zeliščna začimba
(1 strani)
A. vogel kelpamare liq 85 ml
A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 85 ml Experience the taste of the ocean with A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 85 ml! This herbal seasoning liquid is perfect for adding flavour to your favourite dishes, while also providing a range of nutritional benefits. Made from a unique blend of organic soy sauce, kelp extract, vegetable extract, and spices, Kelpamare is a versatile seasoning that can be used in a variety of recipes. Whether you're seasoning meat, fish, vegetables, or soups, Kelpamare adds a delicious umami flavour that will enhance the taste of any meal. Kelpamare is also a rich source of iodine, a mineral that is essential for thyroid health. Iodine is important for regulating metabolism and maintaining hormonal balance, and it is especially important for pregnant women and growing children. With its convenient dropper bottle, Kelpamare is easy to use and store. Simply add a few drops to your food to give it a flavourful, nutritious boost. So why wait? Try A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 85 ml today and experience the amazing taste and health benefits of the ocean!..
8.09 USD
Vogel herbamare spicy zeliščni solnik 125 g
Vogel Herbamare Spicy zeliščni solnik 125 g Pravo ime Morska sol z zelenjavo, zelišči in začimbami Sestava Morska sol 88,8% (Francija), zelenjava in zelišča 10,8% (čili 3,1%, poper, ZELENA, por, kreša, čebula, drobnjak, peteršilj, luštrek, česen, hren, bazilika, majaron, rožmarin, timijan), morske alge kelp 0,4 % (Čile).. Lastnosti Ekološka začinjena zeliščna sol Herbamare Prehranske vrednosti Hranilna vrednost Količina na % Točnost meritev Energija td>150 kJ100 gEnergija37 kcal100 gMaščoba0,5 g100 gManj kot (Maščoba; od tega nasičene maščobne kisline0,5 g100 gManj kot (Ogljikovi hidrati7 g100 gOgljikovi hidrati; od tega sladkor 1 g100 g vlaknin 2,5 g100 g beljakovin 1 g100 g soli 89,6 g100 g natrija35,8 g100 g Alergeni Vsebuje Zelena in izdelki iz zelene Opombe suho; neohlajeno, 15 - 25°C ..
6.60 USD
(1 strani)