
Exudate Management Pad

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Ploščice za upravljanje eksudata so bistvene za učinkovito nego ran, zlasti pri zdravljenju kroničnih in akutnih ran, ki proizvajajo eksudat. Ena od odličnih možnosti v tej kategoriji je Hydroclean Plus Ran Pad 3cm okrogli Mini, ki ponuja specializiran pristop k upravljanju eksudata ran. Ta sterilni, nelepilni preliv ima triplastno strukturo, zasnovano tako, da spodbuja optimalno celjenje in hkrati učinkovito ravna z eksudatom. Hidrofilna poliuretanska plast pene deluje tako, da očisti rano z odstranjevanjem naplavin in presežka eksudata, s čimer spodbuja avtolitično debridement in preprečuje maceracijo kože. Superabsorbent plast zajame eksudat, ga pretvori v gel in zagotavlja vlažno okolje, ki podpira nastajanje granulacijskega tkiva. Nazadnje vodoodporni poliuretanski film ščiti pred zunanjimi onesnaževalci, hkrati pa omogoča prenos hlapov vlage, ki je ključnega pomena za izogibanje rasti bakterij. Idealen za majhna in težko dostopna območja, zaobljena 3-centimetrska zasnova hidroklenske plus rane je primerna za različne vrste ran, vključno s tlačnimi ranami, razjedami na nogah in diabetičnimi razjedami za stopala. Ta preliv ne samo poveča udobje med obrabo, ampak tudi zmanjšuje bolečino med spremembami, zaradi česar je odlična izbira za učinkovito upravljanje eksudata. Ta izdelek, ki ga prodamo v 10 zavojčku, bistveno prispeva k celovitemu vlažnemu režimu terapije z ranami.
Hydroclean plus wound pad 3cm round mini 10 pcs

Hydroclean plus wound pad 3cm round mini 10 pcs

Koda izdelka: 7807645

Hydroclean Plus Wound Pad 3cm Round Mini 10 pcs The Hydroclean Plus Wound Pad 3cm Round Mini is a sterile, non-adhesive, and non-occlusive dressing specially designed for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. It is made up of a three-layer structure that enables effective wound healing. Features: Hydrophilic polyurethane foam layer that cleanses the wound bed by removing debris and excess exudate from the wound surface. This layer promotes autolytic debridement and prevents maceration of the surrounding skin. Superabsorbent layer that ensures a high exudate retention capacity, providing a moist environment that promotes granulation tissue formation and promotes angiogenesis. The layer converts exudate into a gel by trapping it within the dressing, which reduces the risk of wound contamination and infection. Waterproof and bacteria-proof polyurethane film that provides a barrier against external contaminants such as water, bacteria, and viruses. The film layer allows vapor transfer to prevent a buildup of moisture that may lead to bacterial growth and wound breakdown. Rounded mini shape of 3cm provides a perfect fit for small and hard to reach wounds such as those on fingers, toes or other small areas. Benefits: Promotes wound healing by creating a moist wound-healing environment. Helps prevent wound infection and contamination. Non-adhesive, non-occlusive, soft and conformable which makes it comfortable and easy to use for patients. Minimizes pain and irritation during dressing change as it does not stick to the wound. Allows longer wear time which reduces the frequency of dressing changes and overall cost of wound care. The Hydroclean Plus Wound Pad 3cm Round Mini is sold in a pack of 10 sterile dressings. It is recommended for use on exuding or infected wounds such as pressure sores, leg ulcers, surgical and traumatic wounds, burns, and diabetic foot ulcers. Try Hydroclean Plus Wound Pad for an effective and efficient wound care. ..

83.77 USD

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