upravljanje eksudata
(1 strani)
Aquacel ag+ extra kompresse 10x10cm
AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is an innovative wound dressing product that combines two powerful technologies ? the Hydrofiber Technology and the Ag+ Technology. The Hydrofiber Technology allows the dressing to absorb excess exudate and lock it in, reducing the risk of maceration and promoting a moist wound healing environment. The Ag+ Technology adds an extra antimicrobial action to the dressing, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can cause infections and slow down the healing process. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is made of soft, conformable, and sterile material that conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes. The dressing has an extended wear time of up to 7 days, depending on the level of exudate and the wound condition. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds, such as pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and surgical wounds. Key features Combines Hydrofiber Technology and Ag+ Technology for optimal wound healing Provides excellent absorbency and locking of exudate Has a strong antimicrobial action against bacteria, viruses, and fungi Conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes Has an extended wear time of up to 7 days Indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds Comes in a 10x10cm size for easy application and dressing customization The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is a reliable and effective wound dressing product that combines the best of both worlds ? the clinically proven Hydrofiber Technology and the cutting-edge Ag+ Technology. By using this product, healthcare professionals can provide their patients with a comprehensive wound care solution that promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of complications. Try the AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm today and experience the benefits of advanced wound care!..
206.09 USD
Aquacel pena pro 15x15cm
AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm The AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm is a highly advanced wound dressing that is designed to provide an optimal healing environment for patients with various types of wounds. This dressing combines the benefits of a foam dressing with the proven performance of Hydrofiber Technology, which is clinically proven to deliver superior fluid handling capabilities. The AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm is a sterile, non-invasive dressing that is designed for exudate management and effective wound bed preparation. It is specifically designed to deliver the ideal combination of moisture vapor transmission and absorption, which helps to promote a moist wound healing environment and reduce the risk of maceration. The dressing comes with AquaClear Technology, which provides a clear view of the wound for wound assessment and monitoring. It also has a unique, five-layer construction that offers superior absorbency and helps to maintain a moist wound healing environment. The foam layer is soft and comfortable, providing excellent cushioning and protection for the wound. The waterproof top layer prevents external contamination and keeps the wound bed dry, while the adhesive border ensures secure fixation on the skin. The dressing also conforms well to the contours of the body, providing excellent wound coverage and reducing the risk of edge lift and leakage. The AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm is ideal for use on a wide range of wounds, including pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, leg ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. It is available in a variety of sizes to accommodate different wound shapes and sizes, making it an ideal choice for healthcare professionals looking for an effective wound dressing solution. ..
246.75 USD
Exufiber 10x10cm 10 pcs
Exufiber 10x10cm 10 kosov je visokokakovostna obloga za rane, namenjena spodbujanju optimalnega celjenja ran. Te obloge iz hidrovlaken so zelo vpojne in učinkovito obvladujejo eksudat, hkrati pa ustvarjajo vlažno okolje rane, ki je ugodno za celjenje. Velikost 10 x 10 cm je idealna za srednje velike do velike rane, saj zagotavlja pokritost in zaščito. Vsako pakiranje vsebuje 10 kosov, ki nudijo priročnost za večkratne nanose ali menjave oblog. Ta izdelek je primeren za različne vrste ran, vključno z akutnimi in kroničnimi ranami, razjedami in kirurškimi rezi. Zaupajte Exufiberju za napredno oskrbo ran in hitrejše okrevanje...
129.23 USD
Mepilex safetac xt 20x20cm sterilni 5 kos
Mepilex Safetac XT 20x20cm sterilni 5 kos Mepilex Safetac XT 20x20cm sterile 5 pcs je obloga za rane, posebej zasnovana za zagotavljanje nežnega, učinkovitega in udobnega celjenja pri bolnikih z ranami z zmernim do močnim izločanjem. Ta izdelek je obvezen za vse, ki iščejo vrhunsko oblogo za rane, ki je idealna za uporabo na občutljivi koži in zagotavlja maksimalno udobje, hkrati pa spodbuja hitro in neboleče okrevanje. Mepilex Safetac XT je izdelan z uporabo edinstvene tehnologije mehkega silikonskega lepila, znane kot Safetac, ki zmanjša bolečino in poškodbe, povezane s spremembo obleke. Zagotavlja neboleče odstranjevanje obloge, kar tudi pomaga zmanjšati travmo, ki lahko prizadene rano in kožo okoli nje. Obloga je prav tako zasnovana tako, da se prilagaja obrisom ležišča rane, kar ji omogoča, da se prilagodi obliki telesa in zagotavlja varno in udobno prileganje, ki ostane na mestu ves čas celjenja. Izdelek je posebej zasnovan z mehko in zračno plastjo iz netkanega materiala, ki zagotavlja optimalno celjenje ran, ne da bi poškodoval občutljivo povrhnjico kože. Vpojna penasta blazinica obloge zagotavlja upravljanje eksudata, kar vodi do hitrejšega celjenja in zmanjšanega tveganja okužbe. Obloga je lahka in enostavna za uporabo, zaradi česar je idealna rešitev tako za zdravstvene delavce kot za paciente, ki imajo raje nego na domu. Sterilna obloga Mepilex Safetac XT je na voljo v petih delih, od katerih vsak meri 20 x 20 cm. Primeren je za uporabo na različnih ranah, kot so razjede na nogah, razjede zaradi pritiska, kirurške rane in travmatične rane, med drugim. Obloga je enostavna za uporabo, sterilna in varna za uporabo na vseh tipih kože, zaradi česar je idealna za zdravstvene ustanove, klinike ali nego na domu. Uporabniki so lahko prepričani o kakovosti obloge, saj jo proizvaja vodilno svetovno podjetje za medicinsko tehnologijo – Mölnlycke Health Care. Če iščete nežno, učinkovito in udobno celjenje ran, je Mepilex Safetac XT 20x20cm sterilni 5 kosov odlična izbira za izdelke za nego ran. ..
334.66 USD
Sorbalgon classic 5x5cm 10 stk
Sorbalgon Classic 5x5cm 10 Stk Sorbalgon Classic is a sterile wound dressing with high absorption capacity for exudate management. It has a square shape of 5x5cm and comes in a pack of 10 individual pieces. Sorbalgon Classic wound dressings are made of a combination of calcium alginate and carboxymethylcellulose, which forms a gel when in contact with wound exudate, creating a moist wound healing environment. The advanced technology used in Sorbalgon Classic wound dressings allows for optimal wound healing by maintaining a moist wound environment and promoting natural healing processes. The surface of Sorbalgon Classic is designed to reduce pain and trauma during wound dressing changes. Sorbalgon Classic is suitable for the management of moderately to heavily exuding wounds, including leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. It is recommended to change the dressing every 1-3 days, or as necessary depending on the amount of wound exudate. The Sorbalgon Classic wound dressing is easy to apply and supports the healing process without discomfort to the patient. It should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. ..
64.66 USD
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