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Pri razumemo pomen močnega imunskega sistema za splošno zdravje in dobro počutje. Zato naš izbor izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto iz Švice vključuje široko paleto kategorij za podporo imunskemu sistemu - zdravstveni izdelki, naravna zdravila, homeopatija, zdravje + prehrana, živila, diete in izdelki za hujšanje, do tečajev/prehranskih dopolnil. Naši izdelki za podporo imunskemu sistemu so znanstveno oblikovani, da pomagajo okrepiti vaš imunski sistem. Ne glede na to, ali iščete zeliščni dodatek, naravno zdravilo ali probiotični dodatek, vas pokriva. Razumemo tudi koristne adaptogene lastnosti, ki segajo od nege telesa do kozmetike. Raziščite našo linijo izdelkov za nego kože, kozmetiko, dodatke vitamina D3, vitamina K2 za zdravje kosti. Za tiste, ki se osredotočajo na zdravje srca, imamo dodatke za holesterol, ki pomagajo znižati holesterol LDL. Naš asortiman je obogaten s širokim naborom vitaminov in mineralov za zadovoljitev vaših raznolikih potreb. Naj bo vaša trgovina na enem mestu za vse vaše zdravstvene in lepotne potrebe iz Švice.
A. vogel echinaforce junior 120 tablet

A. vogel echinaforce junior 120 tablet

Koda izdelka: 7759826

Pripravek iz sveže rastline Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior je narejen iz sveže cvetoče zeli in svežih korenin škrlatnega jetra. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior je tradicionalno primeren za tiste, ki so dovzetni za prehlad. Spodbuja tudi proces celjenja prehladov. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior se uporablja za povečanje lastne obrambe telesa v primeru nagnjenosti k prehladom in vročinskim prehladom. Informacije o bolnikih, ki jih je odobril SwissmedicEchinaforce® odpornost - cold junior A. Vogel AGZeliščna zdravila Kaj je Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior in kdaj se uporablja?Pripravek iz sveže rastline Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior je narejen iz sveže cvetoče rastline in sveže korenine rdečega igrca. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior je tradicionalno primeren za tiste, ki so dovzetni za prehlad. Spodbuja tudi proces celjenja prehladov. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior se uporablja za povečanje lastne obrambe telesa v primeru nagnjenosti k prehladom in vročinskim prehladom. Kaj je treba upoštevati?Pripravek je brez sladkorja (sladkan s sorbitolom) in zobem prijazen. Kdaj tablet Echinaforce Junior ne smemo uporabljati ali jih je treba uporabljati previdno?Echinaforce Resistence - cold Junior se ne sme uporabljati, če obstaja znana preobčutljivost za sestavin ali na splošne Asteraceae (kompoziti, kot so arnika, rman, iglavec itd.). Iz osnovnih razlogov se Echinaforce Resistance – Cold Junior ne sme uporabljati pri avtoimunskih boleznih, levkemiji ali multipli sklerozi. Uporaba in varnost zdravila Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior nista bili testirani pri otrocih, mlajših od 4 let. Povejte svojemu zdravniku, farmacevtu ali farmacevtu, če imate druge bolezni, ste alergični ali jemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami). Ali se zdravilo Echinaforce Resistance – Cold Junior lahko jemlje med nosečnostjo ali med dojenjem?Na podlagi prejšnjih izkušenj ni znanega tveganja za otroka, če se uporablja v skladu z navodili. Vendar pa sistematične znanstvene raziskave niso bile nikoli izvedene. Iz previdnosti se izogibajte jemanju zdravil med nosečnostjo in dojenjem ali pa se za nasvet posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kako uporabljate Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior?Pri dovzetnosti za prehlad (preventiva): Otroci od 4. leta 1 tableta 3-krat na dan, mladostniki od 12 let 3-krat na dan 2 tableti raztopite v ustih. Pri prehladu in prehladu: Otroci od 4. leta starosti 1 tableta 3-5 krat na dan, mladostniki od 12. leta starosti 2 tableti 3-5 krat na dan v usta. Ne smete ga jemati neprekinjeno več kot 2 meseca. Če so otroci bolj dovzetni za prehlad (6 ali več epizod na leto), se je priporočljivo posvetovati z zdravnikom. Uporaba in varnost zdravila Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior nista bili testirani pri otrocih, mlajših od 4 let. Upoštevajte odmerek, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali kot vam je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kakšne neželene učinke ima lahko zdravilo Echinaforce Resistance - Junior Cold?Pri jemanju zdravila Echinaforce Resistance - Junior Cold se lahko pojavijo naslednji neželeni učinki: V redkih primerih so bile preobčutljivostne reakcije o katerih so poročali pri pripravkih iz ehinaceje (kot so kožni izpuščaji in zelo redko astma ali reakcije krvnega obtoka). V tem primeru je treba zdravljenje takoj prekiniti in se posvetovati z zdravnikom. Če opazite kateri koli stranski učinek, ki tukaj ni opisan, obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Kaj je še treba upoštevati?Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior shranjujte pri sobni temperaturi (15 - 25 °C) in izven dosega otrok. Zdravilo je uporabno samo do datuma, ki je na ovojnini označen z "EXP". Neuporabljena pakiranja ali pakiranja, ki jim je potekel rok uporabnosti, je treba vrniti farmacevtu, da jih odstranijo. Vaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali farmacevt vam lahko zagotovi dodatne informacije. Kaj vsebuje Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior?1 tableta Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior vsebuje izvleček Spissum iz: 380 mg tinkture sveže, cvetoče zeli škrlatnega jetra* (razmerje učinkovina-ekstraktant 1:12, ekstragent etanol 65 % (v/v)) in 20 mg tinkture svežih korenin škrlatnega imetja* (razmerje zdravilo-ekstraktant 1:11, ekstraktant etanol 65 % (v/v)). Ta pripravek vsebuje tudi pomožne snovi in ​​naravno aromo pomaranče. *iz certificirane ekološke pridelaveŠtevilka odobritve58192 (Swissmedic) Kje lahko dobite Echinaforce Resistance – Cold Junior? Kakšna pakiranja so na voljo? V lekarnah in drogerijah, brez zdravniškega recepta, v pakiranjih po 120 tablet. Imetnik dovoljenjaA.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil TG To navodilo je nazadnje preveril organ za zdravila (Swissmedic) avgusta 2007. ..

53,52 USD

A. vogel multivitamin 60 kapsul

A. vogel multivitamin 60 kapsul

Koda izdelka: 1308734

Rich in vitamins A, C, D3, E and ?-carotene from natural sources. Vitamin A is necessary for normal growth.Vitamin C has the function of an antioxidant.Vitamin D3 helps maintain healthy bones, especially in childhood and old age.Vitamin E is necessary for the maintenance of muscle functions.Among other things, ß-carotene serves to maintain the tissue, the surface of the skin and the mucous membranes. Consumption recommendation: Take 1-2 capsules daily with enough liquid...

23,26 USD

Antioksidant f4 tbl 60 kom

Antioksidant f4 tbl 60 kom

Koda izdelka: 5230880

Antioxidant F4 tbl 60 pcs Antioxidant F4 is a dietary supplement made of a potent blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that helps protect cells from oxidative stress, which can cause damage to the body. The product comes in a bottle of 60 tablets, easy to swallow and suitable for people of all ages. Vitamin C: plays a crucial role in the immune system, protects cells from damage, and enhances collagen production, keeping the skin firm and healthy. Vitamin E: a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage, improves skin health, and plays a vital role in the immune system. Beta-carotene: a precursor to vitamin A, converted by the body as needed. Beta-carotene is a potent antioxidant that improves eye health, reduces the risk of some cancers, and boosts the immune system. Selenium: a trace element essential for various bodily functions, including thyroid metabolism and immune response. Selenium acts as an antioxidant, preventing damage to cells and tissues. Zinc: an essential mineral involved in numerous enzymes and biological processes, including cell growth and division, immune system function, and wound healing. Zinc also protects cells from oxidative damage. The combination of these antioxidants offers powerful protection against free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells and tissues, causing inflammation, aging, and a host of chronic diseases. Antioxidant F4 is an excellent daily supplement for people who want to maintain good health and protect their cells from oxidative stress. Take one tablet daily with food, preferably in the morning. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Make Antioxidant F4 part of your daily wellness routine and take a step towards a healthier, happier you...

51,44 USD

Aromasan thyme thymol äth / oil bio 5ml

Aromasan thyme thymol äth / oil bio 5ml

Koda izdelka: 5672922

AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio is a pure, organic essential oil extracted from the Thyme herb. The oil is steam distilled from the flowers and leaves of the Thyme plant, which is grown organically to ensure the highest quality and purity. The essential oil is rich in thymol, a natural antiseptic and disinfectant, making it an excellent choice for treating respiratory infections, digestive problems, and skin conditions. Benefits of using AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio offers a wide range of benefits when used in aromatherapy or applied topically: Strengthens the immune system Relieves respiratory infections, asthma, coughs, and colds Supports the digestive system and relieves nausea, indigestion, and bloating Reduces pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis Improves circulation and relieves menstrual cramps Has antimicrobial properties that help to treat infections and wounds Acts as a natural insect repellent Has a calming effect on the mind and helps to relieve stress and anxiety How to use AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio There are several ways to use AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio: Add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer to inhale the scent and enjoy the benefits through aromatherapy Dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as sweet almond or coconut oil and apply topically to the skin to ease pain, reduce inflammation, or treat skin conditions Add a few drops to a warm bath for a relaxing and rejuvenating soak Caution AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio is for external use only and should be used with care. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy or by children under the age of Always dilute the oil before applying it to the skin and do a patch test before use to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction. Keep the oil out of reach of children and pets, and avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Experience the natural healing power of AROMASAN Thymian Thymol Äth/Öl Bio, and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer!..

31,77 USD

Bioligo 114 zinc lös 50 ml

Bioligo 114 zinc lös 50 ml

Koda izdelka: 1894815

Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml is a dietary supplement that contains high-quality zinc in the form of zinc sulfate. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important role in many physiological processes in the body. Benefits of Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml Supports normal cognitive function Helps maintain a healthy immune system Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair, and nails Assists in normal carbohydrate metabolism Has antioxidant properties Recommended Use The recommended dose for adults is 5-10 drops per day, which can be mixed with a glass of water or juice. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Warnings If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml is a high-quality dietary supplement that can help you maintain optimal levels of zinc in your body. Order yours today and experience the benefits of this essential mineral!..

29,60 USD

Bioligo pomelo biotic lös 50 ml

Bioligo pomelo biotic lös 50 ml

Koda izdelka: 4979073

Bioligo pomelo Biotic Lös 50 ml Bioligo pomelo Biotic Lös 50 ml is a dietary supplement that supports the immune system and promotes gut health. This product contains a unique combination of grapefruit seed extract and probiotics that work together to provide a potent dose of natural antioxidants and beneficial bacteria. Key Features Supports immune system function Improves digestion and nutrient absorption Helps balance the gut microbiome Provides natural antioxidant support Ingredients Bioligo pomelo Biotic Lös 50 ml is formulated with grapefruit seed extract, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful natural antimicrobial that helps to promote a healthy microbial balance in the gut. The probiotics in this product work to replenish and maintain healthy gut flora, while also promoting better nutrient absorption and immune function. Directions for Use Shake well before use. Take 5-10 drops of Bioligo pomelo Biotic Lös 50 ml 2-3 times per day, mixed with water or juice. This product is suitable for adults and children over the age of Warnings If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with your healthcare provider before taking this product. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Order now Order your bottle of Bioligo pomelo Biotic Lös 50 ml today and take your first step towards better digestive health and immune system support. ..

46,69 USD

Burgerstein cela multivitamin mineral 100 tablet

Burgerstein cela multivitamin mineral 100 tablet

Koda izdelka: 1330113

The Burgerstein CELA multivitamin mineral tablets are a popular dietary supplement that reliably provides the whole family with the most important micronutrients. Taking the Cela tablets is particularly suitable in the following situations Basically suitable for the whole family (adults & children from 4 years).Ingestion during the cold seasontaken during a dietFor people taking birth control pills The Burgerstein Cela multivitamin mineral tablets support the following functions Immune system: Vitamins B6, B12, C and D as well as zinc, iron, folate/folic acid, copper and selenium contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.Nerves and psyche: Vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C as well as biotin, magnesium and niacin contribute to normal mental and nerve function.Metabolism: Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2, B6, B12 and C as well as biotin, calcium, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, magnesium, niacin and pantothenic acid contribute to a normal energy-yielding metabolism.Muscle function: Magnesium, calcium and vitamin D contribute to normal muscle function.Growth in children: Iodine contributes to the normal growth of children. Application Take 2 tablets daily with some liquid. composition Dicalcium phosphate, bulking agents (cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose, modified starch, gum arabic), vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), magnesium oxide, release agent (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of fatty acids), magnesium bisglycinate, vitamin E (mixed tocopherols, D-alpha-tocopheryl acid succinate), glazing agents (polydextrose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, titanium dioxide, triglycerides), Atlantic kelp, ferrous fumarate, zinc bisglycinate, calcium bisglycinate, manganese gluconate, nicotinamide, vitamin A acetate (retinyl acetate), copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, vitamin B6 ( pyridoxal-5-phosphate), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate), folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid), chromium picolinate, biotin, sodium selenate, sodium molybdate, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone),Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). ..

60,01 USD

Burgerstein selenvital 100 tablet

Burgerstein selenvital 100 tablet

Koda izdelka: 2164102

Burgerstein Selenvital is a dietary supplement with easily digestible, organic selenium, which, as one of the most important antioxidants, protects against excess free radicals. Contributes to the normal functioning of the immune systemContributes to the normal maintenance of hair and nailsContributes to normal thyroid functionWithout artificial flavorsLactose free, gluten free and fructose freeWithout gelatinVegan Application It is recommended to take 1 Burgerstein Selenvital tablet daily with some liquid. ingredients Bulking agent (cellulose), selenium-enriched yeast (30.6%), modified starch, release agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids, tricalcium phosphate, rice husk concentrate, rice extract), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, glycerin, talc)..

32,39 USD

čisti l-arginin ds 90 kos

čisti l-arginin ds 90 kos

Koda izdelka: 7773588

Pure L-arginine Ds 90 pcs Product Description Our Pure L-arginine Ds 90 pcs is a highly effective dietary supplement that provides pure L-arginine to your body. This supplement is specially formulated to help you meet your daily needs of L-arginine and ensure that you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. L-arginine is an amino acid that plays a vital role in your body, especially when it comes to protein synthesis. It is also converted into Nitric Oxide (NO) once it gets to the body, which causes vasodilation, increasing blood flow and positively impacting cardiovascular health. Our Pure L-arginine Ds 90 pcs supplement is made from high-quality ingredients that are carefully chosen to ensure maximum efficiency. Each capsule is designed to provide you with 500mg of pure L-arginine, which is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and boosting your overall health and well-being. Benefits of Pure L-arginine Ds May help boost immune system function to fight off illnesses and infections May enhance nitric oxide production which increases blood flow May help boost energy levels and endurance during workouts May aid healthy heart functioning by reducing blood pressure May aid in building and repairing muscles Usage Take two capsules each day with water or as directed by your physician. It is important to monitor your dose and not exceed recommended guidelines. Precautions Do not use this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult your doctor before use, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. ..

66,98 USD

Citrobiotic izvleček pečk grenivke 50 ml bio

Citrobiotic izvleček pečk grenivke 50 ml bio

Koda izdelka: 1903980

Citrobiotic izvleček grenivkinih pečk organski 50 ml Pravo ime Prehransko dopolnilo Sestava Glicerin z izvlečkom grenivkinih pešk in lupine* (83 %), voda, askorbinska kislina. *Iz kontrolirane ekološke pridelave. Flavonoidi 9mg / 45 kapljic. Lastnosti Prehransko dopolnilo z vitaminom C in flavonoidi iz izvlečka grenivke. Aplikacija 3-krat na dan dodajte 15 kapljic vodi ali soku in popijte. Prehranske vrednosti Hranilna vrednostAmountpro%Natančnost meritev Vitamin C67,5 mgDnevna poraba (= 45 kapljic) ptn Opombe Prehranska dopolnila niso nadomestilo za uravnoteženo, raznoliko prehrano in zdrav življenjski slog. Navedene dnevne količine ne smete preseči. Shranjujte na suhem mestu pri temperaturi do 25°C in izven dosega otrok. Proizvodnja in prodaja: Nemčija. Prodaja: Švica. ..

41,57 USD

Citrobiotic izvleček pečk grenivke bio 100 ml

Citrobiotic izvleček pečk grenivke bio 100 ml

Koda izdelka: 4556585

Lastnosti Citrobiotic izvleček grenivkinih pečk Bio 100 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 137g Dolžina: 44mm Širina: 44 mm Višina: 120 mm Kupite Citrobiotic izvleček grenivkinih pešk Bio 100 ml na spletu v Švici..

69,92 USD

Dynamisan forte raztopina za pitje 20 amperov 10 ml

Dynamisan forte raztopina za pitje 20 amperov 10 ml

Koda izdelka: 1277152


144,54 USD

Elixan timijanovo olje beli 10 ml

Elixan timijanovo olje beli 10 ml

Koda izdelka: 1638302

Elixan Thyme Oil White 10 ml Discover the power of nature's healing with Elixan Thyme Oil White. This essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of Thymus vulgaris, a herb that has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. Elixan Thyme Oil White is 100% pure and natural, ensuring that you get the full benefits of the plant's active compounds. It contains thymol, carvacrol, and other bioactive compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. These compounds help fight against bacteria and viruses, making it an excellent remedy for various ailments. Benefits of Elixan Thyme Oil White Relieves coughs and colds Boosts immune system Improves respiratory function Reduces inflammation Alleviates menstrual cramps Treats fungal infections Repels insects Elixan Thyme Oil White can be used in several ways. Add a few drops to a diffuser or humidifier to freshen the air and promote relaxation. You can also add it to your bath water or massage oil for a soothing and therapeutic experience. Additionally, Elixan Thyme Oil White can be used as a natural household cleaner and disinfectant. At 10 ml, Elixan Thyme Oil White is conveniently sized for travel and can be easily carried in a purse or pocket. It comes in a dark glass bottle with a dropper cap, ensuring that the oil is protected from light and air to maintain its potency. Experience the healing power of nature with Elixan Thyme Oil White. Order yours today and enjoy its numerous benefits!..

22,78 USD

Morga acerola tbl 80 mg vitamin c 180 kos

Morga acerola tbl 80 mg vitamin c 180 kos

Koda izdelka: 5457678

Property name Dietary supplement with vitamin C Composition Cane sugar, acerola Preparation 13.6% (acerola powder, maltodextin), vitamin C, dextrose, release agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide), raspberry powder, natural flavors, citrus fruit extract, rosehip powder, blackcurrant powder, green pepper.. Properties Acerola with vitamin C 180 tablets of 860 mg = 35 g Application Suck 1 tablet daily. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per th> % Measurement accuracy Energy 1360 kJ 100 g Approximate value (~) Energy 320 kcal 100 g Approximate value (~) Bold 0 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Fat, of which saturated fat 0 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates td> 80 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates , of which sugar 80 g 100 g Approximate value (~) protein 0 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Salt 0 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Notes Keep out of the reach of children. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Store in a dry place. Property name Dietary supplement with vitamin C Composition Cane sugar, acerola preparation 13.6% (acerola powder, maltodextine), vitamin C, dextrose, release agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide), raspberry powder, natural flavors, citrus fruit extract, rosehip powder , blackcurrant powder, green pepper.. Properties Acerola with vitamin C 180 tabl. à 860 mg = 35 g Application Suck 1 tablet daily. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measuring accuracy Energy1360 kJ100 gApproximate value (~)Energy320 kcal100 gApproximate value (~)Bold0 g100 gApproximate value (~)Fat, of which saturated fatty acids0 g100 gApproximate value (~)Carbohydrates80 g100 g Approximate value (~)Carbohydrates, including sugar80 g100 g td>Approximate value (~)Protein0 g100 g Approximate value (~)Salt0 g100 gApproximate value (~) Notes Keep out of the reach of children store. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.Store in a dry place. ..

43,27 USD

Morga acerola tbl 80 mg vitamin c 80 kos

Morga acerola tbl 80 mg vitamin c 80 kos

Koda izdelka: 5457661

Morga Acerola tbl 80 mg Vitamin C 80 pcs The Morga Acerola tbl 80 mg Vitamin C 80 pcs is a high-quality supplement that offers all the health benefits of acerola cherry in a convenient tablet form. Each tablet contains a potent dose of 80 mg of vitamin C, making it an ideal way to boost your immune system, support healthy skin, and protect against free radicals that can damage cells. Made from premium quality acerola cherries, this supplement is completely natural and free from any harmful additives. The cherries used in the formulation are carefully selected for their high vitamin C content, ensuring that each tablet delivers the maximum possible benefit to your body. Whether you're looking to strengthen your immune system, protect your skin from aging, or simply want to maintain a healthy body, the Morga Acerola tbl 80 mg Vitamin C 80 pcs is the perfect supplement for you. Its easy-to-swallow tablet form makes it ideal for everyday use, while its high-quality ingredients ensure that you get the very best in terms of health and wellness benefits. So why wait? Start experiencing the benefits of acerola cherry and vitamin C today with the Morga Acerola tbl 80 mg Vitamin C 80 pcs. ..

20,91 USD

Morga čajne vrečke s timijanom 20 kos

Morga čajne vrečke s timijanom 20 kos

Koda izdelka: 1509094

Morga Thyme Tea Btl 20 pcs - Product Description Morga Thyme Tea Btl 20 pcs Experience the refreshing taste and health benefits of Morga Thyme Tea. Made from high-quality thyme leaves, this tea is carefully crafted to retain its natural aroma and flavor. Each tea bag is packed with essential oils and natural compounds that help support a healthy immune system and soothe sore throats. Features: 20 tea bags per bottle 100% organic thyme leaves Natural aroma and flavor Supports healthy immune system Soothes sore throats Health Benefits: Thyme tea has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It contains essential oils and natural compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anesthetic properties. Some of the benefits of drinking Morga Thyme Tea include: Relieves sore throats and coughs Boosts the immune system Reduces inflammation in the body Promotes healthy digestion Improves respiratory health Morga Thyme Tea is a great addition to your daily routine. It is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Add a touch of honey or lemon for extra flavor and sweetness. Order a bottle today and experience the natural goodness of thyme. Ingredients: Organic Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) leaves and stems ..

6,50 USD

Mucosa compositum heel tablete ds 50 kom

Mucosa compositum heel tablete ds 50 kom

Koda izdelka: 3013919

Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kom Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kom je učinkovito homeopatsko zdravilo, ki klinično dokazano podpira imunski sistem telesa. Te tablete so bile posebej oblikovane za reševanje težav, povezanih z vnetjem sluznice in submukoznega tkiva, zaradi česar so odlična izbira za ljudi, ki so nagnjeni k okužbam zgornjih dihal.Kaj so Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kosov? Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kom je kombinacija homeopatskih sestavin, ki skupaj delujejo pri lajšanju simptomov, povezanih z vnetjem sluznice. Izdelek vsebuje številne učinkovine, ki delujejo tako na akutne kot kronične vidike vnetja sluznice in pomagajo ublažiti simptome, kot so izcedek iz nosu, postnazalno kapljanje, kašelj in vneto grlo.Kako deluje? Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kosov so oblikovane tako, da delujejo na dva različna načina: s podpiranjem prirojenega imunskega sistema telesa in z obravnavanjem temeljnih vzrokov vnetja sluznice. To dosežemo z uporabo številnih homeopatskih učinkovin, ki dokazano pozitivno vplivajo na imunski odziv telesa. Izdelek podpira tudi naravne procese razstrupljanja telesa, kar pomaga zmanjšati kopičenje toksinov, ki lahko prispevajo k vnetju sluznice.Sestavine Sestavine, uporabljene v tabletah Mucosa compositum Heel Ds 50 kosov, so vse naravne in vključujejo: Argentum nitricum Glandulae thymi Calcium phosphoricum Carduus marianus Embryo suis Epithelium suis Funiculus umbilicalis suis Galium aparine Mucosa nasalis suis Mucosa oris suis Mucosa pharyngis suis Nadidum Nikotinamid Nux vomica Plumbum metallicum Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum Kako uporabljati Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kos Priporočeni odmerek zdravila Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kos je ena tableta trikrat na dan. Tablete je treba jemati peroralno in pustiti, da se raztopijo pod jezikom. Za najboljše rezultate je treba tablete jemati redno in dlje časa.Zaključek Če iščete naraven in varen način za podporo imunskemu sistemu vašega telesa in lajšanje vnetja sluznice, potem so lahko Mucosa compositum Heel tablete Ds 50 kom prava izbira za vas. Ta izdelek je enostaven za uporabo, nima znanih stranskih učinkov in zagotavlja lajšanje številnih različnih simptomov, povezanih z vnetjem sluznice...

34,80 USD

Nutergia ergybase gélules 60 kos

Nutergia ergybase gélules 60 kos

Koda izdelka: 4832973

Nutergia Ergybase Gélules 60 pcs Nutergia Ergybase Gélules is an essential mix of minerals and trace elements that are necessary for the functioning of the body. This dietary supplement helps maintain a healthy body by providing a balanced and comprehensive mix of nutrients that are vital for optimal health. Benefits Nutergia Ergybase Gélules contains the essential minerals and trace elements that are important for maintaining good health. These minerals help regulate the body's pH, support the immune system, and play a crucial role in bone and muscle function. Ergybase Gélules is particularly recommended for people who have a low intake of minerals in their diet or who have an increased need for these nutrients due to specific physiological conditions or situations such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, growth and development, and intense physical activity. Ingredients Nutergia Ergybase Gélules contains a mix of minerals and trace elements, including: Calcium Magnesium Zinc Copper Manganese Chromium Selenium Molybdenum Usage Take 2 to 3 capsules per day with a glass of water, preferably during meals. Note: This product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Order your Nutergia Ergybase Gélules today and enjoy its many benefits for your health and well-being!..

25,47 USD

Oligopharm prehranski c24 kompleks cu ag au 150 ml

Oligopharm prehranski c24 kompleks cu ag au 150 ml

Koda izdelka: 5458790

Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex Cu Ag Au 150 ml Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex je prehransko dopolnilo, ki se uporablja za podporo zdravega delovanja imunskega sistema in splošnega dobrega počutja. Edinstvena formula vsebuje baker, srebro in zlato, ki so bistveni minerali v sledovih, ki igrajo ključno vlogo v številnih fizioloških procesih. Prednosti Podpira zdravo delovanje imunskega sistema Pomaga pri procesih razstrupljanja Izboljša elastičnost in videz kože Dviguje raven energije Izboljša splošno dobro počutje Sestavine Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex vsebuje mešanico bistvenih mineralov v sledovih, vključno z: Baker – pomaga pri tvorbi kolagena, ščiti pred poškodbami celic in podpira zdravo delovanje imunskega sistema. Srebro – znano po svojih antibakterijskih in protivirusnih lastnostih, pomaga podpirati imunski sistem in pospešuje celjenje. Zlato – podpira zdravo delovanje možganov, pomaga pri razstrupljanju in spodbuja zdravo kožo. Uporaba Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex Cu Ag Au je enostaven za uporabo. Preprosto vzemite 5 ml (1 čajna žlička) peroralno enkrat na dan ali po navodilih zdravnika. 150 ml plastenka zagotavlja enomesečno zalogo. Pred uporabo dobro pretresite in po odprtju hranite v hladilniku, da ohranite svežino. Zaključek Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex je visokokakovosten dodatek, ki zagotavlja bistvene minerale v sledovih za podporo zdravega delovanja imunskega sistema, razstrupljanja in splošnega dobrega počutja. Z redno uporabo lahko doživite izboljšano raven energije in bolj sijočo polt ter boljše splošno zdravje. Naročite svojo steklenico še danes!..

36,07 USD

Pulmasol pršilo 115 ml

Pulmasol pršilo 115 ml

Koda izdelka: 5829677

Pulmasol sprej 115 ml Predstavljamo vam Pulmasol Spray, popolno rešitev za vaša dihala. Pulmasol pršilo je edinstvena mešanica naravnih sestavin, ki pomaga pomiriti, razbremeniti in zaščititi vaše dihalne poti. S svojo netoksično formulo, ki ne povzroča odvisnosti, je Pulmasol sprej varen in učinkovit način za lažje dihanje. Prednosti Lajša simptome kašlja in prehlada Pomirja draženje v grlu in prsih Odstranjuje sluz in nakopičeno sluz v dihalnih poteh Ščiti pred okužbami dihal Pomaga preprečevati alergije in simptome astme Navodila za uporabo Pred uporabo dobro pretresite. Med globokim vdihom 1-2 krat popršite v usta. Uporabite po potrebi, do 6-krat na dan. Otroci, mlajši od 12 let, naj uporabljajo pod nadzorom odrasle osebe. Sestavine Pršilo Pulmasol vsebuje močno mešanico naravnih sestavin, ki skupaj izboljšajo zdravje vaših dihal. Te sestavine vključujejo: Evkaliptusovo olje? pomaga očistiti dihalne poti in se bori proti okužbam dihal Mentol? zagotavlja pomirjujoč in hladilni občutek v grlu in prsih Timijanovo olje? ima protivnetne in antiseptične lastnosti, ki pomagajo lajšati simptome kašlja in prehlada Olje čajevca? bori se proti okužbam dihal in pomaga krepiti imunski sistem Vitamin C? krepi imunski sistem in ščiti pred okužbami dihal Prečiščena voda? zagotavlja varno in nežno podlago za formulo Opozorila Izogibajte se stiku z očmi Ne uporabljajte, če ste alergični na katero koli sestavino Hraniti na hladnem in suhem mestu, stran od neposredne sončne svetlobe Če simptomi ne izginejo, se posvetujte s svojim zdravstvenim delavcem Izkusite prednosti pršila Pulmasol še danes in zadihajte z vsakim vdihom!..

22,81 USD

Puressentiel nageljnove žbice äth / bio olje 5 ml

Puressentiel nageljnove žbice äth / bio olje 5 ml

Koda izdelka: 5930407

Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a pure and natural essential oil that is extracted from the buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree. This essential oil is certified organic and is free from any harmful chemicals or additives. It is a highly concentrated oil that is rich in beneficial compounds that can be used for a variety of purposes. Uses and Benefits Relieves Pain and Inflammation: This essential oil is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and inflammation. It is commonly used to ease toothache, joint pain, and even headaches. Fights Infections: Clove essential oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is commonly used to treat respiratory infections and other types of infections. Boosts Immunity: This essential oil can stimulate the immune system and help fight off infections. It can also improve blood circulation and increase white blood cell count. Improves Digestion: Clove essential oil can help regulate digestion and relieve digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, and nausea. Improves Skin Health: This oil has antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It can also help treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. How to Use Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways including: Aromatherapy: Add a few drops of the oil into a diffuser or vaporizer to enjoy its aromatic properties. Topical Application: Dilute a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and apply it to the skin. This can help relieve pain, improve digestion, and improve skin health. Internal Use: This oil can be used internally, but caution should be taken as it is highly concentrated. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before ingesting essential oils. Conclusion Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a versatile and beneficial essential oil that can be used for a variety of purposes. Its natural and organic composition makes it safe for use and its many health benefits make it a great addition to any household. Use it to alleviate pain, fight infections, improve digestion, boost immunity, and improve skin health. ..

22,91 USD

Regiovit activate granules ds 176 g

Regiovit activate granules ds 176 g

Koda izdelka: 3717603

Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g je močno prehransko dopolnilo, namenjeno krepitvi splošnega zdravja in vitalnosti. Ta zrnca vsebujejo edinstveno mešanico bistvenih vitaminov, mineralov in hranil, skrbno izbranih za podporo naravnih funkcij vašega telesa. Poln dobrot je ta izdelek idealen za posameznike, ki želijo izboljšati svojo dnevno prehrano s priročno in učinkovito rešitvijo. Ne glede na to, ali iščete izboljšano raven energije, podporo imunskemu sistemu ali se preprosto želite počutiti najbolje, vas Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g pokriva. Dodajte to svoji dnevni rutini in izkusite transformativne prednosti kakovostnih kombiniranih prehranskih dopolnil. Z Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g že danes dajte prednost svojemu dobremu počutju...

102,75 USD

Sanum folliculi lymphatici aggregati kaps d 6 20 kom

Sanum folliculi lymphatici aggregati kaps d 6 20 kom

Koda izdelka: 5359881

Ime izdelka: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 20 kosovOpis: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 je naravno homeopatsko zdravilo ki je narejen iz bezgavk. Ta izdelek je v obliki majhnih kapsul in vsebuje 20 posameznih kapsul na paket. Sestavine: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 je narejen iz prašičjih bezgavk. Te žleze se zberejo in predelajo v homeopatsko zdravilo, ki se razredči do jakosti D6. Kapsule vsebujejo tudi laktozo in magnezijev stearat kot neaktivni sestavini. Uporaba in odmerjanje: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 je homeopatsko zdravilo, ki ni namenjeno samodiagnozi ali samozdravljenju zdravstvenih stanj. Priporočljivo je, da se pred uporabo tega izdelka posvetujete z zdravstvenim delavcem. Priporočeni odmerek za odrasle je 2 kapsuli 3-krat na dan, za otroke pa 1 kapsula 3-krat na dan. Kapsule je treba zaužiti 15 minut pred ali 1 uro po obroku.Prednosti: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 lahko nudi številne koristi tistim, ki trpijo zaradi bolezni limfnega sistema. . Pomaga lahko pri izboljšanju limfne drenaže, kar lahko zmanjša otekline in vnetja v telesu. Pomaga lahko tudi pri krepitvi imunskega sistema s povečanjem proizvodnje belih krvnih celic. Poleg tega lahko to homeopatsko zdravilo pomaga zmanjšati simptome prehlada, gripe in okužb dihal.Neželeni učinki: Kot naravno homeopatsko zdravilo Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 praviloma ne povzroča stranskih učinkov. Vendar pa lahko nekateri posamezniki doživijo blage prebavne težave, kot so želodčni krči, napenjanje ali driska. Če ti simptomi ne izginejo, je priporočljivo prenehati uporabljati izdelek in se posvetovati z zdravstvenim delavcem.Zaključek: Sanum Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Kaps D 6 je naravno homeopatsko zdravilo, ki lahko zagotovi številne koristi za limfni sistem. Lahko pomaga zmanjšati vnetje, izboljša limfno drenažo, okrepi imunski sistem in ublaži simptome prehlada in gripe. Ta izdelek je varen, učinkovit in enostaven za uporabo, zaradi česar je odlična izbira za posameznike, ki imajo težave z limfnim sistemom. ..

123,53 USD

Solmucol prehladni kašelj gran 600 mg btl 7 kosov

Solmucol prehladni kašelj gran 600 mg btl 7 kosov

Koda izdelka: 7714642

Solmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosovSolmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosov je preverjena in učinkovita rešitev za simptome kašlja in prehlada. Vsaka vrečka vsebuje 600 mg aktivne sestavine acetilcisteina, ki lajša proces izkašljevanja sluzi, ki ga povzročajo prehlad, gripa ali bronhitis.Formulacija Solmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosov vsebuje tudi druge naravne sestavine, npr. kot izvleček bezga in vitamin C, ki pomagata krepiti imunski sistem in zmanjšati vnetja. Zaradi te kombinacije sestavin je Solmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosov zelo učinkovito in hitro delujoče zdravilo za kašelj in prehlad.Zrnca so enostavna za uporabo in jih je mogoče raztopiti v vodi, zaradi česar so priročna in hitra rešitev za tiste, ki trpijo zaradi simptomov prehlada in gripe. Vrečke so na voljo v priročnem pakiranju po 7, zaradi česar so popolne za celotedenski režim zdravljenja.Solmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosov je primeren za odrasle in otroke, starejše od šest let. Je brez sladkorja in je prijetnega okusa, zato ga je enostavno dajati otrokom, ki so morda zahtevni pri jemanju zdravil. Za najboljše rezultate je priporočljivo vzeti eno vrečko na dan, raztopljeno v kozarcu vode.Na splošno je Solmucol Erkältungshusten Gran 600 mg Btl 7 kosov odličen izdelek za lajšanje simptomov kašlja in prehlada. Zaradi njegove preizkušene formulacije, naravnih sestavin in priročne embalaže ga morajo imeti vsi, ki trpijo zaradi simptomov prehlada in gripe...

17,83 USD

Sonnentor ginger glücksbärchen 100 g

Sonnentor ginger glücksbärchen 100 g

Koda izdelka: 3968021

SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear 100 gPredstavljamo najnovejši dodatek v liniji organskih dobrot SONNENTOR - Ginger Lucky Bear! Ta neustavljiva poslastica je narejena iz skrbno izbranega organskega ingverja, ki je znan po številnih koristih za zdravje. Ingver je naravno protivnetno sredstvo, ki lahko pomaga krepiti imunski sistem in spodbuja dobro prebavo. Zaradi njegovega značilnega toplega in pikantnega okusa je vsestranska sestavina v številnih receptih, saj daje okusno piko na i čajem, smutijem, pekovskim izdelkom in več.Zakaj izbrati SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear? Za razliko od drugih ingverjevih prigrizkov, ki so polni sladkorja in umetnih arom, je SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear narejen samo iz najboljših organskih sestavin. Vsak grižljaj te čudovite poslastice je prežet z naravno dobroto čistega ingverja, sladkanega z naravnim medom in izvlečkom slada, da se ustvari popolno ravnovesje okusa. Vsako pakiranje SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear vsebuje 100 g ingverjeve dobrote, ki je popolna za prigrizek ali dodatek vašim najljubšim jedem.Kako uživati ​​SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky BearSONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear je odličen prigrizek, ki ga lahko uživate kadarkoli in kjerkoli. Njegova priročna embalaža, ki jo je mogoče ponovno zapreti, omogoča enostavno prenašanje za povečanje energije na poti. Uporabite ga lahko tudi kot sestavino v svojih najljubših receptih ali pa ga preprosto dodate svojemu čaju ali smutiju za dodaten okus in hranljivost.Prednosti SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear 100 % organski ingver Izdelano iz naravnega medu in izvlečka slada Lahko pomaga povečati imuniteto in spodbuja dobro prebavo Izrazit topel in pikanten okus Priročna embalaža, ki jo je mogoče ponovno zapreti, za prigrizke na poti Naročite svojega SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear še danesNe zamudite priložnosti preizkusiti tega neverjetnega novega izdelka SONNENTOR! Naročite svojega Ginger Lucky Bear še danes in izkusite naravno dobroto organskega ingverja v okusnem in priročnem prigrizku. S svojim neustavljivim okusom in številnimi koristmi za zdravje je SONNENTOR Ginger Lucky Bear popolna poslastica za vsakogar, ki želi svoji vsakodnevni rutini dodati več hranil in okusa...

7,64 USD

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