olje za pšenične zarodke
(1 strani)
A. vogel olje pšeničnih kalčkov 100 ml
A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil 100ml Our A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil is a natural food supplement that is made from the small, nutrient-rich seed of wheat. This oil is rich in vitamin E, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Our product has been cold-pressed, ensuring that all of its valuable nutrients and properties are preserved. Our A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil is unrefined, meaning that it is untouched by any chemicals or synthetic processes. This ensures that it is as natural and pure as possible, delivering maximum nutritional value to your body. Our Wheat Germ Oil is also high in essential fatty acids and amino acids, making it a great addition to any diet. These nutrients are essential for promoting healthy growth and development, and they can help to reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health, and support healthy brain function. Our product comes in a 100ml bottle, making it easy to take wherever you go. It can be added to salads, smoothies, or other foods, or taken straight from the bottle as a daily supplement. At A. Vogel, we are committed to delivering the highest quality natural products to our customers. Our Wheat Germ Oil is no exception, and we are confident that you will feel the benefits of this incredible supplement. Order your A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil today and start taking advantage of the many health benefits that it has to offer! ..
21.77 USD
Aromasan wheat germ oil 50 ml
Aromasan olje pšeničnih kalčkov 50 ml Nahranite svojo kožo s tem lahkim in nemastnim oljem pšeničnih kalčkov Aromasan. Ta 50-mililitrska steklenička vsebuje čisto in naravno olje, pridobljeno iz pšeničnih zrn, ki vsebuje vrsto hranilnih snovi, kot so vitamin E, A, D in esencialne maščobne kisline.Prednosti Zmanjšuje poškodbe kože, ki jih povzročajo UV sevanje in onesnaževala. Izboljša elastičnost kože z zmanjšanjem videza drobnih linij in gub. Neguje in vlaži suho kožo, ki se lušči. Pomaga pri celjenju kožnih ran in preprečuje nastanek brazgotin. Zmanjša izpadanje las in spodbuja rast las. Krepi nohte in spodbuja rast. Kako uporabljati Olje je neodišavljeno, zato ga lahko uporabljate samo ali v mešanici z drugimi eteričnimi olji. Za kožo nanesite 2-3 kapljice dvakrat na dan na obraz in masirajte telo, dokler se ne vpije. Za lase zmešajte 3-4 kapljice olja z nosilnim oljem, kot je kokosovo ali mandljevo olje, in masirajte lasišče 10 minut. Za nohte enkrat na dan vmasirajte majhno količino olja na obnohtno kožico in nohte.Previdno Olje je samo za zunanjo uporabo in ne za notranjo uporabo. Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Izogibajte se stiku z očmi. V primeru draženja ali alergijskih reakcij prenehajte z uporabo.Dodajte Aromasan olje pšeničnih kalčkov svoji lepotni rutini in pustite, da bogata hranila prodrejo v vašo kožo, lase in nohte ter jim dajo zdrav in sijoč sijaj. Naročite zdaj in uživajte v hranilnih prednostih, ki jih ponuja to olje...
31.02 USD
Vogel vitamin e kapsule 200 kos
Wheat germ oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on cell metabolism. Wheat germ oil is particularly valuable for people prone to atherosclerosis, women of childbearing age and women with menopausal symptoms. Consumption recommendation Take two capsules 1-2 times a day before meals, whole and with sufficient liquid...
33.08 USD
(1 strani)