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Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema tb 50 g
Kompendij podatkov o bolnikih Gynaedron® regeneracijska vaginalna krema Drossapharm AG Kaj je Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema in kdaj se uporablja? Kaj je Gynaedron® regeneracijska vaginalna krema? Gynaedron® je regeneracijska vaginalna krema brez hormonov z 0,8 % mlečne kisline in 2 % dekspantenola. Gynaedron® je na voljo v pakiranju po 7 monoodmerkov, vsak s 5 ml regenerativne vaginalne kreme, ali kot 50 g tuba z aplikatorjem. Kako deluje Gynaedron® regeneracijska vaginalna krema deluje? Hormonske spremembe, stres, jemanje antibiotikov oz. kontracepcijska sredstva (kot so tabletke) lahko povzročijo suhost nožnice. Povzročanje in zmanjšanje števila mlečnokislinskih bakterij v nožnici (vagini), kar povzroči povečanje naravnega pH. To lahko povzroči pogoste bakterijske vaginoze (mešane okužbe) ali glivične okužbe z neprijetnim vonjem. K učinkovitosti regeneracijske vaginalne kreme Gynaedron® prispevajo 4 učinki: Mlečna kislina znižuje in stabilizira pH vrednost, s čimer vzpostavi ravnovesje laktobacilne flore in tako tvori obrambni sistem pred bakterijami in glivicami. Dekspantenol podpira strukturo in fiziološko delovanje kože in sluznice. Poleg tega dekspantenol zdravi suhost nožnice s svojimi lastnostmi vezave vode in s tem vlažilnimi lastnostmi ter deluje proti srbenju, celjenju ran in regeneraciji. Hidrokrema ima visoko vsebnost vode. Ta ščiti kožo v predelu nožnice in zunanjega spolovila pred vlago ter jo varuje pred izsušitvijo in bolečimi razpokami. Negovalni lipidi (maščobe) ohranjajo kožo in vaginalno sluznico voljno in elastično. Kakšne so indikacije Gynaedron® regeneracijskega vaginalnega krema?Profilaktično (preventivno): em> Gynaedron® regenerira nožnično sluznico in nožnično floro, zvišuje in znižuje pH nožnice ter tako preprečuje bakterijsko vaginozo. (mešana okužba) in glivične okužbe. Gynaedron® zdravi suhost nožnice in tako lajša pekoč občutek, srbenje, bolečino in bolečino. Zahvaljujoč svojim vlažilnim (vlažilnim) lastnostim Gynaedron® vrača vlago vaginalni sluznici in jo ohranja prožno. Gynaedron® se lahko uporablja na primer po ali med antibiotično terapijo, po plavanju, po spolnem odnosu, po menstruaciji, za suhe ali srbeče intimne predele in anus ali za nego kože. Dodatek k terapiji: Gynaedron® podpira zdravljenje okužb vaginalnega soorja in bakterijskih okužb ter se lahko uporablja v izmenični kombinaciji z drugimi lokalnimi terapijami (kot so intravaginalni estriol - hormonske terapije, terapije ekcema). Poleg tega se lahko Gynaedron® daje skupaj z vaginalnimi tabletami, kot je vagi-C® (vitamin C). Regeneracijsko vaginalno kremo je treba pred uporabo vagi-C® nanesti zunanje na intimni predel, še posebej, če so na koži poškodovane in boleče razpoke. Kdaj Gynaedron regeneracijske vaginalne kreme ne smemo uporabljati uporabiti? V primeru preobčutljivosti na eno ali več sestavin. Kdaj je potrebna previdnost pri uporabi Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema? Resne varnosti kondoma (moč na trganje) ni mogoče izključiti. Ni znanih interakcij z drugimi medicinskimi pripomočki ali zdravili. Ali se Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema lahko uporablja med nosečnostjo ali dojenjem? Zaradi sestave in načina delovanja Gynaedrona® - regeneracijsko vaginalno kremo telo ne absorbira - ni tveganja za otroka. O uporabi med nosečnostjo se je treba posvetovati z zdravnikom, saj znanstvenih raziskav ni bilo. Kako uporabljati Gynaedron regenerativno vaginalno kremo? tr> Predvidena uporaba Odmerek v epruveti Odmerek v enem odmerkuTrajanje uporabe Izmenično s hormonom terapija3-5 ml na aplikacijo 2-3 krat na teden Profilaksa bakterijske vaginoze in vzdrževanje naravnega pH ravnovesja3-5 ml na aplikacijo 1 monoodmerek na nanos Vsak 3. dan Simptomatsko zdravljenje suhosti nožnice ali pomanjkanja laktobacilov 1 monoodmerek dnevno 7 dni A podaljšanje pH vrednosti med ali po zdravljenju z antibiotiki 1 enkraten odmerek dnevno 7 dni td>Nega nožnice in zunanjih genitalij 1 enkraten odmerek dnevno Po potrebi Gynaedron® je primeren za dolgotrajno uporabo in se lahko uporablja vsak dan, dokler simptomi ne izginejo. Vaginalna krema je brez hormonov, dišav in barvil. Kako uporabljate regeneracijsko vaginalno kremo Gynaedron®? Gynaedron® em> je najbolje aplicirati neposredno v nožnico (vagino) zvečer v ležečem položaju. Monodoze> Monodoza ustreza eni aplikaciji in je enostavna ter higienična za uporabo. Vaginalno kremo nanesemo neposredno iz monodoze na sluznico nožnice, kjer se prilepi. 3. Vnos monodoze v nožnico. 1. Vsebino stresajte proti zaprtju monodoze. 2. Odprite mono vtičnico tako, da zavrtite pokrovček. 4. Popoln izgon vsebine v nožnico. Če se uporablja po navodilih, bo majhna količina kreme ostala v monoodmerku. Prosimo, da monodozo po uporabi zavržete. Tuba z aplikatorjem 1. Pred prvo uporabo odvijte pokrovček tube in pritisnite odprtino tube na glavo, da odprete membransko tesnilo. 2. Privijte aplikator na tubo z odprtino z rahlim pritiskom do spodnjega konca navoja in po potrebi sprostite bat iz zaklepa. 3. Regeneracijsko vaginalno kremo vtisnite v aplikator do želene oznake. 4. Odvijte aplikator iz tube in tubo ponovno dobro zaprite. 5. V ležečem položaju vstavite napolnjen aplikator čim globlje v nožnico in z batom iztisnite obnovitveno vaginalno kremo. 6. Po uporabi očistite posamezne dele aplikatorja z mlačno vodo. Izogibajte se vreli vodi, da preprečite deformacijo aplikatorja. S priloženim aplikatorjem za večkratno uporabo lahko nanesete od 3 do 5 ml vaginalne kreme individualno. Kakšne stranske učinke ima lahko Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema? V primeru že obstoječo vaginalno sluznico, se lahko pojavi draženje kože, kot je srbenje, zlasti na začetku uporabe, ali rahlo pekoč občutek. Ko se vaginalna sluznica regenerira, ti simptomi izzvenijo. Če vztrajajo in se ne izboljšajo, prenehajte uporabljati Gynaedron® in obiščite zdravnika. Kaj je še treba upoštevati? Shranjevanje in trajnost Gynaedron® shranjujte pri temperaturi od 5 do 25 °C in izven dosega otrok. Po uporabi mora biti tuba dobro zaprta, da se ne izsuši. Navoj vijaka mora biti čist. Po odprtju je tuba uporabna 12 mesecev. Kaj vsebuje Gynaedron regeneracijska vaginalna krema? Voda, izopropil miristat, cetearil alkohol, gliceril stearat, PEG-20 gliceril stearat, dekspantenol (20 mg/g), propilen glikol, mlečna kislina (8 mg/g), karbomer, benzojska kislina, natrijev hidroksid. Kje lahko dobite regeneracijsko vaginalno kremo Gynaedron? Katera pakiranja so na voljo? Gynaedron® Monodoza: Pakiranje 7 monodoz, vsak s 5 ml regenerativne vaginalne kreme. Gynaedron® Tuba: pakiranje s 50 g regeneracijske vaginalne kreme, vključno z aplikatorjem. Distribucijsko podjetje Drossapharm AG, 4002 Basel. Proizvajalec Hälsa Pharma GmbH, Maria-Goeppert-Strasse 5, D-23562 Lübeck. Status informacij September 2018. Objavljeno 17. 5. 2019 ..
26.40 USD
Gynaedron regeneracijski vaginalni 7 monodos 5 ml
What is Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Gynaedron® is a hormone-free regenerating vaginal cream with 0.8% lactic acid and 2% dexpanthenol. Gynaedron® is available in a pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream, or as a 50 g tube with applicator. How does Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream work? Hormonal changes, stress, taking antibiotics or contraceptives (such as the pill) can cause vaginal dryness cause and reduce the number of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina (vagina), leading to an increase in the natural pH level. This can lead to recurring bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) or fungal infections with an unpleasant smell. 4 effects contribute to the effectiveness of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream: Lactic acid lowers and stabilizes the pH value, thereby bringing the lactobacilli flora into balance and thus forming a defense system against bacteria and fungi. Dexpanthenol supports the structure and the physiological function of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, dexpanthenol treats vaginal dryness with its water-binding and thus moisturizing properties and has an anti-itching, wound-healing and regenerating effect. The hydro cream has a high water content. This restores moisture to the skin in the area of ??the vagina and the outer genital area and protects it from drying out and painful cracks. Nourishing lipids (fats) keep the skin and the vaginal mucosa supple and elastic. li> What are the areas of application of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Prophylactic (preventive): em> Gynaedron® regenerates the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal flora, stabilizes and lowers the vaginal pH value and thus prevents bacterial vaginosis (mixed infection) and fungal infections. Gynaedron® treats vaginal dryness and thus relieves burning, itching, soreness and pain. Thanks to its hydrating (moisturizing) properties, Gynaedron® restores moisture to the vaginal mucosa and keeps it supple. Gynaedron® can be used, for example, after or during antibiotic therapy, after swimming, after sexual intercourse, after menstruation, for dry or itchy intimate areas and anus or for skin care. Additional to therapy: Gynaedron® supports the treatment of vaginal thrush infections and bacterial infections and can be used in alternation with other local therapies (such as intravaginal estriol -Hormone therapies, eczema therapies) are used. In addition, Gynaedron® can be administered alongside vaginal tablets such as vagi-C® (vitamin C). The regenerating vaginal cream should be applied externally to the intimate area before using vagi-C®, especially if there is skin damage and painful cracks. Compendium patient information Gynaedron® Regenerating vaginal cream Drossapharm AGMedical product What is Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream and when is it used?What is Gynaedron® Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Gynaedron® is a hormone-free, regenerating vaginal cream with 0.8% lactic acid and 2% dexpanthenol. Gynaedron® is available in a pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream, or as a 50 g tube with applicator. How does Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream work? Hormonal changes, stress, taking antibiotics or contraceptives (such as the pill) can cause vaginal dryness cause and reduce the number of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina (vagina), leading to an increase in the natural pH level. This can lead to recurring bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) or fungal infections with an unpleasant smell. 4 effects contribute to the effectiveness of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream: Lactic acid lowers and stabilizes the pH value, thereby bringing the lactobacilli flora into balance and thus forming a defense system against bacteria and fungi.Dexpanthenol supports the structure and the physiological function of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, dexpanthenol treats vaginal dryness with its water-binding and thus moisturizing properties and has an anti-itching, wound-healing and regenerating effect.The hydro cream has a high water content. This restores moisture to the skin in the area of ??the vagina and the outer genital area and protects it from drying out and painful cracks.Nourishing lipids (fats) keep the skin and the vaginal mucous membrane supple and elastic. li> What are the areas of application of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream?Prophylactic (preventive): em> Gynaedron® regenerates the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal flora, stabilizes and lowers the vaginal pH value and thus prevents bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) and fungal infections. Gynaedron® treats vaginal dryness and thus relieves burning, itching, soreness and pain. Thanks to its hydrating (moisturizing) properties, Gynaedron® restores moisture to the vaginal mucosa and keeps it supple. Gynaedron® can be used, for example, after or during antibiotic therapy, after swimming, after sexual intercourse, after menstruation, for dry or itchy intimate areas and anus or for skin care. Additional to therapy: Gynaedron® supports the treatment of vaginal thrush infections and bacterial infections and can be used in alternation with other local therapies (such as intravaginal estriol -Hormone therapies, eczema therapies) are used. In addition, Gynaedron® can be administered alongside vaginal tablets such as vagi-C® (vitamin C). The regenerating vaginal cream should be applied externally to the intimate area before using vagi-C®, especially if there is skin damage and painful cracks. When should Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream not be used? In the event of hypersensitivity to one or more ingredients. When is caution required when using Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? An impairment of the safety of condoms (tearing strength) cannot be ruled out. There are no known interactions with other medical devices or drugs. Can Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Due to the composition and mode of action of Gynaedron® ? the regenerating vaginal cream is not absorbed by the body ? there is no risk for the child. Use during pregnancy should be discussed with a doctor, as no scientific studies have been carried out. How do you use Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Intended UseDosage Tube Dosage MonodoseDuration of application Alternating to hormone therapy3-5 ml per application2-3 times a weekProphylaxis of bacterial vaginosis and maintaining the natural pH balance3-5 ml per application1 monodose per applicationEvery 3rd daySymptomatic treatment of vaginal dryness or of lactobacilli deficiency1 monodose dailyfor 7 daysMaintenance of the pH value during or after antibiotic therapy1 monodose dailyfor 7 daysVagina and external care intimate area1 monodose dailyAs required Gynaedron ® is suitable for long-term use and can be applied daily until symptoms disappear. The vaginal cream is free of hormones, fragrances and dyes. How do you use Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Gynaedron® em> is best applied directly into the vagina (vagina) in the evening in a lying position. Monodose The monodose corresponds to one application and is easy and hygienic to apply. The vaginal cream is applied directly from the monodose to the mucous membrane of the vagina, where it adheres. 1. Shake the contents against the closure of the monodose. 2. Open the mono socket by turning the cap.3. Inserting the monodose into the vagina. 4. Complete expression of the contents into the vagina. If used as directed, a small amount of the cream will remain in the monodose. Please dispose of the monodose after use. Tube with applicator 1. Before first use, unscrew the cap of the tube and press the tube opening upside down to open the membrane seal. 2. Screw the applicator onto the tube with the opening applying slight pressure up to the lower end of the thread and, if necessary, release the plunger from the lock. 3. Squeeze the regenerating vaginal cream into the applicator up to the desired mark. 4. Unscrew the applicator from the tube and close the tube tightly again. 5. In the supine position, insert the filled applicator as deep as possible into the vagina and push out the regenerating vaginal cream with the plunger. 6. After use, carefully clean the individual parts of the applicator with lukewarm water. Avoid boiling water to avoid deforming the applicator. With the enclosed and reusable applicator, between 3 and 5 ml of vaginal cream can be applied individually. What side effects can Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream have? In the event of pre-existing damage to the vaginal mucosa, skin irritation such as itching or slight burning may occur, especially at the beginning of the application. As the vaginal mucosa regenerates, these symptoms will subside. If they persist and do not improve, stop using Gynaedron® and see a doctor. What else needs to be considered?Storage and shelf life Gynaedron® em> should be kept between 5 and 25 °C and out of the reach of children. After use, the tube must be closed carefully to prevent it from drying out. The screw thread must be kept clean. Once opened, the tube has a shelf life of 12 months. What does Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream contain? Aqua, Isopropyl myristate, Cetearyl alcohol, Glyceryl stearate, PEG-20 Glyceryl stearate, Dexpanthenol (20 mg/g), Propylene glycol, Lactic acid (8 mg/g), Carbomer, Benzoic acid, Sodium hydroxide. Where can you get Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Which packs are available? Gynaedron® Monodose: Pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream. Gynaedron® Tube: Pack with 50 g regenerating vaginal cream including applicator. Distribution company Drossapharm AG, 4002 Basel. Manufacturer Hälsa Pharma GmbH, Maria-Goeppert-Strasse 5, D-23562 Lübeck. Status of information September 2018. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
32.22 USD
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