Spremljanje zdravja
(1 strani)
Accu-chek instant set mmol/l inkl 1x10 testov
ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET MMOL/L je zelo natančen sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi, zasnovan za priročnost in zanesljivost. Ta komplet vključuje 10 testnih lističev za enostavno testiranje. S svojo napredno tehnologijo zagotavlja meritve mmol/L za natančno spremljanje ravni sladkorja v krvi. ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET, ki je kot nalašč za posameznike s sladkorno boleznijo, ponuja hitre rezultate in zahteva le majhen vzorec krvi. Ostanite na vrhu svojega zdravja s tem bistvenim orodjem, ki vam omogoča sprejemanje premišljenih odločitev o vašem dobrem počutju. Zaupajte ACCU-CHEK za kakovost in učinkovitost spremljanja krvnega sladkorja...
82.84 USD
Beurer diagnostična tehtnica bf 950 bela
Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White is an advanced weighing scale that is designed to help you monitor your overall health and fitness levels. This cutting-edge scale uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to measure your body weight, body fat, body water, muscle percentage, bone mass, and estimated calorie consumption. With its sleek, modern design and user-friendly interface, the Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White is the perfect addition to your home gym or bathroom. Features and Benefits: High Precision Sensors: The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White features high-precision sensors that accurately measure body weight, body fat, body water, muscle percentage, bone mass, and estimated calorie consumption. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis: BIA technology sends a low-level electrical current through your body, measuring biological impedance to determine the relative percentage of different body tissues. This provides a more accurate and detailed analysis of your body composition than traditional weighing scales. Large, Easy-to-Read Display: The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White features a large, easy-to-read backlit display that shows your measurements clearly and accurately. Multiple User Profiles: This scale can store up to 10 user profiles, making it perfect for families or roommates. Auto Recognition: The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White can automatically recognize and store the data for each user, making it easy to keep track of your progress over time. Bluetooth Connectivity: This scale features Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to sync your data with your mobile device using the free Beurer HealthManager app, available for iOS and Android. Modern Design: The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White has a sleek, modern design that looks great in any bathroom or home gym. Specifications: Maximum weight capacity: 180 kg (396 lb) Graduation: 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) Power: 4 x 1.5V AAA batteries (included) Dimensions: 32 x 32 x 2.3 cm (L x W x H) Weight: 1.9 kg The Beurer Diagnostic Scale BF 950 White is the perfect way to monitor your overall health and fitness levels. With its advanced BIA technology, easy-to-read display, and Bluetooth connectivity, this scale is a must-have for anyone who takes their health seriously. Order yours today!..
162.42 USD
Beurer prstni pulzni oksimeter z indeksom pulzne modulacije po 40
Beurer Finger Pulse Oximeter with Pulse Modulation Index PO 40 The Beurer Finger Pulse Oximeter with Pulse Modulation Index PO 40 is a reliable and accurate way to measure your oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) and pulse rate. Designed for convenient at-home or on-the-go use, this oximeter is small, lightweight, and easy to use. Features: Accurately measures SpO2 and pulse rate through the finger Pulse modulation index (PMI) technology ensures reliable readings even during low perfusion Adjustable display orientation for easy reading Bright OLED display with four display modes Automatic switch-off after 8 seconds of inactivity Low battery indicator Comes with a carrying strap and belt pouch Benefits: Using the Beurer Finger Pulse Oximeter with Pulse Modulation Index PO 40 can provide important insight into your overall health and fitness. By measuring your SpO2 and pulse rate, you can monitor changes in your oxygen levels and ensure that you are getting enough oxygen during exercise or while at rest. This can be especially important for those with respiratory conditions or cardiovascular disease. How to Use: The Beurer Finger Pulse Oximeter with Pulse Modulation Index PO 40 is simple to use. Just insert your finger into the device and press the button. Within seconds, your SpO2 and pulse rate will be displayed on the screen. The device is suitable for adults and children over the age of Conclusion: The Beurer Finger Pulse Oximeter with Pulse Modulation Index PO 40 is a reliable and accurate way to monitor your oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate. With its easy-to-read display, adjustable orientation, and lightweight design, it is perfect for on-the-go use. Whether you are an athlete, a person with a medical condition, or simply someone looking to monitor your health, this oximeter is an excellent choice. ..
174.78 USD
Merilnik krvnega tlaka microlife a150 afib
Microlife merilnik krvnega tlaka A150 Afib Naprava za merjenje krvnega tlaka Microlife A150 Afib je visokokakovostna naprava, ki vam omogoča enostavno spremljanje krvnega tlaka in odkrivanje atrijske fibrilacije. S svojimi naprednimi funkcijami in intuitivnim dizajnom je ta monitor kot nalašč za vsakogar, ki želi ostati na vrhu svojega zdravja. Funkcije Preprosto upravljanje z enim dotikom: ta merilnik krvnega tlaka je neverjetno enostaven za uporabo, z velikim, jasnim zaslonom in preprostim upravljanjem z enim dotikom. Zaznavanje atrijske fibrilacije: A150 Afib lahko zazna atrijsko fibrilacijo, resno srčno bolezen, ki lahko povzroči možgansko kap, kar vam omogoča zgodnje ukrepanje. Natančni odčitki: Naprava uporablja napredno senzorsko tehnologijo za zagotavljanje hitrih in natančnih odčitkov krvnega tlaka. Funkcija pomnilnika: ta naprava lahko shrani do 200 odčitkov na uporabnika, kar olajša spremljanje zdravja vašega srca skozi čas. Udobna manšeta: priložena manšeta je zasnovana tako, da je udobna in enostavna za uporabo, kar omogoča natančno odčitavanje in prijetno izkušnjo. Enostavno spremljanje krvnega tlaka Z merilnikom krvnega tlaka Microlife A150 Afib vam ni treba biti strokovnjak za natančne odčitke krvnega tlaka. Ne glede na to, ali spremljate svoj krvni tlak ali krvni tlak ljubljene osebe, je ta naprava neverjetno enostavna za uporabo, z jasnimi navodili in preprostim upravljanjem z enim dotikom. Samo namestite manšeto okoli roke, pritisnite gumb in pustite, da A150 Afib naredi ostalo. Zaznavanje atrijske fibrilacije Atrijska fibrilacija je resna bolezen srca, ki lahko povzroči zaplete, kot so možganska kap, srčno popuščanje in visok krvni tlak. Z A150 Afib lahko zgodaj odkrijete atrijsko fibrilacijo, kar vam omogoča ukrepanje za zaščito zdravja vašega srca. Naprava lahko shrani tudi do 200 odčitkov na uporabnika, kar olajša sledenje spremembam krvnega tlaka skozi čas. Neverjetno natančni odčitki Naprava za merjenje krvnega tlaka Microlife A150 Afib uporablja napredno senzorsko tehnologijo za hitre in natančne odčitke. Ne glede na to, ali napravo uporabljate doma ali na poti, lahko zaupate, da vam bo zagotovila natančne informacije o zdravju vašega srca. Mašeta naredi vse razlike Priložena manšeta je oblikovana tako, da je udobna in enostavna za uporabo, kar zagotavlja natančne odčitke brez kakršnega koli nelagodja. Ne glede na to, ali imate majhne ali velike roke, lahko manšeto prilagodite svojim potrebam, kar olajša uporabo vsakomur. Zaključek Microlife merilnik krvnega tlaka A150 Afib je odlična naprava za vsakogar, ki želi ostati na vrhu zdravja svojega srca. S svojimi naprednimi funkcijami, hitrimi in natančnimi odčitki ter intuitivnim dizajnom bo ta merilnik krvnega tlaka zagotovo postal pomemben del vaše zdravstvene rutine. ..
120.31 USD
Merilnik krvnega tlaka microlife a2 classic
Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is one of the most accurate and reliable blood pressure monitors available in the market. It is designed to make it easy for individuals to monitor their blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of their homes. It is an ideal device for individuals who want to keep track of their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Features of Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several features that make it an attractive choice. One of the most notable features is its ability to detect irregular heartbeats. This means that if your heart rate is not consistent, the device will warn you, allowing you to take action and seek medical attention where necessary. Other features include: Easy-to-read display: The device features a large and clear display that makes it easy for individuals of all ages to read their blood pressure readings. Accuracy: The blood pressure monitor uses advanced microlife technology that ensures high accuracy in blood pressure monitoring. Durability: The device is built to last, featuring a sturdy construction that can withstand regular use. Quick and efficient: The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic takes readings quickly, saving you time and allowing you to get on with your day. Memory function: The device features a memory function that allows you to store multiple readings for future reference or when sharing with your doctor. Comfortable cuff: The device features a comfortable and adjustable cuff that fits most arm sizes, ensuring that you get accurate readings every time. Benefits of Using the Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several benefits that make it an ideal choice for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly. Some of the benefits of using the device include: Convenience: The device allows you to monitor your blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of your home, saving you time and money that you would have spent visiting a medical facility. Accuracy: The device provides accurate readings that are comparable to those that you would get from a medical professional. Early warning: The device's ability to detect irregular heartbeats means that you can detect any changes in your heart rate early and take the necessary action to prevent complications. Peace of mind: Knowing your blood pressure readings can give you peace of mind and help you make informed decisions about your health. The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is an ideal device for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Its advanced features, accuracy, and durability make it an attractive choice for individuals of all ages. Get yours today and start monitoring your blood pressure like a pro...
63.41 USD
Micro life upper arm cuff l-xl 32-52cm anthracite
Zagotovite natančne in udobne meritve krvnega tlaka z manšeto Microlife za velikosti nadlakti L-XL (32-52 cm) v elegantni antracitni barvi. Ta bistveni pripomoček je zasnovan za uporabo z napravami za merjenje krvnega tlaka in nudi varno in natančno prileganje širokemu razponu velikosti rok. Manšeta je zaradi trpežne konstrukcije in nastavljive oblike primerna za klinično ali domačo uporabo. S tem zanesljivim in praktičnim pripomočkom, ki zagotavlja optimalno delovanje in zanesljivost pri merjenju krvnega tlaka, ostanite na tekočem z nadzorom svojega zdravja brez težav...
39.16 USD
Micro life upper arm cuff s 17-22cm anthracite
Izboljšajte svoje spremljanje zdravja na domu z nadlahtnico Microlife Cuff, zasnovano za optimalno udobje in natančnost. Ta antracitna manšeta se prilega rokam, ki merijo 17-22 cm, in je primerna za širok krog uporabnikov. Ta pripomoček, ki je bistvenega pomena za spremljanje krvnega tlaka, zagotavlja zanesljive odčitke pri uporabi z združljivimi napravami. Vzdržljiva konstrukcija in natančna izdelava manšete zagotavljata dolgotrajno delovanje. Ostanite proaktivni glede svojega zdravja z nadlahtnico Microlife Cuff Upper Arm, ki je nepogrešljivo orodje za upravljanje vašega dobrega počutja...
26.14 USD
(1 strani)