Nastavljiva opornica za koleno
(1 strani)
3m futuro bandaža za koleno s prilagodljivo tračnico za stranske sklepe
3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is a high-quality knee support that provides excellent stability and support to your knee joint. It is designed to help alleviate knee pain and swelling caused by sports injuries, arthritis, or other conditions. This knee bandage features a lateral joint rail that adapts to your knee's shape, providing targeted support and stability to your knee joint. The rail is designed to support lateral movements, providing excellent support to your knee joint during activities that require side-to-side movement. The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is made of high-quality materials that provide superior comfort and durability. Its soft neoprene blend allows for a comfortable fit, while its durable construction ensures long-lasting use. This knee bandage is easy to use and can be worn all day without causing any discomfort or irritation. Its adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit according to your needs, providing a secure and comfortable fit that stays in place no matter what activity you engage in. The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is ideal for athletes or individuals who engage in high-impact activities, such as running, soccer, basketball or skiing. It is also suitable for individuals who suffer from knee pain or swelling caused by arthritis, tendinitis or other conditions. Overall, the 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a high-quality knee support that provides stability, support, and comfort. So, make a smart choice, and order this knee bandage today to alleviate your knee pain and enjoy your daily activities without any limitations!..
117.68 USD
Aktivna podpora genupoint gr2 titanium
GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium If you're looking for a high-quality knee brace that provides support and protection during physical activity, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is the perfect choice for you. Designed with the latest technology and materials, this knee brace will give you the support you need to perform your best and avoid injury. Benefits: Provides support and protection during physical activity Adjustable to fit a wide range of knee sizes Made with Gr2 Titanium, a lightweight and durable material Helps relieve pain and reduce swelling in the knee area Can be worn during sports, exercise, or other physical activities The GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is designed to be comfortable and easy to wear, with a lightweight, breathable design that will keep you cool and dry during your workouts. The adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit to your particular needs, ensuring maximum support and comfort. This knee brace is made with Gr2 Titanium, a high-quality material that is both lightweight and durable. This means that you can wear it during even the most strenuous activities without worrying about it breaking or wearing down over time. If you're dealing with knee pain or swelling, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium can help. Its supportive design helps to relieve pain and reduce swelling, allowing you to stay active and avoid further injury. Whether you're an athlete or just someone who wants to stay active and healthy, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is the perfect choice for you. So why wait? Order yours today and start enjoying the benefits of this high-quality knee brace!..
74.85 USD
Bort active colour opornica za koleno l + 37 cm črna
Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm Black The Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm Black is the perfect product for people who have knee injuries and need extra support during physical activities. It is designed to provide maximum stability and pain relief to injured knees. This product is made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and effectiveness. Features: Size: L (37cm) Color: Black Provide maximum stability to injured knees Made with high-quality materials to ensure effectiveness and durability Adjustable strap for a personalized fit Can be used during sports and other physical activities Machine washable and easy to maintain Benefits: The Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm Black provides several benefits for people with knee injuries. It stabilizes the injured knee and reduces pain during physical activities. The adjustable strap ensures a personalized fit and helps to keep the brace in place. It is easy to maintain and can be machine washed for convenience. Who can use it? The Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm Black is ideal for people who have knee injuries, such as sprains, strains, and ligament tears. It can also be used by athletes who want to protect their knees during sports activities. This product is suitable for both men and women. Conclusion: The Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm Black is an excellent product for people with knee injuries who need extra support during physical activities. It is durable, effective, and easy to maintain. The adjustable strap ensures a personalized fit and maximum stability for the injured knee. This product is highly recommended for anyone who wants to protect their knees while staying active...
46.92 USD
Cellacare genu classic gr2
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 je opornica za koleno, zasnovana za podporo in stabilizacijo posameznikom, ki imajo bolečine v kolenu ali poškodbe, kot so zvini, nategi ali artritis. Ta opornica je izdelana iz visokokakovostnih materialov, ki zagotavljajo največje udobje in vzdržljivost ter zagotavljajo, da jo lahko uporabniki nosijo dlje časa, ne da bi občutili nelagodje ali draženje. Ta naramnica je zasnovana z lahko konstrukcijo, ki omogoča enostavno nošenje in premikanje, obenem pa zagotavlja varno in stabilno prileganje. Genu Classic Gr2 ima tudi nastavljive trakove, ki uporabnikom omogočajo prilagajanje prileganja in stopnje kompresije glede na njihove posebne potrebe in želje. Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 je vsestranska opornica za koleno, ki se lahko uporablja za številne dejavnosti, vključno s športom, vadbo in vsakodnevno uporabo. Primeren je tudi za posameznike, ki so prestali operacijo kolena ali okrevajo po poškodbi. Druge ključne značilnosti Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 vključujejo: Mehak pleten material, udoben za nošenje Anatomsko prileganje, ki se prilagaja obliki kolena Odprta oblika pogačice, ki razbremeni pritisk na kolensko čašico Na voljo v različnih velikostih za različne tipe postave Če iščete visokokakovostno kolensko opornico, ki vam lahko pomaga pri obvladovanju bolečine ali poškodbe kolena, je Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 odlična izbira. S svojo lahko konstrukcijo, prilagodljivim prileganjem in udobno zasnovo bo ta opornica zagotovila podporo in stabilizacijo, ki jo potrebujete, da ostanete aktivni in zdravi. ..
62.64 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft plus s2
Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 je visokokakovosten izdelek, razvit za zagotavljanje medicinske podpore in stabilnosti vašega kolena v primeru poškodbe ali med telesno aktivnostjo. Ta opora za koleno, oblikovana z najsodobnejšo tehnologijo in vrhunskimi materiali, je idealna za ljudi z blagimi do zmernimi bolečinami v kolenu, nestabilnostjo ali športnimi poškodbami. Funkcije in prednosti: Aktivna podpora za kolenski sklep za lajšanje bolečin in zagotavljanje stabilnosti Mehak in zračen material za večje udobje skozi ves dan Lahka oblika za neomejeno gibanje in enostavno uporabo Anatomska konstrukcija s silikonskim obročem za optimalen oprijem in porazdelitev pritiska Nastavljivi trakovi za prilagojeno prileganje in maksimalno podporo Enostaven za nošenje in prilagajanje za vsakodnevno uporabo, šport ali rehabilitacijo Podrobnosti o izdelku: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 je izdelan iz visokokakovostne mešanice materialov, ki zagotavljajo optimalno podporo in zračnost. Notranja plast je izdelana iz mehkega in elastičnega materiala, ki se prilagaja obliki vašega kolena, zunanja plast pa je izdelana iz trpežne in zračne tkanine, ki zagotavlja maksimalen pretok zraka in odvajanje vlage. Integriran silikonski obroč zagotavlja dodatno podporo in enakomerno porazdeli pritisk, kar zmanjša tveganje za poškodbe ali nelagodje. Nastavljivi trakovi omogočajo prilagojeno prileganje, medtem ko lahka oblika zagotavlja optimalno udobje in mobilnost. Uporaba: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 je primeren za različne vrste bolečin v kolenu, nestabilnost, športne poškodbe in pooperativno nego. Lahko ga nosite med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi, športom ali rehabilitacijo. Pred uporabo tega izdelka se posvetujte s svojim zdravnikom ali zdravstvenim delavcem, zlasti če imate že obstoječo poškodbo ali zdravstveno stanje. Navodila za nego: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 lahko perete ročno z blagim milom in vodo pri temperaturi pod 40°C. Ne uporabljajte belila ali mehčalca. Temeljito sperite in pustite, da se posuši na zraku. Ne izpostavljajte neposredni sončni svetlobi ali virom toplote. Ne uporabljajte, če je poškodovan ali če ste alergični na katerokoli sestavino. Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Izberite Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 za optimalno podporo, udobje in mobilnost za vaše koleno...
130.75 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft s
DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S je visokokakovosten izdelek za podporo kolenom, zasnovan za maksimalno udobje in podporo vašim kolenom med fizičnimi aktivnostmi. Ta opora za kolena je izdelana iz zračne, mehke tkanine, ki omogoča udobno prileganje, kot nalašč za tiste, ki imajo težave s koleni ali potrebujejo dodatno podporo med fizičnimi aktivnostmi. Oporo za kolena je enostavno namestiti in sleči, z nastavljivimi trakovi za prilagojeno prileganje. Opora ima tudi silikonski obroč, ki zagotavlja dodatno podporo okoli kolenskega sklepa, pomaga pri stabilizaciji in preprečevanju poškodb med aktivnostmi, kot so tek, tek ali vadba. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S je idealen izdelek za športnike, fitnes navdušence ali posameznike, ki potrebujejo dodatno podporo za kolena. Opora je primerna tudi za posameznike, ki okrevajo po operaciji ali poškodbi kolena, saj pomaga pospešiti proces celjenja in preprečiti nadaljnje poškodbe. Nekatere ključne značilnosti DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S vključujejo: Zračna, mehka tkanina za maksimalno udobje Nastavljivi trakovi za prilagojeno prileganje Silikonski obroč za dodatno podporo okoli kolenskega sklepa Primerno za posameznike s težavami s koleni Idealno za športnike, fitnes navdušence ali tiste, ki okrevajo po operaciji kolena Na splošno je DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S odličen izdelek za podporo kolenom, ki zagotavlja maksimalno udobje in podporo vašim kolenom med fizičnimi aktivnostmi. S svojo zračno, mehko tkanino in nastavljivo zasnovo je ta opora za kolena idealna izbira za vsakogar, ki želi zmanjšati bolečine v kolenu in preprečiti poškodbe med fizičnimi aktivnostmi. ..
71.64 USD
Genutrain active nosilec s silikonsko perlo gr4 titan
GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan Introducing the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan, the perfect product for those who suffer from knee pain and discomfort! This high-quality knee support is designed to provide optimal comfort, support, and stability to help you stay active and on-the-go. The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is made using high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. The silicone bead technology featured in the knee support ensures that you get the perfect fit and maximum support without compromising on comfort. The integrated stays support the knee and promote proper alignment and stability throughout your activities. This knee support is designed with an anatomical shape that fits comfortably and snugly around your knee. The breathable knit fabric allows for optimal ventilation, preventing excess heat and moisture buildup, ensuring a comfortable fit even during extended use. Whether you are out for a run, playing sports, or simply going about your daily routine, this knee support is the perfect companion for your knees. One of the standout features of the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is its easy-to-use design. This knee support slips on easily and is adjustable, allowing for a customized fit every time you wear it. This product comes in a size that fits most, with size adjustments possible to ensure the perfect fit for you. The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is perfect for anyone looking to reduce knee pain and discomfort or support recovering knees. With its durable, high-quality design and adjustable fit, this knee support provides optimal stability, support, and comfort. With regular use, it can help you stay active and healthy while protecting your knees from everyday wear and tear. ..
159.79 USD
Genutrain p3 aktivni povoj velikosti 5 levi titan
GenuTrain P3 Active Support Gr5 Left Titan The GenuTrain P3 Active Support Gr5 Left Titan is a medical-grade knee brace designed to provide relief from knee pain and discomfort caused by various knee conditions such as patellar tracking disorder, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and chondromalacia. This knee support is specifically designed for the left leg and is made from high-quality materials to ensure maximum comfort and durability. Features and Benefits: Medical-grade knee support specifically designed for left knee Provides relief for various knee conditions such as patellar tracking disorder, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and chondromalacia Made from high-quality and durable materials for maximum comfort and longevity of use Features an innovative 3-point pad design that helps to distribute pressure evenly across the knee joint, reducing pain and discomfort Adjustable strap system ensures a comfortable and secure fit, allowing for a full range of motion without compromising support Constructed with breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics, preventing the build-up of sweat and providing a comfortable, dry wear How to Use: The GenuTrain P3 Active Support Gr5 Left Titan is simple and easy to use. Simply slide the brace up your left leg and position it over your knee joint with the pad directly over the affected area. Then, use the adjustable straps to secure the brace in place, ensuring a comfortable and snug fit. You can wear the brace throughout the day, during physical activity or even while sleeping, depending on what your doctor recommends. Conclusion: If you're looking for a high-quality and effective knee support that can help relieve pain and discomfort caused by various knee conditions, the GenuTrain P3 Active Support Gr5 Left Titan is an excellent choice. Designed specifically for the left knee, this medical-grade knee brace features an innovative 3-point pad design, adjustable straps, and breathable fabrics to maximize comfort and support. Order yours today!..
193.28 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr2 povezuje titan
GenuTrain S Aktivbandage Gr2 links titan Looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace that lets you stay active? The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is the perfect solution. Designed specifically for people with mild to moderate knee pain or instability, this knee brace features a unique blend of compression and support that helps you manage your symptoms while still staying active and enjoying your favorite sports and activities. The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable to wear and easy to clean, so you can rely on your brace day in and day out. The open patella design and soft viscoelastic pads provide extra support and cushioning where you need it most, while the breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry even during intense exercise or activity. With a secure and adjustable fit and a range of sizes to choose from, the GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is perfect for anyone who wants to stay active and comfortable while managing knee pain or instability. So why wait? Order your knee brace today and start enjoying the active lifestyle you deserve. Features: Compression and support for mild to moderate knee pain or instability Comfortable and easy to clean Open patella design and viscoelastic pads for extra support and cushioning Breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry during activity Secure and adjustable fit for maximum comfort and effectiveness Sizing Chart: Size Thigh Circumference (in cm) 1 34 - 39 2 39 - 44 3 44 - 49 4 49 - 54 5 54 - 59 6 59 - 64 ..
270.32 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr3 rechts titan
Opis izdelka: GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan je napredna opora za koleno, zasnovana za zagotavljanje učinkovite podpore ljudem, ki imajo bolečine ali nelagodje v kolenu. To je edinstvena opornica za koleno, zasnovana tako, da zagotavlja podporo in stabilnost kolenskega sklepa, kar vam omogoča, da nadaljujete z vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi brez nelagodja. Ta opornica za koleno je zasnovana tako, da zagotavlja udobno kompresijo in podporo kolenskemu sklepu, zmanjšuje oteklino in bolečino ter pomaga preprečevati nadaljnje poškodbe. Izdelan je iz kakovostnih materialov, ki so trpežni in udobni, kar zagotavlja, da ga lahko nosite dlje časa brez kakršnega koli nelagodja. GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan je primeren za ljudi, ki doživljajo blago do zmerno bolečino in nelagodje v kolenu, vključno z ljudmi, ki trpijo zaradi osteoartritisa kolena, nestabilnosti pogačice in drugih bolezni kolena. Opornica za koleno ima zračno konstrukcijo, ki ohranja vašo kožo suho in hladno, preprečuje draženje in zagotavlja maksimalno udobje. Opornica za koleno je zasnovana s sistemom nastavljivih trakov, ki zagotavlja prilagojeno prileganje, kar zagotavlja udobno in varno prileganje. Enostavno se obleče in sleče, njegova lahka konstrukcija pa omogoča enostavno nošenje dlje časa. Opornica za koleno je primerna tako za moške kot za ženske in je na voljo v desni in levi različici, da ustreza vašim potrebam. Izkoristite prednosti GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan in uživajte v aktivnem življenjskem slogu brez bolečin. ..
270.32 USD
Sigvaris mobilis genuwrap bandaža za koleno s/m
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap bandaža za koleno S/M je zasnovana za ciljno podporo in kompresijo za predel kolena. Ta inovativni povoj ponuja udobno in varno prileganje, idealen za obvladovanje nategov, zvinov in blagih oteklin. Nastavljivi trakovi zagotavljajo prilagojeno prileganje in omogočajo enostavno nameščanje in odstranjevanje. Zračen in koži prijazen material spodbuja pretok zraka in povečuje udobje med dolgotrajnim nošenjem. Bandaža za koleno Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap zagotavlja zanesljivo stabilizacijo in olajšanje, bodisi za okrevanje po poškodbi ali vsakodnevno podporo med fizičnimi aktivnostmi...
74.14 USD
(1 strani)