Eterično olje Neroli
(1 strani)
Aromasan grenka pomaranča neroli bigarade eter/olje bio v škatli 2
Aromasan Bitter Orange Neroli bigarade Äth / oil Bio in box 2 ml Experience the true essence of nature with Aromasan Bitter Orange Neroli bigarade Äth / oil Bio in box 2 ml. This certified organic essential oil is carefully extracted from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree using a cold-pressed distillation technique. It contains the purest and most potent form of essential oil, with no additives or fillers. The warm, bitter and citrusy aroma of Bitter Orange Neroli is known for its calming and soothing effect on the mind and body. It can help you relax after a long day, improve sleep quality, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular choice for skincare, promoting healthy and glowing skin. At Aromasan, we are committed to delivering the highest quality products that are not only beneficial for our customers but also for the environment. Our Bitter Orange Neroli bigarade Äth / oil Bio is sourced from certified organic growers who use sustainable farming and harvesting methods. It comes in an eco-friendly box, and the glass bottle is recyclable. Directions for use: For aromatherapy: add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer. For massage: blend with a carrier oil at a ratio of 1:10 and massage into the skin. For skincare: add a few drops to your favorite skincare products or create your own DIY beauty treatments. Experience the power of nature with Aromasan Bitter Orange Neroli bigarade Äth / oil Bio in box 2 ml. Order now and enjoy the many benefits this essential oil has to offer. ..
174.69 USD
Farfalla neroli 10% äth / olje 10% izbor cvetov pomarančevca 5 ml
Eterično olje z nerolijem 10% (pomarančni cvet) izbor.SestavaEterično olje pomarančnega cveta (Citrus aurantium bigaradia). Poreklo: Maroko Vsebuje: linalool, limonen, linalil acetat, beta-pinen, geraniol..LastnostiSprehod v cvetočem nasadu citrusov je nepozabno doživetje . Skoraj čarobno je, kako lahko intenziven cvetlični vonj očara čute. Neroli, eterično olje pomarančnega cveta, deluje na globoka mentalna področja, pomaga pri sprostitvi, opuščanju strahov in velja za zelo pomirjujoče. Odlično eterično olje za nego suhe, občutljive kože.Vegansko.UporabaZa odišavljanje prostorov in osebno aroma nego. Za uporabo v aromaterapiji si oglejte strokovno literaturo! Nasveti: Kot dodatek k lastno zmešanemu olju proti strijam: 45 ml bio mandljevega olja, 15 ml bio olja centele, 15 ml bio olja divje vrtnice, 12 kapljic divje gorske sivke, 3 kapljice nerolija, 5 kapljic sandalovine. Dnevno vmasirajte ustrezne dele telesa.OpombeNevarnost. Lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi. Lahko povzroči alergijsko reakcijo kože. Škodljivo za vodne organizme, z dolgotrajnim učinkom. Če je potreben zdravniški nasvet, imejte pri roki etiketo. Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Pred uporabo preberite etiketo. PRI STIKU S KOŽO (ali lasmi): kožo izperite z vodo. Vsebino/posodo zavrzite v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi...
21.22 USD
(1 strani)