
Nega kofeina

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Nega kofeina je inovativen pristop k vzdrževanju in pomlajevanju las, zlasti za ženske, starejše od štirideset let. Ko ravni estrogena padajo s starostjo, lasje pogosto postanejo fini, krhki in bolj dovzetni za izpadanje las. Kofein je prepoznan po svoji sposobnosti spodbujanja lasnih mešičkov, zaradi česar je močna sestavina izdelkov za nego las. Eden od izstopajočih izdelkov v tej kategoriji je šampon Plantur 39 kofeina (250 ml). Ta posebej formuliran šampon ne samo krepi fine in krhke lase, ampak tudi pomaga zaščititi pred učinki upada ravni estrogena. Njegova edinstvena formulacija vključuje aktiviranje kofeina, ki med pranjem prodira v lasne mešičke, kar poživi in ​​utrdi lase iz korenin. Za tiste z barvnimi ali poškodovanimi lasmi barvni pas kofeina Plantur 39 (250 ml) ponuja prilagojeno rešitev. Ima enake koristne lastnosti kot originalni šampon za kofein Plantur 39, kar zagotavlja, da vaši lasje ostanejo močni, hkrati pa obravnava tudi posebne potrebe las, obdelanih z barvo. Ta šampon varuje lasišče in lase zaradi vpliva hormonskih sprememb, kar zagotavlja celovito izkušnjo nege las. Oba izdelka izkoriščata moč kofeina in fito aktivnih sestavin iz narave, da podpirata bolj zdrave lase, zaradi česar je negovalna las kofein bistveni del vaše dnevne rutine. Odkrijte prednosti nege las, ki je vgrajena v kofein, in obnovite vitalnost las z Plantur 39.
šampon plantur 39 s kofeinom 250 ml

šampon plantur 39 s kofeinom 250 ml

Koda izdelka: 3280974

A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects against the consequences of falling estrogen levels. Properties A woman's hair roots are protected until the menopause by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo is a care product for hair over forty and especially suitable for fine and brittle hair. The activating caffeine already penetrates into the hair follicle during hair washing, which strengthens the hair. Phyto-active ingredients from nature also help the scalp to protect itself from the effects of falling estrogen levels. ..

23.36 USD

Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo trak za barvo las 250 ml

Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo trak za barvo las 250 ml

Koda izdelka: 3410069

A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects against the consequences of falling estrogen levels. Properties A woman's hair roots are protected until the menopause by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo is a care product for hair over forty and especially suitable for colored and damaged hair. The activating caffeine already penetrates into the hair follicle during hair washing, which strengthens the hair. Phyto-active ingredients from nature also help the scalp to protect itself from the effects of falling estrogen levels. ..

23.21 USD

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