Genutrain s
(1 strani)
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr1 rechts titan
GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is a specialized knee support designed to provide comfort and support to individuals suffering from knee pain, discomfort, and inflammation. This knee support is perfect for individuals who have undergone a knee surgery or have experienced an injury to their knee. It is also ideal for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to protect their knees from injuries during high-impact workouts or training sessions. The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is made of high-quality materials, which make it durable and long-lasting. The fabric of this knee support is soft and breathable, ensuring maximum comfort and support to the knee area without causing any irritation or discomfort to the skin. The knee support is designed to fit comfortably around the knee joint, providing targeted compression and support to the ligaments and muscles surrounding the knee. This helps to reduce the strain on the knee joint and provide relief from pain and inflammation. The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan also features a unique silicone padding that helps to improve proprioception and stability of the knee joint. This means that the knee support helps to improve the sense of balance and control, reducing the risk of further injury. Overall, the GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a high-quality knee support that provides comfort, support, and stability to the knee joint. It is easy to use and can be worn during sports, exercise, or everyday activities. Order your GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan today and experience the benefits of this high-quality knee support for yourself. ..
255.72 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr3 rechts titan
Opis izdelka: GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan je napredna opora za koleno, zasnovana za zagotavljanje učinkovite podpore ljudem, ki imajo bolečine ali nelagodje v kolenu. To je edinstvena opornica za koleno, zasnovana tako, da zagotavlja podporo in stabilnost kolenskega sklepa, kar vam omogoča, da nadaljujete z vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi brez nelagodja. Ta opornica za koleno je zasnovana tako, da zagotavlja udobno kompresijo in podporo kolenskemu sklepu, zmanjšuje oteklino in bolečino ter pomaga preprečevati nadaljnje poškodbe. Izdelan je iz kakovostnih materialov, ki so trpežni in udobni, kar zagotavlja, da ga lahko nosite dlje časa brez kakršnega koli nelagodja. GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan je primeren za ljudi, ki doživljajo blago do zmerno bolečino in nelagodje v kolenu, vključno z ljudmi, ki trpijo zaradi osteoartritisa kolena, nestabilnosti pogačice in drugih bolezni kolena. Opornica za koleno ima zračno konstrukcijo, ki ohranja vašo kožo suho in hladno, preprečuje draženje in zagotavlja maksimalno udobje. Opornica za koleno je zasnovana s sistemom nastavljivih trakov, ki zagotavlja prilagojeno prileganje, kar zagotavlja udobno in varno prileganje. Enostavno se obleče in sleče, njegova lahka konstrukcija pa omogoča enostavno nošenje dlje časa. Opornica za koleno je primerna tako za moške kot za ženske in je na voljo v desni in levi različici, da ustreza vašim potrebam. Izkoristite prednosti GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan in uživajte v aktivnem življenjskem slogu brez bolečin. ..
270.32 USD
(1 strani)