Krepitev imunskega sistema
(1 strani)
Bactoflor za otroke plv ds 60 g
Bactoflor za otroke Plv Ds 60 g je specializirano prehransko dopolnilo, namenjeno podpiranju zdravja in dobrega počutja otrok. Ta izdelek, poln koristnih probiotikov, spodbuja zdravo ravnovesje črevesne flore, pomaga pri prebavi in krepi imunski sistem. Idealno za otroke, ki morda potrebujejo dodatno podporo pri ohranjanju zdravega prebavnega sistema, Bactoflor je enostavno vključiti v njihovo dnevno rutino. S priročno obliko prahu in prijetnim okusom to prehransko dopolnilo zagotavlja, da otroci prejmejo bistvene probiotike za podporo njihovega splošnega zdravja. Podarite svojemu otroku močno in uravnoteženo črevesje z Bactoflor for Children Plv Ds 60 g...
100.02 USD
Bioking borovnice liofilizirane 40g
Bioking Blueberries Freeze-Dried 40g Looking for a delicious and healthy snack that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere? Try Bioking Blueberries Freeze-Dried 40g! Made from fresh and organic blueberries, this snack is perfect for people who want to enjoy the natural goodness of fruits without added sugar, additives, or preservatives. Our freeze-drying process ensures that the blueberries retain their nutrients, flavor, and texture, making them a perfect addition to your breakfast cereals, smoothies, or yogurt bowls. The organic blueberries are hand-picked and sorted to ensure the highest quality and freshness, and they're carefully freeze-dried to preserve their natural color and taste. Our Bioking Blueberries Freeze-Dried 40g are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them an excellent choice for people who want to boost their immune system and improve their overall health. Blueberries are known to be high in vitamin C and K, as well as fiber, which helps regulate digestion and maintain a healthy weight. Our Bioking Blueberries Freeze-Dried 40g come in a resealable pack, which makes them perfect for snacking on the go, taking to work, or sharing with your friends and family. They're also great for adding to your baking recipes, such as muffins, pancakes, and cakes, for a burst of natural flavor and color. Order your pack of Bioking Blueberries Freeze-Dried 40g today and enjoy the taste and health benefits of organic blueberries all year round!..
20.64 USD
Bitterliebe tropfen fl 50 ml
Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml is a natural and effective way to boost your digestion, support your immune system, and promote overall health and wellness. This product contains a unique blend of natural bitter substances that are carefully selected for their health benefits. Features and Benefits Contains a natural blend of bitter substances Helps support digestion and gut health May help regulate appetite and reduce sugar cravings May support liver function and detoxification Can help improve sleep and mood How to use Simply add a few drops of Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml to a glass of water or tea before or after meals. You can also add it to smoothies or other beverages for a health boost. Start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage if desired. Ingredients Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml contains a unique blend of natural bitter substances, including gentian root, dandelion, artichoke, ginger, and turmeric. These ingredients are carefully selected for their health benefits and are combined in a potent formula that is easy to use and highly effective. Quality Assurance All Bitterliebe products are made in Germany using high-quality ingredients and a rigorous quality control process. We use only the finest natural ingredients and never use any artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers. Buy With Confidence Try Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml today and see the difference it can make in your health and wellness. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can buy with confidence knowing that you are getting a product that is safe, effective, and backed by a commitment to quality...
28.52 USD
Phytomed tissue selenium amorphum tbl d 12 100 g
Lastnosti PHYTOMED Tissue Selenium amorphum tbl D 12 100 gTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 120 g Dolžina: 54 mm Širina: 54 mm Višina: 84 mm Kupite PHYTOMED Tissue Selenium amorphum tbl D 12 100 g na spletu iz Švice..
44.17 USD
Pretuval proti gripi in prehladu brausetabl c 10 kos
Pretuval proti gripi in prehladu Brausetabl C 10 kos Pretuval proti gripi in prehladu Brausetabl C 10 kos je močno prehransko dopolnilo, ki pomaga pri lajšanju nadležnih simptomov, ki običajno spremljajo gripo in prehlad. Te tablete vsebujejo 200 mg askorbinske kisline, znane tudi kot vitamin C, za katero je medicinsko dokazano, da krepi imunski sistem, kar lahko pomaga pri boju proti okužbam. Vsaka tableta vsebuje tudi cinkov glukonat in 18 kompleksnih aminokislin, ki delujejo skupaj pri lajšanju simptomov prehlada in gripe. Te sestavine so neposredno vključene v imunski odziv telesa in povečujejo proizvodnjo citokinov ali beljakovin, ki igrajo ključno vlogo pri obrambi telesa pred virusnimi okužbami. Pretuval proti gripi in prehladu Brausetabl C 10 kos je kot nalašč za vse, ki želite hitro in učinkovito lajšati simptome prehlada in gripe, kot so kašelj, boleče grlo, glavoboli, povišana telesna temperatura in utrujenost. Je tudi odličen vir bistvenih vitaminov in mineralov, ki lahko pomagajo izboljšati splošno zdravje in dobro počutje. Za uporabo preprosto raztopite eno tableto v kozarcu vode in takoj popijte. Pretuval proti gripi in prehladu Brausetabl C 10 kos je varen in nima znanih stranskih učinkov. Če pa simptomi trajajo več kot nekaj dni, se posvetujte z zdravnikom. ..
36.22 USD
(1 strani)