
Mišična napetost

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Napetost mišic, bolečine v hrbtu ali športne poškodbe lahko ovirajo vaše vsakodnevne aktivnosti. Toda s pestro izbiro zdravstvenih izdelkov iz Švice lahko najdete ustrezno rešitev. Ponujamo različna naravna zdravila in možnosti alternativne terapije za mišično napetost, ki ustrezajo vašim posebnim zdravstvenim potrebam. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete elastične lepilne povoje za tope poškodbe, obliže in druge nujne pripomočke za oskrbo ran pri hujših poškodbah ali prehranska dopolnila za izboljšanje kože in prekrvavitev, smo vam na voljo. Naši izdelki so zasnovani za lajšanje bolečin in vzdrževanje dobrega zdravja. Raziščite naš srčno-žilni sistem in vazoprotektorje, celovito kategorijo oskrbe ran in zdravstvene nege, različne medicinske pripomočke, možnosti hladne in toplotne terapije ter homeopatske terapije; vse je zasnovano tako, da vam nudi celostno zdravstveno izkušnjo. Za naravne izdelke švicarske kakovosti se obrnite na Beeovito.
Herbachaud heat patch 19x7 cm 2 pcs

Herbachaud heat patch 19x7 cm 2 pcs

Koda izdelka: 3126084

HerbaChaud, the natural heat plaster, box of 6 PatchesHerbaChaud natural heat patches are physical, odorless, heat patches that emit deep-acting heat for up to 12 hours. The HerbaChaud heat patch consists of 100% natural and plant-based active ingredients. Helps with:HerbaChaud is not a heat cushion. The specialty of HerbaChaud lies in its long-lasting and constant deep warmth. This is concentrated on the trigger point (round hole in the mineral coating). The depth effect reaches the whole area around the pain point. ..

29.18 USD

Herbachaud heat patch 19x7 cm 6 pcs

Herbachaud heat patch 19x7 cm 6 pcs

Koda izdelka: 3064377

HerbaChaud, the natural heat plaster, box of 6 PatchesHerbaChaud natural heat patches are physical, odorless, heat patches that emit deep-acting heat for up to 12 hours. The HerbaChaud heat patch consists of 100% natural and plant-based active ingredients. Helps with:HerbaChaud is not a heat cushion. The specialty of HerbaChaud lies in its long-lasting and constant deep warmth. This is concentrated on the trigger point (round hole in the mineral coating). The depth effect reaches the whole area around the pain point. ..

59.68 USD

Leukotape k vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm rdeče

Leukotape k vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm rdeče

Koda izdelka: 3416422

Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: red Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Red Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

32.37 USD

Leukotape k vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm tan

Leukotape k vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm tan

Koda izdelka: 3416416

Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: skin colour Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid to circulate.Colour: Flesh Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

32.37 USD

Leukotape vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm modro

Leukotape vezivo za tlakovce 5mx5cm modro

Koda izdelka: 3416445

Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: blue Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Blue Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

32.37 USD

Phiten titanium power tapes okoli d / e 70 kosov

Phiten titanium power tapes okoli d / e 70 kosov

Koda izdelka: 5378482

Phiten Titanium Power Tape (70 kosov)Titanium Power Tape se prilepi neposredno na napete točke mišic. Okrogli trakovi so zelo primerni za manjše točke, na primer v predelu vratu in ramen. Pritrdimo jih lahko tudi neposredno na pripetje mišic med športom.Možno je pritrditi tudi več okroglih trakov na večjo površino telesa hkrati. To lahko izboljša atletske sposobnosti. Lokalno lahko izboljšamo prekrvavitev kože na tretiranih predelih, sprostimo mišično napetost. Bioelektrični impulzi so spet normalizirani in uravnoteženi.Trakove lahko pustite na mestu 2-3 dni. Nato odstranite trakove ali jih zamenjajte z novimi.Trakove lahko kombinirate z E-Water. Najprej pritrdite trakove, nato pa E-vodo preko trakov nežno vmasirajte v želeni del telesa...

34.92 USD

Thermacare® ramenski naslon za roke 2 kosa

Thermacare® ramenski naslon za roke 2 kosa

Koda izdelka: 2885528

Za lajšanje bolečin v vratu, ramenih in rokah z 12-urnim globokim segrevanjem. Obliž ne vsebuje zdravilnih učinkovin in je samosegrevalni.Sestava Železov prah, sol, aktivno oglje in voda.LastnostiThermaCare blazinica za vrat, ramena in roke z 2 blazinicama, ki sta posebej prilagojeni za te predele, pomaga pri lajšanju napetosti v vratu in predelu ramen in rok. Vsi ThermaCare obliži vsebujejo naravne sestavine, ki reagirajo z zrakom in ustvarjajo toploto (ko je nepredušna embalaža odprta). Samosegrevalni obliž se lahko uporablja pri kroničnih in občasnih bolečinah, ki nastanejo zaradi mišične napetosti, nategov ali artroze. Po polurnem času segrevanja obliž zanesljivo segreva prizadeto območje 12 ur pri približno 40 stopinjah globoko. Toplota izboljša prekrvavitev mišic in jih oskrbi z zadostnimi hranilnimi snovmi ter s tem sprosti napetost in krče. Obliž ne vsebuje zdravilnih učinkovin in je brez vonja.Globoka toplota razbremeni napetostGreje 12 urBrez zdravilnih učinkovinBrez vonja Tanek, neopazen pod oblačiliNanašanjePo potrebiZa idealen učinek je treba obliž nositi neprekinjeno vsaj 3 ure in do 12 ur. Ta izdelek ima certifikat CE. To zagotavlja izpolnjevanje evropskih varnostnih standardov...

25.89 USD

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