zdravilni gel
(1 strani)
Bioligo no 18 raztopina précieuse fl 250 ml
Lastnosti Bioligo No 18 Solution Précieuse Fl 250 mlTemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/25 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju: 1 ml Teža: 330 g Dolžina: 59 mm Širina: 59 mm Višina: 162 mm Kupite raztopino Bioligo No 18 Précieuse Fl 250 ml na spletu iz Švice..
55.97 USD
Merfen septoclean gel
MERFEN Septoclean Gel MERFEN Septoclean Gel je večnamenski antiseptični gel, poln močnih sestavin, kot sta benzalkonijev klorid in triklosan, ki pomaga učinkovito ubijati klice, bakterije in viruse. Ta gel je posebej oblikovan za učinkovito čiščenje, razkuževanje in celjenje manjših vreznin, opeklin in ran. Ključne lastnosti: Antiseptični gel za manjše ureznine, opekline in rane Učinkovit proti virusom, bakterijam in klicam Posebej oblikovan z benzalkonijevim kloridom in triklosanom Hitro celjenje Formula brez madežev Navodila za uporabo: Očistite prizadeto mesto in nanj nanesite majhno količino MERFEN Septoclean gela. Nežno ga vtrite na prizadeto območje in zagotovite popolno pokritost okuženega območja. Nanesite ga dvakrat ali trikrat na dan ali po navodilih zdravnika. Varnostne informacije: Samo za zunanjo uporabo. Izogibajte se stiku z očmi, usti ali občutljivimi predeli. Ne uporabljajte pri globokih urezninah, vbodnih ranah ali resnih opeklinah. Hranite izven dosega otrok. Če se pojavi kakršna koli alergijska reakcija ali nelagodje, prenehajte z uporabo in se posvetujte z zdravnikom. MERFEN Septoclean Gel je izdelek, ki ga mora imeti vsako gospodinjstvo za hitro in učinkovito razkuževanje in celjenje manjših ran. Je zanesljiva in cenovno ugodna rešitev, ki zagotavlja zaščito brez mikrobov za vso družino. ..
9.03 USD
Phytopharma gabez gel 100 ml
The Phytopharma Comfrey Gel with Symphytum, Calendula, Arnica and Echinacea has a beneficial and refreshing effect. Use Apply the gel to the desired parts of the body several times a day...
26.68 USD
Stratamed modern filmsko obvezni gel tb 5 g
Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel The Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel is a must-have for anyone dealing with wounds, burns, and scars. This specially formulated gel creates a breathable, flexible, and protective layer on your skin, providing instant relief while promoting optimal healing. Features: Creates protective barrier: Stratamed modern film-forming wound dressing gel creates a barrier that keeps the wound area moist, which, in turn, promotes optimal healing of the wound surface. Stays in place: Once applied, the gel stays in place, ensuring that it covers the wound and protects it from further damage. Reduces itching and redness: The gel provides instant relief from itching, burning, and redness caused by wounds, burns or scars. Easy to apply: The Stratamed modern film-forming wound dressing gel comes in a 5g tube, which makes it easy to apply on targeted areas efficiently. Invisible and odorless: The gel is invisible and odorless, providing comfort and discretion during the treatment process. How to Use: Clean the wound or burn area and make sure it is dry. Apply a thin layer of the gel to cover the wound or burn area. Make sure the gel is covering the entire affected area. Allow the gel to dry before covering it with clothing. Reapply the gel at least once a day or as directed by a healthcare provider. Overall, the Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel is a practical and effective solution for anyone dealing with wounds and burns. It helps in faster healing, relief from painful symptoms like itching, burning, and redness. Its easy-to-apply format and odorless feature make it an ideal choice for people who want discreet healing without any hassles!..
45.74 USD
(1 strani)