Okolju prijazen deodorant
(1 strani)
Ben & anna deodorant urban black 40 g
Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40 g The Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is the perfect choice for those looking to switch to a natural deodorant that is both effective and environmentally friendly. This deodorant features a unique blend of natural ingredients that help to neutralize odor-causing bacteria, while also moisturizing and nourishing your skin. One of the key ingredients in this deodorant is arrowroot powder, which helps to absorb moisture and keep your underarms dry. The addition of baking soda also helps to neutralize odor and keep you feeling fresh all day long. And unlike many other natural deodorants on the market, this product is free from aluminum, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. In addition to its effectiveness as a deodorant, the Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is also packaged in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. The packaging is made from FSC-certified paper and is 100% recyclable. Plus, this deodorant is vegan and cruelty-free, so you can feel good about using it every day. With its refreshing scent and natural ingredients, the Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is the perfect choice for anyone looking to switch to a natural deodorant that really works. Try it today and discover the power of natural ingredients for yourself!..
13.30 USD
Biosme deo probiotisch roll on blanc coton
BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton Introducing the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton, the ultimate solution for keeping unpleasant body odors at bay, while also taking care of your skin health. This deodorant roll on is designed with a blend of natural probiotics and active plant ingredients, that work together to create a healthy and balanced microflora on your skin. The BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton has a delicate and subtle scent, that is fresh and soothing, making it perfect for both men and women. It contains no aluminum, no synthetic fragrances, and no alcohol, making it safe for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones. With regular use, the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton helps to maintain a healthy balance of the skin's microbiome, which in turn helps to naturally reduce the unpleasant body odors. The roll on applicator ensures smooth and easy application, without leaving any sticky or greasy residue. Biosme is a trusted brand known for its commitment to natural and eco-friendly products. The BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton is part of their range of deodorants that are free from harmful chemicals and designed to work in harmony with your body, for maximum skin health and freshness. Get your hands on the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton today and enjoy a healthy, fresh and nourished skin, naturally! ..
22.61 USD
Deodorant kalunite echter alaunstein marmor 60 g
Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g Experience unparalleled freshness with the Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g - a premium quality deodorant made from natural ingredients that work to keep you fresh all day long. This deodorant is made using natural minerals and salts extracted from the highest quality sources, and it is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances that can cause skin irritation and other adverse reactions. The Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant is specially designed to provide long-lasting odor protection without being too harsh on your skin. The unique mineral composition of this deodorant ensures that it is highly effective in neutralizing bacteria that cause body odor, while also preventing sweat from accumulating on your skin throughout the day. This 60 g deodorant comes in a sturdy and stylish packaging that's perfect for everyday use. It is easy to apply and can be used by both men and women who prefer a natural and safe alternative to conventional deodorants. If you're looking for a reliable and effective deodorant that is kind to your skin and keeps you feeling fresh all day long, the Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g is the perfect choice for you. It is also eco-friendly as it produces zero waste, making it a great choice for the environmentally conscious. ..
11.20 USD
Deomant crystal deodorant v stiku 100 g
Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick 100 g The Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick is a natural and highly efficient deodorant solution that provides lasting freshness and protection against body odor. The crystal stick is made from 100% natural mineral salts that prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria and keep you smelling fresh and clean all day long. Features: 100% natural mineral salts Provides lasting freshness and protection against body odor Free from harmful chemicals and irritants Gentle on skin, suitable for all skin types Easy to use, simply apply to clean, dry skin Long-lasting formula, one stick can last up to 1 year The Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick is free from harmful chemicals and irritants commonly found in conventional deodorants, making it gentle and suitable for all skin types. Its long-lasting formula means one stick can last up to 1 year, making it an economical and eco-friendly alternative to traditional deodorants. Simply apply the crystal stick to clean, dry skin for all-day freshness and protection against body odor. Ideal for use on a daily basis, during exercise or other physical activities, and in hot and humid environments. Experience the benefits of natural deodorant with the Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick and enjoy long-lasting freshness and protection without compromising your health or the environment. Order your Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick today!..
21.67 USD
Puralpina deodorant cream mint 50 ml
Dezodorantna krema proti neprijetnemu vonju po znoju. Da, o tem je neprijetno govoriti. Ampak zdaj moramo skozi to. Neprijeten vonj znoja je moteč. Ne samo prizadeta oseba, ampak tudi ljudje okoli nje. Na srečo obstajajo deodoranti, ki zanesljivo pomagajo proti močnemu vonju po znoju. Ni vam treba mašiti por z aluminijevimi solmi. Obstaja še en način. DEODORANT ALI ANTIPERSPIRANT? Pogovorno skoraj ne ločimo med dezodorantom in antiperspirantom, vendar obstaja pomembna razlika. Cilj antiperspiranta je zaviranje lokalnega potenja. Zamašitev por z aluminijevimi solmi preprečuje uhajanje znoja na površino kože. Dezodorant pa z nevtralizirajočimi snovmi in dišavami preprečuje neprijeten vonj potu. Dezodoranti pogosto ne vsebujejo aluminijevih soli.ZANESLJIVA ZAŠČITANaša dezodorantna krema je deodorant in ne antiperspirant. Ne poskušamo zaustaviti vašega potenja, temveč z dezodorantom preprečimo nastanek slabega in neprijetnega vonja po znoju. Naše deodorantne kreme delujejo zanesljivo. Zakaj to vemo? Zdaj postaja osebno: to smo preizkusili na sebi, naših zaposlenih, družinah in prijateljih. In iskreno, res deluje. KAKO DELUJE ZAŠČITA V NAŠI DEO KREMI? Naše 100-odstotno naravne dezodorantne kreme imajo zelo nežen vonj. Po uporabi ne boste dišali po šopku rož ali steklenički parfuma. Vonja po znoju torej ne poskušajmo prekriti z drugimi vonjavami. V naših deodorantih boste našli sodo bikarbono in cinkov oksid. Soda bikarbona nevtralizira vonjave in kisline ter veže vlago. Cinkov oksid je vpojen in zavira rast kožnih mikrobov, ki povzročajo neprijeten vonj. Ustrezna mešanica teh surovin zagotavlja zanesljivo zaščito pred vonjem po znoju. Zaščitimo vas pred neprijetnimi vonjavami, ne da bi zaustavili vaše naravno potenje. KAKO UPORABLJAM DEO KREMO? Izdelujemo dezodorantne kreme. Brez dezodorantnih valjčkov, dezodorantnih paličic ali dezodorantnih razpršil. Naše 100% naravne dezodorantne kreme s prsti nanesete direktno na pazduhe in jih na kratko vtrete. Naše dezodorantne kreme so zelo učinkovite. Majhna konica prsta na pazduho je dovolj, da vas ves dan zaščiti pred neprijetnim vonjem potu. ZAKAJ NAŠE DEO KREME? Zakaj bi morali uporabljati naše ročno izdelane dezodorante? Za to imamo dva pomembna razloga: Razlog številka 1. Ker vas zanesljivo ščitijo pred neprijetnim vonjem po znoju. Razlog številka 2 Poglejte sestavine. Brez dodatkov in brez kompromisov. Uporabljamo le naravne, trajnostne in neškodljive surovine. V naših deodorantih ne boste našli nobenih umetnih konzervansov, dišav ali barvil. Prav tako brez aluminija, alkohola, palmovega olja, mikroplastike ali parafinov. Uporabljamo čim več lokalnih sestavin. Namesto karitejevega masla, kokosovega olja ali aloe vere raje uporabimo čebelji vosek, ognjičevo in sončnično olje. Razlog številka 3. Naše dezodorantne kreme so zelo učinkovite. Pri vsakodnevni uporabi 15 ml kozarec zdrži približno 1 do 2 meseca, 50 ml pa celo 4 do 5 mesecev. PROIZVODNJA NAŠIH DEODORANTOV Naše kreme za dezodorante so ročno izdelane in 100 % naravne. Deodorante izdelujemo z veliko srčnosti, skrbnosti in strasti v naših proizvodnih obratih v Frutigenu v Bernskem gorju. Uporabljamo čim več lokalnih sestavin. V naših naravnih izdelkih so uporabljene samo 100 % naravne, trajnostne in neškodljive surovine. Ne uporabljamo nobenih umetnih konzervansov, dišav ali barvil. Brez parafinov, parabenov, palmovega olja, mikroplastike ali podobnega. Ročno izdelano iz regionalnih surovin in brez dodatkov. Za nas to ni nič novega. V tem smo pionirji. Nismo preskočili nobenega trenda. Pomagali smo ga ustvariti. Po teh principih izdelujemo že od leta 1992.DEO KREMA BERGAMOCITRUS NOTERzanesljiva zaščita pred neprijetnim vonjem po potu. To vam ponuja ta 100 % naravni dezodorant. Skrbno ročno izdelano v naših proizvodnih obratih v Frutigenu v Bernskem Gorju z uporabo številnih lokalnih sestavin. Naša dezodorantna krema vas ves dan ohranja prijetno sveže in poskrbi, da ne nastaja neprijeten telesni vonj. Naravno eterično olje bergamotke daje temu dezodorantu blago, a osvežujočo citrusno noto. Ne želimo ustaviti vašega naravnega potenja. Zato je tudi naša deodorantna krema deodorant in ne antiperspirant. Zanesljivo preprečuje neprijeten vonj po znoju, ne da bi vam zaprl pore z aluminijevimi solmi. To ohranja zdravo znojenje in s tem vašo naravno regulacijsko funkcijo kože.DEO KREMA SIVKA OPOMINJA NA PROVANSO Ta 100-odstotni naravni dezodorant vam nudi zanesljivo zaščito pred neprijetnim vonjem po znoju. Ohranja prijetno svežino ves dan in preprečuje nastajanje neprijetnih telesnih vonjav. Naravno eterično olje sivke daje temu deodorantu blago cvetlično noto. Dezodorantna krema je skrbno ročno izdelana v naših proizvodnih prostorih v Frutigenu v Bernskem gorju z uporabo številnih švicarskih surovin. Ne želimo ustaviti vašega naravnega znojenja in s tem vaše naravne funkcije uravnavanja kože. Zato je tudi naša deodorantna krema deodorant in ne antiperspirant. Zanesljivo preprečuje neprijeten vonj po znoju, ne da bi zaprla vaše pore z aluminijevimi solmi. DEO KREMA MINTSKEGA, A BLAGAZanesljiva zaščita pred neprijetnim vonjem po znoju. Ta 100-odstotno naravni deodorant vam nudi zanesljivo zaščito pred neprijetnim telesnim vonjem. Ves dan vas ohranja prijetno sveže. Naravno eterično olje mete daje temu deodorantu subtilen, a svež pridih. Dezodorantna krema je skrbno ročno izdelana z uporabo številnih švicarskih surovin v naših proizvodnih obratih v Frutigenu v Bernskem Oberlandu. Ne želimo ustaviti vaše naravne funkcije uravnavanja kože in potenja. Zato je tudi naša dezodorantna krema deodorant in ne antiperspirant. Naš dezodorant zanesljivo preprečuje neprijeten vonj po znoju, ne da bi zaprl vaše pore z aluminijevimi solmi. Skratka: potite se, a ne dišite. DEO KREMA NATURE BREZ VONJA brez parfumov; zanesljiva zaščita pred neprijetnim vonjem znoja. Za posebej občutljivo kožo ali če preprosto ne marate vonjav. Ta 100-odstotno naravni deodorant vam nudi zanesljivo zaščito pred neprijetnim telesnim vonjem. Ves dan vas ohranja prijetno sveže. Dezodorantna krema je skrbno ročno izdelana z uporabo številnih švicarskih surovin v naših proizvodnih obratih v Frutigenu v Bernskem Oberlandu. Ne želimo ustaviti vaše naravne funkcije uravnavanja kože in potenja. Zato je tudi naša deodorantna krema deodorant in ne antiperspirant. Naš dezodorant zanesljivo preprečuje neprijeten vonj po znoju, ne da bi zaprl vaše pore z aluminijevimi solmi. Če povzamemo: potiš se, a ne dišiš.#BREZ ALKOHOLA#BREZ PARABENOV#BREZ SILIKONA#NARAVNAKOZMETIKA#BREZ PARAFINOV#BREZ GLICERINA#NI TESTIRANO NA ŽIVALIH#BREZ DODATKOV#BREZ MINERALNIH OLJ SESTAVINE#STOODSTOTNO NARAVNE#BREZ DIŠAV#BREZ ALUMINA#BREZ DIŠAV#BREZ MIKROPLASTIKE#ŠVICARSKE ZNAMKE#BREZ BARVIL#BREZ KONZERVANSOVSestavineBrez dodatkov, Brez mikroplastike, Naravna kozmetika, Brez alkohola, Brez aluminija, Brez dišav, Brez barvil, Brez glicerina, Brez sestavin na osnovi mineralnih olj , Brez konzervansov, Brez parabenov, Brez parafina, Brez parfumov, Brez silikona, OneHundredPercentNatural, SwissBrand, brez krutosti. ..
31.68 USD
Speick men deo stick 40 ml
Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml Say goodbye to unpleasant body odors with Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml - a natural and effective deodorant stick made especially for men. Formulated with high-quality herbal ingredients, it provides long-lasting protection against sweat and odor while keeping you fresh and confident all day long. 100% Natural Ingredients Unlike other deodorants that contain harsh chemicals and aluminum, Speick Men Deo Stick is made from 100% natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin and body. It contains a blend of organic sage, witch hazel, and horsetail extracts that help regulate sweat production and neutralize odor-causing bacteria. Gentle Formula This deodorant stick is gentle on the skin and does not contain any synthetic fragrances, colors, or preservatives. It's ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin, as it's free from alcohol and parabens. Easy to Use Speick Men Deo Stick is super easy to use. Simply apply it directly to clean, dry armpits and enjoy long-lasting protection from sweat and odor. Its compact size makes it perfect for on-the-go use, making it easy for you to stay fresh and confident all day long. Extra Benefits Speick Men Deo Stick has several extra benefits that make it unique among other deodorants. It's vegan and cruelty-free, and its packaging is made from sustainable materials, making it an eco-friendly choice. Moreover, its scent is refreshing and masculine, giving you a natural and long-lasting fragrance that's perfect for any occasion. Conclusion Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml is an all-natural, gentle, and effective deodorant stick designed specifically for men. With its long-lasting protection against sweat and odor and eco-friendly packaging, it's an excellent choice for conscious consumers looking for a reliable and natural deodorant. Get your hands on Speick Men Deo Stick today and say goodbye to body odors forever! ..
10.98 USD
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