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Dobrodošli na, vašem zaupanja vrednem viru izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto iz Švice, ki so posebej prilagojeni vaši prebavi. Naša zbirka obsega vse od zdravstvenih izdelkov, izdelkov za podporo prebavi in ​​presnovi, encimov, različnih pripravkov do izdelkov v kategoriji drugih terapevtskih izdelkov. Izboljšajte svoje zdravje z našimi naravnimi zdravili, homeopatskimi izdelki, prehranskimi dopolnili in kombiniranimi izdelki, ki ohranjajo zdrav prebavni trakt in pomagajo pri presnovi. Ponujamo rešitve za vse v družini – s posebnimi kategorijami, namenjenimi dojenčkom, otrokom ter prehrani za dojenčke in otroke, vključno s posebnim čajem za otroke. Odkrijte naš izbor pijač, čajev in izdelkov naše predstavljene blagovne znamke Dixa. Raziščite naš razdelek z živili za izdelke za prehrano in hujšanje, tečaje/prehranska dopolnila, odvajala in druge specializacije, kot je fitoterapija. Poskrbeli smo za vas z našim oddelkom za čaj/kavo/pijače in vrsto sadnih in zeliščnih čajnih mešanic, ki so popolne za prebavo. Prizadevamo si pomagati vašemu zdravju na naraven način, spodbujati zdravje črevesja in razstrupljanje z veganskimi izdelki brez glutena, pomagati krepiti delovanje vašega imunskega sistema, zdravje kože in še veliko več. Prebrskajte zdaj in odkrijte najboljše zdravstvene izdelke iz Švice za prebavo na
Activomin 20 capsules

Activomin 20 capsules

Koda izdelka: 7810028

Helps with pollution of the body, diarrhea and aftercare of gastroenteric diseases - holiday diarrhea. Compendium patient information Activomin® ebi-pharm agMedical device What is Activomin and when is it used? The humic acids WH67® contained in Activomin are not resorbed. They have an adsorptive, slightly astringent effect and support the growth of bacteria with positive properties on the entire organism. Activomin is a medical product in capsule form for use in the following gastroenterological symptoms: acts against non-specific diarrheaimproves gastroenterological symptoms, e.g. abdominal pain, flatulence, feeling of fullness, wind loss and diarrhea in cystectomy due to bladder carcinoma when taken pre- and postoperativelyreduces stress in the Gastrointestinal tract from non-physiological substances in exposed persons, e.g. from pesticides. What should be considered? Do not use Activomin within 2 hours Take medication (especially hormones, chemotherapeutics) and dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals) because the binding properties of the humic acids impair their effects and interactions could occur. The effect of Activomin could also fail to appear or, in the very unlikely case, the effect of the medication could be increased. It should be noted that Activomin is not suitable for relieving constipation (blockage). When should Activomin not be taken or only with caution? In the case of hypersensitivity to humic acids. How do you use Activomin? The following information applies unless otherwise specified. How and when should you take Activomin? Activomin is used unopened as a capsule by users and patients older than 6 years, primarily on the recommendation of doctors, naturopaths ( therapists) and pharmacists. It can be taken in the hospital, in the practice, on the go or at home. Activomin is preferably taken unchewed as a capsule with sufficient liquid, e.g. water or tea, before, during or after a meal. If required, the capsule can also be opened for consumption and the contents suspended in water or tea or given directly over the meal. It is important to ensure that the capsule is emptied as completely as possible. The capsule shell is only used for easier dosing of the humic acids WH67® and has no influence on the intended purpose of the medical device. A combination with probiotics is possible. How often, how long and in what amount should you take Activomin? Preoperative: Adults should take 3× 2 capsules at least Recommended 5 days before the planned operation. If symptoms occur - diarrhoea/exposure to pollutants: Adults are recommended to take 2 capsules 3 times a day for the first 10 days. After that, e.g. 1 capsule 3 times a day should be taken until the symptoms subside (maximum 20 days without a break).For children over 6 years of age, it is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day for the first 10 days . After that, e.g. 1 capsule 3 times a day should be taken until the symptoms subside (maximum 20 days).If you have problems taking it, e.g. stomach problems, the initial dose should be reduced to 1× 1 to 2× 1 capsules. The dosage can then be increased, e.g. weekly. Notes on use After a short waiting period to observe the body's reaction, the treatment can be continued repeated occurrence of the symptoms can be repeated with an individual dosage. The dosage should be adapted to the respective needs and take place in consultation with the doctor/therapist. The medical product should be taken continuously for a maximum of 30 days (cure). After that, a break is recommended. What to do if you take too much Activomin (intentionally or accidentally)? Overdosing on Activomin can, in very rare cases, lead to constipation. What should you do if you don't take enough Activomin or if you miss a dose? If you have missed a dose of Activomin, take it as soon as possible you think about it. After that, continue taking Activomin at the usual time. What side effects can Activomin have? It has been observed very rarely that Activomin can increase or even trigger constipation in sensitive people. This danger can be minimized by reducing the dose, e.g. 1× 1 capsule of Activomin/d. If constipation occurs, the initial state can be restored by discontinuing the product. It has also been observed very rarely that the intake can lead to a short-term increase in diarrhea. This can be desirable in terms of eliminating stressful factors. The diarrhea should subside after 2 days at the latest. A dose reduction, e.g. to half the recommended dose, can help to avoid very rare initial diarrhea. If the product is discontinued, the initial state is restored. What else needs to be considered? The expiry date of the medical device is printed on the folding box and the inner packaging (blister). Do not use Activomin beyond the printed expiry date. Keep Activomin out of the reach and sight of children. What does Activomin contain? 1 capsule contains 400 mg natural humic acids WH67®. The capsule shell is made of cellulose colored with natural chlorophyll. Additional information: No preservatives, no animal ingredients, free of gelatine, lactose, gluten, iodine and cholesterol. Suitable for diabetics. Where can you get Activomin? What packs are available? Pack of 60 and 120 capsules. Sales company ebi-vital, 3038 Kirchlindach. Manufacturer Pharmawerk Weinböhla GmbH, D-01689 Weinböhla. Status of information February 2016. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

30.20 USD

Biosana d (+) galaktoza v prahu 400 g

Biosana d (+) galaktoza v prahu 400 g

Koda izdelka: 5413089

Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder 400 g Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder is a dietary supplement that provides a natural source of D-galactose, a simple sugar that is not found in regular table sugar. D-galactose is known to have numerous health benefits, such as improving cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and aiding in the prevention of certain chronic diseases. Key Features 100% natural D-galactose powder 400 g of powder per container Free from preservatives, additives, and fillers Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan Easy to mix with smoothies, oats, coffee or any food or drink of your choice Benefits Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder offers numerous benefits to overall health and well-being including: Improved cognitive function- D-galactose is a precursor to galactosemia. It helps in maintaining brain function Reduced inflammation - D-galactose has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body that can lead to chronic diseases Improved digestion - D-galactose aids in the breakdown of lactose in the body. It also promotes healthy digestion and gut health Enhanced immune function - D-galactose promotes the production of certain immune cells in the body, which can help boost overall immunity How to Use Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder can be consumed on its own or mixed with your favourite food or drink. A suggested serving size is 1 teaspoon, which provides approximately 3 grams of D-galactose. It is recommended to start with a smaller serving size and gradually increase to avoid any digestive discomfort. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a healthcare practitioner before using if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children...

153.97 USD

Combizym 60 dražejev

Combizym 60 dražejev

Koda izdelka: 7802464

Kaj je Combizym in kdaj se uporablja? Combizym je kombinacija rastlinskih encimov in encimov trebušne slinavke. Podpira lastne encime telesa, potrebne za prebavo vseh živil. S tem preprečimo ali ublažimo prebavne motnje.Combizym je dvostopenjski pripravek, kar pomeni, da se encimi, ki jih vsebuje, sproščajo v dveh fazah na mestu, kjer so najbolj učinkoviti:Faza 1Rastlinski encimski koncentrat iz Aspergillus oryzae razvije svojo aktivnost v želodcu kmalu po zaužitju. Proteaze razgrajujejo prehranske beljakovine, amilaze sprožijo razgradnjo hrane, bogate z ogljikovimi hidrati, celulaze pa zmanjšajo napenjanje z razgradnjo rastlinskih strukturnih snovi, ki so v zgodnji fazi težko prebavljive.2.faza p>V črevesju začnejo delovati encimi trebušne slinavke. Podpirajo razgradnjo hrane z nadaljnjo razgradnjo beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov, lipaze pa poskrbijo za nebolečo prebavo maščob.Combizym uporabljamo za preprečevanje in zdravljenje prebavnih težav, predvsem po težko prebavljivi in ​​mastni hrani oz. nezadostno žvečenje, pa tudi nespecifične prebavne motnje, kot so vetrovi, napenjanje in riganje. Katere previdnostne ukrepe je treba upoštevati? Za podporo zdravljenju in izboljšanje počutja priporočamo, da svoj dnevni vnos hrane razdelite na več manjših obrokov.Če simptomi trajajo dlje časa, obiščite zdravnika. Kdaj zdravila Combizym ne smete jemati jemljete/uporabljate? Ne jemljite zdravila Combizym, če imate znano alergijo na svinjino ali izvlečke Aspergillus.Kot vsi pripravki, ki vsebujejo pankreatin, tudi zdravila Combizym ne smete jemati v zgodnjih fazah akutnem pankreatitisu in pri akutnih napadih (nenadno poslabšanje) kroničnega pankreatitisa. Kdaj morate biti previdni pri jemanju/uporabi zdravila Combizym? Na splošno mora prebavne težave pri otrocih, mlajših od 12 let, vedno pregledati zdravnik. Otroci in mladostniki smejo zdravilo Combizym jemati le, če vam ga predpiše zdravnik.Obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta, če▪ imate druge bolezni ,▪Imate alergije ali▪Jemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami!)!Ena tableta zdravila Combizym vsebuje 107,2 mg saharoze. Prosimo, da Combizym® ​​​​vzamete le po posvetu z zdravnikom, če veste, da imate intoleranco za sladkor.To zdravilo vsebuje manj kot 1 mmol natrija (23 mg) na tableto, kar pomeni, da je skoraj "natrij" -brezplačno”. Ali se zdravilo Combizym lahko jemlje/uporablja med nosečnostjo ali med dojenjem? Encimi, ki jih vsebuje Combizym, so učinkoviti samo v prebavilih. Ne prehajajo v kri ali materino mleko.Na podlagi prejšnjih izkušenj ni znanega tveganja za otroka, če se uporablja v skladu z navodili. Vendar pa sistematične znanstvene študije niso bile nikoli izvedene. Iz previdnosti se med nosečnostjo in dojenjem, če je mogoče, izogibajte jemanju zdravil ali se za nasvet posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kako uporabljate Combizym? Odrasli in otroci običajno vzamejo 1 tableto za preprečevanje prebavnih težav- 2 tableti med ali takoj po obrokov.Za zdravljenje prebavnih težav lahko vzamemo 1-2 dražeja tudi po pojavu simptomov.Uporaba in varnost pri otrocih in mladostnikih še nista sistematično testirani, kar je zakaj naj Combizym jemljejo otroci in mladostniki le, če vam je to izrecno predpisal zdravnik.Tablete pogoltnite cele z malo tekočine.Po potrebi vam lahko zdravnik predpiše tudi višje odmerka.Držite se odmerka, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali vam ga je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Katere neželene učinke lahko povzroči zdravilo Combizym imate? Pri jemanju zdravila Combizym se lahko pojavijo naslednji neželeni učinki:Redki (pojavijo se pri 1 do 10 uporabnikih v 10.000)Prebavne motnje.Alergijske reakcije dihal in kože, tudi pri ljudeh, ki pridejo v stik s plesnijo pri delu. Zelo redki (pojavijo se pri manj kot 1 od 10.000 uporabnikov)Alergijske reakcije prebavnega trakta po jemanju pankreatina, nastanek specifičnih zožitev v debelem črevesu območju po jemanju velikih odmerkov pankreatina pri bolnikih s cistično fibrozo.Alergijske reakcije, kot so kožni izpuščaj, kihanje, solzenje, zasoplost zaradi bronhialnega spazma.Če opazite katerikoli neželeni učinek, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. To še posebej velja za neželene učinke, ki niso navedeni v tem navodilu. Na kaj je treba še upoštevati? Zdravilo je uporabno le do datuma, ki je na embalaži označen z »EXP«.Uporabite.Navodila za shranjevanjeHraniti v sobi temperatura (15-25°C).Hraniti izven dosega OTROK.Več informacijVaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali lekarnar vam lahko zagotovi dodatne informacije. Kaj vsebuje zdravilo Combizym? 1 obložena tableta vsebuje:Aktivne sestavinePankreatin, ki vsebuje: lipazo 7400 Ph. Eur. E.; Proteaza 420 Ph. Eur. E.; Amilaza 7000 Ph. Eur. E.Suhi izvleček Aspergillus oryzae, ki vsebuje: Cellulase 70 FIP-E.; Proteaza 10 FIP-E.; Amilaza 170 FIP-E.Pomožne snoviSaharoza, smukec, mikrokristalna celuloza, natrijeva kroskarmeloza (izdelana iz gensko spremenjenega bombaža), metakrilna kislina-etil akrilat kopolimer (1:1) disperzija 30%, poliakrilatna disperzija 30%, kalcijev karbonat, povidon (K 25), titanov dioksid, glicerol 85%, arabski gumi, koloidni silicijev dioksid, trietil citrat, magnezijev stearat, makrogol 8.000, emulzija simetikona, makrogol 35.000, glukozni sirup, hipromeloza, kalcijev laktat pentahidrat, karnauba vosek, sorbinska kislina (E200). Številka odobritve 15724 (Swissmedic). Kje lahko dobite Combizym? Katera pakiranja so na voljo? Combizym dobite v lekarnah in lekarnah brez zdravniškega recepta.Pakiranje po 60 dražejev. Imetnik dovoljenja Bridging Pharma GmbH, 8807 Freienbach.  ..

41.21 USD

Everydays flat belly enzym verdauung kaps

Everydays flat belly enzym verdauung kaps

Koda izdelka: 1000703

EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps is a natural nutritional supplement specially formulated for people who want to achieve a flat tummy and improve digestion. This product contains enzymes that support the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are essential for a healthy digestive system. By providing digestive support, this formulation can help relieve discomfort caused by overindulging in heavy, fatty and acidic meals. What sets EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps apart from other digestive supplements is its unique blend of digestive enzymes, including bromelain (from pineapple), papain (from papaya), protease, amylase, and lipase. These enzymes are known for their ability to help break down food particles, aiding in the digestion of complex macro-nutrients found in certain foods such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The enzymes in EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps work synergistically to promote digestive comfort and nutrient absorption. This formulation also contains potent probiotic strains designed to support healthy gut flora, which is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and immune health. For best results, take one capsule before every meal. This product is suitable for vegetarians and free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Try EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps today and improve your digestive health while achieving a flatter tummy. ..

101.80 USD

Kreon mikropeleti glasfl 20 g

Kreon mikropeleti glasfl 20 g

Koda izdelka: 5870817

Lastnosti mikro mikropelet Creon Glasfl 20 gAnatomska terapevtska kemikalija (АТС): A09AA02Učinkovina: A09AA02Temp. skladiščenja min/max 15 /25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 1 gTeža: 48g Dolžina: 42mm Širina: 39mm Višina: 67 mm Kupite mikropelete Creon Glasfl 20 g na spletu iz Švice..

59.03 USD

Lacdigest kautabl ds 100 kos

Lacdigest kautabl ds 100 kos

Koda izdelka: 5827833

Značilnosti Lacdigest Kautabl Ds 100 kosovAnatomska terapevtska kemikalija (АТС): A09AA04Temp. shranjevanja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 100 kosovTeža: 51g Dolžina: 50mm Širina: 50mm Višina: 72mm Kupite Lacdigest Kautabl Ds 100 kosov na spletu iz Švice..

63.95 USD

Mikrosan konz 1000 ml

Mikrosan konz 1000 ml

Koda izdelka: 6298348

MiKROSan Composition Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, thyme, Grapefruit, rosehip, elderberry, angelica, sage, raspberry leaves, ginger, pineapple, blueberries, ling zhi, olive leaves, oregano, rosemary, red bush, black cumin seeds, peppermint, anise, basil, dill, fennel, liquorice, red clover. Properties To maintain healthy digestion. Due to the many ingredients, interactions are possible. Application Take 50 ml of concentrate pure or in water daily. ..

81.34 USD

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