Razkužilo za roke
(1 strani)
Desmanol pure lös fl 100 ml
Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml je visokokakovostno razkužilo za roke, ki je zasnovano tako, da uniči 99,9 % mikrobov in bakterij. Vsebuje kombinacijo etanola in izopropanola, ki učinkovito odstranjuje škodljive mikroorganizme na površini kože in tako poskrbi za temeljito očiščenje rok ter zaščito pred različnimi virusi in okužbami. Ta izdelek je idealen za uporabo v bolnišnicah, klinikah, laboratorijih in drugih zdravstvenih ustanovah, pa tudi v gospodinjstvih in na javnih mestih, kjer je higiena izjemnega pomena. Je enostaven za uporabo, ne potrebuje vode ali mila in je nežen do kože, zaradi česar je varen za redno uporabo. Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml je na voljo v priročni steklenički s preklopnim pokrovčkom, ki omogoča enostavno doziranje. Je kompakten in prenosljiv, zato ga lahko nosite s seboj, kamor koli greste, in poskrbite, da bodo vaše roke vedno čiste in brez mikrobov. Ključne značilnosti Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml: Vsebuje kombinacijo etanola in izopropanola, ki uniči 99,9 % mikrobov in bakterij Enostaven za uporabo, brez potrebe po vodi ali milu Nežen do kože, zaradi česar je varen za redno uporabo Priročna steklenička s preklopnim pokrovčkom za enostavno točenje Kompakten in prenosljiv, zaradi česar je idealen za uporabo na poti Idealno za uporabo v bolnišnicah, klinikah, laboratorijih, gospodinjstvih in na javnih mestih Poskrbite, da bodo vaše roke čiste in brez mikrobov z Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml. Dodajte ga v svoj voziček še danes in uživajte v udobju in zaščiti, ki ga ponuja...
9.61 USD
Dettol antibakterijski gel za razkuževanje rok 50 ml
Dettol Hand Disinfectant Antibacterial Gel 50mL Keep your hands clean and healthy with Dettol Hand Disinfectant Antibacterial Gel. This advanced formula provides effective protection against germs and bacteria, ensuring that your hands are always clean and free from harmful microorganisms. Features: Contains 70% alcohol for effective disinfection Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria Fast-acting and easy to use Fits easily in your pocket or handbag Non-sticky formula that dries quickly without leaving a residue Can be used anytime, anywhere Benefits: Provides instant hand hygiene without the need for soap and water Helps to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria Protects you and your family against common illnesses such as flu, colds, and stomach bugs Convenient and easy to carry around Provides an extra layer of protection during flu season or outbreak situations Effective against a range of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria Usage: Apply a small amount of Dettol Hand Disinfectant Antibacterial Gel to your hands and rub together until dry. Use as often as required, especially before and after coming into contact with others or touching objects that may be contaminated with germs. Safety Precautions: For external use only Avoid contact with eyes In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water Keep out of reach of children Flammable: Keep away from open flames and sources of heat With Dettol Hand Disinfectant Antibacterial Gel, you can keep your hands clean and healthy, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Order yours today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your family are protected against germs and bacteria...
10.17 USD
Hopirub dezinfekcijsko sredstvo za roke who ovalfl 100 ml
Hopirub Hand Disinfection Liq WHO Ovalfl 100 ml The Hopirub Hand Disinfection Liq WHO Ovalfl 100 ml is a powerful, yet gentle hand disinfectant that helps eliminate harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses. It is perfect for use in both homes and professional settings such as hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. This product is designed to meet the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommended formula for alcohol-based hand sanitizers and contains 70% ethanol. Features and Benefits Fast-acting formula - kills 99.99% of germs and viruses within seconds Convenient packaging - the oval-shaped bottle is easy to use and portable Moisturizing - enriched with glycerin to prevent dryness and irritation on the skin Eco-friendly - does not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances Suitable for all skin types - has a non-sticky, non-greasy formula that is safe for frequent use How to Use Apply a small amount of Hopirub Hand Disinfection Liq WHO Ovalfl 100 ml onto your palm. Rub your hands together thoroughly, making sure to cover all surfaces of your hands and fingers. Continue rubbing until the product is completely dry. With regular use, the Hopirub Hand Disinfection Liq WHO Ovalfl 100 ml can help reduce the risk of infection and promote overall hand hygiene. It is a must-have product for anyone looking for a convenient and effective way to disinfect their hands on-the-go...
7.71 USD
Manusept osnovno razkužilo za roke fl 500 ml
Lastnosti Manusept osnovnega razkužila za roke Fl 500 mlTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža : 470 g Dolžina: 68 mm Širina: 69 mm Višina: 167 mm Kupite Manusept osnovno razkuževanje rok Fl 500 ml na spletu iz Švice ..
14.57 USD
Protect & sterillium® care gel fl 100 ml
Sterillium Protect&Care gel steklenica 100 ml Dezinfekcijski gel za roke. Sterillium Protect and Care: preizkušen razkužilni gel za roke. Praktičen in celovito učinkovit gel za razkuževanje rok z vlažilnimi negovalnimi komponentami. Alkoholni pripravek za drgnjenje, pripravljen za uporabo - neodvisen od vode in umivalnika - za higiensko razkuževanje rok doma in na poti - odstrani 99,99 % mikrobov - kratek čas izpostavljenosti 30 sekund, norovirus od 15 sekund - zelo dobra kožna toleranca - izboljša kožo vlaga - odporen proti kapljanju - hitro se suši - ne pušča lepljivih ostankov - dermatološko testirano - etanol 850 mg/g - zahvaljujoč svoji formulaciji s 85 g etanola hitro učinkovito proti bakterijam, glivicam in virusom z ovojnico (vključno s koronavirusom), kot tudi proti norovirusu in rotavirus. - prava velikost za vsako potrebo (35 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 475 ml). Razkužilo uporabljajte previdno. Pred uporabo vedno preberite etiketo in podatke o izdelku...
11.71 USD
Protect & sterillium® care gel fl 475 ml
Sterillium Protect&Care gel steklenica 475 ml Dezinfekcijski gel za roke. Sterillium Protect and Care: preizkušen razkužilni gel za roke. Praktičen in celovito učinkovit gel za razkuževanje rok z vlažilnimi negovalnimi komponentami. Alkoholni pripravek za drgnjenje, pripravljen za uporabo - neodvisen od vode in umivalnika - za higiensko razkuževanje rok doma in na poti - odstrani 99,99 % mikrobov - kratek čas izpostavljenosti 30 sekund, norovirus od 15 sekund - zelo dobra kožna toleranca - izboljša kožo vlaga - odporen proti kapljanju - hitro se suši - ne pušča lepljivih ostankov - dermatološko testirano - etanol 850 mg/g - zahvaljujoč svoji formulaciji s 85 g etanola hitro učinkovito proti bakterijam, glivicam in virusom z ovojnico (vključno s koronavirusom), kot tudi proti norovirusu in rotavirus. - prava velikost za vsako potrebo (35 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 475 ml). Razkužilo uporabljajte previdno. Pred uporabo vedno preberite etiketo in podatke o izdelku...
30.24 USD
Softa-man visco rub alkoholno razkužilo za roke fl 100 ml
Lastnosti alkoholnega razkužila za roke Softa-Man Visco Rub Fl 100 mlTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 ml Teža: 108 g Dolžina: 35 mm Širina: 61 mm Višina: 100 mm Kupite Softa-Man Visco Rub hand dezinfekcijsko alkoholno Fl 100 ml na spletu iz Švice..
7.31 USD
Sonett händedesinfektion pumpspender 300 ml
Sonett Händedesinfektion Pumpspender 300 ml The Sonett Händedesinfektion Pumpspender 300ml is a highly effective hand disinfectant that is ideal for everyday use. The hand disinfectant is made from natural ingredients and is designed to provide reliable, long-lasting protection against bacteria, viruses and other harmful organisms. It contains 70% pure, undenatured alcohol, which is one of the most effective ingredients in the fight against germs. The hand disinfectant also contains natural essential oils, such as lavender oil and eucalyptus oil, which give it a pleasant odour and soothing effect on the skin. The natural ingredients make this hand disinfectant kind to the skin, so it can be used regularly without causing irritation or dryness. The Sonett Händedesinfektion Pumpspender comes in a convenient 300ml pump bottle, making it easy to use and store. Simply dispense a small amount onto your hands, rub it in well, and let it dry. The hand disinfectant is ideal for use in public places, such as schools, offices, hospitals, and shops. It is also perfect for personal use, giving you peace of mind and protection when you're out and about. The Sonett Händedesinfektion Pumpspender 300ml is a premium quality hand disinfectant that provides optimal protection for you and your family. It is safe, easy to use, and has been tested by dermatologists to ensure it is kind to even the most sensitive skin. Order today and experience the difference for yourself!..
15.27 USD
Sterillium® pure 1 lt
Sterillium® pure 1 lt Sterillium® pure 1 lt is a highly effective hand disinfectant solution that provides maximum protection against harmful bacteria and viruses. Its advanced formula is specifically designed for use in healthcare settings and is proven to be highly effective in killing 99.99% of germs within 30 seconds of application. The Sterillium® pure 1 lt is fortified with a blend of highly potent antimicrobial agents, which makes it highly effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. The ingredients work together to break down the lipids and proteins of the microbes, which effectively destroys them and prevents their growth. The solution is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for frequent use in healthcare settings. It is also highly moisturizing, preventing the skin from drying or cracking. The solution is easy to apply and dries quickly, leaving no residue or sticky feeling on the hands. The Sterillium® pure 1 lt comes in a durable and easy-to-use bottle that is perfect for use in high-frequency areas such as hospitals, clinics, and laboratories. Its large size ensures that it lasts for a long time, minimizing the need for frequent replacements. Overall, Sterillium® pure 1 lt is an essential product for anyone looking to maximize protection against harmful microorganisms. Its advanced formula, gentle on the skin, and easy to use, make it a must-have in any healthcare setting...
43.42 USD
Wiesenberg gel za dezinfekcijo rok z divjim jasminom 500 ml
Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 mlWiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 ml je močno in učinkovito razkužilo za roke, ki pomaga zaščititi vas in vašo družino pred škodljivimi mikrobi in bakterijami. Ta razkužilni gel z edinstvenim in osvežujočim vonjem divjega jasmina pomaga ohranjati vaše roke čiste in sveže dišeče ves dan.Uporaba tega Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel je preprosta in priročna, njegova formula za hitro sušenje pa pomeni lahko preživite svoj dan brez grdih ostankov. Zaradi velikega formata 500 ml je popoln tako za domačo kot pisarniško uporabo, medtem ko kompaktna zasnova stekleničke zagotavlja, da jo lahko vzamete s seboj kamorkoli greste. Dozirna črpalka v steklenički omogoča preprosto in higienično uporabo, brez potrebe po kakršnih koli dodatnih dodatkih.Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 ml je posebej oblikovan s 70 % alkohola, ki uniči 99,9 % mikrobov in bakterij. . Visoka koncentracija alkohola hitro razkuži roke, zaradi česar je odlična rešitev za uporabo med umivanjem rok z milom in vodo. Poleg tega ta izdelek vsebuje tudi glicerin in aloe vero, ki pomagata navlažiti in zaščititi vašo kožo ter zagotavljata, da vaše roke ostanejo zdrave in voljne tudi ob pogosti uporabi.Če iščete priročno in učinkovit način za ohranjanje čistih in zdravih rok, potem je Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 ml popolna rešitev za vas. Kupite zdaj in uživajte v njegovi osvežujoči dišavi in močnem delovanju za boj proti klicam!..
18.06 USD
(1 strani)