Dobrodošli v Beeoviti. Vaša spletna trgovina na enem mestu za izdelke za nego telesa in kozmetiko, ročno izbrane iz osrčja Švice. Naši izdelki, kopani v švicarski tradiciji, so vrhunec naravnih zdravil in napredne znanosti za krepitev vašega zdravja in lepote. Naša ponudba izdelkov za zdravstveno nego vključuje vitamine, naravna zdravila, homeopatske izdelke in še veliko več, ki je ustvarjeno za izboljšanje vašega dobrega počutja. Raziščite našo zbirko osnovnih lepotnih izdelkov od pomirjujočih izdelkov za nego kože do eteričnih olj, ki so zasnovani tako, da vam pomagajo sprostiti vašo naravno lepoto. Z vrsto izdelkov za zdravje dihal, zdravljenje srca, prebavo in presnovo je Beeovita vaš najboljši ponudnik zdravja in lepote. Začnite nakupovati pri nas še danes in naredite prvi korak k bolj zdravemu življenju in sijoči lepoti.
3M Futuro povoj za koleno M desno/levo
3M FUTURO? Opornica za koleno s stransko oporo / srednja stopnja podpore / velikosti: majhna - srednja - velika Reverzibilni stabilizatorji zagotavljajo kolenu dodatno stabilnost brez omejevanja svobode gibanja. Patelarna odprtina za podporo kolenski kapici. Dvojno raztegljiv material za optimalno prileganje.
FUTURO? opora za kolena s stransko oporo vam nudi udobno stabilizacijo in je odlična rešitev za vsakodnevno uporabo. Ta elastična pletena kolenska opornica se lahko nosi pod oblačili in zagotavlja udobno oporo za kolenske mišice. Bočni stabilizatorji omejujejo stransko gibanje v kolenu, odprtina v pogačici pa zagotavlja dodatno udobje. Poškodovanemu kolenu dajte to, kar potrebuje, s to kolensko opornico za bočno podporo. Zagotavlja takojšnjo kompresijo in bočno stabilizacijo. Idealno za: Podpora pri najpogostejših poškodbah, kot so zvini, prekomerna uporaba, splošna podpora Elastičen material preprečuje drsenje Odprtina za pogačico za podporo kolenski kapici Reverzibilni stabilizatorji zagotavljajo dodatno stabilnost brez omejevanja svobode gibanja < li>Anatomsko oblikovan za stabilno podporo Material, ki diha Podprt s strani naše strokovne skupine inženirjev in zdravstvenih strokovnjakov Predvidena uporaba: zagotavlja podporo za toge, šibke ali poškodovana kolena Primerno za levo ali desno koleno FUTURO? bandaža za koleno s stransko oporo, velikost S, majhna (30,5 > 36,5 cm) FUTURO? opora za kolena s stransko oporo, velikost M, srednja (36,5 > 43,0 cm) FUTURO? Bandaža za koleno s stransko oporo, velikost L, velika (43,0 > 49,5 cm)
Značilnosti Active Colour palec-hand bandage M skinCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 45g Dolžina: 20 mm Širina: 180 mm Višina: 110 mm Kupite aktivni barvni povoj za palce in roke M skin na spletu iz Švice..
Health and strength through precious stones according to Dr. Schweikart Healing stones can be used to help with healing illnesses.
Of course we also make customized necklaces .The amber worn on the body protects the wearer from gout, rheumatism, promotes digestion, helps against asthma and pain when children are teething and much more.For more information in Stone Lore please visit the following link:
With the natural Equi-Base alkaline bath salt, your skin is stimulated to secrete acids and waste products, which promotes the moisturizing of your skin. It is odorless and contains valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, iron and many more.
It is recommended to bathe with Equi-Base alkaline bath salt for at least 30 and better 45 to 60 minutes and rub yourself with a washcloth or brush in between.In the case of varicose veins, it is better to bathe in lower temperatures (body temperature)...
Folate contributes to the growth of maternal tissue during pregnancy. Folate contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
Bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, modified starch, anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, folic acid..
Take 1 tablet daily.
Nutritional values
Nutritional valueQuantityper% Measurement accuracy
Folic acid400 µgtablet/comprimé
Lastnosti La Croix Classic 1,5 ltKoličina v pakiranju: 1 ltTeža: 1642 g Dolžina: 95 mm Širina: 95 mm Višina: 294 mm Kupite La Croix Classic 1,5 lt na spletu iz Švice..
Magnesium Biomed Uno granulated drink with orange taste contains 300mg magnesium and is a 100% organic magnesium citrate, which is particularly well usable for the organism.
Magnesium - a vital mineral substance
Magnesium is an important mineral that the body cannot produce itself:
Contributes to normal functioning of muscles and nervous systemSupports electrolyteRe duces tiredness and fatigueMaintains normal mental functionSupports the preservation of bones and teeth
1 time daily the contents of a sachet into a glass give, with water fill up (approx. 150ml), well mix and drink. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
The normal requirement of a person is 300 to 400 mg per day. A magnesium deficiency can result in mild to severe disorders. There is an increased need for magnesium, e.g. during high performance sports, pregnancy, lactation, alcohol abuse and during growth. The daily requirement of magnesium can even double in these situations. Composition Magnesium citrate, orange fruit powder (fruit content in granules 10.2%), acidifier (citric acid), acidity regulator (potassium hydrogen carbonate), coloring agent (beta-carotene), flavors (orange, lemon), sweeteners (cyclamate, saccharin)...
Lastnosti Otriduo rinitis odmernega pršila 15 mlAnatomska terapevtska kemikalija (АТС): R01AB01Temperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/30 stopinj Celzija Varovati pred soncemKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 35g Dolžina: 29mm Širina: 41mm Višina: 111 mm Kupite Otriduo pršilo za rinitis z odmerkom 15 ml na spletu iz Švice..
Lastnosti ploščic Taste of Nature Mandelj 40 gKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 42g Dolžina: 140mm Širina: 38 mm Višina: 38 mm Kupite ploščice Taste of Nature Mandelj 40 g na spletu iz Švice..
Lastnosti Rausch Swiss Herbal Vitality kapsul 2 x 30 kosTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 60 kosovTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0 mm Širina: 0 mm Višina: 0 mm Kupite Rausch Swiss Herbal Vitality kapsule 2 x 30 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and problems with chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "apricot".
The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease.
Suitable for supplementary nutrition from the 3rd years: 1-3 portions per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from the age of 6 years: follow doctor's recommendation...
Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and difficulty chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "vanilla".
The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease.
Suitable for supplementary nutrition from 3 years of age : 1-3 servings per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from 6 years of age: follow doctor's recommendation...
Karakteristike dozirne črpalke schülke za 500 ml / 1 ltKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0 mm Širina: 0 mm Višina: 0 mm Kupite dozirno črpalko schülke za 500 ml / 1 lt na spletu iz Švice..
Značilnosti Softa spremlja 4 Super depozite Btl 46 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v paketu: 46 kosovTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0 mm Širina: 0 mm Višina: 0 mm Kupite Soft obiskuje 4 Super depozite Btl 46 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
The SoluBrux Anti-Gnashing Tooth Splint Transparent is an adjustable anti-grinding splint that is suitable for people who grind their teeth, especially at night. By heating the material in hot water, it becomes deformable, so that the upper teeth are pressed in deeply when biting into it and the splint is shaped accordingly. In this way, the anti-grinding tooth tray is easily and dynamically adapted to the individual dentition in just a few minutes. The SoluBrux anti-grinding tooth splint relieves the teeth and the temporomandibular joint because the pressure is evenly distributed. The SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint is made of the same material as high-quality splints from the dentist and/or dental technician. Application Place the SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint in hot water for a few minutes. The material becomes soft and malleable due to the heat. Then put the anti-grinding splint in your mouth and bite down hard for one minute. The upper teeth leave the individual shape of the denture...
Lastnosti SONETT Gallseife 100 gKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 26 mm Širina: 54 mm Višina: 87 mm Kupite SONETT Gallseife 100 g na spletu iz Švice..
Lastnosti Steviasol PLV 30 gKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 64g Dolžina: 52 mm Širina : 52 mm Višina: 108 mm Kupite Steviasol PLV 30 g na spletu iz Švice..
Lastnosti Steviasol zrnc 270 gKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 65mm Širina: 65 mm Višina: 120 mm Kupite zrnca Steviasol 270 g na spletu iz Švice..
Karakteristike TENA Bib protection serviet M / L 37x68cm 150 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v pakiranju: 150 kosovTeža: 2071g Dolžina: 192mm Širina: 190mm Višina: 279mm Kupite TENA prtiček za zaščito oprsnika M / L 37x68cm 150 kosov na spletu iz Švice ..
ThickenUp Clear Plv Ds 900 g
Edinstven, na amilazo odporen instant prašek za varno zgoščevanje tekočin in pasiranih jedi
Lastnosti izdelka? Na osnovi ksantanskega gumija? Do 4-krat učinkovitejši od običajnih zgoščevalcev? Nevtralen in ne vpliva na barvo, okus ali vonj? Po Zgosti se brez grudic in se ne zgosti? Brez maščob, glutena in karagenana Hranilne vrednosti ??na 100 g - Energija: 306 kcal - Ogljikovi hidrati: 62 g - Beljakovine: 1 g - Maščobe: 0 g - Prehranske vlaknine : 27 g IndikacijeZa obvladovanje diete pri disfagiji (motnje požiranja) OdmerjanjeZa pijače:1; 2 ali 4 merilne žličke na 200 ml za stopnjo IDDSI 1, 2 ali 3. Predpisano količino praška vlijemo v merilno skodelico, med mešanjem dodamo napitek in mešamo pribl. 30 sekund, dokler ne dosežete želene konsistence. ShranjevanjeHraniti na hladnem in suhem mestu. Odprto pločevinko hranite tesno zaprto na hladnem in suhem mestu in porabite v 8 tednih. Zgoščene napitke zaužijte čim prej ali pa jih hranite v zaprti posodi na sobni temperaturi za največ 4 ure – v hladilniku za največ 24 ur. Pomembne informacije? Uporaba pod zdravniškim nadzorom? Primerno od 3. leta dalje? Ni primeren kot edini vir hrane? Živila za posebne zdravstvene namene (uravnotežena prehrana) S 1. oktobrom 2022 so zgoščevalci vključeni v MiGeL in se v celoti ali delno povrnejo na zdravniški recept za zdravljenje disfagije. < p>Seznam sestavinMaltodextrin; Ksantan gumi, kalijev klorid.
The Vichy Capital Soleil sun milk is suitable for the whole family. The patented filter system with Mexoryl® XL (broadband filter) and high coverage technology provides effective protection against UVA and UVB rays. + Anti-oxidant mineral complex to protect against free radicals. The sunscreen is waterproof and leaves no white or greasy residue. Suitable for Children and Adults and for All Skin Types. SunScreen With Sun Protection Factor 30 for Children, Adults and All Skin Types Protects and UV-B Rays Without parabens Without fragrances Application Apply Vichy Capital Soleil Family Milk Before Sun Exposure. Renew frequently and generously, especially after bathing, sweating or drying off.
Aqua / Water - Homosalate - Octocrylene - Ethylhexyl Salicylate - Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane - Glycerin - Isohexadecane - Alcohol Denat. - Propanediol - Dicaprylyl Ether - Ethylhexyl Triazone - Propylene Glycol - Silica - Perlite - Dimethicone - Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine - Acrylates/Dimethicone Copolymer - Ascorbyl Palmitate - Carbomer - Drometrizole Trisiloxane - Glyceryl Oleate - Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides Citrate - Lecithin - Oxidized Starch Acetate - P-Anisic Acid - Peg-8 Laurate - Phenoxyethanol - Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate - Sodium Hyaluronate - Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer - Tocopherol - Triethanolamine - Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate - Parfum / Fragrance..
Lastnosti Wala Apis / Belladonna Glob 20 gKoličina v pakiranju: 1 gTeža: 51g Dolžina: 30mm Širina: 30 mm Višina: 65 mm Kupite Wala Apis / Belladonna Glob 20 g na spletu iz Švice..
Lastnosti Wala Levisticum e radice W 5% Gd Auric Fl 10 mlKoličina v pakiranju: 1 mlTeža: 47g Dolžina: 30mm Širina: 31 mm Višina: 96 mm Kupite Wala Levisticum e radice W 5% Gd Auric Fl 10 ml na spletu iz Švice..
15.15 USD
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