjem. Pasta je odlična za juhe, enolončnice, omake in enolončnice. Za dodaten pridih okusa ga lahko potresete tudi po kuhani zelenjavi. Za zaključek, HARMONA Plantex pasta št. 3 Gemüsebouillon mora biti v vaši kuhinji. Je vsestranski, priročen in zdrav. Dodajte ga na svoj nakupovalni seznam in izkusite bogat in pikanten okus te zelenjavne jušne paste...

22.03 USD

Herbamed propolis-holunder mundspray 50 ml

Herbamed propolis-holunder mundspray 50 ml

Koda izdelka: 7777979

Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray 50 ml The Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray is a natural oral care product that features a potent combination of propolis and elderberry extracts that offer a wide range of benefits to the mouth and throat. The spray features a convenient delivery method that allows for easy use on-the-go, making it a great solution for anyone looking to freshen breath, improve oral hygiene, and support their immune system. Natural ingredients Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray is made with all-natural ingredients that have been carefully selected for their therapeutic benefits. Propolis, a powerful resinous substance, is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Elderberry, on the other hand, is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as anthocyanins, which contribute to its immune-boosting effects. Multiple benefits Thanks to its unique combination of propolis and elderberry extracts, Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray offers a wide range of benefits to the mouth and throat. Its antiseptic properties help to kill harmful bacteria and prevent cavities and gum disease. Additionally, it can help to soothe sore throats, reduce inflammation, and alleviate coughs. Easy to use The Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray comes in a convenient spray bottle that makes it easy to use anytime, anywhere. Simply spray the solution directly into your mouth or throat, and enjoy instant fresh breath and improved oral hygiene. It's an ideal solution for those who are always on the go or simply want a quick and easy way to freshen breath and boost their immune system. Satisfaction guaranteed At Herbamed, we stand behind our products and are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us for a full refund. Try Herbamed Propolis-Holunder Mundspray today and enjoy the natural benefits of propolis and elderberry!..

31.28 USD

Holle bio-crunchy snack hirse mango 25 g

Holle bio-crunchy snack hirse mango 25 g

Koda izdelka: 7773526

Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g is a delicious organic snack made with crunchy hirse flakes and sweet, juicy mango pieces. This snack is perfect for those who enjoy snacking on healthier options that are also tasty, as it is free of artificial flavors or colors. The hirse flakes in this snack are made from organic grains, which have been grown according to strict organic farming regulations. This means that the grains have been grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and have not been genetically modified. The mango pieces in this snack are also organic, and have been dried slowly to retain their natural sweetness and flavor. They are a source of natural vitamins and minerals, making them a perfect addition to any healthy diet. The Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g snack is also a great option for those following special diets, as it is gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. It can be enjoyed as a quick snack on the go, or as a topping for yogurts, smoothie bowls, or porridges. Each package of Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g contains 25 grams of the organic snack, making it a convenient and portable option for those who enjoy healthy snacking. ..

3.52 USD

Leucen essigsaures toner gel

Leucen essigsaures toner gel

Koda izdelka: 6242023

LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel The LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel is a high-quality skincare product that is designed to deeply cleanse and purify your skin. This product is made from natural ingredients and is dermatologically tested to ensure its effectiveness and safety. The active ingredient in this product is vinegar acid, which is known for its ability to exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation. This means that the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel can effectively remove impurities, toxins, and excess oil from your skin, leaving it clean, clear, and refreshed. The gel formula of this product makes it easy to apply and spread evenly on your skin. It is also gentle enough for daily use and can be incorporated into your skincare routine to help maintain healthy and beautiful skin. Aside from its cleansing benefits, the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel also contains a range of natural ingredients that nourish and protect your skin. These include kaolin, glycerine, and aloe vera, which hydrate and moisturize your skin, leaving it smooth and supple. If you are looking for a high-quality skincare product that can effectively cleanse and purify your skin, the LEUCEN Essigsaures Tonerde-Gel is definitely worth trying. Its combination of exfoliating and nourishing ingredients will help your skin look and feel its best, giving you the confidence you need to take on the day...

32.07 USD

Livsane lippenpflege sonnenschutz

Livsane lippenpflege sonnenschutz

Koda izdelka: 7720393

Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz is a specially formulated lip balm that provides effective protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. This lip balm is designed to keep your lips moisturized while protecting them from the sun's harmful rays. The Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm contains a blend of natural ingredients including beeswax, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil that work together to nourish and soothe dry and chapped lips. The lip balm also contains SPF 20 which effectively protects your lips from the sun's powerful rays, preventing damage and premature aging. This lip balm is easy to apply and is ideal for use during extended periods of sun exposure such as when you're on vacation, hiking or participating in outdoor sports. It is lightweight, non-greasy, and has a pleasant vanilla flavor that will keep your lips moisturized and comfortable all day long. The Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm comes in a compact and convenient tube that is perfect for carrying with you while you're out and about. Whether you're at a music festival or enjoying a day out on the beach, this lip balm is the perfect companion to keep your lips protected and moisturized. Overall, the Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm is a must-have item for anyone who wants to keep their lips safe from the sun's harmful rays while also keeping them soft and supple. Try it today and discover the benefits of a lip balm with built-in sun protection!..

5.99 USD

Mustela anregendes schaumbad normale haut

Mustela anregendes schaumbad normale haut

Koda izdelka: 7784347

MUSTELA Anregendes Schaumbad normale Haut This luxurious foam bath has been specially formulated by MUSTELA for normal skin types, providing a stimulating and refreshing bathing experience that both adults and children can enjoy. The natural ingredients in this product work together to gently cleanse, nourish and protect the skin, leaving it soft, smooth and radiant. Features and Benefits: Enriched with natural ingredients such as avocado perseose, cornflower extract and mild surfactants, it helps to maintain the skin's natural moisture balance, while cleansing and refreshing it Creates a rich, silky foam that envelops the skin, providing an indulgent and luxurious bathing experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and energized The gentle formula is free from parabens, phthalates, and phenoxyethanol, making it suitable for use on even the most delicate skin types, including babies and young children Provides long-lasting hydration, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple, with a healthy natural radiance How to Use: Simply run a warm bath and pour a small amount of the foam bath into the water, swirling gently to create a rich lather. Soak in the luxurious bubbles, taking deep breaths to inhale the natural aromas, and enjoy the energizing and refreshing experience. After bathing, pat yourself dry gently with a soft towel, and follow up with your favorite MUSTELA moisturizer for even more hydration and nourishment. For best results, use this product in conjunction with other MUSTELA skin care products, especially those designed for normal skin types. With regular use, you can enjoy healthier, more radiant skin that feels soft, supple and youthful...

24.89 USD

Mustela reinigungsflu ohne abspül nor haut

Mustela reinigungsflu ohne abspül nor haut

Koda izdelka: 7788601

If you're looking for the perfect cleansing solution for your baby's delicate skin, look no further than MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut! This gentle cleansing fluid is specially designed to cleanse your baby's skin without the need for water, making it perfect for use on the go, or when you want to avoid getting water on your baby's sensitive skin. MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut is enriched with natural ingredients like avocado perseose, which helps to protect and strengthen your baby's delicate skin barrier. It also contains mild surfactants that work to gently cleanse your baby's skin, while respecting its natural balance. Thanks to its no-rinse formula, MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut is easy to use and doesn't require any additional steps. Simply apply to your baby's skin using a cotton pad, and gently massage in until clean. The fluid dries quickly, leaving your baby's skin feeling soft and supple, without any greasy or sticky residue. The compact bottle size makes this cleansing fluid ideal for taking with you on the go, whether you're travelling, or simply running errands. Its gentle formula is suitable for all skin types, including newborns, and it's hypoallergenic and free from any harsh chemicals that could irritate your baby's skin. So why not give MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut a try, and see just how easy and gentle cleansing your baby's skin can be? ..

48.88 USD

Naturstein msm plus kaps glasfl 75 stk

Naturstein msm plus kaps glasfl 75 stk

Koda izdelka: 7774068

Naturstein MSM plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk - for Healthy Joints, Skin, Hair & Nails Introducing Naturstein MSM plus, a dietary supplement that provides a combination of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and vitamins for maintaining healthy joints, skin, hair, and nails. Each glass bottle contains 75 capsules filled with nature-based ingredients that come together to support your overall well-being. Benefits: Helps improve joint health and mobility Supports collagen and elastin production for healthy skin and hair Provides essential vitamins and minerals for overall health Promotes healthy nails and strong bones The Ingredients: MSM is a natural, organic sulfur-containing compound that is essential for building and maintaining healthy tissues throughout the body. It helps support joint mobility and flexibility, as well as reduce inflammation and pain. MSM also provides vital nutrients for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Naturstein MSM plus also contains essential vitamins such as Vitamin C and E, which act as antioxidants to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Vitamin D is included to help support healthy bone development and calcium absorption. Vitamin B complex is further included for improved energy and mood balance. Usage: This dietary supplement is ideal for anyone who wishes to maintain healthy joints, skin, hair and nails. We recommend taking two capsules daily with a meal to see significant improvements in your overall health over time. Transform your health with Naturstein MSM plus - the natural supplement for a healthier, happier you! ..

30.18 USD

Naturstein opc plus kaps glasfl 100 stk

Naturstein opc plus kaps glasfl 100 stk

Koda izdelka: 7774069

Naturstein OPC plus Kaps Glasfl 100 Stk The Naturstein OPC plus Kaps Glasfl 100 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains a combination of natural ingredients that work together to promote optimal health and wellness. The primary ingredient in this supplement is OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins), which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the body against damage from free radicals. Additionally, this supplement contains natural stone powder and vitamin C, which work together to provide a range of benefits for the body. The natural stone powder in this supplement is derived from the mineral-rich rocks found in the Rhine River Valley. This unique combination of minerals provides a range of health benefits, including improved bone density, increased energy levels, and enhanced immune function. Additionally, the vitamin C in this supplement works in tandem with the OPC and natural stone powder to provide even greater antioxidant support for the body. One of the key benefits of the Naturstein OPC plus Kaps Glasfl 100 Stk is its ability to support cardiovascular health. The OPC in this supplement helps to support healthy blood pressure levels, while the vitamin C works to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Additionally, the natural stone powder in this supplement contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which support healthy heart function. The Naturstein OPC plus Kaps Glasfl 100 Stk is made from all-natural ingredients and does not contain any artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. It is also suitable for vegetarians and is gluten-free. Each bottle contains 100 capsules that are easy to swallow and provide long-lasting benefits for your health and wellness. If you're looking for a dietary supplement that can help to support your overall health and well-being, the Naturstein OPC plus Kaps Glasfl 100 Stk is an excellent choice. Its unique blend of natural ingredients provides a wide range of benefits for your body, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced immune function, and increased energy levels. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

42.28 USD

Omni-logic immun plv

Omni-logic immun plv

Koda izdelka: 7785867

OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv is a high-quality, natural supplement that enhances the immune system and provides a range of health benefits. It is made with carefully selected natural ingredients and is free from harmful chemicals, preservatives, and fillers. Benefits of OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv provides numerous benefits to the immune system and overall health, including: Boosts immune system function Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress Supports healthy digestion and gut health Promotes healthy skin and hair Enhances energy levels and reduces fatigue Natural Ingredients OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv is made with a unique blend of natural ingredients, including: Wheatgrass Powder Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder Tulsi Leaf Powder Turmeric Root Powder Amla Fruit Powder Ginger Root Powder And more... Each ingredient is carefully selected for its unique properties and benefits to the immune system and overall health. The formula is designed to work synergistically, providing maximum benefits to the body. Easy to Use OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv is easy to use and can be added to your favorite food or drink. Simply mix one scoop (5g) with water, juice, or a smoothie and enjoy once a day. The powder is easily absorbed by the body and provides quick and effective results. Quality and Safety OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv is made in a state-of-the-art facility and is subject to strict quality control standards. We use only the highest quality natural ingredients and follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products. OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv is non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan, making it safe and suitable for a wide range of people with different dietary needs and preferences. Order Now Experience the benefits of OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv today and order now. We offer fast and convenient shipping options and a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try our product risk-free. Invest in your immune system and overall health with OMNI-LOGIC Immun Plv...

92.94 USD

Puralpina marmot herbal ointment warming 100 ml

Puralpina marmot herbal ointment warming 100 ml

Koda izdelka: 7740551

MURMELI ZELIŠČNO MAZILO GREJE HRBET, MIŠICE IN SKLEPE OPIS IZDELKA Blaga in obstojna globinska toplota za vaš hrbet, mišice in sklepe. 100% naravno mazilo iz dragocenega švicarskega svizčevega olja in močnih zelišč. Svizčevo zeliščno mazilo greje in sprošča ter nudi blagodejno olajšanje po aktivnostih, kot so šport, delo in prosti čas. Svizčevo mazilo prodre v kožo globoko v tkivo in podpira vaš proces okrevanja. Uporaba: Svizčevo zeliščno mazilo vmasirajte na želena področja, kot so hrbet, mišice ali sklepi. Grelno svizčevo mazilo je zelo primerno pred športom (ogrevanje in sprostitev) in po športu (sprostitev in regeneracija). Svizčevo mazilo lahko uporabljate večkrat na dan. Primeren je tudi za otroke. Nasveti za uporabo: Okrepite grelno svizčevo zeliščno mazilo z našim čistim svizčevim oljem. Tako sprostite vso moč svizčevega mazila. Dodajte kapljico čistega svizčevega olja in vse skupaj ali enega za drugim nanesite. Sestavine: Svizčevo zeliščno mazilo je popolnoma naravno in brez umetnih konzervansov, dišav in barvil. Če je le mogoče, uporabljamo lokalne surovine. Grelno svizčevo mazilo vsebuje gamsovo mast, oljčno olje, jelenovo mast, svizčevo olje, šentjanževko, steno, pšenične kalčke, laneno seme, jazbečevo mast, sivko, meto, rožmarin, praprot, bučna semena, propolis, sezam in hrastovo lubje. #BREZ ALKOHOL#BREZ GLUTENA#BREZ SLADKORJA#NARAVNAKOZMETIKA#BREZ PARAFINOV#BREZ GLICERINA#NI TESTIRANO NA ŽIVALI#BREZ SESTAVIN NA OSNOVI MINERALNIH OLJ#STOODSTOTNO NARAVNE#BREZ DIŠAV#BREZ UMETNIH AROM#BREZ PARABENI#BREZ SILIKONA#RASTLINSKI#BREZ AMONIJAKA#ORGANSKI#BREZ SOJE#BREZ SULFATA#BREZ MILA#BREZ EMULGATORJEV#BREZ DIŠAV#BREZ ALUMINA#BREZ MIKROPLASTIKE#SWISSBRAND#BREZ BARVIL#BREZ LAKTOZE#BREZ KONZERVANSA SNOVISESTAVINEOrgansko, brez mikroplastike, naravna kozmetika, brez alkohola, brez aluminija, brez amoniaka, brez dišav, brez emulgatorja, brez barvil, brez glutena, Brez glicerina, na osnovi mineralnih olj Sestavine, Brez konzervansov, Brez umetnih arom, Brez laktoze, Brez parabenov, Brez parafina, Brez parfuma, Brez mila, Brez silikona, Brez soje, Brez sulfata, Brez sladkorja, OneHundredPercentNatural, Na rastlinski osnovi, SwissBrand, Cruelty -brezplačno. ..

34.11 USD

Puralpina murmeli herbal ointment cooling 50 ml

Puralpina murmeli herbal ointment cooling 50 ml

Koda izdelka: 7740545

Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml is an effective herbal cooling balm designed to provide relief to muscular strains and pains. It contains high-quality Murmeltier oil and a blend of carefully selected herbs, such as arnica, eucalyptus, camphor, and menthol, to provide a cooling and soothing effect on the skin. The pure Murmeltier oil has been derived from the fatty tissue of the alpine Marmot, which is known to possess an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the human body. The herbal ingredients of Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml work together to penetrate deep into the skin and muscle tissue to provide a soothing and cooling sensation, which effectively eases the discomfort associated with muscular strains, sprains, bruises, and inflammation. This product is ideal for people who engage in physical activities, such as sports or manual labor, and for those who suffer from arthritis or other chronic pain conditions. The compact size of the 50 ml container makes Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml perfect for carrying in a travel bag, purse or gym bag. The convenient twist top, plastic container makes dispensing the balm easy, clean and hygienic. Use Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml as needed to cool and soothe affected areas of the skin and muscles. This product is made in Germany and contains no synthetic additives or preservatives. ..

23.15 USD

Rosenfellner stillkugeln basis mischung bio

Rosenfellner stillkugeln basis mischung bio

Koda izdelka: 6655558

ROSENFELLNER Stillkugeln Basis Mischung Bio ROSENFELLNER Stillkugeln Basis Mischung Bio is a high-quality lactation support supplement formulated to enhance the production and flow of breast milk. It is a delicious mix of natural ingredients that supports breastfeeding moms and their babies. This product is made with organic herbs, natural galactagogues, and wholesome ingredients to promote a healthy milk supply in nursing mothers. Ingredients Organic oats Organic barley Organic flaxseed Organic fenugreek Organic anise Organic fennel Organic caraway Organic chamomile Organic lavender Organic lemon verbena All the ingredients used to make ROSENFELLNER Stillkugeln Basis Mischung Bio are 100% natural and organic. The combination of these ingredients helps increase the breast milk supply, alleviate digestive problems and soothe the senses of babies. Benefits Improves milk supply: The natural galactagogues present in this product helps improve milk production and flow. Reduces digestive discomfort: It soothes the digestive system of the baby and reduces discomfort such as gas, colic, and indigestion. Relaxes moms: The organic herbs used in this mixture helps calm and relax breastfeeding moms, promoting a sense of calmness and well-being in them. Enhanced bonding: Taking ROSENFELLNER Stillkugeln Basis Mischung Bio helps enhance the bond between the nursing mother and baby, by promoting better sleep and emotional connection. This product can be taken by nursing mothers at any time of the day, warm or cold, on an empty stomach or with meals. The resealable packaging makes it easy to carry around, making lactation support accessible at any time and place. ROSENFELLNER Stillkugeln Basis Mischung Bio is the perfect supplement for breastfeeding mothers looking for a natural and organic supplement to support lactation and provide essential nutrients for both mom and baby. Get your hands on this amazing lactation support supplement today!..

13.20 USD

Sonett boden-wischpflege für versiegelte böden fl 500 ml

Sonett boden-wischpflege für versiegelte böden fl 500 ml

Koda izdelka: 7736489

Sonett Boden-Wischpflege für Versiegelte Böden Fl 500 ml Introducing Sonett Boden-Wischpflege für versiegelte Böden Fl 500 ml, the perfect solution for keeping your sealed floors clean and shiny. This product is specially designed to provide a deep clean without damaging your floors or leaving behind any residue. Benefits Effective against dirt, grease, and stains Leaves no residue or streaks Made with natural and organic ingredients Gentle and safe for sealed floors Non-toxic and environmentally friendly How to Use Shake the bottle well before use Add 1-2 capfuls into 5 liters of warm water Use a damp mop or cloth to clean your floors Let your floors dry naturally The Sonett Boden-Wischpflege für versiegelte Böden Fl 500 ml is the perfect solution for those who want to keep their floors clean and shiny without sacrificing their health or the environment. So, what are you waiting for? Order yours today and enjoy the benefits of a clean and healthy home!..

22.28 USD

Unigel zugelassen für knospe-produkte

Unigel zugelassen für knospe-produkte

Koda izdelka: 7169363

Product Description: UNIGEL zugelassen für Knospe-Produkte Looking for a high-quality organic gel product? UNIGEL zugelassen für Knospe-Produkte is an excellent choice. This product is specially formulated for use in certified organic products, so you can trust that it meets the highest standards of purity and sustainability. UNIGEL zugelassen für Knospe-Produkte is suitable for a wide range of applications, including cosmetics, skincare, and pharmaceuticals. It is made with natural ingredients and does not contain any synthetic or harmful substances, making it safe for sensitive skin and suitable for use by people with allergies or sensitivities. When compared to other gel products on the market, UNIGEL zugelassen für Knospe-Produkte stands out for its superior performance and versatility. It has a smooth and consistent texture, making it easy to incorporate into your products, and it provides excellent moisturizing and emollient properties. Whether you're looking to create a luxurious spa product or a therapeutic cream, UNIGEL zugelassen für Knospe-Produkte is the perfect choice. So why wait? Order your supply today and experience the benefits of this exceptional organic gel product for yourself! ..

5.82 USD

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