Dobrodošli v - vaši zaupanja vredni spletni trgovini z izdelki za zdravje in lepoto za otroke, uvoženimi neposredno iz Švice. Kot vaša trgovina na enem mestu ponujamo paleto izdelkov, vključno z otrokom prijaznimi zdravstvenimi dodatki, zobnimi ščetkami, kopalnimi izdelki in še več. Zagotavljamo, da vsak naš izdelek spodbuja dobro počutje vašega otroka, od pomoči pri prebavi, izboljšanja zdravja živčnega sistema do izboljšanja ustne higiene in oskrbe ran. Naši izdelki za kopanje niso samo nežni, ampak tudi zabavni, saj senzorične sposobnosti spodbujajo igrače za kopanje! Naša paleta zdravil pokriva tudi zdravstvene potrebe, kot so inhalatorji za težave z dihali in otrokom prijazne bergle. Izboljšajte otrokovo ustno zdravje z našo široko ponudbo zobnih ščetk, vključno s tistimi, ki so posebej zasnovane za dojenčke, ki se učijo ščetkanja. Naša homeopatska zdravila so najboljše darilo narave za zdravje vašega otroka. Če vas skrbijo uši, vam bodo pomagala naša zdravila proti ušem. Predvsem pa so naši prehranski izdelki in dodatki oblikovani tako, da vašemu malčku zagotovijo optimalno prehrano, ki jo potrebuje za odraščanje. Kupujte zdaj na za vse zdravstvene in lepotne potrebe vašega otroka.
Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500
The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is an all-in-one device for your home medication needs. This set includes a nebulizer, inhaler, nasal shower, and nasal aspirator - all designed to provide efficient and effective relief from respiratory issues. Whether you have a cold, allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory condition, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need.
The nebulizer is designed to provide quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions. It converts liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. The nebulizer is perfect for treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. The nebulizer is easy to use and is compact, making it perfect for home use.
The inhaler is designed to provide quick relief for respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis. It is a pocket-sized device that is easy to use and can be used anywhere. The inhaler is perfect for on-the-go use and is great for those who suffer from mild to moderate asthma or other respiratory conditions.
Nasal Shower
The nasal shower is designed to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. It is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, colds, or sinus problems. The nasal shower is easy to use and provides quick relief. It is also great for use as part of your daily nasal hygiene routine.
Nasal Aspirator
The nasal aspirator is designed to provide relief for infants and children who have difficulty breathing due to congestion. It is also great for use in adults who suffer from chronic sinusitis. The nasal aspirator is easy to use and is gentle on delicate nasal passages. It provides quick relief and is perfect for use at home or on-the-go.
The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is the perfect all-in-one device for your home medication needs. It provides quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions, and is easy to use and compact. Whether you have a cold, allergies, or asthma, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need...
Protecting children is our top priority and this is why we have created the FARSTAR Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk. These masks are designed to fit children between the age of 4 and 10 years old.
The FARSTAR Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk set includes 50 colorful surgical masks, perfect for your child's preferences. These masks meet the highest standards in terms of design, comfort, and protection.
The Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk have been tested and approved with a BFE (Bacterial Filtration Efficiency) of ? 98% and are classified as Type II surgical masks. This means that they offer excellent protection against the spread of bacteria and viruses, ensuring that your child is safe when wearing the mask.
We understand that wearing a mask can feel uncomfortable for children, and that's why the FARSTAR Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk have been designed with comfort in mind. The masks are soft and gentle on the skin, making them perfect for extended wear during school or outdoor activities.
The FARSTAR Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk are made with high-quality materials that are free of latex, making them suitable for children with sensitive skin. Our masks are perfect for schools, childcare facilities, and parents who want to protect their child in public places.
With the FARSTAR Kinder OP Masken 4-10 J Typ II bunt 50 Stk, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is protected and comfortable while wearing a mask.
Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and the normal cognitive development of children. As a support for children during growth and / or during periods of high growth mental stress and challenge. With B vitamins and vitamin C to support the immune system, formation of red blood cells and to support normal energy-yielding metabolism.
Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and normal cognitive development in children.Children and Adolescents may have increased iron requirements as they grow. Accompanying symptoms of growth can be tiredness, reduced alertness and less drive. In times of high mental challenge, iron supports normal mental development. Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron and vitamins B2, niacin, B6, B12 and C contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism and help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Iron and vitamins B6 and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system, are also necessary for the formation of red blood cells and thus support normal blood formation. Vitamin B1 contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism.Floradix Eisen for children is without preservatives, alcohol, gluten and lactose.1 x daily - from 4 yearsChildren 4 - 6 years: 12, 5 ml dailyChildren 7 - 9 years: 15 ml dailyBoys 10 - 13 years: 17.5 ml dailyGirls 10 - 13 years: 20 ml dailyYoung people from 13 years and adults: 20 ml dailyIt is recommended to take Floradix Iron for 12 weeks. If necessary, it can also be taken over a longer period of time.
GLOUP Kids Schluck Gel f Medikame Zitr (n)GLOUP Kids Schluck Gel f Medikame Zitr (n) je posebej oblikovano zdravilo za otroke. Ta gel, ki ga je enostavno pogoltniti, pomaga otrokom narediti jemanje zdravil prijetnejšo izkušnjo.Gel je narejen iz visokokakovostnih naravnih sestavin in ima slasten okus citrusov, ki ga bodo otroci oboževali. Gel prav tako ne vsebuje umetnih barvil, arom in konzervansov, zaradi česar je varna in zdrava izbira za otroke.GLOUP Kids Schluck Gel f Medikame Zitr (n) je popoln za otroke, ki težko pogoltnejo tablete oz. kapsule. Gel lahko preprosto stisnete na žličko ali zmešate z majhno količino hrane, zato je idealna rešitev za starše, ki iščejo enostaven način dajanja otrokom zdravil.Gel je primeren tudi za otroke, ki imajo težave s požiranjem zaradi zdravstvenih težav, kot je disfagija. Zaradi gladke teksture in prijetnega okusa je idealna izbira za otroke, ki redno potrebujejo zdravila.Na splošno je GLOUP Kids Schluck Gel f Medikame Zitr (n) varna in učinkovita rešitev za starše, ki želijo da bo dajanje zdravil njihovim otrokom bolj pozitivna izkušnja. Zaradi naravnih sestavin in odličnega okusa je zdrava in privlačna izbira za otroke, zaradi preproste uporabe in primernosti za otroke s težavami pri požiranju pa je praktična rešitev za starše.
Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk
The Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk is a package of 20 colorful and fun band-aids for children. The band-aids are designed with jungle animals, including lions, monkeys, zebras, and elephants, to make the healing process a bit more enjoyable for children. The band-aids are also made with breathable and hypoallergenic materials, preventing discomfort or irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin.
These band-aids come in a compact and convenient package, making them easy to store at home or in a child's backpack for on-the-go use. Each band-aid has a non-adherent wound pad that comfortably cushions and protects the wound while allowing for faster healing.
The Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk is perfect for parents who want to keep their children's wounds clean and protected while also making the healing process less stressful for their little ones. These band-aids are not only practical but also entertaining, providing a fun and playful way for children to recover from minor injuries.
Get this exclusive Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk today and show your child that healing can be fun!..
Livsane Kinderpflaster Funny Animals 20 Stk
With Livsane Kinderpflaster Funny Animals, make sure your child's cuts and scrapes are covered with cute and colorful bandages that they will love. This pack includes 20 fun animal designs that will put a smile on your child's face and distract them from their injury. The bandages are easy to apply and remove, ensuring that your child will feel comfortable throughout the healing process. With a hypoallergenic adhesive, Livsane Kinderpflaster Funny Animals is safe for children with sensitive skin.
Type: Adhesive bandages
Quantity: 20
Size: 56 x 19 mm
Animal Designs: Giraffe, tiger, elephant, monkey, and more
How to use:
Clean and dry the affected area
Peel off the protective paper from the bandage
Apply the bandage firmly over the wound
Change the bandage daily or as needed
These animal-themed adhesive bandages are perfect for children of all ages, making it a must-have in your first aid kit. With Livsane Kinderpflaster Funny Animals, you can help your child heal in style.
Livsane Kinderzahnbürste
The Livsane Kinderzahnbürste is a toothbrush designed especially for children. This toothbrush not only cleans your child's teeth, but is also gentle on their gums. The bristles are made of soft nylon and specifically designed to fit smaller mouths. The Livsane Kinderzahnbürste comes in a fun design and bright colours, making brushing teeth an enjoyable experience for your child.
Soft bristles for gentle cleaning
Specially designed for small mouths
Fun and colourful design
Easy to grip handle for small hands
The Livsane Kinderzahnbürste is suitable for children aged 3 and above. Regular brushing with this toothbrush can help prevent cavities and promote healthy teeth and gums. In addition, regularly replacing the toothbrush every 3 months can help ensure proper cleaning.
Made with durable materials, the Livsane Kinderzahnbürste is an excellent dental tool for children, helping them develop good oral hygiene habits at an early age. Order now and give your child a healthy smile!
Ročna zobna ščetka Oral-B Junior od 6 let
Ustna higiena je pomembna, še posebej pri otrocih. Predstavite otroku Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior in naj bo umivanje zob zabavno doživetje. Zobna ščetka je primerna za otroke od 6. leta dalje.
Funkcije in prednosti
Zobna ščetka je zasnovana za majhna usta in roke, kar otrokom olajša uporabo.
Ščetine so mehke in nežne, zato jih je krtačenje udobno
Ščetine so tudi večnivojske, kar zagotavlja temeljito čiščenje zob in dlesni
Zobna ščetka ima nedrseč ročaj, ki vašemu otroku omogoča varen oprijem med ščetkanjem
Zobna ščetka je na voljo v različnih barvah in oblikah, zaradi česar je privlačna otrokom
Če želite uporabljati ročno zobno ščetko Oral-B Junior, nanesite količino zobne paste v velikosti graha in otroku s krožnimi gibi umijte zobe. Otroka spodbujajte k ščetkanju dvakrat na dan po dve minuti. Ne pozabite zamenjati zobne ščetke vsake tri mesece ali ko so ščetine obrabljene.
Nega in vzdrževanje
Po vsaki uporabi zobno ščetko sperite z vodo in otresite odvečno vlago. Zobno ščetko hranite v pokončnem položaju, da se lahko posuši na zraku. Zobne ščetke ne pokrivajte in je ne hranite v zaprti posodi, saj lahko to spodbudi rast bakterij.
Vlagajte v otrokovo ustno zdravje z ročno zobno ščetko Oral-B Junior. To je odličen način, da zagotovite, da vaš otrok razvije dobre ustne higienske navade, ki jih bo nosil s seboj vse življenje. Naročite svojega še danes!
Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml
The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml offers a safe and natural solution to help your child fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
Organic ingredients
This syrup is made with organic ingredients such as orange blossom, chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower. These natural ingredients help to calm your child's nerves and promote relaxation.
Safe and Effective
The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml is free from any synthetic ingredients, preservatives or additives. It is a safe and effective solution that has been tested to ensure that it is safe for your child to use.
Easy to Use
The syrup is easy to use and comes with a measuring cup. Simply pour the recommended amount into the cup and give it to your child before bedtime. The syrup has a pleasant taste that your child will enjoy.
The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml has numerous benefits for your child. These include:
Promoting relaxation
Helping your child fall asleep faster
Improving the quality of your child's sleep
Reducing nighttime wakeups
Maintaining natural sleep cycles
The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml is an ideal natural solution to help your child achieve a peaceful and refreshing sleep. Its organic and safe ingredients and easy-to-use formulation make it an excellent choice for parents looking for natural remedies to ensure that their child gets a good night's sleep...
TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk
The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is a single-use medical mask designed for children. This mask is made with high-quality materials and has been tested to meet European standards, ensuring reliable protection against harmful particles and infectious diseases.
Comes in a fun, bright turquoise color
Fits securely and comfortably on children's faces with elastic ear loops and an adjustable nose clip
Filters out at least 98% of bacteria and viruses
Constructed with three layers of non-woven fabric for added protection
Fluid-resistant to prevent contamination
Free from latex, fiberglass, and other harmful substances
The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is suitable for a range of medical and non-medical settings, including:
Doctor's offices
Public transportation
Shopping centers and other crowded places
Anywhere that requires additional protection against harmful particles and infectious diseases
Size: 145mm x 90mm
Packaging: 10 masks per pack
Classification: Type IIR according to EN 14683:2019 standards
Overall, the TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is a reliable and effective option for parents and caregivers who want to protect their children from harmful particles and infectious diseases. Order yours today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your child is safe and protected.
2.93 USD
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