
Rešitev za shranjevanje Contopharma

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Raztopina za shranjevanje Contophame je zasnovana posebej za optimalno nego vseh pogostih dimenzijsko stabilnih kontaktnih leč, ki jih je mogoče prepustiti plin. CONTOPHARMA "I-COMFORT!" 250ml rešitev ponuja edinstveno kombinacijo hudočasnega in filmskega sredstva, s čimer zagotavlja, da se vaši kontaktni leči brez napora držijo ob vstavitvi. Z zanesljivim učinkom dezinfekcije, ki ga je mogoče doseči v samo dveh urah, ta rešitev zagotavlja brezskrbnost, hkrati pa zagotavlja prilagodljivo in udobno ravnanje. Posebej je koristen za skleralne in orto-k leče, ki jih ohranja v optimalnem stanju. Contopharma je kot izdelek z oznako CE "I-Comfort!" izpolnjuje stroge evropske varnostne standarde, zaradi česar je odlična izbira za tiste, ki iščejo učinkovite rešitve za shranjevanje in izpiranje za trde kontaktne leče.
Contopharma storage and rinsing solution i-comfort! 250 ml

Contopharma storage and rinsing solution i-comfort! 250 ml

Koda izdelka: 5903043

The optimally viscous storage and rinsing solution for all common, dimensionally stable, gas-permeable contact lenses The solution Contopharma "i-comfort! ? is used for storing and rinsing all common dimensionally stable gas-permeable contact lenses. A specific humectant and a film-forming agent ensure that the contact lenses slide optimally on the eye when they are put on. A reliable disinfection effect for dimensionally stable, gas-permeable contact lenses is already achieved after an insertion time of 2 hours. The Contopharma "i-comfort!" solution enables flexible and comfortable handling with good tolerability and optimal wetting of the contact lens surfaces when putting them on and while they are being worn.The contact lens care solution Contopharma "i-comfort !? is suitable for all common dimensionally stable gas-permeable contact lenses, but not for soft hydrophilic contact lenses. Especially recommended for storing scleral and Ortho-K lenses, as the solution preserves it optimally. This product is CE-marked . This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

44.02 USD

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