Zdravje nohtov
(1 strani)
Razpršeni silicijev dioksid plv 200 g
Fledged Silica Plv 200 g Flügge Kieselerde je naravni izdelek, bogat s kremenom in se uporablja kot prehransko dopolnilo. Podpira rast nohtov in las. Lastnosti Flügge Kieselerde je naravni izdelek, bogat s kremenom, in služi kot prehransko dopolnilo za podporo rasti nohtov in las. Aplikacija Zaužijte čajno žličko v sadnem soku, mleku, čaju ali vodi 3-krat na dan po obroku. ..
21.60 USD
Revalid complex biotin+ kaps 90 stk
Revalid Complex Biotin+ Kaps 90 Stk The Revalid Complex Biotin+ Kaps 90 Stk is a dietary supplement that is designed to promote healthier hair, skin, and nails. The product utilizes a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that work together to help support the body's natural collagen production, which is critical for maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. Product Features Promotes healthier hair, skin, and nails Contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients Supports the body's natural collagen production Each bottle contains 90 capsules Easy to take and swallow Ingredients The Revalid Complex Biotin+ Kaps 90 Stk contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that are designed to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. Some of the key ingredients in this dietary supplement include: Biotin: A vitamin that is essential for the health and growth of hair, skin, and nails. Vitamin B2: Helps to maintain healthy hair and skin, and also supports the body's immune system. Vitamin B6: Also helps to maintain healthy hair and skin, and supports overall health and wellbeing. Vitamin C: An antioxidant that helps to protect the body against free radical damage, and is also important for collagen production. Zinc: An essential mineral that helps to support healthy hair, skin, and nails, and also supports the immune system. How to Use The Revalid Complex Biotin+ Kaps 90 Stk is easy to use and swallow. Simply take one capsule daily with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare provider. It is recommended to take the supplement for at least 3 months to see the best results. Overall, the Revalid Complex Biotin+ Kaps 90 Stk is an excellent dietary supplement that can help promote healthier hair, skin, and nails. With its unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, this product is a great choice for anyone looking to boost their overall health and wellbeing...
72.12 USD
Weleda naturweisheit meine haare wimpern und nägel 46 stk
Weleda NaturWeisheit Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel 46 Stk Weleda NaturWeisheit Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel 46 Stk je pakiranje 46 tablet, ki so posebej zasnovane za podporo zdravju las, trepalnic in nohtov. Te tablete vsebujejo naravne sestavine, ki krepijo splošno zdravje in moč las, trepalnic in nohtov, zaradi česar so močnejši, bolj zdravi in sijoči. Sestavine, uporabljene v teh tabletah, so skrbno izbrane zaradi visoke kakovosti, čistosti in učinkovitosti. Vključujejo biotin, ki je bistvenega pomena za zdravo rast las, in cink, ki pomaga izboljšati trdnost nohtov in se bori proti glivicam na nohtih. Tablete vsebujejo tudi vrsto drugih vitaminov in mineralov, kot so vitamin E, vitamin B2 in selen, ki so ključni za zdrave lase, trepalnice in nohte. Te tablete je enostavno jemati in so primerne za vegetarijance. So brez umetnih barvil, arom in konzervansov ter so narejeni iz naravnih, organskih sestavin. Če želite izboljšati zdravje in videz svojih las, trepalnic in nohtov, so te tablete odlična izbira. Za njimi stoji tudi blagovna znamka Weleda NaturWeisheit, ki je znana po proizvodnji visokokakovostnih, naravnih izdelkov za zdravje in lepoto. Sestavine: kalcijev karbonat, mikrokristalna celuloza, maltodekstrin, DL-metionin, izvleček preslice (Equisetum arvense) (nadzemni deli), železov (II) fumarat, cinkov oksid, B-vitamin (nikotinamid), premazno sredstvo: hidroksipropilmetilceluloza, stearinska kislina kislina, magnezijev stearat; Biotin, piridoksin hidroklorid (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), silicijev dioksid, sredstvo proti strjevanju: smukec; Natrijev selenit, rastlinski vitamin E, bakrov (II) glukonat, vitamin D3 (holekalciferol). Priporočen dnevni vnos: Vzemite 1 tableto na dan z vodo. Priporočenega dnevnega vnosa ne smete preseči...
47.87 USD
(1 strani)