Dobrodošli na, vašem glavnem viru kakovostnih krvnih izdelkov in drugih povezanih pripomočkov za zdravje in lepoto. Zavedamo se pomena ustrezne zdravstvene oskrbe, zato v vseh naših kategorijah ponujamo samo izdelke najvišje ravni. Zlasti naša paleta krvnih izdelkov ponuja obsežen izbor osnovnih potrebščin za oskrbo ran, nego, komplete za infundiranje, uravnavanje krvnega sladkorja in krvnega tlaka ter več! Od kompletov za testiranje sladkorne bolezni do osnovnih pripomočkov za nego kože, naš cilj je zagotoviti vse, kar potrebujete za celovito upravljanje zdravja. Optimizirajte svoje dobro počutje z vrhunskimi izdelki za obogatitev zdravja krvi. Prebrskajte naš izbor še danes in izkusite čare švicarskih izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto samo na
Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes.
Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes.FreeStyle technology for easy blood collection using the world's smallest blood volume (0.3 ?L)When you measure your blood sugar, is the amount of blood obtained often insufficient at first? Is that why there are incorrect measurements? Are you wasting test strips unnecessarily? Use the intelligent FreeStyle Lite test strips from Abbott Diabetes Care: The Efficient Check makes it possible to add sufficient blood to the same test strip within 60 seconds. This gives you a blood glucose result you can trust without error messages - because FreeStyle Lite test strips you can trust.This Product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Značilnosti testa Accu-Chek Mobile 2 x 50 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 100 kosovTeža: 0.00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Višina: 0mm Kupite Accu-Chek Mobile test 2 x 50 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
Značilnosti merilnika krvnega tlaka Beurer Handge Easy To Use BC44Certificiran v Evropi CEKoličina v paketu: 1 kosTeža: 330 g Dolžina: 90 mm Širina: 98 mm Višina: 110 mm Kupite merilnik krvnega tlaka Beurer Handge Easy To Use BC44 na spletu v Švici..
Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution
Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution je standardna raztopina, ki se uporablja za kalibracijo in preverjanje točnosti merilnikov glukoze v krvi in testnih lističev.
Ta rešitev zagotavlja zanesljive in natančne rezultate, ki zagotavljajo pravilno delovanje vašega merilnika glukoze in točnost rezultatov vaših testov. Rešitev je zasnovana tako, da vam pomaga vzdrževati optimalen nadzor glukoze v krvi in učinkovito obvladovati sladkorno bolezen.
Rešitev za nadzor Healthpro Axapharm je oblikovana tako, da ustreza normalni ravni glukoze v krvi, zaradi česar je idealna rešitev za nadzor za bolnike s sladkorno boleznijo ali tiste, ki morajo redno spremljati raven glukoze. Raztopina je enostavna za uporabo, združljiva z različnimi merilniki glukoze in na voljo v 3,5 ml viali, ki se lahko uporablja za več testov.
Ta kontrolna rešitev, ki jo je zasnoval in proizvedel Healthpro Axapharm, vodilni v proizvodnji medicinskih rešitev, je najvišje kakovosti in zanesljivosti.
Uporabite Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution za umerjanje merilnika glukoze v krvi in zagotavljanje točnosti rezultatov testa, kar vam daje samozavest za učinkovito obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni.
Healthpro Axapharm merilni lističi za merjenje glukoze v krvi ponujajo zanesljivo in natančno spremljanje krvnega sladkorja za obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni. Ta paket vsebuje 100 testnih lističev, namenjenih uporabi z združljivimi merilniki glukoze. Z natančnimi in hitrimi rezultati ti trakovi pomagajo posameznikom pri priročnem spremljanju ravni glukoze doma ali na poti. Napredna tehnologija zagotavlja dosledno delovanje za učinkovito spremljanje. Poskrbite za svoje zdravje s temi visokokakovostnimi testnimi lističi, ki zagotavljajo priročnost in natančnost pri spremljanju ravni sladkorja v krvi. Poskrbite za svoje zdravje z lističi za merjenje glukoze v krvi Healthpro Axapharm...
Značilnosti kompaktnega merilnika krvnega tlaka VerovalCertificiran v Evropi CEKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 333 g Dolžina: 100 mm Širina: 111 mm Višina: 105 mm Kupite kompaktni merilnik krvnega tlaka Veroval v spletu v Švici..
Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set
The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set is an easy-to-use, reliable, and accurate device that helps people with diabetes manage their blood glucose levels at home. This system comes with a meter, test strips, and a lancing device, making it a complete solution for daily glucose monitoring.
Lightweight and compact design for easy portability
No coding required for fast and accurate testing
Backlit display for easy reading of results, even in low-light conditions
Alternate site testing capabilities for less painful testing
Large memory capacity of 1,000 readings for easy tracking and trend analysis
Ability to track pre- and post-meal glucose levels to make informed decisions about food choices and insulin dosing
The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set offers a range of benefits to users, including:
Accurate and reliable blood glucose monitoring from the comfort of your own home
Easy-to-use system with step-by-step instructions for hassle-free testing
Fast results with just a small blood sample size
Affordable testing solution for people with diabetes
Helps users make informed decisions about their diabetes management plan through the collection and analysis of data
Included in the Set
The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set includes:
FreeStyle Precision Neo meter
10 FreeStyle Precision Neo test strips
Lancing device with alternate site testing capability
10 lancets
Carrying case for easy storage and transportation
User guide and quick start guide for easy setup and operation
Overall, the Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set is a reliable and accurate system that offers a range of features and benefits for people with diabetes. With easy-to-use testing technology, fast results, and tracking capabilities, this system is an affordable and effective solution for daily blood glucose management. ..
Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT
Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT je zanesljiva in natančna naprava, ki vam pomaga obvladovati sladkorno bolezen s spremljanjem ravni glukoze v krvi. Z vmesnikom, ki je preprost za uporabo, in hitrimi rezultati vam Contour XT omogoča, da prevzamete nadzor nad svojim zdravjem in sprejemate informirane odločitve o svojih vsakodnevnih dejavnostih, prehrani in uporabi zdravil.
Ključne lastnosti
Hitri in natančni rezultati v samo 5 sekundah
Kodiranje ni potrebno, zaradi česar je uporaba enostavna
Majhen vzorec, ki zahteva samo 0,6 mikrolitra krvi
Velik, lahko berljiv zaslon
Možnost shranjevanja do 480 rezultatov testov s časom in datumom
Označevalec pred in po obroku za pomoč pri spremljanju ravni glukoze v krvi
7, 14 in 30-dnevna povprečja za pomoč pri prepoznavanju trendov in vzorcev
Možnost prenosa podatkov za uporabo z aplikacijo Contour Diabetes
Kako uporabljati
Za uporabo merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT:
Umijte si roke in jih temeljito osušite
Vstavite testni listič v merilnik
Zbodite stran prsta z lanceto, ki je priložena kompletu
Kapljico krvi položite na konec testnega lističa
Meritelj bo po 5 sekundah prikazal vašo raven glukoze v krvi
Priporočamo, da se s svojim zdravstvenim delavcem pogovorite o tem, kako pogosto meriti raven glukoze v krvi in kakšen mora biti vaš ciljni razpon. Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT uporabljajte po navodilih in ga hranite čistega in suhega, ko ga ne uporabljate, da zagotovite natančne rezultate.
Kaj je v škatli
Komplet merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT vključuje:
Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT
Nastavljiva lancetarna naprava Microlet 2
10 barvnih lancet Microlet
10 testnih lističev Contour Next
Uporabniški priročnik in hitri referenčni vodnik
Torba za prenašanje
Začnite samozavestno obvladovati svojo sladkorno bolezen z uporabo merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT še danes!..
Značilnosti merilnika glukoze v krvi Healthpro-X1 AxapharmEvropski certifikat CETemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 1 kosTeža: 292g Dolžina: 52mm Širina: 112mm Višina: 181mm Kupite merilnik glukoze v krvi Healthpro-X1 Axapharm v spletu iz Švice..
The automatic Omeron EVOLV blood pressure monitor for the upper arm, without hoses or cables. The blood pressure monitor convinces with its Intellisense technology, which ensures an accurate and gentle measurement, without annoying cables or hoses.The blood pressure monitor also detects irregular heartbeats and has body movement sensors.The unique Intelli Wrap cuff ensures easy and precise measurement.
Get Connected
The OMRON EVOLV blood pressure The measuring device can be connected to the OMERON Connect app for iPhone and Android.You can access it at any time and track your results and see your progress.With a 3-year guarantee and a free check when you buy it.
Scope of delivery
Integrated deviceIntelli Wrap cuff (22 - 42 cm)BatteriesInstructions for useStorage boxInstallation instructions..
Značilnosti kompleta sistema za spremljanje glukoze v krvi mylife UAC mmol / LCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja najmanj/največ 15/30 stopinj Celzija Količina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Višina: 0mm Kupite mylife UAC sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi komplet mmol/l na spletu iz Švice..
Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40
The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is an easy-to-use device that provides accurate blood pressure readings at home. It is highly recommended for individuals who need to monitor their blood pressure regularly due to medical reasons, like hypertension or heart diseases.
Why choose Beurer BM 40?
Large cuff size (22-42 cm) suitable for most arm sizes
Illuminated XL display for easy reading of measurement results
Arrhythmia detection indicates any irregular heartbeats during measurement
2 User profiles to save individual measurement data with date and time stamps
Automatic switch-off feature saves battery life
5-year warranty for peace of mind
How to use Beurer BM 40?
Using the Beurer BM 40 is simple and hassle-free. Simply wrap the cuff around the upper arm, press the start button, and wait for the measurement to complete. The measurement result will be displayed on the screen, along with any irregular heartbeat detected during the measurement. The device is powered by 4 AAA batteries, which come included with the package.
The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is a reliable tool to keep track of your blood pressure in the comfort of your home. It is easy to use and provides accurate readings, making it an ideal choice for individuals with hypertension, heart diseases, or those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get your Beurer BM 40 today and take control of your blood pressure!..
Značilnosti Omron nadlahtne manšete 22-42 cm Easy softCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/30 stopinj Celzija Količina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 205g Dolžina: 40mm Širina: 130mm Višina: 160mm Kupite Omron manšeto za nadlaket 22–42 cm Easy soft prek spleta iz Švice..
Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort:
The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and easy-to-use device that allows you to conveniently monitor your blood pressure at home. The monitor is designed to provide accurate readings and features an intuitive interface with a large display for easy reading.
The M3 Comfort monitor has a comfortable cuff that is easy to fit to your arm and ensures accurate results. It uses the Intellisense technology which allows the cuff to inflate to the ideal level for each individual user, and therefore delivers a fast and comfortable measurement experience.
The Omron M3 Comfort blood pressure monitor has a memory capacity of two users and can store up to 60 readings per user, meaning it is ideal for both personal and family use. It has a hypertension indicator that alerts you if the result is above the average level so that you can make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.
The blood pressure monitor comes with a range of additional features, including a body movement indicator, irregular heartbeat detection, and a guest mode function. The device is easy to use and has one-button operation, meaning that it can be used by people of all ages. The device also comes with a storage case for easy transportation and safe storage.
The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and accurate device that provides users with a convenient way to monitor their blood pressure at home. With its comfortable cuff and user-friendly interface, it is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep track of their blood pressure on a regular basis. ..
Ročni merilnik krvnega tlaka Omron M3 ponuja natančne in zanesljive meritve krvnega tlaka v udobju vašega doma. Zasnovan za enostavno spremljanje, ima manšeto, ki se prilega rokam z obsegom 22–42 cm, zaradi česar je primeren za širok krog uporabnikov. Napredna tehnologija Intellisense zagotavlja hitro in udobno napihovanje, velik zaslon pa jasne odčitke. S svojo zmožnostjo zaznavanja nepravilnega srčnega utripa in shranjevanja do 60 odčitkov za dva uporabnika je Omron M3 priročno orodje za spremljanje vašega krvnega tlaka in splošnega zdravja srca in ožilja. Bodite proaktivni glede svojega dobrega počutja z merilnikom krvnega tlaka Omron M3 Arm...
Značilnosti testnih lističev Abbott Freestyle Precision 50 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 50 kosovTeža: 35 g Dolžina: 25 mm Širina: 66 mm Višina: 116 mm Kupite testne lističe Abbott Freestyle Precision 50 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs
The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are designed to help individuals with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. These test strips are compatible with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which uses advanced technology to provide accurate results in just a few seconds.
With the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs, you can enjoy the convenience of testing your blood glucose levels from the comfort of your own home. These test strips are easy to use, and require only a small sample of blood to provide accurate results. The test strips are also designed to be easy to handle, with a simple design that allows you to quickly insert them into your blood glucose monitoring system.
The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are also incredibly reliable, providing accurate results every time you test your blood glucose levels. These test strips are calibrated to work with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which means you can trust that you are getting the most accurate results possible.
Overall, the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are an essential tool for individuals with diabetes who want to monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing your diabetes for years, these test strips can help you stay on track and stay healthy...
Značilnosti Visomat handySoft sfigmomanometraCertificiran v Evropi CETemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 110 g Dolžina: 95 mm Širina: 110 mm Višina: 150 mm Kupite Visomat handySoft sfigmomanometer na spletu iz Švice..
Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist RS8/NFC for PC IT-Line
The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist RS8/NFC for PC IT-Line is a high-tech device that allows you to easily monitor your blood pressure at home or on-the-go. This wrist blood pressure monitor is designed for maximum convenience and accuracy, featuring an NFC connection for easy data transfer to your PC or smartphone. It is also equipped with Bluetooth technology, allowing for wireless syncing with the Omron Connect app for seamless tracking of your blood pressure readings over time.
Key Features
NFC Connection for easy data transfer to your PC or smartphone
Bluetooth technology for wireless syncing with the Omron Connect app
Easy to use, compact and portable design
Automatically turns off after five minutes of inactivity to save battery life
Provides accurate and reliable blood pressure readings
Features a large and easy-to-read display screen
How to Use
The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist RS8/NFC for PC IT-Line is easy to use, simply wrap the wrist cuff around your wrist and press the start button. The device will automatically inflate and measure your blood pressure, displaying your results on the easy-to-read screen. The wrist cuff is adjustable to fit most wrist sizes comfortably. To save battery life, the device will automatically turn off after five minutes of inactivity.
Many people suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to serious health problems if not managed properly. The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist RS8/NFC for PC IT-Line is an excellent tool for monitoring and managing your blood pressure at home or on-the-go. Its compact and portable design makes it easy to take with you wherever you go, and its accurate and reliable readings are essential for maintaining good health. With the ability to easily transfer your data to your PC or smartphone, you can keep track of your readings over time and share them with your doctor as needed.
The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist RS8/NFC for PC IT-Line is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to monitor and manage their blood pressure at home or on-the-go. Its compact and portable design, along with its advanced technology features, make it both easy and convenient to use. With this device, you can take control of your health and stay on top of your blood pressure readings with ease...
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