
Slabost mehurja

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Pri Beeoviti sta vaše zdravje in udobje naša prioriteta. Naša paleta visokokakovostnih izdelkov iz Švice vam lahko pomaga pri obvladovanju šibkosti mehurja. Ponujamo različne rešitve zaupanja vrednih blagovnih znamk, kot sta Blasosan in Tena. Naša ponudba vključuje homeopatska zdravila, kot so kapljice in globule Blasosan, vpojne vložke za inkontinenco in diskretne, nastavljive pleničke. Ti dodatki zagotavljajo učinkovito zaščito pred puščanjem in nego telesa, zahvaljujoč vpojnemu jedru. Poleg tega naše plenice in hlače za enkratno uporabo zagotavljajo udobje, prilagodljivost in nadzor neprijetnih vonjav, kar vam omogoča, da samozavestno preživite dan. Za celovito nego poleg izdelkov za inkontinenco nudimo tudi vrsto izdelkov za nego telesa in kože, ki še izboljšajo vaše dobro počutje. Raziščite našo ponudbo medicinskih pripomočkov in zdravstvenih izdelkov še danes ter izkusite olajšanje in zaupanje ob zaščiti spodnjega urinarnega trakta z Beeovito.
Blasosan globules bottle 10 g

Blasosan globules bottle 10 g

Koda izdelka: 1640569

Informacije o bolnikih, ki jih je odobril Swissmedic Blasosan globule/kapljice Tentan AG Homeopatsko zdravilo AMZV Kdaj se Blasosan uporablja? Glede na homeopatsko sliko zdravila za oslabelost mehurja (pri mladostnikih in starejši), kapljanje urina, pogosto uriniranje ponoči, sprostitev sfinktra mehurja v starosti in razdražljiv mehur. Na kaj morate biti pozorni? Če vam je zdravnik predpisal druga zdravila, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom, ali lahko zdravilo Blasosan uporabljate hkrati. čas. Šibkost mehurja ima lahko veliko vzrokov: Prehladi, živčne motnje ali duševni konflikti lahko sprožijo takšne simptome. Če se simptomi ponavljajo ali trajajo več dni in če se pojavi vročina, je treba poiskati zdravniško pomoč. Kdaj Blasosan ne smete uporabljati ali ga morate uporabljati previdno? Če se stanje še naprej slabša ali ni izboljšanja, se posvetujte z zdravnikom. Pri predvideni uporabi niso potrebni posebni previdnostni ukrepi. Povejte svojemu zdravniku, farmacevtu ali farmacevtu, če imate druge bolezni, imate alergije ali jemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami!) ali jih uporabljate zunaj. Ali se lahko Blasosan jemlje med nosečnostjo ali dojenjem? Na podlagi prejšnjih izkušenj ni znanega tveganja za otroka, če se uporablja v skladu z navodili. Vendar pa sistematične znanstvene raziskave niso bile nikoli izvedene. Iz previdnosti se izogibajte jemanju zdravil med nosečnostjo in dojenjem ali pa se za nasvet posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kako uporabljate Blasosan? Če zdravnik ne predpiše drugače: Splošno pravilo: Pijte čim manj tekočine po 17. uri in izpraznite mehur pred spanjem. Približno uro pred spanjem pustite, da se 25 Blasosan globul raztopi v ustih brez tekočine ali pa vzemite 25 kapljic nerazredčenih. V trdovratnih primerih vzemite še 25 Blasosan globul ali 25 kapljic zjutraj. Blasosan lahko jemljete dlje časa. Za otroke in mladostnike je treba uporabljati globule (brez alkohola). Upoštevajte odmerek, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali kot vam je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kakšne neželene učinke ima lahko Blasosan? Za Blasosan niso opazili nobenih stranskih učinkov, če se uporablja pravilno. Pri uporabi homeopatskih zdravil se lahko simptomi začasno poslabšajo (začetno poslabšanje). Če se poslabšanje nadaljuje, prekinite uporabo zdravila Blasosan in obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Če opazite neželene učinke, ki tukaj niso opisani, obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Kaj je še potrebno upoštevati? Hraniti pri sobni temperaturi (15-25 °C) in izven dosega otrok. Zdravilo je uporabno samo do datuma, ki je na ovojnini označen z "EXP". Vaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali farmacevt vam lahko zagotovi dodatne informacije. Kaj vsebuje Blasosan? Blasosan globule vsebujejo: Calcium carbonicum D11, Cina D5, Ferrum phosphoricum D11, Sepia D11, Silicea D11, Uva ursi D5, vsak v enakih delih. Krogle vsebujejo sladkor kot pomožno snov. 1 g Blasosan kapljic vsebuje: Calcium carbonicum D11, Cina D5, Ferrum phosphoricum D11, Sepia D11, Silicea D11, Uva ursi D5, po 17 mg. Kapljice vsebujejo druge pomožne snovi. Vsebuje 50 % v/v alkohola. Številka odobritve Globule: 12570 (Swissmedic). Kapljice: 54519 (Swissmedic). Kje lahko dobite Blasosan? Katera pakiranja so na voljo? V lekarnah in drogerijah brez zdravniškega receptaGlobule: pakiranje po 10 g. Kapljice: Pakiranje po 50 ml. Imetnik dovoljenja Tentan AG, 4452 Itingen. To navodilo je nazadnje preveril organ za zdravila (Swissmedic) decembra 2012. PIBlasosan/10.18 Informacije o bolnikih, ki jih je odobril Swissmedic Blasosan globule/kapljiceTentan AGHomeopatsko zdravilo AMZVKdaj se uporablja Blasosan?Glede na homeopatsko sliko zdravila za oslabelost mehurja (pri mladostnikih in starejši), kapljanje urina, pogosto uriniranje ponoči, sprostitev sfinktra mehurja v starosti in razdražljiv mehur. Na kaj morate biti pozorni?Če vam je zdravnik predpisal druga zdravila, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom, ali lahko zdravilo Blasosan uporabljate hkrati. čas. Šibkost mehurja ima lahko veliko vzrokov: Prehladi, živčne motnje ali duševni konflikti lahko sprožijo takšne simptome. Če se simptomi ponavljajo ali trajajo več dni in če se pojavi vročina, je treba poiskati zdravniško pomoč. Kdaj Blasosan ne smemo uporabljati ali le previdno?Če se stanje še naprej slabša ali ni izboljšanja, se posvetujte z zdravnikom. Pri predvideni uporabi niso potrebni posebni previdnostni ukrepi. Povejte svojemu zdravniku, farmacevtu ali farmacevtu, če imate druge bolezni,imate alergije alijemljete druga zdravila (tudi tista, ki ste jih kupili sami!) ali jih uporabljate zunaj.Ali se lahko Blasosan jemlje med nosečnostjo ali dojenjem?Na podlagi prejšnjih izkušenj ni znanega tveganja za otroka, če se uporablja v skladu z navodili. Vendar pa sistematične znanstvene raziskave niso bile nikoli izvedene. Iz previdnosti se izogibajte jemanju zdravil med nosečnostjo in dojenjem ali pa se za nasvet posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kako uporabljate Blasosan?Če zdravnik ne predpiše drugače: Splošno pravilo: Pijte čim manj tekočine po 17. uri in izpraznite mehur pred spanjem. Približno uro pred spanjem pustite, da se 25 Blasosan globul raztopi v ustih brez tekočine ali pa vzemite 25 kapljic nerazredčenih. V trdovratnih primerih vzemite še 25 Blasosan globul ali 25 kapljic zjutraj. Blasosan lahko jemljete dlje časa. Za otroke in mladostnike je treba uporabljati globule (brez alkohola). Upoštevajte odmerek, ki je naveden v navodilu za uporabo ali kot vam je predpisal zdravnik. Če menite, da je zdravilo prešibko ali premočno, se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali farmacevtom. Kakšne neželene učinke ima lahko Blasosan?Pri uporabi Blasosan v skladu z navodili niso opazili stranskih učinkov. Pri uporabi homeopatskih zdravil se lahko simptomi začasno poslabšajo (začetno poslabšanje). Če se poslabšanje nadaljuje, prekinite uporabo zdravila Blasosan in obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Če opazite neželene učinke, ki tukaj niso opisani, obvestite svojega zdravnika, farmacevta ali farmacevta. Kaj je še potrebno upoštevati?Hraniti pri sobni temperaturi (15-25 °C) in izven dosega otrok. Zdravilo je uporabno samo do datuma, ki je na ovojnini označen z "EXP". Vaš zdravnik, farmacevt ali farmacevt vam lahko zagotovi dodatne informacije. Kaj vsebuje Blasosan?Blasosan globule vsebujejo: Calcium carbonicum D11, Cina D5, Ferrum phosphoricum D11, Sepia D11, Silicea D11, Uva ursi D5, vsak v enakih delih. Krogle vsebujejo sladkor kot pomožno snov. 1 g Blasosan kapljic vsebuje: Calcium carbonicum D11, Cina D5, Ferrum phosphoricum D11, Sepia D11, Silicea D11, Uva ursi D5, po 17 mg. Kapljice vsebujejo druge pomožne snovi. Vsebuje 50 % v/v alkohola. Številka odobritveGlobule: 12570 (Swissmedic). Kapljice: 54519 (Swissmedic). Kje lahko dobite Blasosan? Katera pakiranja so na voljo? V lekarnah in drogerijah brez zdravniškega receptaGlobule: pakiranje po 10 g. Kapljice: Pakiranje po 50 ml. Imetnik dovoljenjaTentan AG, 4452 Itingen. To navodilo je nazadnje preveril organ za zdravila (Swissmedic) decembra 2012. PIBlasosan/10.18 ..

48.56 USD

Molicare premium form 5 32 stk

Molicare premium form 5 32 stk

Koda izdelka: 7830953

MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is a high-quality incontinence product designed to offer maximum comfort and efficiency for people with moderate to severe bladder weakness. This product is specially designed to handle higher levels of incontinence and provide superior protection against leaks and skin irritation. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk comes with an advanced three-layer absorbent core that quickly locks in fluids, leaving the skin dry and comfortable. The outer layer features a breathable textile-like material that allows air circulation and reduces heat buildup. This layer helps to prevent skin irritation and rashes that are common with traditional incontinence products. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is also designed with a multitude of features that improve the overall user experience. The product comes with adjustable side panels that ensure a secure fit and prevent leaks. The super soft and velvety material used in the construction of this product provides a luxurious feel that eliminates discomfort and the risk of skin irritation. The wetness indicator enables users to track the amount of moisture absorbed and identify when it's time to change the product. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is an ideal incontinence product for individuals who require maximum protection, comfort, and peace of mind. The product is unisex and comes in a pack of 32 pieces, making it an affordable and convenient solution for long-term use. Key features High-quality incontinence product Designed for moderate to severe bladder weakness Advanced three-layer absorbent core Breathable textile-like material Adjustable side panels Super soft and velvety material Wetness indicator Unisex design Pack of 32 pieces ..

70.51 USD

Tena flex plus l 30 kos

Tena flex plus l 30 kos

Koda izdelka: 7833396

Product Description: TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs Experience discreet and reliable protection with TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs. This innovative product is designed to provide maximum absorbency and comfort for those who experience moderate to heavy bladder weakness. TENA Flex Plus L is the perfect solution for individuals who don't want to compromise on their active lifestyles. The TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs comes equipped with unique features that make it one of the best available products in the market. The product is designed with ConfioAir Breathable Technology, providing maximum breathability and promoting healthy skin. Moreover, the product uses a 100% breathable backsheet, allowing air to circulate, thereby preventing skin irritation and dampness. The product also has an elasticated waistband that ensures a comfortable and snug fit. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs has a fast-acting core that quickly absorbs and locks in moisture, reducing the possibility of wetness and odors. The product is also designed with an improved urine dispersion pattern, distributing the fluid evenly and quickly throughout the pad, ensuring maximum absorption. The product also holds a high capacity, and can absorb up to 2550 ml. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs is also easy to use, thanks to its patented hook and loop fastening system. It comes with a simple application guide, making the product easy to use even for those with reduced mobility. The product also features wetness indicators, a color-coded system that lets you know when it's time to change your pad. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs is a reliable and discreet solution for those who experience bladder weakness. With its advanced features, superior comfort, and maximum absorbency, you can rest easy and enjoy life to the fullest. ..

109.20 USD

Tena hlače super s confiofit 12 kos

Tena hlače super s confiofit 12 kos

Koda izdelka: 6060196

Discreet disposable pants for moderate to severe bladder weakness with a thin, flexible ConfioFit absorbent core and odor binder, which always give you a dry and safe feeling. Properties Tena Pants Super are discreet disposable pants for moderate to severe bladder weakness with a comfortable, body-hugging fit. When worn, the thin and flexible ConfioFit absorbent core forms two absorption chambers that quickly and safely draw liquid away from the body. The integrated leak barriers provide additional security while keeping you dry and secure. An odor neutralizer at the core also reduces the impact of ammonia, neutralizing unwanted odors.This product is CE -certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

50.31 USD

Tena lady discreet extra plus

Tena lady discreet extra plus

Koda izdelka: 7742256

TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus The TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus is a revolutionary product designed with the needs of women in mind. As we know, women experience bladder weakness during their adult life, and it is a common problem that can be a source of discomfort, embarrassment, and stress. TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus is designed to offer ultimate protection and comfort to women experiencing bladder weakness, ensuring they go about their daily activities with confidence. Product Features The TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus is extra-large, making it suitable for women with larger frames. It has a comfortable fit that stays in place, giving women the freedom to move despite experiencing bladder weakness. The product has an innovative odour control technology that eliminates unpleasant odours, keeping you fresh all day. TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus has a soft and breathable material that is gentle to the skin, preventing irritation, and ensuring comfort all day. The product is discreet and easy to carry around, making it easier to manage bladder weakness while on the go. TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus guarantees women up to 8 hours of protection, giving them peace of mind and allowing them to enjoy their day without any interruptions. Benefits The TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus has numerous benefits to offer women experiencing bladder weakness. It provides the ultimate protection and comfort, ensuring women go about their day-to-day activities with confidence. The extra-large size of the product makes it suitable for women with larger frames, while the comfortable fit ensures it stays in place, giving women the freedom to move around. The innovative odour control technology eliminates unpleasant odours, keeping you fresh all day. The product is also easy to carry around, making it easier to manage bladder weakness while on the go. With TENA Lady discreet Extra Plus, women are guaranteed up to 8 hours of protection, giving them peace of mind and allowing them to enjoy their day without any interruptions...

112.82 USD

Tena lady discreet maxi 12 stk

Tena lady discreet maxi 12 stk

Koda izdelka: 7742252

TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk: Product Description TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is a pack of incontinence pads specially designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy bladder weakness. These pads offer maximum protection against leaks, odors and moisture, allowing you to stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long. Features of TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk Unique LockAway Core Technology: This feature quickly and effectively locks away any moisture, keeping you dry and preventing any leaks. Odour Control: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is equipped with odour neutralizers that prevent unpleasant smells and keep you feeling fresh and confident. Comfortable and Discreet Design: These incontinence pads are incredibly thin, soft and discreet, ensuring maximum comfort and discretion, regardless of what you are wearing. Dermatologically Tested: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk have been dermatologically tested and are gentle on even the most sensitive skin. Who is it designed for? The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is specifically designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy incontinence. Whether you have occasional leaks or a more severe form of bladder weakness, these pads provide maximum protection and superior comfort, allowing you to continue with your daily routine without any inconvenience or embarrassment. Product Advantages Provides maximum protection against leaks and moisture, ensuring you stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long Unique LockAway Core Technology and Odour Control Comfortable and Discreet Design that is incredibly thin, soft and gentle on the skin Dermatologically Tested and safe for even the most sensitive skin Improves quality of life for women who suffer from incontinence Conclusion TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is the perfect solution for women who suffer from incontinence. These pads provide maximum protection against leaks and moisture, while also being incredibly comfortable and discreet. The LockAway Core Technology, Odour Control and dermatological testing make them an excellent choice for women who demand superior quality and performance from their incontinence products. Try them today and discover the difference they can make in your quality of life!..

27.47 USD

Tena lady super 30 kos

Tena lady super 30 kos

Koda izdelka: 1594846

Pads for moderate bladder weakness that offer very effective leakage protection and extra body protection when you need extra security. Features The Tena Lady Super Intermediate Pads offer extra body protection when you need extra security. Thanks to the super-absorbent microbeads, you are offered very effective leak protection, as they absorb the liquid and lock it in securely. The silky soft, gentle, textile-like finish wicks moisture away from the skin, helping you feel dry and secure.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

48.67 USD

Tena ultra discreet mini 28 kosov

Tena ultra discreet mini 28 kosov

Koda izdelka: 7742249

For very light bladder weakness. Protects against leakage, moisture and odors. Features The Mini Magic panty liners were specially developed for very light bladder weakness. With the help of microPROTEX technology, they provide reliable protection against odours, moisture and leakage. At the same time, the panty liners give a feeling of security and freshness.Mini Magic was developed for very light bladder weakness. These discreet panty liners with microPROTEX technology offer protection against leakage, moisture and odors, so you can feel secure anywhere, anytime.Dry, secure and odor control Notices Dermatologically testedWithout perfume This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

15.90 USD

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