beljakovinski prigrizek
(1 strani)
Energy oatssnack ribez 65 g
Energijski ovseni prigrizek Ribez 65 gPotrebujete hiter naboj energije na poti? Ne iščite dlje kot Energy Oatsnack Currant 65 g. Ta prigrizek, narejen iz pravih, zdravih sestavin, je kot nalašč za aktivne posameznike, ki potrebujejo stalno energijo čez dan.Prehranske prednostiEnergijski ovseni prigrizek Ribez 65 g je poln hranil, ki bodo ohranile ti greš. Ena porcija vsebuje 10 gramov beljakovin in 4 grame vlaknin, ki vam pomagajo ohranjati občutek sitosti in zadovoljstva. Poleg tega ima prigrizek malo sladkorja in je brez umetnih konzervansov, zaradi česar je bolj zdrava izbira kot tradicionalni prigrizki.Okusno in priročnoOkus ribeza tega energijskega ovsenega prigrizka ni samo hranljivo, a je tudi neverjetno okusno. Prigrizek je narejen iz pravega ribeza in mešanice celih zrn, ki poskrbijo za okusen in zadovoljiv hrust. Poleg tega priročna embalaža za na pot omogoča, da jo preprosto vzamete s seboj, kamor koli želite iti.Popoln za aktivne življenjske slogeNe glede na to, ali se odpravljate v telovadnico , pohodništvo v gore ali preprosto potrebujete opoldanski prigrizek, Energy Oatssnack Currant 65 g vas bo pokril. Mešanica beljakovin, vlaknin in celih zrn vam bo dala energijo in zbranost, ne glede na to, kaj prinaša dan.Zakaj bi torej čakali? Dodajte Energy Oatssnack Currant 65 g svoji dnevni rutini in izkusite prednosti trajne energije in okusnega okusa...
5.03 USD
Isostar recovery ploščica chocolat 40 g
Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40g Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g je popoln prigrizek za pomoč pri okrevanju po vadbi ali naporni vadbi. Odličen okus čokolade bo potešil vašo željo po sladkem, hkrati pa bo vašemu telesu zagotovil hranila, ki jih potrebuje za okrevanje in popravilo. Visoka vsebnost beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov Ta ploščica za obnovitev vsebuje veliko beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov, ki so bistveni za obnovo mišic in polnjenje zalog energije po intenzivni vadbi. Z 12 g beljakovin in 27 g ogljikovih hidratov bo ta ploščica vašemu telesu zagotovila gorivo, ki ga potrebuje za hitro okrevanje. Vsebuje vitamine in minerale Poleg beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g vsebuje tudi mešanico osnovnih vitaminov in mineralov, vključno z vitaminom E, vitaminom C, magnezijem in cinkom. Ta hranila so ključnega pomena za okrevanje mišic in delovanje imunskega sistema. Enostavno prebavljivo Čokoladna ploščica Isostar Recovery Bar 40 g je lahko prebavljiva, kar pomeni, da se vam ne bo močno usedla v želodec, zaradi česar bi se počutili napihnjene ali neprijetno. Zaradi tega je odličen prigrizek, ki ga lahko zaužijete na poti, ne glede na to, ali se odpravljate v telovadnico ali na tek. Brez glutena in primerno za vegane Ta obnovitvena ploščica je brez glutena, kar pomeni, da ne bo povzročala prebavnih težav pri tistih, ki so občutljivi na gluten. Primeren je tudi za vegane, zaradi česar je odlična možnost za tiste, ki sledijo rastlinski prehrani. Zaključek Če povzamemo, Isostar je ustvaril okusno in hranljivo obnovitveno ploščico, ki je popolna za prigrizek po vadbi. Z visoko vsebnostjo beljakovin, ogljikovih hidratov ter bistvenih vitaminov in mineralov je Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g odlična izbira za vsakogar, ki želi čim bolj pospešiti okrevanje po vadbi in izboljšati splošno športno zmogljivost. ..
4.27 USD
Nutramino nutra-go protein wafer chocolate 39 g
NUTRAMINO Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g The NUTRAMINO Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is a delicious and nutritious snack that's perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle. Each wafer is packed with high-quality protein, making it a great choice for anyone looking to increase their protein intake while indulging in something sweet. Great Taste and Texture The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g has a delicious chocolate flavor that's sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. The crunchy wafer layers are combined with a creamy chocolate filling, making for a truly delightful texture that you won't be able to resist. High-Quality Protein The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is packed with high-quality protein, giving you the energy and nutrients you need to power through your workout or busy day. Each serving contains 7 grams of protein, making it an excellent snack for anyone looking to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Convenient and Portable The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is the perfect snack to take with you on the go. Its compact size makes it easy to pack in your bag or pocket, so you can enjoy a protein-packed snack whenever you need it. Healthy Snack Option Unlike many other sweets, the Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is a healthy snack option that won't sabotage your diet or fitness goals. It contains no added sugar and is low in calories, making it a guilt-free indulgence that you can enjoy any time of day. Overall, the Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is the perfect snack for anyone looking for a delicious and nutritious way to satisfy their sweet tooth. Whether you're looking to increase your protein intake, fuel your workout, or simply indulge in a guilt-free treat, this protein wafer is sure to hit the spot...
4.50 USD
Qnt beljakovinski piškoti s slano karamelo
QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel The QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel is a delicious and nutritious snack that is perfect for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a tasty treat. This cookie is packed with 15 grams of protein, making it an excellent source of fuel for your body. Not only does this cookie provide you with the protein your body needs to power through your day, but it is also gluten-free, meaning it is a great option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. The salted caramel flavor makes this cookie taste like a decadent indulgence, while the added protein ensures that it is a smart, healthy choice. Whether you're trying to build muscle or just want a quick, healthy snack on-the-go, the QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel is the perfect choice. It is easy to take with you wherever you go and can provide you with the protein boost you need to power through your day. So why wait? Order your QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel today and start enjoying a delicious and healthy snack that is sure to keep you satisfied and energized!..
5.44 USD
(1 strani)