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(1 strani)
3m nexcare obliži blood-stop izbor 14 kos
Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare plasters Blood-stop assorted 14 pcs ..
10.75 USD
Dermaplast alginat hemostatična vata steklo 2 g
Promotes blood clotting in superficial wounds and nosebleeds. Consists of the herbal product calcium alginate. Cotton made of calcium alginate, to stop bleeding for small open wounds and nosebleeds strongPackage content: /strong1 bottle of 2 g This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
16.92 USD
Flawa hemostatic bombažno sterilizirano steklo 2 g
Značilnosti Flawa Hemostatic cotton sterilized glass 2 gCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 1 gTeža: 60g Dolžina: 40mm Širina: 40mm Višina: 70mm Kupite Flawa Hemostatic bombažno sterilizirano steklo 2 g na spletu iz Švice..
20.10 USD
Stop hemo bombaž sterilni bataljon 5 kos
Sterile, bioactive, wound-healing, hemostatic cotton. Composition Calcium alginate cotton.. Properties Stop Hémo® cotton releases its calcium ions when it comes into contact with blood. These promote the physiological process that leads to hemostasis. At the same time, the fibers gel, allowing painless removal without disturbing the blood clot. Application Nosebleeds, bleeding from the skin (cuts, abrasions) and mouth . Additional info Individually sterile packed. This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
18.16 USD
Stop hemo obliž 12 kos
On contact with the wound, it triggers blood clotting and promotes scarring of the injured tissue. Properties On contact with the wound, it triggers blood clotting and promotes scarring of the injured tissue. Application hemostatic and wound-healing for small wounds and bleeding; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
19.75 USD
Stop hémo powder 8 g
Prispeva k zadrževanju krvi, celjenju ran in lajšanju bolečine v primeru majhnih in površnih poškodb. Sestava Alginat kalcija. Lastnosti Stop Hémo v prahu se uporablja za majhne in površinske poškodbe za zaustavitev krvavitve. Kalcij v prahu podpira procese koagulacije in celjenje ran ter pomaga pri lajšanju bolečine. Se lahko uporablja tudi pri otrocih in nosečnicah. rezi in abrasionsrazor cutsscalp in poškodovano dno Draženje v območij gub na živalih En paket vsebuje 8 g sterilnega, bioaktivnega praška. Aplikacija haemostat; krvavitev; rane, poškodbe lasišča, vneto dno; Ta izdelek je označen s CE. To zagotavlja, da so izpolnjeni evropski varnostni standardi. ..
19.93 USD
(1 strani)