čustveno dobro počutje
(1 strani)
Bach flower original oak no22 20ml
Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml The Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml is a powerful remedy designed to help people who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and tend to push themselves beyond their limits. This all-natural product is made with the essence of oak, a tree that is known for its sturdy, resilient, and enduring qualities. By taking this remedy, individuals can tap into the strength and endurance of the oak tree, helping them to stay focused and determined despite the challenges they may face. Whether you are dealing with work-related stress, family obligations, or personal issues, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can provide you with the inner strength you need to keep going. This remedy is particularly helpful for those who tend to take on too much, often neglecting their own needs in the process. By restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can help you achieve a greater sense of ease, self-acceptance, and resilience in your daily life. Key Features: Helps to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Contains natural essence of oak tree Provides inner strength and endurance in the face of challenges Helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities Made with high-quality ingredients for optimal effectiveness Comes in convenient 20ml bottle for easy use Benefits: Provides natural support for those dealing with stress and anxiety Promotes feelings of inner strength, resilience, and determination Assists in restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Encourages self-acceptance, self-care, and self-awareness Can help improve overall well-being and quality of life Overall, if you are looking for an all-natural and effective way to support your mental and emotional well-being, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml may be just what you need. So why wait? Try this powerful remedy today and experience the many benefits it has to offer for yourself!..
33.32 USD
Bach flower original vine no32 20ml
Bach Flower Original Vine št. 32 20 mlBach Flower Original Vine št. 32 20 ml je naravno zdravilo, ki pomaga pri obvladovanju občutka silne nadvlade in nadzora. Ta cvetna esenca je narejena iz rastline vinske trte in je še posebej učinkovita za posameznike, ki se borijo s pretirano močjo volje in ambicijami, zaradi česar so lahko napredni in neprilagodljivi.Esenca vinske trte je iz Bachovega cvetnega nabora, ki obstaja že več kot 80 let in je zaupanja vredno in dobro uveljavljeno zdravljenje za tiste, ki iščejo naravne in celovite načine za uravnovešanje svojih čustev.Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20 ml je primeren za vegetarijance in vegane, narejen pa je iz naravnih sestavin, brez dodanih kemikalij. Zdravila delujejo z uporabo cvetnih esenc, da uravnovesijo energije v telesu in spodbujajo čustveno in fizično dobro počutje.Kako uporabljatiZa uporabo razredčite dve kapljici zdravila. v kozarec vode in v presledkih pijte. Zdravilo se lahko uporablja tudi zunaj, tako da ga nanesete na zapestje in sence ali dodate sproščujoči kopeli.Prednosti Pomaga pri obvladovanju občutkov prevladovanja in nadzora nad drugimi Spodbuja ravnotežje in umirjenost Izboljšuje čustveno in psihično počutje Izdelano iz naravnih sestavin brez dodanih kemikalij Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20 ml je odlična rešitev za posameznike, ki iščejo naraven in holističen pristop k obvladovanju svojih čustev in izboljšanju splošnega počutja...
33.32 USD
Odinelixir cvetna esenca končna mešanica relax spr 10 ml
Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml Introducing the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml, the perfect blend of flower essences to help you unwind and relax after a long day. This product is a natural solution that supports your emotional well-being and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Product Features: Contains a blend of flower essences 10 ml bottle Helps promote relaxation and calmness Natural solution for stress and anxiety relief Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml is infused with natural ingredients that work together to help you feel more at ease. Some of its key ingredients include: Ingredients: Cherry Plum - helps to alleviate fear and promote composure and calmness. Impatiens - reduces impatience, mental tension, and irritability, and promotes mindfulness and awareness. White Chestnut - calms the mind, reduces restlessness, and helps improve focus and clarity of thought. Rock Rose - helps to alleviate panic, fear, and feelings of dread in stressful situations and promotes courage and composure. Clematis - promotes focus and alertness, helps to anchor thoughts in the present, and prevents absent-mindedness. This finished mixture is easy to use, simply spray it on your pillow, in your bedroom or around the room. You can also use it during meditation or yoga to enhance your relaxation experience. Simply shake the bottle well and spray the mist around your body or on your clothing. So why wait? Try the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml today and start experiencing the benefits of a relaxing and stress-free lifestyle...
31.47 USD
Salus bach flower tea motivation and confidence bio btl 15 pcs
Izboljšajte svojo motivacijo in povečajte samozavest s Salus Bachovim cvetnim čajem. Ta ekološka mešanica je na voljo v priročni vrečki s 15 kosi, kot nalašč za pomirjajoče in poživljajoče čajne izkušnje. Ta mešanica, prepojena z izbranimi sadnimi in zeliščnimi čaji, je skrbno oblikovana za spodbujanje duševne jasnosti in čustvenega dobrega počutja. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete nežno osvežitev ali se preprosto želite sprostiti, Salus Bachov cvetni čaj ponuja osvežujoč način za naravno nego vašega duha in telesa. Naj vsak požirek navdihne pozitivnost in notranjo moč s to poživljajočo čajno mešanico...
11.66 USD
(1 strani)