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Biotta apfel rande ingwer bio
BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio is an organic juice that combines the sweet and tangy flavors of apple with the earthy and slightly sweet taste of beetroot and the subtle spiciness of ginger. Made from organic fruits and vegetables, this juice is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients that support your overall health and wellness. Benefits Supports cardiovascular health: Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, while apple contains antioxidants that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Boosts immunity: Apple is a good source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight infections. Supports digestion: Beetroot is rich in fiber, which can help promote digestive health, while ginger has been traditionally used to relieve digestive problems. Can help with exercise performance: The nitrates in beetroot can improve oxygen delivery to muscles, which can enhance exercise performance. Usage BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio can be enjoyed as a refreshing drink anytime, anywhere. It can be served chilled or at room temperature depending on your preference. Shake well before opening and consume within 7 days of opening. This juice can also be used as a base for smoothies or mixed with other juices for a unique flavor punch. Ingredients Organic apple juice 59% Organic beetroot juice 39.6% Organic ginger juice 1.4% About BIOTTA BIOTTA is a Swiss brand that has been producing high quality organic juices since They use only the finest organic fruits and vegetables and do not add any preservatives or artificial flavorings to their products. BIOTTA juices are not only delicious but also offer numerous health benefits, making them a great addition to your daily routine. ..
34.46 USD
Biotta vital blutdruck bio
BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is a natural juice that has been specially designed to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. It is made from 100% organic ingredients and contains a unique blend of beetroot, aronia berries, and red grapes. The beetroot in this juice is known for its ability to support healthy blood pressure levels due to its high nitrate content. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Aronia berries are also packed with antioxidants and have been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure. In addition to this, BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio also contains red grapes, which are rich in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to support cardiovascular health. This juice is also low in sodium and high in potassium, which helps to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is carefully crafted using a gentle, traditional pressing method that helps to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the organic ingredients. It is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and added sugars, making it a healthy and natural choice for those looking to support their cardiovascular health. Simply enjoy a glass of BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio each day to help support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels...
43.51 USD
Burgerstein omega-3 epa 50 kapsul
Prehransko dopolnilo z ribjim oljem s posebej visokim deležem dragocenih omega-3 maščobnih kislin EPA (eikozapentaenojska kislina) SestavaMaščobne kisline iz RIBJEGA OLJA, jedilna želatina (RIBA), vlažilec (glicerin), vitamin E (iz D-alfa-tokoferola in mešanih tokoferolov)..LastnostiJasen poudarek na EPA - 378 mg na kapsuloBrez ribjega okusa, brez riganjaNaravno ribje olje iz trajnostnega ribolova, certificirano po " Friend of the Sea"Za kaj je Burgerstein Omega-3 EPA še posebej primeren? Za srčno-žilni sistem EPA in DHA prispevata k normalnemu delovanju srca* in vzdrževanju normalnega krvnega tlaka**.Za raven trigliceridov (holesterol)DHA in EPA prispevata k vzdrževanju normalne ravni trigliceridov v krvi.****Ugoden učinek pri dnevnem vnosu 250 mg EPA in DHA skupaj.**Koristni učinek pri dnevnem vnosu 3g DHA in EPA.***Pozitiven učinek pri dnevnem vnosu 2g DHA in EPA.Skupni dnevni vnos 5g EPA oz. DHA ne sme biti prekoračen. Razvito v Švici, izdelano v Nemčiji.UporabaVzemite 1 kapsulo dnevno z obrokom. Hranilne vrednosti Hranilna vrednostKoličinana% Natančnost merjenjaMaščoba564 mg1 tab./kap. Eikosapentaenojska kislina (EPA)378 mg1 tabl./kap. Dokozaheksaenojska kislina (DHA)72 mg1 tabl./kap. Vitamin E7,5 mg1 tab./ kape. AlergeniVsebujeRibe in ribji izdelkiOpombeHraniti pri sobni temperaturi. Hraniti izven dosega majhnih otrok. Navedenega priporočenega dnevnega odmerka ne smete preseči. Prehranska dopolnila niso nadomestilo za raznoliko in uravnoteženo prehrano ter zdrav življenjski slog...
52.68 USD
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tb 100 g
Lastnosti Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 gAnatomska terapevtska kemikalija (АТС): M02AA15Temp. skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 132g Dolžina: 40mm Širina: 186mm Višina: 71mm Kupite Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g na spletu iz Švice..
18.22 USD
Metacare koencim q10 kaps ds 60 stk
Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains Coenzyme Q10, an essential nutrient that is naturally produced in the body. Coenzyme Q10 plays a pivotal role in energy production, and it is a potent antioxidant that helps to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to support their cardiovascular health, as Coenzyme Q10 helps to regulate the heartbeat and support blood vessel function. It can also help to support healthy brain function, as it assists in the production of neurotransmitters, which are essential for cognitive function. Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is made using high-quality ingredients and is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility to ensure maximum potency and purity. It is free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and it is suitable for vegetarians. Benefits of Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk Supports cardiovascular health Promotes healthy brain function Boosts energy production Acts as a powerful antioxidant Free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives Suitable for vegetarians How to use Take one capsule a day, preferably with a meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Overall, Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a premium-quality supplement that can help to support your health and wellbeing. It is a potent antioxidant that can help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, and it can also help to boost energy production and support cardiovascular and brain health. ..
81.34 USD
Naravni vitamin luvit k2
LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is a high-quality dietary supplement that provides your body with the essential nutrient Vitamin KThis natural supplement is formulated using Menaquinone-7 (MK-7) which is sourced from natural natto extracts, making it a safe and efficient choice for your health needs. Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in the body by helping to support the health and strength of bones, teeth, and cardiovascular health. This vitamin is also necessary for proper blood clotting and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is free from artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring agents. This supplement comes in easy-to-swallow capsules that are designed to be quickly and efficiently absorbed by your body. To ensure that you are getting the most benefits from your vitamin K2 supplement, LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is manufactured in a facility that uses the highest standards of quality control. This product is also regularly tested to ensure that it meets or exceeds industry standards for purity and potency. If you are looking for a safe and efficient way to boost your vitamin K2 intake, LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is an excellent choice. With its natural formulation and high-quality production standards, you can trust in the effectiveness and safety of this supplement. ..
37.01 USD
Nova krill nko krilovo olje kaps 500 mg 60 kos
Introducing NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules are a dietary supplement designed to promote overall health and wellbeing. Each capsule contains 500 mg of pure NKO Krill Oil, sourced from the pristine Antarctic Ocean. This exceptional product offers the following benefits: Improve Cardiovascular Function NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules support optimal heart health by reducing inflammation and improving blood lipid levels. It contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, which are essential for cardiovascular function. Boost Joint Health The NKO Krill Oil in NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules contains powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation and stiffness, promoting flexibility, mobility, and joint function. Enhance Brain Function and Cognition NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules can improve brain function and cognitive performance. It contains choline, which promotes healthy brain cell development and helps to improve memory and learning. Improves Skin Health The Omega-3 fatty acids in NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules help to nourish and hydrate the skin from the inside out. The antioxidants present in NKO Krill Oil help to fight free radicals and prevent cellular damage, promoting healthy and youthful skin. Why Choose NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules? 100% pure and natural NKO Krill Oil Sourced from the Antarctic Ocean, free from environmental toxins. Contains potent levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants. Easy to swallow softgel capsules Manufactured in accordance with strict Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP). NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules are an excellent source of beneficial nutrients that promote overall health and wellbeing. With regular use, you can experience improved cardiovascular function, joint health, brain function, cognition, and skin health. Purchase your bottle of NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules today and start experiencing the numerous health benefits that it has to offer...
77.17 USD
Padmed circosan kaps 200 kos
PADMED CIRCOSAN N pomaga pri motnjah krvnega obtoka s simptomi kot so zaspanost rok in nog, mravljinčenje, mravljinčenje, občutek teže in napetosti v nogah in rokah ter krči v mečih. Informacije o bolnikih, ki jih je odobril SwissmedicPADMED CIRCOSAN N, trde kapsulePADMA AGTibetansko zdravilo Kdaj se uporablja Padmed Circosan N?V skladu s terapevtskimi načeli tibetanske medicine se lahko Padmed Circosan N uporablja, kadar je v žilnem sistemu prekomerna toplota (povišana Načelo Tripa), ki je povezano z motnjami krvnega obtoka s simptomi, kot so mravljinčenje, mravljinčenje, občutek teže in napetosti v nogah in rokah, padajoče roke in noge ter krči v mečih. Uporaba tega zdravila na navedenem področju uporabe temelji izključno na terapevtskih načelih tibetanske medicine. Kaj je treba upoštevati?Osebe, ki se zdravijo, morajo obvestiti svojega zdravnika, če jemljejo Padmed Circosan N. Če se vaše stanje poslabša, se morate posvetovati z zdravnikom! Neuravnotežena prehrana ali prehrana z visoko vsebnostjo maščob, kajenje, stres in premalo gibanja lahko povečajo simptome in se jim je treba izogibati. Kdaj Padmed Circosan N trdih kapsul ne smemo uporabljati ali le previdno?Padmed Circosan N ne smemo jemati, če obstaja znana preobčutljivost za eno od učinkovin. sestavine ali eno od pomožnih snovi (glejte »Kaj vsebuje Padmed Circosan N?«). Študij o uporabi zdravila Padmed Circosan N pri otrocih in mladostnikih ni. Zato uporaba pri otrocih in mladostnikih ni priporočljiva. Povejte svojemu zdravniku, farmacevtu ali farmacevtu, če imate druge bolezni,imate alergije alijemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami!). Ali se lahko Padmed Circosan N jemlje med nosečnostjo ali dojenjem?Na podlagi prejšnjih izkušenj ni znanega tveganja za otroka, če se uporablja v skladu z navodili. Vendar pa sistematične znanstvene raziskave niso bile nikoli izvedene. Iz previdnosti se izogibajte jemanju zdravil med nosečnostjo in dojenjem ali pa se za nasvet posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kako uporabljate Padmed Circosan?Odrasli: Če zdravnik ne predpiše drugače, na začetku 3 × 2 kapsuli dnevno z dovolj tekočine. pred ali z obroki. Takoj, ko pride do očitnega izboljšanja, se lahko odmerek zmanjša na 1-2 kapsuli na dan. Ljudje, ki imajo težave s požiranjem, naj vsebino kapsule zmešajo z mlačno vodo. Če se pojavijo gastrointestinalni simptomi, lahko kapsule vzamete z obroki in z veliko tekočine (najboljša je mlačna voda). Morda bo potrebno zmanjšanje odmerka. Če vam je kapsule predpisal zdravnik, se je treba z njim posvetovati o prilagoditvi odmerka. Med jemanjem zdravila Padmed Circosan N in drugih zdravil naj bo presledek od ene ure in pol do dveh. Otroci in mladostniki: Uporaba in varnost zdravila Padmed Circosan N pri otrocih in mladostnikih še nista bili testirani in zaradi indikacije nista predvidena. Upoštevajte odmerek, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali kot vam je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kakšne neželene učinke ima lahko Padmed Circosan N?V zelo redkih primerih simptomi v predelu prebavil (npr. driska, slabost, bolečine v trebuhu ali riganje), kožni izpuščaji ali se lahko pojavi srbenje. Pri osebah z ustrezno dispozicijo so občasno ugotovili palpitacije in rahel nemir. Če opazite katerikoli neželeni učinek, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. To še posebej velja za neželene učinke, ki niso navedeni v tem navodilu. Kaj je še potrebno upoštevati?Zdravilo je uporabno le do datuma, ki je na vsebniku označen z »EXP«. Navodila za shranjevanjeHraniti pri sobni temperaturi (15-25°C). Hraniti v originalni embalaži. Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Nadaljnje informacije vam lahko zagotovi vaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali farmacevt. Ti ljudje imajo podrobne informacije za strokovnjake. Kaj vsebuje Padmed Circosan N?UčinkovineEna kapsula vsebuje: 40 mg prahu korenine himalajskega mahu (Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch., radix), 40 mg prahu islandskega lišaja (Cetraria islandica (L.) Acharius s.l., steljka), 35 mg prahu plodov drevesa neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss., fructus), 30 mg prahu plodov kardamoma (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton, fructus), 30 mg sadja mirobalana v prahu (Terminalia chebula Retz., fructus), 25 mg nageljnovih žbic v prahu (Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr ., fructus), 20 mg sadja marmelosa v prahu (Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa, fructus), 20 mg kalcijevega sulfata hemihidrata, 15 mg praška kolebnice (Aquilegia vulgaris L ., herba), 15 mg korenine sladkega korena v prahu (Glycyrrhiza glabra L. in/ali Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. in/ali Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. , radix), 15 mg prahu iz listov navadnega navadnega rogoza (Plantago lanceolata L. s.l., folium), 15 mg prahu dresnika (Polygonum aviculare L. s.l., herba), 15 mg prahu zlatega petoprstnika (Potentilla aurea L., herba), 12 mg prahu nageljnovih žbic (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry, flos), 10 mg prahu korenike kaempferie galanga (Kaempferia galanga L., rhizoma), 10 mg prahu zelišča Sida (Sida cordifolia L., herba), 10 mg korenine baldrijana v prahu (Valeriana officinalis L. s.l., radix), 6 mg prahu vrtne solate (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) L., folium), 5 mg cvetov ognjiča v prahu (Calendula officinalis L., flos cum calyce), 4 mg d-kafre, 1 mg prahu gomolja menihovca (Aconitum napellus L., gomolj). Pomožne snoviHipromeloza (ovojnica kapsule), koloidni silicijev dioksid, manitol (E 421). Številka odobritve67541 (Swissmedic) Kje lahko dobite Padmed Circosan N? Kakšna pakiranja so na voljo?V lekarnah in drogerijah, brez zdravniškega recepta. Pakiranja po 60 in 200 kapsul. Imetnik dovoljenjaPADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. ProizvajalecPADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. Navodilo je nazadnje preverila Agencija za zdravila (Swissmedic) julija 2020. ..
134.06 USD
Pure magnesium magnesium ds 180 kos
Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs is a dietary supplement that contains pure magnesium, a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall well-being of the body. Each bottle contains 180 capsules, providing you with a 6-month supply of magnesium supplementation. Why Magnesium? Magnesium is an essential mineral our body needs for optimal health. It is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and muscular function. Along with calcium and potassium, magnesium is also necessary for nerve function, muscle contraction, and building strong bones. The Pure Magnesium Difference This supplement exclusively contains pure magnesium, extracted from natural sources without any synthetic additives. This high-quality formula ensures maximum absorption and utilization by the body, providing you with the full range of benefits magnesium has to offer. The capsules are vegan, gluten-free, and do not contain any dairy, soy, or nuts, making it a safe option for people with dietary restrictions. Benefits May help reduce stress and anxiety levels Supports cardiovascular health May improve sleep quality Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels Supports muscle and nerve function May improve bone density and strength How to Use Take 2 capsules daily with food or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements, especially if you're pregnant, nursing, or taking medication. Order Today Experience the benefits of pure magnesium with Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs. Order today and enjoy a healthier life!..
52.10 USD
Rubimed crataegus komp. kapljice 50 ml
Značilnosti zdravila Rubimed Crataegus comp. Kapljice 50 mlTemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 114g Dolžina: 40 mm Širina: 40 mm Višina: 107 mm Kupite Rubimed Crataegus comp. Kapljice 50 ml na spletu iz Švice..
70.34 USD
Strophantus gratus tbl d 4 80 kom
Karakteristike Strophantus gratus tbl D 4 80 kosTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 80 kosovTeža : 42 g Dolžina: 36 mm Širina: 43 mm Višina: 105 mm Kupite Strophantus gratus tbl D 4 80 kosov na spletu iz Švice ..
46.37 USD
(1 strani)